//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "c_tf_ammo_pack.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" #ifdef _DEBUG static ConVar tf_debug_weapontrail( "tf_debug_weapontrail", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY ); #endif // _DEBUG // Network table. IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_DT( C_TFAmmoPack, DT_AmmoPack, CTFAmmoPack ) RecvPropVector( RECVINFO( m_vecInitialVelocity ) ), RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO_NAME( m_angNetworkAngles[0], m_angRotation[0] ) ), RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO_NAME( m_angNetworkAngles[1], m_angRotation[1] ) ), RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO_NAME( m_angNetworkAngles[2], m_angRotation[2] ) ), END_RECV_TABLE() C_TFAmmoPack::C_TFAmmoPack( void ) { m_nWorldModelIndex = 0; } C_TFAmmoPack::~C_TFAmmoPack( void ) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : flags - // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int C_TFAmmoPack::DrawModel( int flags ) { #ifdef _DEBUG // Debug! if ( tf_debug_weapontrail.GetBool() ) { Msg( "Ammo Pack:: Position: (%f %f %f), Velocity (%f %f %f)\n", GetAbsOrigin().x, GetAbsOrigin().y, GetAbsOrigin().z, GetAbsVelocity().x, GetAbsVelocity().y, GetAbsVelocity().z ); if ( debugoverlay ) { debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay( GetAbsOrigin(), Vector( -2, -2, -2 ), Vector( 2, 2, 2 ), QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ), 255, 255, 0, 32, 5.0 ); } } #endif // _DEBUG return BaseClass::DrawModel( flags ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : updateType - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void C_TFAmmoPack::OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) { BaseClass::OnDataChanged( updateType ); #ifdef _DEBUG // Debug! if ( tf_debug_weapontrail.GetBool() ) { Msg( "AbsOrigin (%f %f %f), LocalOrigin(%f %f %f)\n", GetAbsOrigin().x, GetAbsOrigin().y, GetAbsOrigin().z, GetLocalOrigin().x, GetLocalOrigin().y, GetLocalOrigin().z ); } #endif // _DEBUG if ( updateType == DATA_UPDATE_CREATED ) { #ifdef _DEBUG // Debug! if ( tf_debug_weapontrail.GetBool() ) { Msg( "Origin (%f %f %f)\n", GetAbsOrigin().x, GetAbsOrigin().y, GetAbsOrigin().z ); } #endif // _DEBUG float flChangeTime = GetLastChangeTime( LATCH_SIMULATION_VAR ); Vector vecCurOrigin = GetLocalOrigin(); // Now stick our initial velocity into the interpolation history CInterpolatedVar< Vector > &interpolator = GetOriginInterpolator(); interpolator.ClearHistory(); interpolator.AddToHead( flChangeTime - 0.15f, &vecCurOrigin, false ); m_nWorldModelIndex = m_nModelIndex; } } int C_TFAmmoPack::GetWorldModelIndex( void ) { if ( m_nWorldModelIndex == 0 ) return m_nModelIndex; if ( GameRules() ) { const char *pBaseName = modelinfo->GetModelName( modelinfo->GetModel( m_nWorldModelIndex ) ); const char *pTranslatedName = GameRules()->TranslateEffectForVisionFilter( "weapons", pBaseName ); if ( pTranslatedName != pBaseName ) { return modelinfo->GetModelIndex( pTranslatedName ); } } return m_nWorldModelIndex; } void C_TFAmmoPack::ValidateModelIndex( void ) { m_nModelIndex = GetWorldModelIndex(); BaseClass::ValidateModelIndex(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : currentTime - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool C_TFAmmoPack::Interpolate( float currentTime ) { return BaseClass::Interpolate( currentTime ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pPlayer - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void C_TFAmmoPack::DisplayHintTo( C_BasePlayer *pPlayer ) { C_TFPlayer *pTFPlayer = ToTFPlayer(pPlayer); if ( pTFPlayer->IsPlayerClass( TF_CLASS_ENGINEER ) ) { pTFPlayer->HintMessage( HINT_ENGINEER_PICKUP_METAL ); } else { pTFPlayer->HintMessage( HINT_PICKUP_AMMO ); } }