//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $Header: $ // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "BaseVSShader.h" #include "WorldVertexAlpha.inc" #include "worldvertexalpha_ps20.inc" #include "worldvertexalpha_ps20b.inc" BEGIN_VS_SHADER( WorldVertexAlpha, "Help for WorldVertexAlpha" ) BEGIN_SHADER_PARAMS END_SHADER_PARAMS SHADER_INIT_PARAMS() { SET_FLAGS2( MATERIAL_VAR2_LIGHTING_LIGHTMAP ); SET_FLAGS2( MATERIAL_VAR2_BLEND_WITH_LIGHTMAP_ALPHA ); } SHADER_INIT { // Load the base texture here! LoadTexture( BASETEXTURE ); } SHADER_FALLBACK { // if( g_pHardwareConfig->GetDXSupportLevel() < 90 || g_pHardwareConfig->GetHDRType() == HDR_TYPE_NONE ) { return "WorldVertexAlpha_DX8"; } return 0; } SHADER_DRAW { if( g_pHardwareConfig->SupportsVertexAndPixelShaders() && !UsingEditor( params ) ) { if( g_pHardwareConfig->GetDXSupportLevel() < 90 ) { // NOTE: This is the DX8, Non-Hammer version. SHADOW_STATE { // Base time lightmap (Need two texture stages) pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER1, true ); int fmt = VERTEX_POSITION; pShaderShadow->VertexShaderVertexFormat( fmt, 2, 0, 0 ); pShaderShadow->EnableBlending( true ); // Looks backwards, but this is done so that lightmap alpha = 1 when only // using 1 texture (needed for translucent displacements). pShaderShadow->BlendFunc( SHADER_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, SHADER_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA ); worldvertexalpha_Static_Index vshIndex; pShaderShadow->SetVertexShader( "WorldVertexAlpha", vshIndex.GetIndex() ); pShaderShadow->SetPixelShader( "WorldVertexAlpha" ); FogToFogColor(); } DYNAMIC_STATE { // Bind the base texture (Stage0) and lightmap (Stage1) BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, BASETEXTURE ); pShaderAPI->BindStandardTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER1, TEXTURE_LIGHTMAP ); EnablePixelShaderOverbright( 0, true, true ); worldvertexalpha_Dynamic_Index vshIndex; vshIndex.SetDOWATERFOG( pShaderAPI->GetSceneFogMode() == MATERIAL_FOG_LINEAR_BELOW_FOG_Z ); pShaderAPI->SetVertexShaderIndex( vshIndex.GetIndex() ); } Draw(); } else { // DX 9 version with HDR support // Pass 1 SHADOW_STATE { SetInitialShadowState(); pShaderShadow->EnableAlphaWrites( true ); // Base time lightmap (Need two texture stages) pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER1, true ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER2, true ); int fmt = VERTEX_POSITION; pShaderShadow->VertexShaderVertexFormat( fmt, 2, 0, 0 ); pShaderShadow->EnableBlending( true ); // Looks backwards, but this is done so that lightmap alpha = 1 when only // using 1 texture (needed for translucent displacements). pShaderShadow->BlendFunc( SHADER_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, SHADER_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA ); pShaderShadow->EnableBlendingSeparateAlpha( true ); pShaderShadow->BlendFuncSeparateAlpha( SHADER_BLEND_ZERO, SHADER_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA ); worldvertexalpha_Static_Index vshIndex; pShaderShadow->SetVertexShader( "WorldVertexAlpha", vshIndex.GetIndex() ); if( g_pHardwareConfig->SupportsPixelShaders_2_b() ) { DECLARE_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( worldvertexalpha_ps20b ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( PASS, 0 ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( worldvertexalpha_ps20b ); } else { DECLARE_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( worldvertexalpha_ps20 ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( PASS, 0 ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( worldvertexalpha_ps20 ); } FogToFogColor(); } DYNAMIC_STATE { // Bind the base texture (Stage0) and lightmap (Stage1) BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, BASETEXTURE ); pShaderAPI->BindStandardTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER1, TEXTURE_LIGHTMAP ); worldvertexalpha_Dynamic_Index vshIndex; vshIndex.SetDOWATERFOG( pShaderAPI->GetSceneFogMode() == MATERIAL_FOG_LINEAR_BELOW_FOG_Z ); pShaderAPI->SetVertexShaderIndex( vshIndex.GetIndex() ); if( g_pHardwareConfig->SupportsPixelShaders_2_b() ) { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( worldvertexalpha_ps20b ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( worldvertexalpha_ps20b ); } else { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( worldvertexalpha_ps20 ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( worldvertexalpha_ps20 ); } } Draw(); // Pass 2 SHADOW_STATE { SetInitialShadowState(); pShaderShadow->EnableAlphaWrites( true ); pShaderShadow->EnableColorWrites( false ); // Base time lightmap (Need two texture stages) pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER1, true ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER2, true ); int fmt = VERTEX_POSITION; pShaderShadow->VertexShaderVertexFormat( fmt, 2, 0, 0 ); pShaderShadow->EnableBlending( true ); // Looks backwards, but this is done so that lightmap alpha = 1 when only // using 1 texture (needed for translucent displacements). pShaderShadow->BlendFunc( SHADER_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, SHADER_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA ); pShaderShadow->EnableBlendingSeparateAlpha( true ); pShaderShadow->BlendFuncSeparateAlpha( SHADER_BLEND_ONE, SHADER_BLEND_ONE ); worldvertexalpha_Static_Index vshIndex; pShaderShadow->SetVertexShader( "WorldVertexAlpha", vshIndex.GetIndex() ); if( g_pHardwareConfig->SupportsPixelShaders_2_b() ) { DECLARE_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( worldvertexalpha_ps20b ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( PASS, 1 ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( worldvertexalpha_ps20b ); } else { DECLARE_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( worldvertexalpha_ps20 ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( PASS, 1 ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( worldvertexalpha_ps20 ); } FogToFogColor(); } DYNAMIC_STATE { // Bind the base texture (Stage0) and lightmap (Stage1) BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, BASETEXTURE ); pShaderAPI->BindStandardTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER1, TEXTURE_LIGHTMAP ); worldvertexalpha_Dynamic_Index vshIndex; vshIndex.SetDOWATERFOG( pShaderAPI->GetSceneFogMode() == MATERIAL_FOG_LINEAR_BELOW_FOG_Z ); pShaderAPI->SetVertexShaderIndex( vshIndex.GetIndex() ); if( g_pHardwareConfig->SupportsPixelShaders_2_b() ) { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( worldvertexalpha_ps20b ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( worldvertexalpha_ps20b ); } else { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( worldvertexalpha_ps20 ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( worldvertexalpha_ps20 ); } } Draw(); } } else { // NOTE: This is the DX7, Hammer version. SHADOW_STATE { SET_FLAGS2( MATERIAL_VAR2_LIGHTING_LIGHTMAP ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true ); pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER1, true ); pShaderShadow->OverbrightValue( SHADER_TEXTURE_STAGE1, OVERBRIGHT ); pShaderShadow->EnableBlending( true ); // Looks backwards, but this is done so that lightmap alpha = 1 when only // using 1 texture (needed for translucent displacements). pShaderShadow->BlendFunc( SHADER_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, SHADER_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); // pShaderShadow->BlendFunc( SHADER_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, SHADER_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA ); // Use vertex color for Hammer because it puts the blending alpha in the vertices. unsigned int colorFlag = 0; if( UsingEditor( params ) ) { colorFlag |= SHADER_DRAW_COLOR; } pShaderShadow->DrawFlags( colorFlag | SHADER_DRAW_POSITION | SHADER_DRAW_TEXCOORD1 | SHADER_DRAW_LIGHTMAP_TEXCOORD0 ); } DYNAMIC_STATE { BindTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER1, BASETEXTURE ); pShaderAPI->BindStandardTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, TEXTURE_LIGHTMAP ); } Draw(); } } END_SHADER