//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //===========================================================================// #if 0 #include "particlelitgeneric_dx9_helper.h" #include "BaseVSShader.h" #include "particlelit_generic_vs30.inc" #include "particlelit_generic_ps30.inc" #include "convar.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize shader parameters //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void InitParamsParticleLitGeneric_DX9( CBaseVSShader *pShader, IMaterialVar** params, const char *pMaterialName, ParticleLitGeneric_DX9_Vars_t &info ) { // FLASHLIGHTFIXME: Do ShaderAPI::BindFlashlightTexture Assert( info.m_nFlashlightTexture >= 0 ); if ( g_pHardwareConfig->SupportsBorderColor() ) { params[FLASHLIGHTTEXTURE]->SetStringValue( "effects/flashlight_border" ); } else { params[FLASHLIGHTTEXTURE]->SetStringValue( "effects/flashlight001" ); } SET_FLAGS2( MATERIAL_VAR2_LIGHTING_VERTEX_LIT ); CLEAR_FLAGS( MATERIAL_VAR_SELFILLUM ); CLEAR_FLAGS( MATERIAL_VAR_BASEALPHAENVMAPMASK ); if( (info.m_nBumpFrame != -1) && !params[info.m_nBumpFrame]->IsDefined() ) { params[info.m_nBumpFrame]->SetIntValue( 0 ); } if( (info.m_nBumpmap != -1) && g_pConfig->UseBumpmapping() && params[info.m_nBumpmap]->IsDefined() ) { SET_FLAGS2( MATERIAL_VAR2_NEEDS_TANGENT_SPACES ); } else { CLEAR_FLAGS( MATERIAL_VAR_NORMALMAPALPHAENVMAPMASK ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize shader //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void InitParticleLitGeneric_DX9( CBaseVSShader *pShader, IMaterialVar** params, ParticleLitGeneric_DX9_Vars_t &info ) { Assert( info.m_nFlashlightTexture >= 0 ); pShader->LoadTexture( info.m_nFlashlightTexture, TEXTUREFLAGS_SRGB ); bool bIsBaseTextureTranslucent = false; if ( params[info.m_nBaseTexture]->IsDefined() ) { pShader->LoadTexture( info.m_nBaseTexture, TEXTUREFLAGS_SRGB ); if ( params[info.m_nBaseTexture]->GetTextureValue()->IsTranslucent() ) { bIsBaseTextureTranslucent = true; } } // No alpha channel in any of the textures? No self illum or envmapmask if ( !bIsBaseTextureTranslucent ) { CLEAR_FLAGS( MATERIAL_VAR_SELFILLUM ); CLEAR_FLAGS( MATERIAL_VAR_BASEALPHAENVMAPMASK ); } if ( g_pConfig->UseBumpmapping() ) { if ( (info.m_nBumpmap != -1) && params[info.m_nBumpmap]->IsDefined() ) { pShader->LoadBumpMap( info.m_nBumpmap ); SET_FLAGS2( MATERIAL_VAR2_DIFFUSE_BUMPMAPPED_MODEL ); } } // Don't alpha test if the alpha channel is used for other purposes if ( IS_FLAG_SET(MATERIAL_VAR_SELFILLUM) || IS_FLAG_SET(MATERIAL_VAR_BASEALPHAENVMAPMASK) ) { CLEAR_FLAGS( MATERIAL_VAR_ALPHATEST ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws the shader //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawParticleLitGeneric_DX9( CBaseVSShader *pShader, IMaterialVar** params, IShaderDynamicAPI *pShaderAPI, IShaderShadow* pShaderShadow, ParticleLitGeneric_DX9_Vars_t &info ) { bool hasBaseTexture = params[info.m_nBaseTexture]->IsTexture(); bool hasBump = (info.m_nBumpmap != -1) && params[info.m_nBumpmap]->IsTexture(); bool hasVertexColor = IS_FLAG_SET( MATERIAL_VAR_VERTEXCOLOR ); bool hasVertexAlpha = IS_FLAG_SET( MATERIAL_VAR_VERTEXALPHA ); bool bIsAlphaTested = IS_FLAG_SET( MATERIAL_VAR_ALPHATEST ) != 0; bool bNoFog = IS_FLAG_SET( MATERIAL_VAR_NOFOG ); HDRType_t hdrType = g_pHardwareConfig->GetHDRType(); BlendType_t blendType = pShader->EvaluateBlendRequirements( info.m_nBaseTexture, true ); if( pShader->IsSnapshotting() ) { // look at color and alphamod stuff. // Unlit generic never uses the flashlight bool hasFlashlight = CShader_IsFlag2Set( params, MATERIAL_VAR2_USE_FLASHLIGHT ); bool bHalfLambert = IS_FLAG_SET( MATERIAL_VAR_HALFLAMBERT ); // Alpha test: FIXME: shouldn't this be handled in CBaseVSShader::SetInitialShadowState pShaderShadow->EnableAlphaTest( bIsAlphaTested ); if( info.m_nAlphaTestReference != -1 && params[info.m_nAlphaTestReference]->GetFloatValue() > 0.0f ) { pShaderShadow->AlphaFunc( SHADER_ALPHAFUNC_GEQUAL, params[info.m_nAlphaTestReference]->GetFloatValue() ); } if( hasFlashlight ) { pShader->SetAdditiveBlendingShadowState( info.m_nBaseTexture, true ); if( bIsAlphaTested ) { // disable alpha test and use the zfunc zequals since alpha isn't guaranteed to // be the same on both the regular pass and the flashlight pass. pShaderShadow->EnableAlphaTest( false ); pShaderShadow->DepthFunc( SHADER_DEPTHFUNC_EQUAL ); } pShaderShadow->EnableBlending( true ); pShaderShadow->EnableDepthWrites( false ); } else { pShader->SetDefaultBlendingShadowState( info.m_nBaseTexture, true ); } unsigned int flags = VERTEX_POSITION; int userDataSize = 0; if( hasBaseTexture ) { pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); pShaderShadow->EnableSRGBRead( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); } if( hasFlashlight ) { pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER7, true ); pShaderShadow->EnableSRGBRead( SHADER_SAMPLER7, true ); userDataSize = 4; // tangent S } if( hasBump ) { pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER3, true ); userDataSize = 4; // tangent S // Normalizing cube map pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER5, true ); } if( hasVertexColor || hasVertexAlpha ) { flags |= VERTEX_COLOR; } pShaderShadow->EnableSRGBWrite( true ); // texcoord0 : base texcoord int pTexCoordCount[2] = { 2, 3 }; pShaderShadow->VertexShaderVertexFormat( flags, 2, pTexCoordCount, 0, userDataSize ); DECLARE_STATIC_VERTEX_SHADER( particlelit_generic_vs30 ); SET_STATIC_VERTEX_SHADER_COMBO( HALFLAMBERT, bHalfLambert); SET_STATIC_VERTEX_SHADER( particlelit_generic_vs30 ); DECLARE_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( particlelit_generic_ps30 ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( HALFLAMBERT, bHalfLambert); // SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( FLASHLIGHT, hasFlashlight ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( HDRTYPE, hdrType ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( particlelit_generic_ps30 ); if( hasFlashlight ) { pShader->FogToBlack(); } else { pShader->DefaultFog(); } // HACK HACK HACK - enable alpha writes all the time so that we have them for // underwater stuff if( blendType != BT_BLENDADD && blendType != BT_BLEND && !bIsAlphaTested ) { pShaderShadow->EnableAlphaWrites( true ); } } else { bool hasFlashlight = pShaderAPI->InFlashlightMode(); if( hasBaseTexture ) { pShader->BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, info.m_nBaseTexture, info.m_nBaseTextureFrame ); } if( !g_pConfig->m_bFastNoBump ) { if( hasBump ) { pShader->BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER3, info.m_nBumpmap, info.m_nBumpFrame ); } } else { if( hasBump ) { pShaderAPI->BindStandardTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER3, TEXTURE_NORMALMAP_FLAT ); } } if( hasFlashlight ) { Assert( info.m_nFlashlightTexture >= 0 && info.m_nFlashlightTextureFrame >= 0 ); pShader->BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER7, info.m_nFlashlightTexture, info.m_nFlashlightTextureFrame ); } LightState_t lightState = { 0, false, false }; if( !hasFlashlight ) pShaderAPI->GetDX9LightState( &lightState ); MaterialFogMode_t fogType = pShaderAPI->GetSceneFogMode(); // int fogIndex = ( fogType == MATERIAL_FOG_LINEAR_BELOW_FOG_Z ) ? 1 : 0; DECLARE_DYNAMIC_VERTEX_SHADER( particlelit_generic_vs30 ); SET_DYNAMIC_VERTEX_SHADER( particlelit_generic_vs30 ); DECLARE_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( particlelit_generic_ps30 ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( NUM_LIGHTS, lightState.m_nNumLights ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( AMBIENT_LIGHT, lightState.m_bAmbientLight ? 1 : 0 ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( STATIC_LIGHT, lightState.m_bStaticLight ? 1 : 0 ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( WRITEWATERFOGTODESTALPHA, fogType == MATERIAL_FOG_LINEAR_BELOW_FOG_Z && blendType != BT_BLENDADD && blendType != BT_BLEND && !bIsAlphaTested ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( PIXELFOGTYPE, pShaderAPI->GetPixelFogCombo() ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( HDRENABLED, pShader->IsHDREnabled() ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( particlelit_generic_ps30 ); pShader->SetVertexShaderTextureTransform( VERTEX_SHADER_SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_0, info.m_nBaseTextureTransform ); if( hasBump ) { pShader->SetVertexShaderTextureTransform( VERTEX_SHADER_SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_2, info.m_nBumpTransform ); } if( hasBump ) { pShaderAPI->BindStandardTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER5, TEXTURE_NORMALIZATION_CUBEMAP_SIGNED ); pShaderAPI->SetPixelShaderStateAmbientLightCube( 5 ); pShaderAPI->CommitPixelShaderLighting( 13 ); } float eyePos[4]; pShaderAPI->GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( eyePos ); pShaderAPI->SetPixelShaderConstant( 20, eyePos, 1 ); pShaderAPI->SetPixelShaderFogParams( 21 ); // flashlightfixme: put this in common code. if( hasFlashlight ) { VMatrix worldToTexture; const FlashlightState_t &flashlightState = pShaderAPI->GetFlashlightState( worldToTexture ); // Set the flashlight attenuation factors float atten[4]; atten[0] = flashlightState.m_fConstantAtten; atten[1] = flashlightState.m_fLinearAtten; atten[2] = flashlightState.m_fQuadraticAtten; atten[3] = flashlightState.m_FarZ; pShaderAPI->SetPixelShaderConstant( 22, atten, 1 ); // Set the flashlight origin float pos[4]; pos[0] = flashlightState.m_vecLightOrigin[0]; pos[1] = flashlightState.m_vecLightOrigin[1]; pos[2] = flashlightState.m_vecLightOrigin[2]; pos[3] = 1.0f; pShaderAPI->SetPixelShaderConstant( 23, pos, 1 ); pShaderAPI->SetPixelShaderConstant( 24, worldToTexture.Base(), 4 ); } } pShader->Draw(); } // Commenting out this entire file #endif