//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Holds the CEconGameAccount object // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #ifndef ECON_GAME_ACCOUNT_H #define ECON_GAME_ACCOUNT_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "gcsdk/schemasharedobject.h" #include "rtime.h" enum { kGameAccountFlags_ConvertedUniques = 1 << 0, kGameAccountFlags_MadeFirstPurchase = 1 << 1, kGameAccountFlags_ConvertItemFlagsToOrigin = 1 << 2, kGameAccountFlags_ConvertPackageItemGrants = 1 << 3, kGameAccountFlags_RemoveCafeOrSchoolItems = 1 << 4, kGameAccountFlags_CleanupItemNames = 1 << 5, kGameAccountFlags_NeedToChooseMostHelpfulFriend = 1 << 6, kGameAccountFlags_DONT_USE_THIS_BUI_LIES = 1 << 7, // some accounts might have this set! it used to be the "needs to thank a friend" bit kGameAccountFlags_OwnedGameServersDisabled = 1 << 8, kGameAccountFlags_UpdatedEquippedSlots = 1 << 9, kGameAccountFlags_MadeFirstWebPurchase = 1 << 10, kGameAccountFlags_UpdatedPresetOriginalItemIDs = 1 << 11, kGameAccountFlags_GC_UpgradedToPremium = 1 << 12, // we did something (used an item, whatever) on the GC that means the GC has decided we're premium regardless of what Steam says // Deprecated // kGameAccountFlags_InitializedSkillRating = 1 << 13, // kGameAccountFlags_InitializedSkillRating6v6 = 1 << 14, // kGameAccountFlags_InitializedSkillRating9v9 = 1 << 15, kGameAccountFlags_InitializedKickBucket = 1 << 16, }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: All the account-level information that the GC tracks //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CEconGameAccount : public GCSDK::CSchemaSharedObject< CSchGameAccount, k_EEconTypeGameAccount > { #ifdef GC_DLL DECLARE_CLASS_MEMPOOL( CEconGameAccount ); #endif public: CEconGameAccount() {} CEconGameAccount( uint32 unAccountID ) { Obj().m_unAccountID = unAccountID; Obj().m_rtime32FirstPlayed = CRTime::RTime32TimeCur(); } }; #endif //ECON_GAME_ACCOUNT_H