//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // TF Flare Projectile // //============================================================================= #ifndef TF_PROJECTILE_FLARE_H #define TF_PROJECTILE_FLARE_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "tf_weaponbase_rocket.h" #include "iscorer.h" // Base force scaler #define TF_FLARE_PELLET_FORCE 20.0f // The farther the pellet flies, the more force it does up to a max of 4X at 1 second #define TF_FLARE_PELLET_FORCE_DISTANCE_SCALE 3.75f // We need this to get the player off the ground #define TF_FLARE_PELLET_FORCE_UPWARD 275 // We need this to get the heavy off the ground #define TF_FLARE_PELLET_FORCE_UPWARD_HEAVY 525 class CTFProjectile_Flare : public CTFBaseRocket, public IScorer { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CTFProjectile_Flare, CTFBaseRocket ); DECLARE_NETWORKCLASS(); DECLARE_DATADESC(); CTFProjectile_Flare(); ~CTFProjectile_Flare(); // Creation. static CTFProjectile_Flare *Create( CBaseEntity *pLauncher, const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &vecAngles, CBaseEntity *pOwner = NULL, CBaseEntity *pScorer = NULL ); virtual void Spawn(); virtual void Precache(); virtual int GetWeaponID( void ) const { return TF_WEAPON_FLAREGUN; } virtual void Explode( trace_t *pTrace, CBaseEntity *pOther ); void Explode_Air( trace_t *pTrace, int bitsDamageType, bool bSelfOnly = false ); void Detonate( bool bSelfOnly = false ); virtual float GetRadius( void ); void SendDeathNotice( void ); float GetTimeAlive( void ) const { return gpGlobals->curtime - m_flCreationTime; } bool IsFromTaunt( void ) const { return m_bIsFromTaunt; } void ImpactThink( void ); // Implement this if you use MOVETYPE_CUSTOM virtual void PerformCustomPhysics( Vector *pNewPosition, Vector *pNewVelocity, QAngle *pNewAngles, QAngle *pNewAngVelocity ); // IScorer interface virtual CBasePlayer *GetScorer( void ); virtual CBasePlayer *GetAssistant( void ) { return NULL; } void SetScorer( CBaseEntity *pScorer ); void SetCritical( bool bCritical ) { m_bCritical = bCritical; } virtual int GetDamageType(); virtual bool IsDeflectable() { return true; } virtual void Deflected( CBaseEntity *pDeflectedBy, Vector &vecDir ); virtual bool IsDestroyable( void ) OVERRIDE { return false; } float GetProjectileSpeed( void ) const; float GetHeatSeekPower( void ) const; private: CBaseHandle m_Scorer; bool m_bIsFromTaunt; float m_flCreationTime; float m_flImpactTime; Vector m_vecImpactNormal; CNetworkVar( bool, m_bCritical ); bool m_bImpact; float m_flNextSeekUpdate; }; #endif //TF_PROJECTILE_FLARE_H