//===== Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======// // // Purpose: Mouse input routines // // $Workfile: $ // $Date: $ // $NoKeywords: $ //===========================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "basehandle.h" #include "utlvector.h" #include "cdll_client_int.h" #include "cdll_util.h" #include "kbutton.h" #include "usercmd.h" #include "input.h" #include "iviewrender.h" #include "convar.h" #include "hud.h" #include "vgui/ISurface.h" #include "vgui_controls/Controls.h" #include "vgui/Cursor.h" #include "tier0/icommandline.h" #include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h" #include "inputsystem/ButtonCode.h" #include "math.h" #include "tier1/convar_serverbounded.h" #include "cam_thirdperson.h" #include "ienginevgui.h" #if defined( _X360 ) #include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h" #endif // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" #ifndef UINT64_MAX const uint64 UINT64_MAX = 0xffffffffffffffff; #endif // up / down #define PITCH 0 // left / right #define YAW 1 extern const ConVar *sv_cheats; extern ConVar cam_idealyaw; extern ConVar cam_idealpitch; extern ConVar thirdperson_platformer; extern ConVar cl_forwardspeed; extern ConVar cl_backspeed; extern ConVar cl_sidespeed; static ConVar sc_yaw_sensitivity( "sc_yaw_sensitivity","1.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE , "SteamController yaw factor." ); static ConVar sc_yaw_sensitivity_default( "sc_yaw_sensitivity_default","1.0", FCVAR_NONE ); static ConVar sc_pitch_sensitivity( "sc_pitch_sensitivity","0.75", FCVAR_ARCHIVE , "SteamController pitch factor." ); static ConVar sc_pitch_sensitivity_default( "sc_pitch_sensitivity_default","0.75", FCVAR_NONE ); ConVar sc_look_sensitivity_scale( "sc_look_sensitivity_scale", "0.125", FCVAR_NONE, "Steam Controller look sensitivity global scale factor." ); void CInput::ApplySteamControllerCameraMove( QAngle& viewangles, CUserCmd *cmd, Vector2D vecPosition ) { //roll the view angles so roll is 0 (the HL2 assumed state) and mouse adjustments are relative to the screen. //Assuming roll is unchanging, we want mouse left to translate to screen left at all times (same for right, up, and down) ConVarRef cl_pitchdown ( "cl_pitchdown" ); ConVarRef cl_pitchup ( "cl_pitchup" ); // Scale yaw and pitch inputs by sensitivity, and make sure they are within acceptable limits (important to avoid exploits, e.g. during Demoman charge we must restrict allowed yaw). float yaw = CAM_CapYaw( sc_yaw_sensitivity.GetFloat() * vecPosition.x ); float pitch = CAM_CapPitch( sc_pitch_sensitivity.GetFloat() * vecPosition.y ); if ( CAM_IsThirdPerson() ) { if ( vecPosition.x ) { auto vecCameraOffset = g_ThirdPersonManager.GetCameraOffsetAngles(); // use the mouse to orbit the camera around the player, and update the idealAngle vecCameraOffset[YAW] -= yaw; cam_idealyaw.SetValue( vecCameraOffset[ YAW ] - viewangles[ YAW ] ); viewangles[YAW] -= yaw; } } else { // Otherwize, use mouse to spin around vertical axis viewangles[YAW] -= yaw; } if ( CAM_IsThirdPerson() && thirdperson_platformer.GetInt() ) { if ( vecPosition.y ) { // use the mouse to orbit the camera around the player, and update the idealAngle auto vecCameraOffset = g_ThirdPersonManager.GetCameraOffsetAngles(); vecCameraOffset[PITCH] += pitch; cam_idealpitch.SetValue( vecCameraOffset[ PITCH ] - viewangles[ PITCH ] ); } } else { viewangles[PITCH] -= pitch; // Check pitch bounds viewangles[PITCH] = clamp ( viewangles[PITCH], -cl_pitchdown.GetFloat(), cl_pitchup.GetFloat() ); } // Finally, add mouse state to usercmd. // NOTE: Does rounding to int cause any issues? ywb 1/17/04 cmd->mousedx = (int)vecPosition.x; cmd->mousedy = (int)vecPosition.y; } #define CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NONE 0 #define CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_STOPS_TAUNT ( 1 << 0 ) #define CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE ( 1 << 1 ) struct ControllerDigitalActionToCommand { const char* action; const char* cmd; int flags; }; // Map action names to commands. Mostly these are identity mappings, but we need to handle the case of mapping to a command // string that contains spaces (e.g. for "vote option1"), which are not allowed in action names. static ControllerDigitalActionToCommand g_ControllerDigitalGameActions[] = { { "duck", "+duck", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NONE }, { "attack", "+attack", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NONE }, { "attack2", "+attack2", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NONE }, { "attack3", "+attack3", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NONE }, { "jump", "+jump", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_STOPS_TAUNT }, { "use_action_slot_item", "+use_action_slot_item", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NONE }, { "invprev", "invprev", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_STOPS_TAUNT|CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, { "invnext", "invnext", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_STOPS_TAUNT|CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, { "reload", "+reload", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NONE }, { "dropitem", "dropitem", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_STOPS_TAUNT|CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, { "changeclass", "changeclass", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, { "changeteam", "changeteam", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, { "open_charinfo_direct", "open_charinfo_direct", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, { "open_charinfo_backpack", "open_charinfo_backpack", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, { "inspect", "+inspect", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, { "taunt", "+taunt", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, { "voicerecord", "+voicerecord", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NONE }, { "show_quest_log", "show_quest_log", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, { "showscores", "+showscores", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NONE }, { "callvote", "callvote", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NONE }, { "cl_trigger_first_notification", "cl_trigger_first_notification", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, { "cl_decline_first_notification", "cl_decline_first_notification", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, { "cl_trigger_first_notification", "vote option1", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, // In here twice, because we overload this action to issue both commands { "cl_decline_first_notification", "vote option2", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, // In here twice, because we overload this action to issue both commands { "vote_option3", "vote option3", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, { "vote_option4", "vote option4", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, { "vote_option5", "vote option5", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, { "next_target", "spec_next", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, // In the spectator action set only { "prev_target", "spec_prev", CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE }, // In the spectator action set only }; struct ControllerDigitalActionState { const char* cmd; ControllerDigitalActionHandle_t handle; bool bState; bool bAwaitingDebounce; }; static ControllerDigitalActionState g_ControllerDigitalActionState[ARRAYSIZE(g_ControllerDigitalGameActions)]; static ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t g_ControllerMoveHandle; static ControllerAnalogActionHandle_t g_ControllerCameraHandle; bool CInput::InitializeSteamControllerGameActionSets() { auto steamcontroller = g_pInputSystem->SteamControllerInterface(); if ( !steamcontroller ) { return false; } bool bGotHandle = true; for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_ControllerDigitalGameActions ); ++i ) { const char* action = g_ControllerDigitalGameActions[i].action; const char* cmd = g_ControllerDigitalGameActions[i].cmd; ControllerDigitalActionState& state = g_ControllerDigitalActionState[i]; state.handle = steamcontroller->GetDigitalActionHandle( action ); bGotHandle = bGotHandle && ( state.handle != 0 ); // We're only successful if we get *all* the handles. state.cmd = cmd; state.bState = false; state.bAwaitingDebounce = false; } g_ControllerMoveHandle = steamcontroller->GetAnalogActionHandle( "Move" ); g_ControllerCameraHandle = steamcontroller->GetAnalogActionHandle( "Camera" ); if ( bGotHandle ) { m_PreferredGameActionSet = GAME_ACTION_SET_MENUCONTROLS; } return bGotHandle; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: SteamControllerMove -- main entry point for applying Steam Controller Movements // Input : *cmd - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CInput::SteamControllerMove( float flFrametime, CUserCmd *cmd ) { // Make sure we have an interface auto steamcontroller = g_pInputSystem->SteamControllerInterface(); if ( !steamcontroller ) { return; } // Check there is a controller connected. Do this check before we ask about handles to avoid thrashing the // handle query interface in the case where no controller is connected. uint64 nControllerHandles[STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT]; int nControllerCount = steamcontroller->GetConnectedControllers( nControllerHandles ); if ( nControllerCount <= 0 ) { return; } // Initialize action handles if we haven't successfully done so already. if ( !m_bSteamControllerGameActionsInitialized ) { m_bSteamControllerGameActionsInitialized = InitializeSteamControllerGameActionSets(); if ( !m_bSteamControllerGameActionsInitialized ) { return; } } g_pInputSystem->ActivateSteamControllerActionSet( m_PreferredGameActionSet ); QAngle viewangles; engine->GetViewAngles( viewangles ); view->StopPitchDrift(); bool bTaunting = m_GameActionSetFlags & GAME_ACTION_SET_FLAGS_TAUNTING; uint64 controller = nControllerHandles[0]; bool bReceivedInput = false; for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_ControllerDigitalActionState ); ++i ) { ControllerDigitalActionToCommand& cmdmap = g_ControllerDigitalGameActions[ i ]; ControllerDigitalActionState& state = g_ControllerDigitalActionState[ i ]; ControllerDigitalActionData_t data = steamcontroller->GetDigitalActionData( controller, state.handle ); if ( data.bActive ) { state.bAwaitingDebounce = state.bAwaitingDebounce && data.bState; if ( data.bState != state.bState ) { bReceivedInput = true; if ( ( data.bState && !state.bAwaitingDebounce ) || state.cmd[0] == '+' ) { char cmdbuf[128]; Q_snprintf( cmdbuf, sizeof( cmdbuf ), "%s", state.cmd ); if ( !data.bState ) { cmdbuf[0] = '-'; } engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( cmdbuf ); // Hack - if we're taunting, we manufacture a stop taunt command for certain inputs (keyboard equivalent of this goes through another codepath). if ( bTaunting && data.bState && ( cmdmap.flags & CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_STOPS_TAUNT ) ) { engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "stop_taunt" ); } } state.bState = data.bState; } } } ControllerAnalogActionData_t moveData = steamcontroller->GetAnalogActionData( controller, g_ControllerMoveHandle ); // Clamp input to a vector no longer than 1 unit. This shouldn't happen with the physical circular constraint on the joystick, but if somehow somebody did hack their input // to produce longer vectors in the corners (for example), we catch that here. Vector2D moveDir( moveData.x, moveData.y ); if ( moveDir.LengthSqr() > 1.0 ) { moveDir.NormalizeInPlace(); } // Apply forward/back movement if ( moveDir.y > 0.0 ) { cmd->forwardmove += cl_forwardspeed.GetFloat() * moveDir.y; } else { cmd->forwardmove += cl_backspeed.GetFloat() * moveDir.y; } // Apply sidestep movement cmd->sidemove += cl_sidespeed.GetFloat() * moveDir.x; ControllerAnalogActionData_t action = steamcontroller->GetAnalogActionData( controller, g_ControllerCameraHandle ); const float fSensitivityFactor = sc_look_sensitivity_scale.GetFloat(); Vector2D vecMouseDelta = Vector2D( action.x, -action.y ) * fSensitivityFactor; if ( vecMouseDelta.Length() > 0 ) { if ( !m_fCameraInterceptingMouse ) { ApplySteamControllerCameraMove( viewangles, cmd, vecMouseDelta ); } } engine->SetViewAngles( viewangles ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sets the preferred game action set, and "debounces" controls where // appropriate if the set has changed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CInput::SetPreferredGameActionSet( GameActionSet_t action_set ) { if ( m_PreferredGameActionSet != action_set ) { // Debounce. Flag some actions as needing debounce (i.e. must see a "released" state before we'll register another "pressed" input). for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_ControllerDigitalActionState ); i++ ) { if ( g_ControllerDigitalGameActions[i].flags & CONTROLLER_ACTION_FLAGS_NEEDS_DEBOUNCE ) { g_ControllerDigitalActionState[i].bAwaitingDebounce = true; } } m_PreferredGameActionSet = action_set; } } GameActionSet_t CInput::GetPreferredGameActionSet() { return m_PreferredGameActionSet; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sets flags for special-case action handling //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CInput::SetGameActionSetFlags( GameActionSetFlags_t action_set_flags ) { m_GameActionSetFlags = action_set_flags; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Client should call this to determine if Steam Controllers are "active" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CInput::IsSteamControllerActive() { // We're only active if the input system thinks we are AND game action sets were also initialized completely return m_bSteamControllerGameActionsInitialized && g_pInputSystem->IsSteamControllerActive(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Console command for launching the Steam Controller binding panel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CON_COMMAND( sc_show_binding_panel, "Launches the Steam Controller binding panel UI" ) { if ( g_pInputSystem ) { auto steamcontroller = g_pInputSystem->SteamControllerInterface(); if ( steamcontroller ) { ControllerHandle_t controllers[STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT]; int nConnected = steamcontroller->GetConnectedControllers( controllers ); if ( nConnected > 0 ) { Msg( "%d controller(s) connected. Launching binding panel for first connected controller.\n", nConnected ); if ( !steamcontroller->ShowBindingPanel( controllers[0] ) ) { Warning( "Unable to show binding panel. Steam overlay disabled, or Steam not in Big Picture mode.\n" ); } } else { Warning( "No Steam Controllers connected.\n" ); } } else { Warning( "Steam Controller interface not initialized.\n" ); } } else { Warning( "Input system not initialized.\n" ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Console command for dumping out some Steam Controller status information //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CON_COMMAND( sc_status, "Show Steam Controller status information" ) { if ( g_pInputSystem ) { auto steamcontroller = g_pInputSystem->SteamControllerInterface(); if ( steamcontroller ) { ControllerHandle_t controllers[STEAM_CONTROLLER_MAX_COUNT]; int nConnected = steamcontroller->GetConnectedControllers( controllers ); if ( nConnected ) { Msg( "%d Steam Controller(s) connected.\n", nConnected ); } else { Warning( "No Steam Controllers(s) connected.\n" ); } if ( ::input->IsSteamControllerActive() ) { Msg( "Steam Controller considered active (controller connected and all action handles initialized).\n" ); } else { Warning( "Steam Controller considered inactive (no controller connected, or not all action handles initialized).\n" ); } auto action_set = ::input->GetPreferredGameActionSet(); Msg( "Current action set = %d\n", action_set ); for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_ControllerDigitalActionState ); ++i ) { ControllerDigitalActionToCommand& cmdmap = g_ControllerDigitalGameActions[i]; ControllerDigitalActionState& state = g_ControllerDigitalActionState[i]; Msg( "Action: '%s' handle = %d\n", cmdmap.action, (int)state.handle ); } } else { Warning( "Steam Controller interface not initialized.\n" ); } } else { Warning( "Input system not initialized.\n" ); } }