//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Clears color/depth, but obeys stencil while doing so // // $Header: $ // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "shaderlib/cshader.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" DEFINE_FALLBACK_SHADER( BufferClearObeyStencil, BufferClearObeyStencil_DX6 ) BEGIN_SHADER_FLAGS( BufferClearObeyStencil_DX6, "Help for BufferClearObeyStencil_DX6", SHADER_NOT_EDITABLE ) BEGIN_SHADER_PARAMS SHADER_PARAM( CLEARCOLOR, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_INTEGER, "1", "activates clearing of color" ) SHADER_PARAM( CLEARDEPTH, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_INTEGER, "1", "activates clearing of depth" ) END_SHADER_PARAMS SHADER_INIT_PARAMS() { } SHADER_INIT { } SHADER_DRAW { SHADOW_STATE { pShaderShadow->DepthFunc( SHADER_DEPTHFUNC_ALWAYS ); bool bEnableDepthWrites = params[CLEARDEPTH]->GetIntValue() != 0; pShaderShadow->EnableDepthWrites( bEnableDepthWrites ); bool bEnableColorWrites = params[CLEARCOLOR]->GetIntValue() != 0; pShaderShadow->EnableColorWrites( bEnableColorWrites ); pShaderShadow->EnableAlphaWrites( bEnableColorWrites ); pShaderShadow->DrawFlags( SHADER_DRAW_POSITION | SHADER_DRAW_COLOR ); DisableFog(); } DYNAMIC_STATE { } Draw( ); } END_SHADER