//====== Copyright 1996-2010, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======= // // Purpose: The file defines our Google Protocol Buffers which are used in over // the wire messages between servers as well as between the TF GC and TF gameservers // and clients. // //============================================================================= // We care more about speed than code size option optimize_for = SPEED; // We don't use the service generation functionality option cc_generic_services = false; // // STYLE NOTES: // // Use CamelCase CMsgMyMessageName style names for messages. // // Use lowercase _ delimited names like my_steam_id for field names, this is non-standard for Steam, // but plays nice with the Google formatted code generation. // // Try not to use required fields ever. Only do so if you are really really sure you'll never want them removed. // Optional should be preffered as it will make versioning easier and cleaner in the future if someone refactors // your message and wants to remove or rename fields. // // Use fixed64 for JobId_t, GID_t, or SteamID. This is appropriate for any field that is normally // going to be larger than 2^56. Otherwise use int64 for 64 bit values that are frequently smaller // than 2^56 as it will safe space on the wire in those cases. // // Similar to fixed64, use fixed32 for RTime32 or other 32 bit values that are frequently larger than // 2^28. It will save space in those cases, otherwise use int32 which will safe space for smaller values. // An exception to this rule for RTime32 is if the value will frequently be zero rather than set to an actual // time. // import "steammessages.proto"; // Messages enum EGCBaseMsg { k_EMsgGCSystemMessage = 4001; // broadcast announcements from the GC k_EMsgGCReplicateConVars = 4002; // GC => client k_EMsgGCConVarUpdated = 4003; // GC => client //k_EMsgGCInQueue = 4008; // GC => client // !GROSS! These have ben moved to gcsystemmsgs.proto. But I didn't reassign their number //k_EMsgGCClientWelcome = 4004; // GC => client //k_EMsgGCServerWelcome = 4005; // GC => server //k_EMsgGCClientHello = 4006; // client => GC //k_EMsgGCServerHello = 4007; // server => GC //k_EMsgGCClientConnectionStatus = 4009; // GC => client //k_EMsgGCServerConnectionStatus = 4010; // GC => server // Matchmaking messages k_EMsgGCInviteToParty = 4501; // inviting another player to your party k_EMsgGCInvitationCreated = 4502; // sent from GC to sender k_EMsgGCPartyInviteResponse = 4503; // client accepting a party invite k_EMsgGCKickFromParty = 4504; // sent from party leader to GC to kick a player from the party k_EMsgGCLeaveParty = 4505; // sent from party member to GC to leave a party k_EMsgGCServerAvailable = 4506; // send from a dedicated server when its ready k_EMsgGCClientConnectToServer = 4507; // sent to a client to connect to a server k_EMsgGCGameServerInfo = 4508; // send from a dedicated server for server address information k_EMsgGCError = 4509; // sent from GC to client telling client about an error k_EMsgGCReplay_UploadedToYouTube = 4510; // client => GC k_EMsgGCLANServerAvailable = 4511; // send from a listen server when its ready }; //enum EGCSharedMsg = 7001-7006 enum EGCBaseProtoObjectTypes { k_EProtoObjectPartyInvite = 1001; k_EProtoObjectLobbyInvite = 1002; }; // Econ message CGCStorePurchaseInit_LineItem { optional uint32 item_def_id = 1; // DefIndex of the item to purchase optional uint32 quantity = 2; // quantity to purchase optional uint32 cost_in_local_currency = 3; // cost in cents of the local currency the user thinks he should pay (if you change this update item_price_t!) optional uint32 purchase_type = 4; // is this a regular purchase? a rental? maps to ECartItemType }; // k_EMsgGCStorePurchaseInit message CMsgGCStorePurchaseInit { optional string country = 1; // Country the purchase is being made from (obtained from Steam) optional int32 language = 2; // Client's language optional int32 currency = 3; // Currency the purchase is in (obtained from Steam) repeated CGCStorePurchaseInit_LineItem line_items = 4; }; // k_EMsgGCStorePurchaseInitResponse message CMsgGCStorePurchaseInitResponse { optional int32 result = 1; // Result of the operation optional uint64 txn_id = 2; // Transaction ID of the new transaction }; // Shared objects // // CSOPartyInvite - sent from the GC to possible new party member // message CSOPartyInvite { optional uint64 group_id = 1 [ (key_field) = true ]; optional fixed64 sender_id = 2; optional string sender_name = 3; }; // Sent from the GC to possible new lobby member // message CSOLobbyInvite { optional uint64 group_id = 1 [ (key_field) = true ]; optional fixed64 sender_id = 2; optional string sender_name = 3; // TODO: Game mode, etc. }; // // CMsgSystemBroadcast // message CMsgSystemBroadcast { optional string message = 1; // the message to display on the client }; // // CMsgClientHello // message CMsgClientHello { optional uint32 version = 1; }; // // CMsgServerHello // message CMsgServerHello { optional uint32 version = 1; }; // // CMsgClientWelcome // message CMsgClientWelcome { optional uint32 version = 1; optional bytes game_data = 2; }; // // CMsgServerWelcome // message CMsgServerWelcome { optional uint32 min_allowed_version = 1; optional uint32 active_version = 2; }; enum GCGoodbyeReason { GCGoodbyeReason_GC_GOING_DOWN = 1; GCGoodbyeReason_NO_SESSION = 2; }; // // CMsgClientGoodbye // message CMsgClientGoodbye { optional GCGoodbyeReason reason = 1; }; // // CMsgServerGoodbye // message CMsgServerGoodbye { optional GCGoodbyeReason reason = 1; }; // // CMsgInviteToParty - sent from party leader to the GC // message CMsgInviteToParty { optional fixed64 steam_id = 1; optional uint32 client_version = 2; optional uint32 team_id = 3; optional bool as_coach = 4; }; // // CMsgInvitationCreated - sent from GC to the party leader // message CMsgInvitationCreated { optional uint64 group_id = 1; optional fixed64 steam_id = 2; }; // // CMsgPartyInviteResponse - sent from client to GC when accepting/rejecting a CMsgPartyInvite // message CMsgPartyInviteResponse { optional uint64 party_id = 1; optional bool accept = 2; optional uint32 client_version = 3; optional uint32 team_id = 4; optional bool as_coach = 5; }; // // CMsgKickFromParty - sent from party leader to the GC // message CMsgKickFromParty { optional fixed64 steam_id = 1; }; // // CMsgLeaveParty - sent from party member to the GC // message CMsgLeaveParty { optional uint64 party_id = 1; // Party the user wants to leave optional uint64 lobby_id = 2; // Lobby the user wants to leave }; // // CMsgServerAvailable - send from a dedicated server to the GC to indicate availability // message CMsgServerAvailable { }; // // CMsgLANServerAvailable - send from a listen server to the GC to indicate availability // message CMsgLANServerAvailable { optional fixed64 lobby_id = 1; }; // // Used by CEconGameAccountClient // message CSOEconGameAccountClient { optional uint32 additional_backpack_slots = 1 [ default = 0 ]; // the number of backpack slots this user has on top of DEFAULT_NUM_BACKPACK_SLOTS optional bool trial_account = 2 [ default = false ]; // optional bool eligible_for_online_play = 3 [ default = true ]; // DEPRECATED optional bool need_to_choose_most_helpful_friend = 4; optional bool in_coaches_list = 5; optional fixed32 trade_ban_expiration = 6; optional fixed32 duel_ban_expiration = 7; optional uint32 preview_item_def = 8 [ default = 0 ]; // optional bool eligible_for_community_market = 9; // DEPRECATED optional bool phone_verified = 19 [ default = false ]; optional uint32 skill_rating_6v6 = 20; optional uint32 skill_rating_9v9 = 21; // optional bool two_factor_enabled = 22 [ default = false ]; // No longer shared with clients optional bool competitive_access = 23 [ default = false ]; // !! 18 out of order slightly to be more properly grouped with the various ban fields optional uint32 matchmaking_ranked_ban_expiration = 18; // player can't matchmake in ranked groups until this time optional uint32 matchmaking_ranked_low_priority_expiration = 24; // MM low priority in ranked groups until optional uint32 matchmaking_ranked_ban_last_duration = 25; // How long the current ranked ban's total duration was set for optional uint32 matchmaking_ranked_low_priority_last_duration = 26; // How long the current ranked ban's total duration was set for optional uint32 matchmaking_casual_ban_expiration = 27; // player can't matchmake in casual groups until this time optional uint32 matchmaking_casual_low_priority_expiration = 28; // MM low priority in casual groups until optional uint32 matchmaking_casual_ban_last_duration = 29; // How long the current casual ban's total duration was set for optional uint32 matchmaking_casual_low_priority_last_duration = 30; // How long the current casual ban's total duration was set for optional bool phone_identifying = 31 [ default = false ]; }; // // Used by CEconCraftingRecipe // message CSOItemCriteriaCondition { optional int32 op = 1; optional string field = 2; optional bool required = 3; optional float float_value = 4; optional string string_value = 5; } message CSOItemCriteria { optional uint32 item_level = 1; optional int32 item_quality = 2; optional bool item_level_set = 3; optional bool item_quality_set = 4; optional uint32 initial_inventory = 5; optional uint32 initial_quantity = 6; // optional bool forced_quality_match__DEPRECATED = 7; optional bool ignore_enabled_flag = 8; repeated CSOItemCriteriaCondition conditions = 9; optional bool recent_only = 10; optional string tags = 11; }; message CSOItemRecipe { optional uint32 def_index = 1; optional string name = 2; optional string n_a = 3; optional string desc_inputs = 4; optional string desc_outputs = 5; optional string di_a = 6; optional string di_b = 7; optional string di_c = 8; optional string do_a = 9; optional string do_b = 10; optional string do_c = 11; optional bool requires_all_same_class = 12; optional bool requires_all_same_slot = 13; optional int32 class_usage_for_output = 14; optional int32 slot_usage_for_output = 15; optional int32 set_for_output = 16; repeated CSOItemCriteria input_items_criteria = 20; repeated CSOItemCriteria output_items_criteria = 21; repeated uint32 input_item_dupe_counts = 22; }; // // k_EMsgGCDev_NewItemRequest // message CMsgDevNewItemRequest { //using fixed64 since steamids have lots of entropy in their bits optional fixed64 receiver = 1; optional CSOItemCriteria criteria = 2; }; // // k_EMsgGCDev_DebugRollLootRequest // message CMsgDevDebugRollLootRequest { //using fixed64 since steamids have lots of entropy in their bits optional fixed64 receiver = 1; optional string loot_list_name = 2; }; // // k_EMsgGC_IncrementKillCountAttribute // message CMsgIncrementKillCountAttribute { optional uint64 killer_steam_id = 1; // Kyle says: we could make these both fixed32! optional uint64 victim_steam_id = 2; optional uint64 item_id = 3; optional uint32 event_type = 4; optional uint32 increment_value = 5; // How much to increment the score by }; // // k_EMsgGC_IncrementKillCountAttribute_Multiple // message CMsgIncrementKillCountAttribute_Multiple { repeated CMsgIncrementKillCountAttribute msgs = 1; }; // // k_EMsgGC_TrackUniquePlayerPairEvent // message CMsgTrackUniquePlayerPairEvent { optional uint64 killer_steam_id = 1; // Kyle says: we could make these both fixed32! optional uint64 victim_steam_id = 2; optional uint64 item_id = 3; optional uint32 event_type = 4; }; // // k_EMsgGCApplyStrangeCountTransfer // message CMsgApplyStrangeCountTransfer { optional uint64 tool_item_id = 1; // item id of the xfer tool optional uint64 item_src_item_id = 2; optional uint64 item_dest_item_id = 3; }; // // k_EMsgGCApplyStrangePart // message CMsgApplyStrangePart { optional uint64 strange_part_item_id = 1; // which part are we "inserting"? optional uint64 item_item_id = 2; // what strange item are we inserting this new part into? }; // // k_EMsgGCApplyStrangeRestriction // message CMsgApplyStrangeRestriction { optional uint64 strange_part_item_id = 1; // which restriction item are we "inserting"? optional uint64 item_item_id = 2; // what strange item are we inserting this new part into? optional uint32 strange_attr_index = 3; // which slot did the user select for application? }; // // k_EMsgGCApplyUpgradeCard // message CMsgApplyUpgradeCard { optional uint64 upgrade_card_item_id = 1; // which card are we attaching? optional uint64 subject_item_id = 2; // what item are we applying this new card to? }; // // Used by CEconItem // message CSOEconItemAttribute { optional uint32 def_index = 1; optional uint32 value = 2; // DEPRECATED -- see value_bytes optional bytes value_bytes = 3; } message CSOEconItemEquipped { optional uint32 new_class = 1; optional uint32 new_slot = 2; } message CSOEconItem { optional uint64 id = 1; optional uint32 account_id = 2; optional uint32 inventory = 3; optional uint32 def_index = 4; optional uint32 quantity = 5; optional uint32 level = 6; optional uint32 quality = 7; optional uint32 flags = 8 [ default = 0 ]; optional uint32 origin = 9; optional string custom_name = 10; optional string custom_desc = 11; repeated CSOEconItemAttribute attribute = 12; optional CSOEconItem interior_item = 13; optional bool in_use = 14 [ default = false ]; optional uint32 style = 15 [default = 0 ]; optional uint64 original_id = 16 [ default = 0 ]; optional bool contains_equipped_state = 17; // DEPRECATED repeated CSOEconItemEquipped equipped_state = 18; optional bool contains_equipped_state_v2 = 19; // will be set to true even if equipped_state is an empty array, meaning "unequipped from everything" } // // k_EMsgGCAdjustItemEquippedState // message CMsgAdjustItemEquippedState { optional uint64 item_id = 1; optional uint32 new_class = 2; optional uint32 new_slot = 3; // will be -1 if not equipped on this class any longer } // // k_EMsgGCSortItems // message CMsgSortItems { optional uint32 sort_type = 1; } // // Used by CEconClaimCode // message CSOEconClaimCode { optional uint32 account_id = 1; optional uint32 code_type = 2; optional uint32 time_acquired = 3; optional string code = 4; } // // k_EMsgGCStoreGetUserData // message CMsgStoreGetUserData { optional fixed32 price_sheet_version = 1; } // // k_EMsgGCStoreGetUserDataResponse // message CMsgStoreGetUserDataResponse { optional int32 result = 1; // Result of the call optional int32 currency = 2; // Currency to display to the user optional string country = 3; // Country the purchase is being made from (Send back in k_EMsgGCStorePurchaseInit) optional fixed32 price_sheet_version = 4; // Version of the current price sheet on the GC // experiments optional uint64 experiment_data = 5 [ default = 0 ]; // top 32 bits = experiment id, bottom 32 bits = experiment group number optional int32 featured_item_idx = 6; optional bool show_hat_descriptions = 7 [ default = true ]; // Serialized KV representing the price sheet menu optional bytes price_sheet = 8; optional int32 default_item_sort = 9 [ default = 0 ]; // popular items by def repeated uint32 popular_items = 10; }; // // k_EMsgGCUpdateItemSchema // message CMsgUpdateItemSchema { optional bytes items_game = 1; // actual contents of items_game.txt (only used on dev) optional fixed32 item_schema_version = 2; // Version of the items_game.txt we're using optional string items_game_url = 3; // HTTP URL where they can use to fetch the one we're using, if theirs is out of date and we don't send the contents optional bytes signature = 4; // signature of the schema (either the one at the CDN, or the bytes we are providing). In certain branches (TF) this is required. }; // sent from the GC to a client telling him about a GC error message CMsgGCError { optional string error_text = 1; }; // // k_EMsgGCRequestInventoryRefresh // message CMsgRequestInventoryRefresh { }; // // k_EMsgGCConvarUpdated // message CMsgConVarValue { optional string name = 1; optional string value = 2; }; // // k_EMsgGCReplicateConVars // message CMsgReplicateConVars { repeated CMsgConVarValue convars = 1; }; // // k_EMsgGCUseItemRequest // message CMsgUseItem { optional uint64 item_id = 1; optional fixed64 target_steam_id = 2; // 64-bit field left over from original message repeated uint32 gift__potential_targets = 3; optional uint32 duel__class_lock = 4; optional fixed64 initiator_steam_id = 5; optional bool itempack__ack_immediately = 6; }; // // k_EMsgGCReplay_UploadedToYouTube // message CMsgReplayUploadedToYouTube { optional string youtube_url = 1; optional string youtube_account_name = 2; optional uint64 session_id = 3; }; // // k_EMsgGCConsumableExhausted // message CMsgConsumableExhausted { optional int32 item_def_id = 1; }; // // k_EMsgGCItemAcknowledged // message CMsgItemAcknowledged { optional uint32 account_id = 1; optional uint32 inventory = 2; optional uint32 def_index = 3; optional uint32 quality = 4; optional uint32 rarity = 5; optional uint32 origin = 6; optional uint32 is_strange = 7; optional uint32 is_unusual = 8; optional float wear = 9; }; // // CMsgSetPresetItemPosition // message CMsgSetPresetItemPosition { optional uint32 class_id = 1; optional uint32 preset_id = 2; optional uint32 slot_id = 3; optional uint64 item_id = 4; }; // // CMsgSetItemPositions // message CMsgSetItemPositions { message ItemPosition { optional uint64 item_id = 1; optional uint32 position = 2; } repeated ItemPosition item_positions = 1; }; // // CSOEconItemPresetInstance - The preset, class and slot ID's are all marked key fields, so that those // fields will always be networked down to clients, even if only the item ID is modified. This is so that // when CSharedObjectTypeCache::BUpdateFromMsg() calls its FindSharedObject(), it will have the necessary // key data for CEconItemPresetInstance::BIsKeyLess() to be able to function. Without these, FindSharedObject() // fails and no object is updated. // message CSOEconItemPresetInstance { // optional uint32 account_id = 1; // NOTE: Never use id '1' again - but we don't need to transmit the account id here optional uint32 class_id = 2 [ (key_field) = true ]; optional uint32 preset_id = 3 [ (key_field) = true ]; optional uint32 slot_id = 4 [ (key_field) = true ]; optional uint64 item_id = 5; }; // // k_EMsgGCPresets_SelectPresetForClass // message CMsgSelectPresetForClass { optional uint32 class_id = 1; // which class we're changing the selection on optional uint32 preset_id = 2; // which preset we want to change to }; // // CSOClassPresetClientData // message CSOClassPresetClientData { optional uint32 account_id = 1; optional uint32 class_id = 2; optional uint32 active_preset_id = 3; }; // // k_EMsgGC_ReportAbuse // message CMsgGCReportAbuse { optional fixed64 target_steam_id = 1; // who is the user accusing? optional string description = 4; // in the user's own words optional uint64 gid = 5; // meaning depends on content type // If accusing a player: optional uint32 abuse_type = 2; // EAbuseReportType optional uint32 content_type = 3; // ECommunityContentType // If accusing a game server: optional fixed32 target_game_server_ip = 6; optional uint32 target_game_server_port = 7; }; // // k_EMsgGC_ReportAbuseResponse // message CMsgGCReportAbuseResponse { optional fixed64 target_steam_id = 1; // target to which this reply is in reference optional uint32 result = 2; // EResult optional string error_message = 3; // Diagnostic error message (not localized, for debugging purposes only) }; // // k_EMsgGCNameItemNotification // message CMsgGCNameItemNotification { optional fixed64 player_steamid = 1; optional uint32 item_def_index = 2; optional string item_name_custom = 3; }; // // k_EMsgGCClientDisplayNotification // message CMsgGCClientDisplayNotification { optional string notification_title_localization_key = 1; optional string notification_body_localization_key = 2; repeated string body_substring_keys = 3; repeated string body_substring_values = 4; }; // // k_EMsgGCShowItemsPickedUp // message CMsgGCShowItemsPickedUp { optional fixed64 player_steamid = 1; }; // // k_EMsgGC_UpdatePeriodicEvent // message CMsgUpdatePeriodicEvent { optional uint32 account_id = 1; optional uint32 event_type = 2; optional uint32 amount = 3; }; // // k_EMsgGCIncrementKillCountResponse // message CMsgGCIncrementKillCountResponse // was CMsgTFIncrementKillCountResponse { optional uint32 killer_account_id = 1 [ (key_field) = true ]; // name of the user who got the kill optional uint32 num_kills = 2; // number of kills (or: ubers released; or gifts given out; etc.) optional uint32 item_def = 3; // id of the item in question optional uint32 level_type = 4; // what sort of rank is this? (ie., kills, gifts, etc.) used for looking up strings }; // // k_EMsgGCRemoveStrangePart // message CMsgGCRemoveStrangePart { optional uint64 item_id = 1; // ID of the item we're removing a part from optional uint32 strange_part_score_type = 2; // score type counted by the strange part we want to remove -- it doesn't matter what slot this part is in or what item def it came from as each item can only have one counter of each type }; // // k_EMsgGCRemoveUpgradeCard // message CMsgGCRemoveUpgradeCard { optional uint64 item_id = 1; // ID of the item we're removing a part from optional uint32 attribute_index = 2; // the attribute index of the attribute we want to remove; this is only valid if the attribute is set to be user-customizable }; // // k_EMsgGCRemoveItemPaint // k_EMsgGCRemoveCustomTexture // k_EMsgGCRemoveMakersMark // message CMsgGCRemoveCustomizationAttributeSimple { optional uint64 item_id = 1; }; // // k_EMsgGCResetStrangeScores // message CMsgGCResetStrangeScores { optional uint64 item_id = 1; }; // // k_EMsgGCItemPreviewItemBoughtNotification // message CMsgGCItemPreviewItemBoughtNotification { optional uint32 item_def_index = 1; }; // // k_EMsgGCStorePurchaseCancel // message CMsgGCStorePurchaseCancel { optional uint64 txn_id = 1; // Transaction ID for the the transaction }; // // k_EMsgGCStorePurchaseCancelResponse // message CMsgGCStorePurchaseCancelResponse { optional uint32 result = 1; // Result of the operation }; // // k_EMsgGCStorePurchaseFinalize // message CMsgGCStorePurchaseFinalize { optional uint64 txn_id = 1; // Transaction ID for the the transaction }; // // k_EMsgGCStorePurchaseFinalizeResponse // message CMsgGCStorePurchaseFinalizeResponse { optional uint32 result = 1; // Result of the operation repeated uint64 item_ids = 2; // If successful, list of uint64's that represent the purchased items }; // k_EMsgGCBannedWordListRequest message CMsgGCBannedWordListRequest { optional uint32 ban_list_group_id = 1; // The group code to request the word list from (English, Chinese, etc) optional uint32 word_id = 2; // The most recent word ID that we want to request (the response will include this ID if present) }; // // k_EMsgGCGiftedItems // message CMsgGCGiftedItems { optional uint64 gifter_steam_id = 1; optional bool was_random_person = 2; repeated uint32 recipient_account_ids = 3; }; // // k_EMsgGCCollectItem // message CMsgGCCollectItem { optional uint64 collection_item_id = 1; optional uint64 subject_item_id = 2; }; // // k_EMsgGCClientRequestMarketData // message CMsgGCClientMarketDataRequest { optional uint32 user_currency = 1; }; // // k_EMsgGCClientRequestMarketDataResponse // message CMsgGCClientMarketDataEntry { optional uint32 item_def_index = 1; optional uint32 item_quality = 2; optional uint32 item_sell_listings = 3; optional uint32 price_in_local_currency = 4; }; message CMsgGCClientMarketData { repeated CMsgGCClientMarketDataEntry entries = 1; }; // // k_EMsgGCApplyStrangifier // k_EMsgGCUseItemEaterRecharger // message CMsgApplyToolToItem { optional uint64 tool_item_id = 1; // which item tool are we using optional uint64 subject_item_id = 2; // what item are we applying this tool to? }; message CMsgApplyToolToBaseItem { optional uint64 tool_item_id = 1; // which item tool are we using optional uint32 baseitem_def_index = 2; // which base item def index are we applying this tool to? }; message CMsgRecipeComponent { optional uint64 subject_item_id = 1; optional uint64 attribute_index = 2; }; // // k_EMsgGCFulfillDynamicRecipeComponent // message CMsgFulfillDynamicRecipeComponent { optional uint64 tool_item_id = 1; // which item tool are we using repeated CMsgRecipeComponent consumption_components = 2; // Items to consume }; // // k_EMsgGCSetItemEffectVerticalOffset // message CMsgSetItemEffectVerticalOffset { optional uint64 item_id = 1; optional float offset = 2; }; // // k_EMsgGCSetHatEffectUseHeadOrigin // message CMsgSetHatEffectUseHeadOrigin { optional uint64 item_id = 1; optional bool use_head = 2; }; // // k_EMsgGCDeliverGiftResponseGiver // message CMsgDeliverGiftResponseGiver { optional uint32 response_code = 1; optional string receiver_account_name = 2; // will only be set if found and if the user wasn't specifically selected }; // // Used by CEconGameAccountClientForGameServers // message CSOEconGameAccountForGameServers { // Deprecated. // optional uint32 skill_rating = 3; // optional uint32 skill_rating_6v6 = 2; // optional uint32 skill_rating_9v9 = 4; // optional uint32 skill_rating_12v12 = 5; }; // ================================================================================================ // ================================================================================================ // PROTOBUF DEFINITIONS COPIED FROM STEAM // ================================================================================================ // ================================================================================================ message CWorkshop_PopulateItemDescriptions_Request { message SingleItemDescription { optional uint32 gameitemid = 1; optional string item_description = 2; } message ItemDescriptionsLanguageBlock { optional string language = 1; // ICU name repeated SingleItemDescription descriptions = 2; } optional uint32 appid = 1; repeated ItemDescriptionsLanguageBlock languages = 2; } message CWorkshop_GetContributors_Request { optional uint32 appid = 1; optional uint32 gameitemid = 2; } message CWorkshop_GetContributors_Response { repeated fixed64 contributors = 1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ message CWorkshop_SetItemPaymentRules_Request { message WorkshopItemPaymentRule { optional uint64 workshop_file_id = 1; optional float revenue_percentage = 2; optional string rule_description = 3; } message PartnerItemPaymentRule { optional uint32 account_id = 1; optional float revenue_percentage = 2; optional string rule_description = 3; } optional uint32 appid = 1; optional uint32 gameitemid = 2; repeated WorkshopItemPaymentRule associated_workshop_files = 3; repeated PartnerItemPaymentRule partner_accounts = 4; } message CWorkshop_SetItemPaymentRules_Response { } // Don�t remove this line at the end of the file due a bug in the Mac OS X protobuf compiler