//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $Header: $ // $NoKeywords: $ //===========================================================================// #include "shaderlib/cshader.h" #include "convar.h" #include "debugdrawdepth_vs20.inc" #include "debugdrawdepth_ps20.inc" #include "debugdrawdepth_ps20b.inc" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" static ConVar mat_debugdepthmode( "mat_debugdepthmode", "0" ); static ConVar mat_debugdepthval( "mat_debugdepthval", "128.0f" ); static ConVar mat_debugdepthvalmax( "mat_debugdepthvalmax", "256.0f" ); BEGIN_SHADER_FLAGS( DebugDepth, "Help for DebugDepth", SHADER_NOT_EDITABLE ) BEGIN_SHADER_PARAMS END_SHADER_PARAMS SHADER_INIT_PARAMS() { SET_FLAGS2( MATERIAL_VAR2_SUPPORTS_HW_SKINNING ); } SHADER_INIT { } SHADER_FALLBACK { if( g_pHardwareConfig->GetDXSupportLevel() < 90 ) { // Assert( 0 ); return "WireFrame"; } return 0; } SHADER_DRAW { SHADOW_STATE { // Set stream format (note that this shader supports compression) unsigned int flags = VERTEX_POSITION | VERTEX_FORMAT_COMPRESSED; int nTexCoordCount = 1; int userDataSize = 0; pShaderShadow->VertexShaderVertexFormat( flags, nTexCoordCount, NULL, userDataSize ); DECLARE_STATIC_VERTEX_SHADER( debugdrawdepth_vs20 ); SET_STATIC_VERTEX_SHADER( debugdrawdepth_vs20 ); if( g_pHardwareConfig->SupportsPixelShaders_2_b() ) { DECLARE_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( debugdrawdepth_ps20b ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( debugdrawdepth_ps20b ); } else { DECLARE_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( debugdrawdepth_ps20 ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( debugdrawdepth_ps20 ); } } DYNAMIC_STATE { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_VERTEX_SHADER( debugdrawdepth_vs20 ); SET_DYNAMIC_VERTEX_SHADER_COMBO( SKINNING, s_pShaderAPI->GetCurrentNumBones() > 0 ); SET_DYNAMIC_VERTEX_SHADER_COMBO( COMPRESSED_VERTS, (int)vertexCompression ); SET_DYNAMIC_VERTEX_SHADER( debugdrawdepth_vs20 ); Vector4D vecZFilter( 0, 0, 0, 1 ); int nDepthMode = mat_debugdepthmode.GetInt(); if ( nDepthMode > 1 ) { nDepthMode = 0; } vecZFilter[nDepthMode] = 1; s_pShaderAPI->SetPixelShaderConstant( 1, vecZFilter.Base() ); Vector4D vecModulationColor( 0, 0, 0, 1 ); if ( IS_FLAG_SET( MATERIAL_VAR_DECAL ) ) { vecModulationColor[0] = 0; vecModulationColor[1] = 1; vecModulationColor[2] = 1; } else { vecModulationColor[0] = 1; vecModulationColor[1] = 1; vecModulationColor[2] = 1; } s_pShaderAPI->SetPixelShaderConstant( 2, vecModulationColor.Base() ); float flDepthFactor = mat_debugdepthval.GetFloat(); float flDepthFactorMax = mat_debugdepthvalmax.GetFloat(); if ( flDepthFactor == 0 ) { flDepthFactor = 1.0f; } Vector4D vecZFactor( (flDepthFactorMax - flDepthFactor), flDepthFactor, 1, 1 ); pShaderAPI->SetVertexShaderConstant( VERTEX_SHADER_SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_0, vecZFactor.Base() ); } Draw(); } END_SHADER