//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Dme version of a game model (MDL) // //============================================================================= #include "movieobjects/dmegamemodel.h" #include "movieobjects_interfaces.h" #include "datamodel/dmelementfactoryhelper.h" #include "datacache/imdlcache.h" #include "studio.h" #include "tier3/tier3.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Expose this class to the scene database //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator, CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator::OnConstruction() { m_flexWeight.Init( this, "flexWeight" ); m_gameModel.Init( this, "gameModel", FATTRIB_HAS_CALLBACK ); m_ToAttributeHandle = DMATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_INVALID; m_nFlexControllerIndex = -1; } void CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator::OnDestruction() { } void CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator::Resolve() { if ( m_nFlexControllerIndex < 0 ) { m_nFlexControllerIndex = FindGlobalFlexControllerIndex(); } } void CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator::OnAttributeChanged( CDmAttribute *pAttribute ) { // Don't have the required interface... if ( !g_pGlobalFlexController ) return; if ( pAttribute == m_gameModel.GetAttribute() && m_gameModel.GetElement() ) { m_nFlexControllerIndex = FindGlobalFlexControllerIndex(); SetupToAttribute(); } } void CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator::Operate() { CDmAttribute *pToAttr = g_pDataModel->GetAttribute( m_ToAttributeHandle ); if ( !pToAttr ) return; DmAttributeType_t type = m_flexWeight.GetAttribute()->GetType(); const void *pValue = m_flexWeight.GetAttribute()->GetValueUntyped(); if ( IsArrayType( pToAttr->GetType() ) ) { if ( m_nFlexControllerIndex == -1 ) return; CDmrGenericArray array( pToAttr ); array.Set( m_nFlexControllerIndex, type, pValue ); } else { pToAttr->SetValue( type, pValue ); } } void CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator::SetGameModel( CDmeGameModel *gameModel ) { m_gameModel = gameModel; } void CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator::SetWeight( float flWeight ) { m_flexWeight = flWeight; } void CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator::SetMapping( int globalIndex ) { m_nFlexControllerIndex = globalIndex; if ( m_gameModel.GetElement() ) { if ( (uint)globalIndex >= m_gameModel->NumFlexWeights() ) { m_gameModel->SetNumFlexWeights( (uint)( globalIndex + 1 ) ); } } } int CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator::GetGlobalIndex() const { return m_nFlexControllerIndex; } void CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator::GetInputAttributes ( CUtlVector< CDmAttribute * > &attrs ) { attrs.AddToTail( m_flexWeight.GetAttribute() ); } void CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator::GetOutputAttributes( CUtlVector< CDmAttribute * > &attrs ) { CDmAttribute *toAttribute = g_pDataModel->GetAttribute( m_ToAttributeHandle ); if ( toAttribute ) { attrs.AddToTail( toAttribute ); } } void CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator::SetupToAttribute() { CDmElement *pObject = m_gameModel.GetElement(); if ( pObject == NULL) return; CDmAttribute *pAttr = pObject->GetAttribute( "flexWeights" ); Assert( pAttr ); if ( !pAttr ) return; m_ToAttributeHandle = pAttr->GetHandle(); return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Connect up stuff by index //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator::FindGlobalFlexControllerIndex() const { int nGlobalFlexControllerIndex = -1; const char *pModelName = m_gameModel->GetModelName(); MDLHandle_t h = pModelName && pModelName[0] ? g_pMDLCache->FindMDL( pModelName ) : MDLHANDLE_INVALID; if ( h != MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) { studiohdr_t *hdr = g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( h ); Assert( hdr ); if ( hdr ) { int fc = hdr->numflexcontrollers; for ( LocalFlexController_t i = LocalFlexController_t(0) ; i < fc; ++i ) { mstudioflexcontroller_t *flex = hdr->pFlexcontroller( i ); if ( flex->localToGlobal == -1 ) { flex->localToGlobal = g_pGlobalFlexController->FindGlobalFlexController( flex->pszName() ); } if ( !Q_stricmp( flex->pszName(), GetName() ) ) { nGlobalFlexControllerIndex = flex->localToGlobal; // Grow the array if ( (uint)flex->localToGlobal >= m_gameModel->NumFlexWeights() ) { m_gameModel->SetNumFlexWeights( (uint)( flex->localToGlobal + 1 ) ); } break; } } } g_pMDLCache->Release( h ); } return nGlobalFlexControllerIndex; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Expose this class to the scene database //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeGameModel, CDmeGameModel ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDmeGameModel::OnConstruction() { m_flexWeights.Init( this, "flexWeights" ); m_viewTarget.Init( this, "viewTarget" ); m_modelName.Init( this, "modelName", FATTRIB_HAS_CALLBACK ); m_skin.Init( this, "skin" ); m_body.Init( this, "body" ); m_sequence.Init( this, "sequence" ); m_flags.Init( this, "flags" ); m_bones.Init( this, "bones" ); m_globalFlexControllers.Init( this, "globalFlexControllers" ); m_bComputeBounds.Init( this, "computeBounds" ); } void CDmeGameModel::OnDestruction() { } CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator *CDmeGameModel::AddGlobalFlexController( const char *controllerName, int globalIndex ) { int i, c; c = m_globalFlexControllers.Count(); for ( i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator *op = m_globalFlexControllers.Get( i ); Assert( op ); if ( op && !Q_stricmp( op->GetName(), controllerName ) ) break; } if ( i >= c ) { CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator *newOperator = CreateElement< CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator >( controllerName, GetFileId() ); Assert( newOperator ); if ( !newOperator ) return NULL; i = m_globalFlexControllers.AddToTail( newOperator ); } Assert( m_globalFlexControllers.IsValidIndex( i ) ); CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator *op = m_globalFlexControllers.Get( i ); Assert( op ); if ( op ) { op->SetMapping( globalIndex ); op->SetGameModel( this ); } if ( (uint)globalIndex >= NumFlexWeights() ) { SetNumFlexWeights( globalIndex + 1 ); } return op; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Find a flex controller by its global index //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator *CDmeGameModel::FindGlobalFlexController( int nGlobalIndex ) { int i, c; c = m_globalFlexControllers.Count(); for ( i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator *op = m_globalFlexControllers.Get( i ); Assert( op ); if ( op && op->GetGlobalIndex() == nGlobalIndex ) return op; } return NULL; } studiohdr_t* CDmeGameModel::GetStudioHdr() const { const char *pModelName = GetModelName(); MDLHandle_t h = pModelName && pModelName[0] ? g_pMDLCache->FindMDL( pModelName ) : MDLHANDLE_INVALID; return ( h != MDLHANDLE_INVALID ) ? g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( h ) : NULL; } // A src bone transform transforms pre-compiled data (.dmx or .smd files, for example) // into post-compiled data (.mdl or .ani files) bool CDmeGameModel::GetSrcBoneTransforms( matrix3x4_t *pPreTransform, matrix3x4_t *pPostTransform, int nBoneIndex ) const { studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr(); if ( !pStudioHdr ) return false; if ( pStudioHdr->numbones <= nBoneIndex ) return false; const char *pBoneName = pStudioHdr->pBone( nBoneIndex )->pszName(); int nCount = pStudioHdr->NumSrcBoneTransforms(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { const mstudiosrcbonetransform_t *pSrcTransform = pStudioHdr->SrcBoneTransform( i ); if ( Q_stricmp( pSrcTransform->pszName(), pBoneName ) ) continue; MatrixCopy( pSrcTransform->pretransform, *pPreTransform ); MatrixCopy( pSrcTransform->posttransform, *pPostTransform ); return true; } return false; } bool CDmeGameModel::IsRootTransform( int nBoneIndex ) const { studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr(); if ( !pStudioHdr ) return true; if ( pStudioHdr->numbones <= nBoneIndex ) return true; mstudiobone_t *pBone = pStudioHdr->pBone( nBoneIndex ); return pBone->parent == -1; } int CDmeGameModel::NumGlobalFlexControllers() const { return m_globalFlexControllers.Count(); } CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator *CDmeGameModel::GetGlobalFlexController( int localIndex ) { return m_globalFlexControllers.Get( localIndex ); } void CDmeGameModel::RemoveGlobalFlexController( CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator *controller ) { int c = m_globalFlexControllers.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeGlobalFlexControllerOperator *check = m_globalFlexControllers.Get( i ); if ( check == controller ) { m_globalFlexControllers.Remove( i ); break; } } } void CDmeGameModel::AppendGlobalFlexControllerOperators( CUtlVector< IDmeOperator * >& list ) { int c = m_globalFlexControllers.Count(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < c; ++i ) { CDmeOperator *op = m_globalFlexControllers.Get( i ); if ( !op ) continue; list.AddToTail( op ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // accessors //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDmeGameModel::AddBone( CDmeTransform* pTransform ) { m_bones.AddToTail( pTransform ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Is this dag under the game model? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool IsDagUnderGameModel( CDmeDag *pDag, CDmeGameModel *pGameModel ) { if ( pDag == pGameModel ) return true; DmAttributeReferenceIterator_t i = g_pDataModel->FirstAttributeReferencingElement( pDag->GetHandle() ); while ( i != DMATTRIBUTE_REFERENCE_ITERATOR_INVALID ) { CDmAttribute *pAttribute = g_pDataModel->GetAttribute( i ); CDmElement *pDmeParent = pAttribute->GetOwner(); const static UtlSymId_t symChildren = g_pDataModel->GetSymbol( "children" ); if ( pDmeParent && pAttribute->GetNameSymbol() == symChildren ) { CDmeDag *pParent = CastElement< CDmeDag >( pDmeParent ); if ( pParent && ( pParent->GetFileId() == pDag->GetFileId() ) ) { if ( IsDagUnderGameModel( pParent, pGameModel ) ) return true; } } i = g_pDataModel->NextAttributeReferencingElement( i ); } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Is this dag under the game model? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static CDmeDag* GetDagForTransform( CDmeTransform *pTransform, CDmeGameModel *pGameModel ) { DmAttributeReferenceIterator_t i = g_pDataModel->FirstAttributeReferencingElement( pTransform->GetHandle() ); while ( i != DMATTRIBUTE_REFERENCE_ITERATOR_INVALID ) { CDmAttribute *pAttribute = g_pDataModel->GetAttribute( i ); CDmElement *pDmeParent = pAttribute->GetOwner(); const static UtlSymId_t symTransform = g_pDataModel->GetSymbol( "transform" ); if ( pDmeParent && pAttribute->GetNameSymbol() == symTransform ) { CDmeDag *pParent = CastElement< CDmeDag >( pDmeParent ); if ( pParent && ( pParent->GetFileId() == pTransform->GetFileId() ) ) { if ( IsDagUnderGameModel( pParent, pGameModel ) ) return pParent; } } i = g_pDataModel->NextAttributeReferencingElement( i ); } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Finds existing dags //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDmeGameModel::PopulateExistingDagList( CDmeDag** pDags, int nCount ) { int nCurrentBoneCount = m_bones.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { if ( i >= nCurrentBoneCount ) { pDags[ i ] = NULL; continue; } CDmeTransform *pTransform = GetBone( i ); Assert( pTransform ); pDags[ i ] = pTransform ? GetDagForTransform( pTransform, this ) : NULL; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Adds bones to the game model //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDmeGameModel::AddBones( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, const char *pBaseName, int nFirstBone, int nCount ) { if ( nFirstBone + nCount > pStudioHdr->numbones ) { nCount = pStudioHdr->numbones - nFirstBone; if ( nCount <= 0 ) return; } // make room for bones CDmeDag** pDags = ( CDmeDag** )_alloca( pStudioHdr->numbones * sizeof(CDmeDag*) ); int nDagCount = nFirstBone; PopulateExistingDagList( pDags, nFirstBone ); char name[ 256 ]; for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { int bi = i + nFirstBone; // get parent mstudiobone_t *pBone = pStudioHdr->pBone( bi ); int parentIndex = pBone->parent; Assert( parentIndex < nDagCount ); // build dag hierarchy to match bone hierarchy CDmeDag *pParent = ( parentIndex < 0 ) ? this : pDags[ parentIndex ]; Q_snprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "%s_bone %d (%s)", pBaseName, bi, pBone->pszName() ); CDmeDag *pDag = CreateElement< CDmeDag >( name, GetFileId() ); pDags[nDagCount++] = pDag; pParent->AddChild( pDag ); CDmeTransform *pTransform = pDag->GetTransform(); pTransform->SetName( name ); // add different bone representations to dme model and input AddBone( pTransform ); } } void CDmeGameModel::SetBone( uint index, const Vector& pos, const Quaternion& rot ) { m_bones[ index ]->SetPosition( pos ); m_bones[ index ]->SetOrientation( rot ); } void CDmeGameModel::RemoveAllBones() { m_bones.RemoveAll(); } uint CDmeGameModel::NumBones() const { return m_bones.Count(); } CDmeTransform *CDmeGameModel::GetBone( uint index ) const { return m_bones[ index ]; } int CDmeGameModel::FindBone( CDmeTransform *pTransform ) const { return m_bones.Find( pTransform ); } uint CDmeGameModel::NumFlexWeights() const { return m_flexWeights.Count(); } const CUtlVector< float >& CDmeGameModel::GetFlexWeights() const { return m_flexWeights.Get(); } void CDmeGameModel::SetNumFlexWeights( uint nFlexWeights ) { if ( nFlexWeights > (uint)m_flexWeights.Count() ) { while ( (uint)m_flexWeights.Count() < nFlexWeights ) { m_flexWeights.AddToTail( 0.0f ); } } else { while ( (uint)m_flexWeights.Count() > nFlexWeights ) { m_flexWeights.Remove( (uint)m_flexWeights.Count() - 1 ); } } } void CDmeGameModel::SetFlexWeights( uint nFlexWeights, const float* flexWeights ) { m_flexWeights.CopyArray( flexWeights, nFlexWeights ); } const Vector& CDmeGameModel::GetViewTarget() const { return m_viewTarget.Get(); } void CDmeGameModel::SetViewTarget( const Vector &viewTarget ) { m_viewTarget = viewTarget; } void CDmeGameModel::SetFlags( int nFlags ) { m_flags = nFlags; } void CDmeGameModel::SetSkin( int nSkin ) { m_skin = nSkin; } void CDmeGameModel::SetBody( int nBody ) { m_body = nBody; } void CDmeGameModel::SetSequence( int nSequence ) { m_sequence = nSequence; } int CDmeGameModel::GetSkin() const { return m_skin; } int CDmeGameModel::GetBody() const { return m_body; } int CDmeGameModel::GetSequence() const { return m_sequence; } const char *CDmeGameModel::GetModelName() const { return m_modelName.Get(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Expose this class to the scene database //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeGameSprite, CDmeGameSprite ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDmeGameSprite::OnConstruction() { m_modelName .Init( this, "modelName" ); m_frame .Init( this, "frame" ); m_rendermode.Init( this, "rendermode" ); m_renderfx .Init( this, "renderfx" ); m_renderscale.Init( this, "renderscale" ); m_color .Init( this, "color" ); m_proxyRadius.Init( this, "proxyRadius" ); } void CDmeGameSprite::OnDestruction() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // accessors //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *CDmeGameSprite::GetModelName() const { return m_modelName.Get(); } float CDmeGameSprite::GetScale() const { return m_renderscale; } float CDmeGameSprite::GetFrame() const { return m_frame; } int CDmeGameSprite::GetRenderMode() const { return m_rendermode; } int CDmeGameSprite::GetRenderFX() const { return m_renderfx; } const Color &CDmeGameSprite::GetColor() const { return m_color; } float CDmeGameSprite::GetProxyRadius() const { return m_proxyRadius; } void CDmeGameSprite::SetState( bool bVisible, float nFrame, int nRenderMode, int nRenderFX, float flRenderScale, float flProxyRadius, const Vector &pos, const Quaternion &rot, const Color &color ) { m_Visible = bVisible; m_frame = nFrame; m_rendermode = nRenderMode; m_renderfx = nRenderFX; m_renderscale = flRenderScale; m_proxyRadius = flProxyRadius; m_color = color; CDmeTransform *pTransform = GetTransform(); pTransform->SetPosition( pos ); pTransform->SetOrientation( rot ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Expose this class to the scene database //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_ELEMENT_FACTORY( DmeGamePortal, CDmeGamePortal ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDmeGamePortal::OnConstruction() { m_flStaticAmount .Init( this, "staticAmount" ); m_flSecondaryStaticAmount .Init( this, "secondaryStaticAmount" ); m_flOpenAmount .Init( this, "openAmount" ); m_nPortalId .Init( this, "portalId" ); m_nLinkedPortalId .Init( this, "linkedPortalId" ); m_bIsPortal2 .Init( this, "isPortal2" ); } void CDmeGamePortal::OnDestruction() { }