//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "weapon_csbasegun.h" #if defined( CLIENT_DLL ) #define CWeaponG3SG1 C_WeaponG3SG1 #include "c_cs_player.h" #else #include "cs_player.h" #include "KeyValues.h" #endif class CWeaponG3SG1 : public CWeaponCSBaseGun { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CWeaponG3SG1, CWeaponCSBaseGun ); DECLARE_NETWORKCLASS(); DECLARE_PREDICTABLE(); CWeaponG3SG1(); virtual void Spawn(); virtual void SecondaryAttack(); virtual void PrimaryAttack(); virtual bool Reload(); virtual bool Deploy(); virtual float GetInaccuracy() const; virtual float GetMaxSpeed(); virtual CSWeaponID GetWeaponID( void ) const { return WEAPON_G3SG1; } private: CWeaponG3SG1( const CWeaponG3SG1 & ); float m_flLastFire; }; IMPLEMENT_NETWORKCLASS_ALIASED( WeaponG3SG1, DT_WeaponG3SG1 ) BEGIN_NETWORK_TABLE( CWeaponG3SG1, DT_WeaponG3SG1 ) END_NETWORK_TABLE() #if defined CLIENT_DLL BEGIN_PREDICTION_DATA( CWeaponG3SG1 ) DEFINE_FIELD( m_flLastFire, FIELD_FLOAT ), END_PREDICTION_DATA() #endif LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( weapon_g3sg1, CWeaponG3SG1 ); PRECACHE_WEAPON_REGISTER( weapon_g3sg1 ); CWeaponG3SG1::CWeaponG3SG1() { m_flLastFire = gpGlobals->curtime; } void CWeaponG3SG1::Spawn() { BaseClass::Spawn(); m_flAccuracy = 0.98; } void CWeaponG3SG1::SecondaryAttack() { const float kZoomTime = 0.10f; CCSPlayer *pPlayer = GetPlayerOwner(); if ( !pPlayer ) return; if ( pPlayer->GetFOV() == pPlayer->GetDefaultFOV() ) { pPlayer->SetFOV( pPlayer, 40, kZoomTime ); m_weaponMode = Secondary_Mode; m_fAccuracyPenalty += GetCSWpnData().m_fInaccuracyAltSwitch; } else if (pPlayer->GetFOV() == 40) { pPlayer->SetFOV( pPlayer, 15, kZoomTime ); m_weaponMode = Secondary_Mode; } else if (pPlayer->GetFOV() == 15) { pPlayer->SetFOV( pPlayer, pPlayer->GetDefaultFOV(), kZoomTime ); m_weaponMode = Primary_Mode; } #ifndef CLIENT_DLL // If this isn't guarded, the sound will be emitted twice, once by the server and once by the client. // Let the server play it since if only the client plays it, it's liable to get played twice cause of // a prediction error. joy. //============================================================================= // HPE_BEGIN: // [tj] Playing this from the player so that we don't try to play the sound outside the level. //============================================================================= if ( GetPlayerOwner() ) { GetPlayerOwner()->EmitSound( "Default.Zoom" ); // zoom sound } //============================================================================= // HPE_END //============================================================================= // let the bots hear the rifle zoom IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "weapon_zoom" ); if( event ) { event->SetInt( "userid", pPlayer->GetUserID() ); gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event ); } #endif m_flNextSecondaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.3f; m_zoomFullyActiveTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.3; // The worst zoom time from above. } float CWeaponG3SG1::GetInaccuracy() const { if ( weapon_accuracy_model.GetInt() == 1 ) { CCSPlayer *pPlayer = GetPlayerOwner(); if ( !pPlayer ) return 0.0f; float fSpread = 0.0f; if ( !FBitSet( pPlayer->GetFlags(), FL_ONGROUND ) ) fSpread = 0.45f * (1.0f - m_flAccuracy); else if (pPlayer->GetAbsVelocity().Length2D() > 5) fSpread = 0.15f; else if ( FBitSet( pPlayer->GetFlags(), FL_DUCKING ) ) fSpread = 0.035f * (1.0f - m_flAccuracy); else fSpread = 0.055f * (1.0f - m_flAccuracy); // If we are not zoomed in, or we have very recently zoomed and are still transitioning, the bullet diverts more. if (pPlayer->GetFOV() == pPlayer->GetDefaultFOV() || (gpGlobals->curtime < m_zoomFullyActiveTime)) fSpread += 0.025; return fSpread; } else return BaseClass::GetInaccuracy(); } void CWeaponG3SG1::PrimaryAttack() { CCSPlayer *pPlayer = GetPlayerOwner(); if ( !pPlayer ) return; // Mark the time of this shot and determine the accuracy modifier based on the last shot fired... m_flAccuracy = 0.55 + (0.3) * (gpGlobals->curtime - m_flLastFire); if (m_flAccuracy > 0.98) m_flAccuracy = 0.98; m_flLastFire = gpGlobals->curtime; if ( !CSBaseGunFire( GetCSWpnData().m_flCycleTime, m_weaponMode ) ) return; // Adjust the punch angle. QAngle angle = pPlayer->GetPunchAngle(); angle.x -= SharedRandomFloat("G3SG1PunchAngleX", 0.75, 1.75 ) + ( angle.x / 4 ); angle.y += SharedRandomFloat("G3SG1PunchAngleY", -0.75, 0.75 ); pPlayer->SetPunchAngle( angle ); } bool CWeaponG3SG1::Reload() { bool ret = BaseClass::Reload(); m_flAccuracy = 0.98; m_weaponMode = Primary_Mode; return ret; } bool CWeaponG3SG1::Deploy() { bool ret = BaseClass::Deploy(); m_flAccuracy = 0.98; m_weaponMode = Primary_Mode; return ret; } float CWeaponG3SG1::GetMaxSpeed() { CCSPlayer *pPlayer = GetPlayerOwner(); if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetFOV() == pPlayer->GetDefaultFOV() ) return BaseClass::GetMaxSpeed(); else return 150; // zoomed in }