//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: CWAPI code for GC access to the Web API server // //============================================================================= #include "stdafx.h" #include "gcwebapi.h" #include "enumutils.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" CUtlVector< GCWebAPIInterfaceMapCreationFunc_t > & CGCWebAPIInterfaceMapRegistrar::VecInstance() { static CUtlVector< GCWebAPIInterfaceMapCreationFunc_t > sm_vecInterfaceFuncs; return sm_vecInterfaceFuncs; } ENUMSTRINGS_START( EWebApiParamType ) { k_EWebApiParamTypeInvalid, "Invalid" }, { k_EWebApiParamTypeInt32, "int32" }, { k_EWebApiParamTypeUInt32, "uint32" }, { k_EWebApiParamTypeInt64, "int64" }, { k_EWebApiParamTypeUInt64, "uint64" }, { k_EWebApiParamTypeFloat, "float" }, { k_EWebApiParamTypeString, "string" }, { k_EWebApiParamTypeBool, "bool" }, { k_EWebApiParamTypeRawBinary, "rawbinary" } ENUMSTRINGS_REVERSE( EWebApiParamType, k_EWebApiParamTypeInvalid )