//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #include "dme_controls/soundrecordpanel.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "tier1/KeyValues.h" #include "vgui_controls/Button.h" #include "vgui_controls/TextEntry.h" #include "dme_controls/dmecontrols.h" #include "vgui_controls/messagebox.h" #include "soundemittersystem/isoundemittersystembase.h" #include "vgui/IVGui.h" #include "mathlib/mathlib.h" // FIXME: Move sound code out of the engine + into a library! #include "toolframework/ienginetool.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" using namespace vgui; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Sound Record Dialog // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSoundRecordPanel::CSoundRecordPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pTitle ) : BaseClass( pParent, "SoundRecordPanel" ) { m_bIsRecording = false; m_nPlayingSound = 0; SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true ); m_pOkButton = new Button( this, "OkButton", "#FileOpenDialog_Open", this, "Ok" ); m_pCancelButton = new Button( this, "CancelButton", "#FileOpenDialog_Cancel", this, "Cancel" ); m_pPlayButton = new Button( this, "PlayButton", "Play", this, "Play" ); m_pRecordButton = new Button( this, "Record", "Record", this, "ToggleRecord" ); m_pRecordTime = new TextEntry( this, "RecordTime" ); m_pFileName = new TextEntry( this, "FileName" ); LoadControlSettingsAndUserConfig( "resource/soundrecordpanel.res" ); SetTitle( pTitle, false ); } CSoundRecordPanel::~CSoundRecordPanel() { StopSoundPreview(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Activate the dialog //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundRecordPanel::DoModal( const char *pFileName ) { Assert( EngineTool() ); char pRelativeWAVPath[MAX_PATH]; g_pFullFileSystem->FullPathToRelativePath( pFileName, pRelativeWAVPath, sizeof(pRelativeWAVPath) ); // Check to see if this file is not hidden owing to search paths bool bBadDirectory = false; char pRelativeDir[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( pRelativeDir, pRelativeWAVPath, sizeof( pRelativeDir ) ); Q_StripFilename( pRelativeDir ); char pFoundFullPath[MAX_PATH]; g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( pRelativeDir, "MOD", pFoundFullPath, sizeof( pFoundFullPath ) ); if ( StringHasPrefix( pFileName, pFoundFullPath ) ) { // Strip 'sound/' prefix m_FileName = pRelativeWAVPath; const char *pSoundName = StringAfterPrefix( pRelativeWAVPath, "sound\\" ); if ( !pSoundName ) { pSoundName = pRelativeWAVPath; bBadDirectory = true; } m_EngineFileName = pSoundName; } else { bBadDirectory = true; } if ( bBadDirectory ) { char pBuf[1024]; Q_snprintf( pBuf, sizeof(pBuf), "File %s is in a bad directory!\nAudio must be recorded into your mod's sound/ directory.\n", pFileName ); vgui::MessageBox *pMessageBox = new vgui::MessageBox( "Bad Save Directory!\n", pBuf, GetParent() ); pMessageBox->DoModal( ); return; } m_pFileName->SetText( pFileName ); m_pOkButton->SetEnabled( false ); m_pPlayButton->SetEnabled( false ); BaseClass::DoModal(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stop sound preview //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundRecordPanel::StopSoundPreview( ) { if ( m_nPlayingSound != 0 ) { EngineTool()->StopSoundByGuid( m_nPlayingSound ); m_nPlayingSound = 0; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plays a wav file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundRecordPanel::PlaySoundPreview( ) { StopSoundPreview(); m_nPlayingSound = EngineTool()->StartSound( 0, true, -1, CHAN_STATIC, m_EngineFileName, VOL_NORM, SNDLVL_NONE, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, 0, PITCH_NORM, false, 0 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Updates sound record time during recording //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundRecordPanel::UpdateTimeRecorded() { float flTime = Plat_FloatTime() - m_flRecordStartTime; char pTimeBuf[64]; Q_snprintf( pTimeBuf, sizeof(pTimeBuf), "%.3f", flTime ); m_pRecordTime->SetText( pTimeBuf ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Updates sound record time during recording //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundRecordPanel::OnTick() { BaseClass::OnTick(); // Update the amount of time recorded UpdateTimeRecorded(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // On command //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSoundRecordPanel::OnCommand( const char *pCommand ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "ToggleRecord" ) ) { if ( !m_bIsRecording ) { StopSoundPreview(); g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( m_FileName, "MOD" ); EngineTool()->StartRecordingVoiceToFile( m_FileName, "MOD" ); m_pRecordButton->SetText( "Stop Recording" ); m_pPlayButton->SetEnabled( false ); m_pOkButton->SetEnabled( false ); m_pCancelButton->SetEnabled( true ); m_flRecordStartTime = Plat_FloatTime(); vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 0 ); } else { EngineTool()->StopRecordingVoiceToFile(); EngineTool()->ReloadSound( m_EngineFileName ); ivgui()->RemoveTickSignal( GetVPanel() ); UpdateTimeRecorded(); m_pOkButton->SetEnabled( true ); m_pCancelButton->SetEnabled( true ); m_pPlayButton->SetEnabled( true ); m_pRecordButton->SetText( "Record" ); } m_bIsRecording = !m_bIsRecording; return; } if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "Play" ) ) { PlaySoundPreview(); return; } if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "Ok" ) ) { PostActionSignal( new KeyValues( "SoundRecorded", "relativepath", m_EngineFileName.Get() ) ); CloseModal(); return; } if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "Cancel" ) ) { g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( m_FileName, "MOD" ); CloseModal(); return; } BaseClass::OnCommand( pCommand ); }