//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //============================================================================= #include "BaseVSShader.h" #include "screenspaceeffect_vs20.inc" #include "engine_post_ps20.inc" #include "engine_post_ps20b.inc" #include "../materialsystem_global.h" DEFINE_FALLBACK_SHADER( Engine_Post, Engine_Post_dx9 ) BEGIN_VS_SHADER_FLAGS( Engine_Post_dx9, "Engine post-processing effects (software anti-aliasing, bloom, color-correction", SHADER_NOT_EDITABLE ) BEGIN_SHADER_PARAMS SHADER_PARAM( FBTEXTURE, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_TEXTURE, "_rt_FullFrameFB", "Full framebuffer texture" ) SHADER_PARAM( AAENABLE, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_BOOL, "0", "Enable software anti-aliasing" ) SHADER_PARAM( AAINTERNAL1, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_VEC4, "[0 0 0 0]", "Internal anti-aliasing values set via material proxy" ) SHADER_PARAM( AAINTERNAL2, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_VEC4, "[0 0 0 0]", "Internal anti-aliasing values set via material proxy" ) SHADER_PARAM( AAINTERNAL3, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_VEC4, "[0 0 0 0]", "Internal anti-aliasing values set via material proxy" ) SHADER_PARAM( BLOOMENABLE, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_BOOL, "1", "Enable bloom" ) END_SHADER_PARAMS SHADER_INIT_PARAMS() { if( !params[ AAENABLE ]->IsDefined() ) { params[ AAENABLE ]->SetIntValue( 0 ); } if( !params[ AAINTERNAL1 ]->IsDefined() ) { params[ AAINTERNAL1 ]->SetVecValue( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } if( !params[ AAINTERNAL2 ]->IsDefined() ) { params[ AAINTERNAL2 ]->SetVecValue( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } if( !params[ AAINTERNAL3 ]->IsDefined() ) { params[ AAINTERNAL3 ]->SetVecValue( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } if( !params[ BLOOMENABLE ]->IsDefined() ) { params[ BLOOMENABLE ]->SetIntValue( 1 ); } SET_FLAGS2( MATERIAL_VAR2_NEEDS_FULL_FRAME_BUFFER_TEXTURE ); } SHADER_FALLBACK { // This shader should not be *used* unless we're >= DX9 (bloomadd.vmt/screenspace_general_dx8 should be used for DX8) return 0; } SHADER_INIT { if ( params[BASETEXTURE]->IsDefined() ) { LoadTexture( BASETEXTURE ); } if ( params[FBTEXTURE]->IsDefined() ) { LoadTexture( FBTEXTURE ); } } SHADER_DRAW { SHADOW_STATE { // This shader uses opaque blending, but needs to match the behaviour of bloom_add/screen_spacegeneral, // which uses additive blending (and is used when bloom is enabled but col-correction and AA are not). // BUT! // Hardware sRGB blending is incorrect (on pre-DX10 cards, sRGB values are added directly). // SO... // When doing the bloom addition in the pixel shader, we need to emulate that incorrect // behaviour - by turning sRGB read OFF for the FB texture and by turning sRGB write OFF // (which is fine, since the AA process works better on an sRGB framebuffer than a linear // one; gamma colours more closely match luminance perception. The color-correction process // has always taken gamma-space values as input anyway). // On OpenGL OSX, we MUST do sRGB reads from the bloom and full framebuffer textures AND sRGB // writes on the way out to the framebuffer. Hence, our colors are linear in the shader. // Given this, we use the LINEAR_INPUTS combo to convert to sRGB for the purposes of color // correction, since that is how the color correction textures are authored. bool bLinearInput = IsOSX() && g_pHardwareConfig->CanDoSRGBReadFromRTs(); bool bLinearOutput = IsOSX() && !g_pHardwareConfig->FakeSRGBWrite() && g_pHardwareConfig->CanDoSRGBReadFromRTs(); bool bForceSRGBReadsAndWrites = IsOSX() && g_pHardwareConfig->CanDoSRGBReadFromRTs(); pShaderShadow->EnableBlending( false ); // The (sRGB) bloom texture is bound to sampler 0 pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); pShaderShadow->EnableSRGBRead( SHADER_SAMPLER0, bForceSRGBReadsAndWrites ); pShaderShadow->EnableSRGBWrite( bForceSRGBReadsAndWrites ); // The (sRGB) full framebuffer texture is bound to sampler 1: pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER1, true ); pShaderShadow->EnableSRGBRead( SHADER_SAMPLER1, bForceSRGBReadsAndWrites ); // Up to 4 (sRGB) color-correction lookup textures are bound to samplers 2-5: pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER2, true ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER3, true ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER4, true ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER5, true ); pShaderShadow->EnableSRGBRead( SHADER_SAMPLER2, false ); pShaderShadow->EnableSRGBRead( SHADER_SAMPLER3, false ); pShaderShadow->EnableSRGBRead( SHADER_SAMPLER4, false ); pShaderShadow->EnableSRGBRead( SHADER_SAMPLER5, false ); int format = VERTEX_POSITION; int numTexCoords = 1; int * pTexCoordDimensions = NULL; int userDataSize = 0; pShaderShadow->VertexShaderVertexFormat( format, numTexCoords, pTexCoordDimensions, userDataSize ); DECLARE_STATIC_VERTEX_SHADER( screenspaceeffect_vs20 ); SET_STATIC_VERTEX_SHADER( screenspaceeffect_vs20 ); if( g_pHardwareConfig->SupportsPixelShaders_2_b() || g_pHardwareConfig->ShouldAlwaysUseShaderModel2bShaders() ) // GL always goes the ps2b way for this shader, even on "ps20" parts { DECLARE_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( engine_post_ps20b ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( LINEAR_INPUT, bLinearInput ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( LINEAR_OUTPUT, bLinearOutput ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( engine_post_ps20b ); } else { DECLARE_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( engine_post_ps20 ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( engine_post_ps20 ); } } DYNAMIC_STATE { BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, BASETEXTURE, -1 ); // FIXME: need to set FBTEXTURE to be point-sampled (will speed up this shader significantly on 360) // and assert that it's set to SHADER_TEXWRAPMODE_CLAMP (since the shader will sample offscreen) BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER1, FBTEXTURE, -1 ); ShaderColorCorrectionInfo_t ccInfo; pShaderAPI->GetCurrentColorCorrection( &ccInfo ); int colCorrectNumLookups = ccInfo.m_nLookupCount; for( int i = 0; i < colCorrectNumLookups; i++ ) { pShaderAPI->BindStandardTexture( (Sampler_t)(SHADER_SAMPLER2 + i), (StandardTextureId_t)(TEXTURE_COLOR_CORRECTION_VOLUME_0 + i) ); } // Upload 1-pixel X&Y offsets [ (+dX,0,+dY,-dX) is chosen to work with the allowed ps20 swizzles ] // The shader will sample in a cross (up/down/left/right from the current sample), for 5-tap // (quality 0) mode and add another 4 samples in a diagonal cross, for 9-tap (quality 1) mode ITexture * pTarget = params[FBTEXTURE]->GetTextureValue(); int width = pTarget->GetActualWidth(); int height = pTarget->GetActualHeight(); float dX = 1.0f / width; float dY = 1.0f / height; float offsets[4] = { +dX, 0, +dY, -dX }; pShaderAPI->SetPixelShaderConstant( 0, &offsets[0], 1 ); // Upload AA tweakables: // x - strength (this can be used to toggle the AA off, or to weaken it where pathological cases are showing) // y - reduction of 1-pixel-line blurring (blurring of 1-pixel lines causes issues, so it's tunable) // z - edge threshold multiplier (default 1.0, < 1.0 => more edges softened, > 1.0 => fewer edges softened) // w - tap offset multiplier (default 1.0, < 1.0 => sharper image, > 1.0 => blurrier image) float tweakables[4] = { params[ AAINTERNAL1 ]->GetVecValue()[0], params[ AAINTERNAL1 ]->GetVecValue()[1], params[ AAINTERNAL3 ]->GetVecValue()[0], params[ AAINTERNAL3 ]->GetVecValue()[1] }; pShaderAPI->SetPixelShaderConstant( 1, &tweakables[0], 1 ); // Upload AA UV transform (converts bloom texture UVs to framebuffer texture UVs) // NOTE: we swap the order of the z and w components since 'wz' is an allowed ps20 swizzle, but 'zw' is not: float uvTrans[4] = { params[ AAINTERNAL2 ]->GetVecValue()[0], params[ AAINTERNAL2 ]->GetVecValue()[1], params[ AAINTERNAL2 ]->GetVecValue()[3], params[ AAINTERNAL2 ]->GetVecValue()[2] }; pShaderAPI->SetPixelShaderConstant( 2, &uvTrans[0], 1 ); // Upload color-correction weights: pShaderAPI->SetPixelShaderConstant( 3, &ccInfo.m_flDefaultWeight ); pShaderAPI->SetPixelShaderConstant( 4, ccInfo.m_pLookupWeights ); int aaEnabled = ( params[ AAINTERNAL1 ]->GetVecValue()[0] == 0.0f ) ? 0 : 1; int aaReduceOnePixelLineBlur = ( params[ AAINTERNAL1 ]->GetVecValue()[1] == 0.0f ) ? 0 : 1; int aaQualityMode = (int)params[ AAINTERNAL1 ]->GetVecValue()[2]; // int aaDebugMode = (int)params[ AAINTERNAL1 ]->GetVecValue()[3]; int bloomEnabled = ( params[ BLOOMENABLE ]->GetIntValue() == 0 ) ? 0 : 1; int colCorrectEnabled = ccInfo.m_bIsEnabled; float flBloomFactor = bloomEnabled ? 1.0f : 0.0f; float bloomConstant[4] = { flBloomFactor, flBloomFactor, flBloomFactor, flBloomFactor }; pShaderAPI->SetPixelShaderConstant( 5, bloomConstant ); if ( !colCorrectEnabled ) { colCorrectNumLookups = 0; } if( g_pHardwareConfig->SupportsPixelShaders_2_b() || g_pHardwareConfig->ShouldAlwaysUseShaderModel2bShaders() ) // GL always goes the ps2b way for this shader, even on "ps20" parts { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( engine_post_ps20b ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( AA_ENABLE, aaEnabled ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( AA_QUALITY_MODE, aaQualityMode ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( AA_REDUCE_ONE_PIXEL_LINE_BLUR, aaReduceOnePixelLineBlur ); // SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( AA_DEBUG_MODE, aaDebugMode ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( COL_CORRECT_NUM_LOOKUPS, colCorrectNumLookups ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( engine_post_ps20b ); } else { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( engine_post_ps20 ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( AA_ENABLE, aaEnabled ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( AA_QUALITY_MODE, 0 ); // Only enough instruction slots in ps2b SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( AA_REDUCE_ONE_PIXEL_LINE_BLUR, 0 ); // SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( AA_DEBUG_MODE, aaDebugMode ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( COL_CORRECT_NUM_LOOKUPS, colCorrectNumLookups ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( engine_post_ps20 ); } DECLARE_DYNAMIC_VERTEX_SHADER( screenspaceeffect_vs20 ); SET_DYNAMIC_VERTEX_SHADER( screenspaceeffect_vs20 ); } Draw(); } END_SHADER