//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // c_prop_energy_ball.cpp // // Purpose: Portal version of the combine ball. This client code is needed to provide a different // look when the energy ball has infinite life and to have modified client effects. // //=====================================================================================// #include "cbase.h" // precompiled headers #include "c_prop_combine_ball.h" // Our parent class #include "clienteffectprecachesystem.h" // To precache our new material ConVar cl_energy_ball_start_fade_time ( "cl_energy_ball_start_fade_time", "8", FCVAR_CHEAT ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Portal version of a combine ball //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class C_PropEnergyBall : public C_PropCombineBall { public: DECLARE_CLASS( C_PropEnergyBall, C_PropCombineBall ); DECLARE_CLIENTCLASS(); DECLARE_PREDICTABLE(); C_PropEnergyBall(); virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ); protected: bool InitMaterials(); bool m_bIsInfiniteLife; // if this energy ball is an infinite life variety float m_fTimeTillDeath; // If this is a finite life energy ball, the time remaining until detonation float m_fCurAlpha; // The amount of alpha to apply at DrawModel, to simulate a decaying energy ball }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( prop_energy_ball, C_PropEnergyBall ); // precache our different materials for the infinite life energy balls CLIENTEFFECT_REGISTER_BEGIN( PrecacheEffectEnergyBall ) CLIENTEFFECT_MATERIAL( "effects/eball_infinite_life" ) CLIENTEFFECT_MATERIAL( "effects/eball_finite_life" ) CLIENTEFFECT_REGISTER_END() IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_DT( C_PropEnergyBall, DT_PropEnergyBall, CPropEnergyBall ) RecvPropBool( RECVINFO( m_bIsInfiniteLife ) ), RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO( m_fTimeTillDeath ) ), END_RECV_TABLE() BEGIN_PREDICTION_DATA( C_PropEnergyBall ) DEFINE_PRED_FIELD( m_bIsInfiniteLife, FIELD_BOOLEAN, FTYPEDESC_INSENDTABLE ), DEFINE_PRED_FIELD( m_fTimeTillDeath, FIELD_FLOAT, FTYPEDESC_INSENDTABLE ), END_PREDICTION_DATA() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C_PropEnergyBall::C_PropEnergyBall(): m_bIsInfiniteLife(false), m_fTimeTillDeath(-1), m_fCurAlpha ( 1.0f ) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Flag our data as new this frame // Input : DataUpdateType_t, either created or updated // Output : void //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void C_PropEnergyBall::OnDataChanged(DataUpdateType_t updateType ) { BaseClass::OnDataChanged( updateType ); // If our data changed this frame, then operate based on it next think if ( updateType == DATA_UPDATE_DATATABLE_CHANGED ) { float fStartFadeTime = cl_energy_ball_start_fade_time.GetFloat(); if ( fStartFadeTime < 1.0f ) { fStartFadeTime = 1.0f; } // The last x seconds of life, fade if ( (m_fTimeTillDeath > 0.0f) ) { float fNewAlpha = m_fTimeTillDeath / fStartFadeTime; clamp( fNewAlpha, 0.0f, 1.0f ); m_fCurAlpha = fNewAlpha; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Use our custom body materials for energy ball, but otherwise use the base class materials (base being C_PropCombineBall) // Output : bool //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool C_PropEnergyBall::InitMaterials() { // Use the same materials as a combine ball bool bRetVal = BaseClass::InitMaterials(); // If we're an infinite life combine ball, swap out the body material (and the base implementation didnt fail) IMaterial* pBodyMat; if ( m_bIsInfiniteLife ) { pBodyMat = materials->FindMaterial( "effects/eball_infinite_life", NULL, false ); } else { pBodyMat = materials->FindMaterial( "effects/eball_finite_life", NULL, false ); } // If we can find our custom material, use it. if ( pBodyMat == NULL ) { bRetVal = false; } else { m_pBodyMaterial = pBodyMat; m_pBodyMaterial->AlphaModulate( m_fCurAlpha ); } return bRetVal; }