// DYNAMIC: "CMBO_HUDUNDISTORT" "0..1" #include "shader_constant_register_map.h" #include "common_ps_fxc.h" sampler BaseTextureSampler : register( s0 ); sampler DistortMapTextureSampler : register( s1 ); const float4 DistortBounds : register( c0 ); const int bHudTranslucent : register( c1 ); struct PS_INPUT { float2 vBaseTexCoord : TEXCOORD0; }; float4 main( PS_INPUT i ) : COLOR { float2 vOriginal = i.vBaseTexCoord.xy; // The full uv 0->1 range of the base texture here is shifted/scaled so that it maps // to the region that would be minUV->maxUV of the base texture in the regular undistort // code. This lets us overlay a higher-resolution inset rectangle directly onto the // render target with undistort, which results in a much higher-quality HUD. float2 minUV = DistortBounds.xy; float2 maxUV = DistortBounds.zw; float2 scaleUV = 1.0 / ( maxUV - minUV ); float2 vGreen; float4 vFinal; #if ( CMBO_HUDUNDISTORT ) { float4 vRead = tex2D( DistortMapTextureSampler, vOriginal ); float2 vRed = vRead.xy; float2 vBlue = vRead.zw; vGreen = ( vRed + vBlue ) / 2.0; vRed = ( vRed - minUV ) * scaleUV; vGreen = ( vGreen - minUV ) * scaleUV; vBlue = ( vBlue - minUV ) * scaleUV; vFinal.r = tex2D( BaseTextureSampler, vRed ).r; vFinal.ga = tex2D( BaseTextureSampler, vGreen ).ga; vFinal.b = tex2D( BaseTextureSampler, vBlue ).b; } #else { vGreen = ( vOriginal - minUV ) * scaleUV; vFinal = tex2D( BaseTextureSampler, vGreen ); } #endif // When the HUD isn't supposed to be rendered as translucent, some of its elements do occasionally have non-unit alpha. // We always have blending and alphatest enabled here, so if the hud itself is not supposed to be translucent we need // to fix up the alphas. vFinal.a = lerp( 1, vFinal.a, bHudTranslucent ); // Smooth off the edges of the quad. This also gives (0,0,0,0) in the outer areas, for alpha test and for blackout. const float edgeRampFrac = 0.005; float2 uvEdgeRamp = smoothstep( float2(-edgeRampFrac,-edgeRampFrac), float2(edgeRampFrac,edgeRampFrac), vGreen ) * ( 1 - smoothstep( float2(1-edgeRampFrac,1-edgeRampFrac), float2(1+edgeRampFrac,1+edgeRampFrac), vGreen ) ); float edgeRamp = uvEdgeRamp.x * uvEdgeRamp.y; vFinal *= edgeRamp; return vFinal; }