//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=============================================================================// #include "mathlib/mathlib.h" #include "convar.h" // ConVar define #include "view.h" #include "gl_cvars.h" // mat_overbright #include "cmd.h" // Cmd_* #include "console.h" // ConMsg // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" static bool s_bAllow3DNow = true; static bool s_bAllowSSE2 = true; void InitMathlib( void ) { MathLib_Init( 2.2f, // v_gamma.GetFloat() 2.2f, // v_texgamma.GetFloat() 0.0f /*v_brightness.GetFloat() */, 2.0f /*mat_overbright.GetInt() */, s_bAllow3DNow, true, s_bAllowSSE2, true ); } /* =============== R_SSE2 =============== */ CON_COMMAND( r_sse2, "Enable/disable SSE2 code" ) { if (args.ArgC() == 1) { s_bAllowSSE2 = true; } else { s_bAllowSSE2 = atoi( args[1] ) ? true : false; } InitMathlib(); ConMsg( "SSE2 code is %s\n", MathLib_SSE2Enabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled" ); } /* =============== R_3DNow =============== */ CON_COMMAND( r_3dnow, "Enable/disable 3DNow code" ) { if (args.ArgC() == 1) { s_bAllow3DNow = true; } else { s_bAllow3DNow = atoi( args[1] ) ? true : false; } InitMathlib(); ConMsg( "3DNow code is %s\n", MathLib_3DNowEnabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled" ); }