# DYNAMIC: "SKINNING" "0..1" vs.1.1 #include "macros.vsh" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Vertex blending ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &AllocateRegister( \$worldPos ); &AllocateRegister( \$worldNormal ); &AllocateRegister( \$projPos ); &SkinPositionAndNormal( $worldPos, $worldNormal ); if( $SKINNING == 1 ) { &Normalize( $worldNormal ); } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Transform the position from world to view space ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dp4 $projPos.x, $worldPos, $cViewProj0 dp4 $projPos.y, $worldPos, $cViewProj1 dp4 $projPos.z, $worldPos, $cViewProj2 dp4 $projPos.w, $worldPos, $cViewProj3 mov oPos, $projPos ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Fog - don't bother with water fog for intro effects ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &DepthFog( $projPos, "oFog" ); ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Refract uv's (Code copied from predator.vsh) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; NOTE: projPos isn't projPos after this point. :) &AllocateRegister( \$projNormal ); ; only do X and Y since that's all we care about dp3 $projNormal.x, $worldNormal, $cViewProj0 dp3 $projNormal.y, $worldNormal, $cViewProj1 ; divide by z rcp $projPos.w, $projPos.w mul $projPos.xy, $projPos.w, $projPos.xy ; map from -1..1 to 0..1 mad $projPos.xy, $projPos.xy, $cHalf, $cHalf ; tweak with the texcoords based on the normal and $refractionamount mad $projPos.xy, $projNormal.xy, -$SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_4.xy, $projPos.xy ; FIXME ; invert y add $projPos.y, $cOne, -$projPos.y ; hack scale for nvidia (Power of two texcoords are screwed.) mul oT0.xy, $projPos.xy, $SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_5.xy ; YUCK! This is to make texcoords continuous for mat_softwaretl mov oT2, $cZero &FreeRegister( \$projPos ); &FreeRegister( \$projNormal ); ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Refract mask ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; // float flFresnel = 1.0f - saturate( dot( i.vWorldNormal.xyz, normalize( -i.vWorldViewVector.xyz ) ) ); &AllocateRegister( \$flFresnel ); &AllocateRegister( \$tmp1 ); sub $flFresnel, $worldPos, $cEyePos &Normalize( $flFresnel ); dp3 $flFresnel, -$flFresnel, $worldNormal max $flFresnel, $flFresnel, $cZero sub $flFresnel, $cOne, $flFresnel ; // float flCloakLerpFactor = saturate( lerp( 1.0f, flFresnel - 1.35f, saturate( g_flCloakFactor ) ) ); &AllocateRegister( \$flCloakLerpFactor ); sub $flCloakLerpFactor, $flFresnel, $SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_3.x ; // flFresnel - 1.35f mov $tmp1, $cOne sub $flCloakLerpFactor, $flCloakLerpFactor, $tmp1 mad $flCloakLerpFactor, $flCloakLerpFactor, $SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_3.y, $tmp1 max $flCloakLerpFactor, $flCloakLerpFactor, $cZero min $flCloakLerpFactor, $flCloakLerpFactor, $cOne ; // flCloakLerpFactor = 1.0f - smoothstep( 0.4f, 0.425f, flCloakLerpFactor ); sub $flCloakLerpFactor, $flCloakLerpFactor, $SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_3.z mul $flCloakLerpFactor, $flCloakLerpFactor, $SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_3.w sub $flCloakLerpFactor, $cOne, $flCloakLerpFactor mov oD0, $flCloakLerpFactor &FreeRegister( \$tmp1 ); &FreeRegister( \$flFresnel ); &FreeRegister( \$flCloakLerpFactor ); &FreeRegister( \$worldPos ); &FreeRegister( \$worldNormal );