//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=============================================================================// #ifndef VALVECDKEYGAMEANDTERRITORYCODES_H #define VALVECDKEYGAMEANDTERRITORYCODES_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif // imported from MainIntegration/Deliverables/Production/Client/Inc/NewValveCDKeyGenerator.h // if the enums there change, this needs to change //!! these need to be moved out into a seperate file in steam, so that src can use the directly published version // // GameCode // enum EGameCode { // DoD uses SteamInstanceId = 1 // DoD CD-key Steam IDs are displayed as VALVE_1:xxxxxxxx where xxxx is the SteamLocalUserId mentioned above. // DoD CD-keys uses an odd scheme (invented in a rush) whereby the SteamLocalUserID is generated by hashing // (MD5) the CD key parameters (Territory,GameCode,UniqueSerialNumber) and truncating the resulting hash for // a reasonable display length (26 bits, i.e. eMaskLargestAcceptableLocalUserId above, which is about 8 decimal digits). // **The generator must therefore discard any UniqueSerialNumbers that cause hashes to collide.** // This means that when generating a new batch from a non-zero StartUniqueSerialNumber, the generator has // to generate them all from 0 anyway to populate an array of 'hash has been used' flags -- it then only // prints out new keys higher than the requested StartUniqueSerialNumber. // IMPORTANT: this means that each match of N keys generated consumes MORE THAN N UniqueSerialNumbers -- // so each new batch MUST be started with the correct "Next StartUniqueSerialNumber" that was output // at the end of the previous batch, or the new batch will overlap with the previous batch. eDayOfDefeat = 0, // CZ uses SteamInstanceId = 2 (**as will all future games using this system**) // CZ CD-key SteamLocalUserIds have // high32bits = ( GameCode << sc_uNumBitsSalesTerritory) | SalesTerritory // low32bits = UniqueSerialNumber // CZ CD-key Steam IDs will be displayed as VALVE_2:GameCode:UniqueSerialNumber // (i.e. the DoD hashing scheme is *NOT* used). eConditionZero = 1, // CyberCafes receive all legacy and future products, under this one code. // They have their own SalesTerritory codes too. // If a CDKey has this game code OR a CyberCafe SalesTerritory then it is a 'cybercafe CDkey'. eCyberCafeBundle = 2, eHalfLife2 = 3, eHalfLife2RetailCE = 4, eHalfLife2Retail = 5, }; // // SalesTerritory // enum ESalesTerritory { // DoD first batch 80,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 80032 // DoD second batch 30,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 110081 // OLD KEY ... NOTE: this CZ first batch for USA (code 0) of 275,000 may also be distributed in Canada // OLD KEY ... i.e. they should ideally have had code 11, but we didn't want to re-issue them. // OLD KEY ConditionZero first batch 275,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 275000 // NEW KEY These were moved to region 11 as suggested above (part of first batch of 379,000) eUSA = 0, // DoD first batch 7,500 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 7500 eAustralia = 1, // DoD first batch 15,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 15000 eKorea = 2, // DoD first batch 10,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 10000 eTaiwan = 3, // DoD first batch 5,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 5000 eJapan = 4, // DoD first batch 25,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 25003 // ConditionZero first batch 99,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 99000 eUK = 5, // DoD first batch 15,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 15002 // ConditionZero first batch 77,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 77000 eFrance = 6, // DoD first batch 3,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 3000 // DoD second batch 5,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 8002 // ConditionZero first batch 132,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 132000 eGermany = 7, // DoD first batch 3,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 3000 // ConditionZero first batch 27,500 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 27500 eSpain = 8, // DoD first batch 3,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 3000 // ConditionZero first batch 44,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 44000 eItaly = 9, // DoD first batch 65,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 65039 // DoD second batch 20,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 85058 eChina = 10, // This is ALL 'American' ENGLISH-SPEAKING TERRITORIES (e.g. USA, Austrailia, Canada, NZ, but *NOT* UK). // Vivendi track sales by language, rather that geographically. // OLD KEY ... NOTE: CZ first batch for USA (code 0) of 275,000 will also be distributed in these territories // OLD KEY ... i.e. they should ideally have had this code, but we didn't want to re-issue them. // OLD KEY ConditionZero first batch 25,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 25000 // OLD KEY ConditionZero second batch 79,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 104000 // NEW KEY ConditionZero first batch 379,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = eEnglish = 11, // CyberCafe specific territories. If a CDKey has this game code OR a CyberCafe SalesTerritory then it is a 'cybercafe CDkey'. // CyberCafeBundle first batch 15,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 15000 eCyberCafeEurope = 12, // CyberCafeBundle first batch 15,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 15000 eCyberCafeNorthAndSouthAmerica = 13, // CyberCafeBundle first batch 15,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 15000 eCyberCafeKorea = 14, // CyberCafeBundle first batch 15,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 15000 eCyberCafeChinaTaiwan = 15, // CyberCafeBundle first batch 15,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 15000 eCyberCafeRestOfAsia = 16, // ATI OEM // *** After intranet security breach, only the first 40,000 of these keys are valid: // OLD KEY HL2 first batch 250,000 keys // *** After intranet security breach, these keys use a new MAC key: // NEW KEY HL2 first batch start=40,000 210,000 keys eATI_OEM = 17, // ConditionZero first batch 5,500 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 5500 eLatinAmerica = 18, // ConditionZero first batch 16,500 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 16500 eBrazil = 19, // ConditionZero first batch 66,000 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 66000 eNordic = 20, // This a Vivendi code meaning "Belgium, Luxembourg, French speaking territories of Africa, French overseas departments, Netherlands, Quebec" // ConditionZero first batch 40,700 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 40700 eExportFrance = 21, // This a Vivendi code meaning "Austria, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovenia, Slovakia" // ConditionZero first batch 16,500 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 16500 eExportNorth = 22, // This a Vivendi code meaning "Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Lebanon, Malta, Turkey" // ConditionZero first batch 40,700 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 40700 eExportSouth = 23, // MISSING ONES ARE ON MI (24..29) // ATI Rebate // HL2 first batch 100,000 keys eATI_Rebate = 30, // Used for internal and pre-release testing keys. // DoD first batch 20 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 20 // DoD second batch 150 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 170 // DoD second batch 500 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 670 // ConditionZero first batch 200 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 200 // CyberCafeBundle first batch 100 keys **Next free 'StartUniqueSerialNumber' = 100 eInternal = 255 }; #endif // VALVECDKEYGAMEANDTERRITORYCODES_H