//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "game_item_schema.h" #include "schemainitutils.h" #include "tf_shareddefs.h" #include "tf_item_tools.h" #include "in_buttons.h" #include "econ_holidays.h" #ifndef GC_DLL #include "econ_item_system.h" #include "tf_quest_restriction.h" #include "engine/IEngineSound.h" extern ISoundEmitterSystemBase *soundemitterbase; #endif // !GC_DLL #ifdef CLIENT_DLL #include "materialsystem/itexturecompositor.h" #endif extern const char *s_pszMatchGroups[]; // For a particular set of KeyValues, ensure that all of the one-level-deep subkeys are a subset of the values in testKeys. // This ensures that there are no typos in the keynames. static bool ValidateKeysAreSubset( KeyValues* kv, const CUtlVector& testKeys, CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { int numTestEntries = testKeys.Count(); Assert(numTestEntries >= 0); if (numTestEntries == 0) return true; // This currently is inefficient, it's O(len(_keyvalues) * len(_testKeys)). It could easily be made faster for large N, but for small lengths // cache dominates. It also has the nice property that it will show up on the profiler if it's a problem. for ( KeyValues *pKey = kv->GetFirstSubKey(); pKey; pKey = pKey->GetNextKey() ) { bool matchAny = false; const char* testVal = pKey->GetName(); for ( auto it = testKeys.begin(); it != testKeys.end(); ++it ) { if (0 == V_stricmp((*it), testVal)) { matchAny = true; break; } } if (!matchAny) { if (pVecErrors) { CUtlString choices(CFmtStr("Unexpected key '%s', expected one of: ", testVal)); int numTestEntriesLessOne = numTestEntries - 1; for (int i = 0; i < numTestEntriesLessOne; ++i) { choices.Append(CFmtStr("\"%s\", ", testKeys[i])); } choices.Append(CFmtStr("\"%s\".", testKeys[numTestEntriesLessOne])); pVecErrors->AddToTail(choices); } return false; } } return true; } bool SchemaMMGroup_t::IsCategoryValid() const { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecModes, i ) { if ( m_vecModes[i]->PassesRestrictions() ) return true; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns true if the vector contains a set of items that matches the inputs for this recipe // Note it will fail if the vector contains extra items that aren't needed. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFCraftingRecipeDefinition::ItemListMatchesInputs( CUtlVector *vecCraftingItems, KeyValues *out_pkvCraftParams, bool bIgnoreSlop, CUtlVector *vecChosenItems ) const { CUtlVector vecTmp; vecTmp = *vecCraftingItems; int hack_iForcedClass = -1, hack_iForcedSlot = LOADOUT_POSITION_INVALID; const CEconItemSetDefinition *hack_pForcedItemSetDef = NULL; int *iForcedClass = NULL, *iForcedSlot = NULL; const CEconItemSetDefinition **ppForcedItemSetDef = NULL; if ( out_pkvCraftParams ) { iForcedClass = &hack_iForcedClass; iForcedSlot = &hack_iForcedSlot; ppForcedItemSetDef = &hack_pForcedItemSetDef; } // If we require all items to be used by the same class, find the matching classes for all items CBitVec iCUForAllItems; if ( m_bRequiresAllSameClass ) { iCUForAllItems.SetAll(); for ( int iVC = 0; iVC < vecCraftingItems->Count(); iVC++ ) { const CTFItemDefinition *pDef = GetItemSchema()->GetTFItemDefinition( vecCraftingItems->Element(iVC)->GetDefinitionIndex() ); const CBitVec *pDefCU = pDef->GetClassUsability(); if ( pDefCU ) { iCUForAllItems.And( *pDefCU, &iCUForAllItems ); } } // If we didn't find a single class that all items can be used by, we're done if ( iCUForAllItems.IsAllClear() ) return false; } CBitVec bvSlotCoverage; bvSlotCoverage.SetAll(); for ( int i = 0; i < m_InputItemsCriteria.Count(); i++ ) { int32 iDefFound = -1; // Find the required count of each item for ( int iItem = 0; iItem < vecTmp.Count(); iItem++ ) { CTFItemDefinition *pItemDef = GetItemSchema()->GetTFItemDefinition( vecTmp[iItem]->GetDefinitionIndex() ); if ( m_InputItemsCriteria[i].BEvaluate( pItemDef ) ) { if ( m_bRequiresAllSameSlot ) { CBitVec bvSlots; pItemDef->FilloutSlotUsage( &bvSlots ); bvSlotCoverage.And( bvSlots, &bvSlotCoverage ); // If we have no slots that are used by all our weapons, we're done if ( bvSlotCoverage.IsAllClear() ) return false; } if ( iForcedClass && m_iCacheClassUsageForOutputFromItem == i ) { // If the item def has a class_token_id key, we use that. Otherwise, we find a class that uses it. const char *pszToken = pItemDef->GetClassToken(); if ( pszToken && pszToken[0] ) { *iForcedClass = StringFieldToInt( pszToken, GetItemSchema()->GetClassUsabilityStrings() ); } else if ( *iForcedClass == -1 ) { const CBitVec *pCU; if ( m_bRequiresAllSameClass ) { // We need to find the first class that can use all the items pCU = &iCUForAllItems; } else { pCU = pItemDef->GetClassUsability(); } // Find the first class if ( pCU ) { for ( int iCU = 0; iCU < LOADOUT_COUNT; iCU++ ) { if ( pCU->IsBitSet(iCU) ) { *iForcedClass = iCU; break; } } } // If we need to be the same class, but couldn't find a common class across the items, we're done. if ( m_bRequiresAllSameClass && *iForcedClass == -1 ) return false; } } if ( ppForcedItemSetDef && m_iCacheSetForOutputFromItem == i ) { // If they've passed in a set item, remember it's set index // Abort if they somehow have an item here that doesn't have a set index const CEconItemSetDefinition *pItemSetDef = pItemDef->GetItemSetDefinition(); if ( !pItemSetDef ) return false; *ppForcedItemSetDef = pItemSetDef; } if ( iForcedSlot && m_iCacheSlotUsageForOutputFromItem == i ) { // If the item def has a slot_token_id key, we use that. Otherwise, we find the first class that uses it. const char *pszToken = pItemDef->GetSlotToken(); if ( pszToken && pszToken[0] ) { *iForcedSlot = StringFieldToInt( pszToken, GetItemSchema()->GetLoadoutStrings( EQUIP_TYPE_CLASS ) ); } else if ( *iForcedSlot == LOADOUT_POSITION_INVALID ) { // If we have a forced class, we find the slot that class uses. Otherwise, we find the first slot used. if ( iForcedClass ) { *iForcedSlot = pItemDef->GetLoadoutSlot( *iForcedClass ); } else { *iForcedSlot = pItemDef->GetLoadoutSlot( 0 ); } } } // Matched. Remove the item and continue iDefFound = pItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex(); if ( vecChosenItems ) { vecChosenItems->AddToTail( vecTmp[iItem]->GetItemID() ); } vecTmp.Remove(iItem); break; } } if ( iDefFound == -1 ) return false; // If we want dupes of the above item, look for them int iDupes = (int)m_InputItemDupeCounts[i]; if ( iDupes > 1 ) { iDupes--; for ( int iItem = vecTmp.Count()-1; iItem >= 0; iItem-- ) { if ( (int)vecTmp[iItem]->GetDefinitionIndex() == iDefFound ) { vecTmp.Remove(iItem); iDupes--; } } if ( iDupes != 0 ) return false; } } if ( out_pkvCraftParams ) { out_pkvCraftParams->SetInt( "forced_class", hack_iForcedClass ); out_pkvCraftParams->SetInt( "forced_slot", hack_iForcedSlot ); if ( hack_pForcedItemSetDef ) { out_pkvCraftParams->SetString( "forced_set_def_name", hack_pForcedItemSetDef->m_pszName ); } } // We've only matched if there aren't any leftover items, or we're ignoring slop return ( vecTmp.Count() == 0 || bIgnoreSlop ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFCraftingRecipeDefinition::CanMatchAgainstBackpack( CUtlVector *vecAllItems, CUtlVector vecItemsByClass[ LOADOUT_COUNT ], CUtlVector vecItemsBySlot[ CLASS_LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT ], CUtlVector *vecChosenItems ) const { // If we require all the same class, examine the class lists individually if ( m_bRequiresAllSameClass ) { for (int iClass = 0; iClass < CLASS_LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT; iClass++ ) { if ( !vecItemsByClass[iClass].Count() ) continue; if ( CheckSubItemListAgainstBackpack( &vecItemsByClass[iClass], vecChosenItems ) ) return true; } return false; } // If we require all the same slot, examine the slot lists individually if ( m_bRequiresAllSameSlot ) { for (int iSlot = 0; iSlot < CLASS_LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT; iSlot++ ) { if ( !vecItemsBySlot[iSlot].Count() ) continue; if ( CheckSubItemListAgainstBackpack( &vecItemsBySlot[iSlot], vecChosenItems ) ) return true; } return false; } return CheckSubItemListAgainstBackpack( vecAllItems, vecChosenItems ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFCraftingRecipeDefinition::CheckSubItemListAgainstBackpack( CUtlVector *vecCraftingItems, CUtlVector *vecChosenItems ) const { CUtlVector vecTmp; vecTmp = *vecCraftingItems; CBitVec bvSlotCoverage; bvSlotCoverage.SetAll(); int iForcedClass = 0; int iForcedSlot = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < m_InputItemsCriteria.Count(); i++ ) { int32 iDefFound = -1; // Find the required count of each item for ( int iItem = 0; iItem < vecTmp.Count(); iItem++ ) { CTFItemDefinition *pItemDef = GetItemSchema()->GetTFItemDefinition( vecTmp[iItem]->GetDefinitionIndex() ); if ( m_InputItemsCriteria[i].BEvaluate( pItemDef ) ) { if ( m_iCacheClassUsageForOutputFromItem == i ) { // If the item def has a class_token_id key, we use that. Otherwise, we find a class that uses it. const char *pszToken = pItemDef->GetClassToken(); if ( pszToken && pszToken[0] ) { iForcedClass = StringFieldToInt( pszToken, GetItemSchema()->GetClassUsabilityStrings() ); } else if ( iForcedClass == -1 ) { const CBitVec *pCU; if ( m_bRequiresAllSameClass ) { // We need to find the first class that can use all the items pCU = pItemDef->GetClassUsability();//&iCUForAllItems; } else { pCU = pItemDef->GetClassUsability(); } // Find the first class if ( pCU ) { for ( int iCU = 0; iCU < LOADOUT_COUNT; iCU++ ) { if ( pCU->IsBitSet(iCU) ) { iForcedClass = iCU; break; } } } // If we need to be the same class, but couldn't find a common class across the items, we're done. if ( m_bRequiresAllSameClass && iForcedClass == -1 ) return false; } } if ( iForcedSlot && m_iCacheSlotUsageForOutputFromItem == i ) { // If the item def has a slot_token_id key, we use that. Otherwise, we find the first class that uses it. const char *pszToken = pItemDef->GetSlotToken(); if ( pszToken && pszToken[0] ) { iForcedSlot = StringFieldToInt( pszToken, GetItemSchema()->GetLoadoutStrings( EQUIP_TYPE_CLASS ) ); } else if ( iForcedSlot == LOADOUT_POSITION_INVALID ) { // If we have a forced class, we find the slot that class uses. Otherwise, we find the first slot used. if ( iForcedClass ) { iForcedSlot = pItemDef->GetLoadoutSlot( iForcedClass ); } else { iForcedSlot = pItemDef->GetLoadoutSlot( 0 ); } } } // Found a match. iDefFound = pItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex(); bool bValidMatch = true; // If we want dupes of the above item, look for them before settling on this item. int iDupes = (int)m_InputItemDupeCounts[i]; if ( iDupes > 1 ) { CUtlVector vecDupeItems; // We've already found one of the items. iDupes--; for ( int iDupeItem = vecTmp.Count()-1; iDupeItem >= 0 && iDupes > 0; iDupeItem-- ) { // Ignore the item we first found if ( iDupeItem == iItem ) continue; if ( (int)vecTmp[iDupeItem]->GetDefinitionIndex() == iDefFound ) { vecDupeItems.AddToTail( iDupeItem ); iDupes--; } } bValidMatch = (iDupes == 0); if ( bValidMatch ) { // We found all the dupes we wanted, so remove them all FOR_EACH_VEC( vecDupeItems, iDupeItem ) { if ( vecChosenItems ) { vecChosenItems->AddToTail( vecTmp[ vecDupeItems[iDupeItem] ]->GetItemID() ); } vecTmp.Remove( vecDupeItems[iDupeItem] ); } } } if ( bValidMatch ) { if ( vecChosenItems ) { vecChosenItems->AddToTail( vecTmp[iItem]->GetItemID() ); } vecTmp.Remove(iItem); break; } } } if ( iDefFound == -1 ) return false; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void InitPerClassStringArray( KeyValues *pPerClassData, const char *(&outputArray)[LOADOUT_COUNT] ) { if ( pPerClassData ) { const char* pszBaseName = pPerClassData->GetString( "basename", NULL ); for ( int i = TF_FIRST_NORMAL_CLASS; i < TF_LAST_NORMAL_CLASS; i++ ) { if ( outputArray[i] && *outputArray[i] ) { delete outputArray[i]; outputArray[i] = NULL; } char* pszOut = NULL; CUtlString strClassString( pPerClassData->GetString( GetItemSchema()->GetClassUsabilityStrings()[i], NULL ) ); // If there's a class specific string defined, use that if ( !strClassString.IsEmpty() ) { size_t nLength = strClassString.Length() + 1; pszOut = new char[ nLength ]; V_strncpy( pszOut, strClassString, nLength ); } else if ( pszBaseName ) { // If we have a basename specified, use that to construct our class-specific string // ( ex. models/badge_%s.mdl turns into models/badge_scout.mdl, etc. ) // So this is fun. ClassUsabilityStrings refers to the "Demoman", but the vast majority of his models are whatever_demo.mdl // The RIGHT fix would be to either: // 1) change all the model and content files to whatever_demoman.mdl // 2) fixup the schema so every reference to "demoman" is changed to "demo" and update GetClassUsabilityStrings // and fix everything that breaks // But we're not doing that right now. If this class is the TF_CLASS_DEMOMAN, just force "demo" CFmtStr fmtStr; if ( i == TF_CLASS_DEMOMAN ) { fmtStr.sprintf( pszBaseName, "demo", "demo", "demo" ); } else { fmtStr.sprintf( pszBaseName, GetItemSchema()->GetClassUsabilityStrings()[i], GetItemSchema()->GetClassUsabilityStrings()[i], GetItemSchema()->GetClassUsabilityStrings()[i] ); } int nLength = fmtStr.Length() + 1; pszOut = new char[ nLength ]; V_strncpy( pszOut, fmtStr, nLength ); } outputArray[i] = pszOut; if ( outputArray[0] == NULL ) { outputArray[0] = outputArray[i]; } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool InitPerClassStringVectorArray( KeyValues *pPerClassData, CUtlVector< const char * > (&outputArray)[LOADOUT_COUNT], CUtlVector* pVecErrors ) { if ( pPerClassData ) { if ( !ValidateKeysAreSubset( pPerClassData, GetItemSchema()->GetClassUsabilityStrings(), pVecErrors ) ) { return false; } for ( int i = 1; i < LOADOUT_COUNT; i++ ) { KeyValues *pClassKey = pPerClassData->FindKey( GetItemSchema()->GetClassUsabilityStrings()[i] ); if ( pClassKey ) { // check single line case const char *pszValue = pClassKey->GetString(); if ( pszValue && *pszValue ) { outputArray[i].AddToTail( pszValue ); } // check multi line case FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pClassKey, pValueKey ) { pszValue = pValueKey->GetString(); if ( pszValue && *pszValue ) { outputArray[i].AddToTail( pszValue ); } } } } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRandomChanceString::CRandomChanceString() { m_unTotalChance = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CRandomChanceString::AddString( const char *pszString, int nChance ) { Assert( nChance > 0 ); std::pair< const char *, int > toAdd( pszString, nChance ); m_vecChoices.AddToTail( toAdd ); m_unTotalChance += nChance; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *CRandomChanceString::GetRandomString() const { int nRandomRoll = RandomInt( 1, m_unTotalChance ); int nStartWindow = 0; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecChoices, i ) { int nEndWindow = nStartWindow + m_vecChoices[i].second; if ( nRandomRoll > nStartWindow && nRandomRoll <= nEndWindow ) { return m_vecChoices[i].first; } nStartWindow = nEndWindow; } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool ParseRandomChanceStringFromKV( KeyValues *pClassKey, CRandomChanceString *pOut ) { Assert( pClassKey ); Assert( pOut ); // check single line case const char *pszName = pClassKey->GetString(); if ( pszName && *pszName ) { // there's only one choice pOut->AddString( pszName, 1 ); } else { // check multi line case FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pClassKey, pValueKey ) { const char *pszChoice = pValueKey->GetName(); int nChance = pValueKey->GetInt(); if ( pszChoice && *pszChoice && nChance > 0 ) { pOut->AddString( pszChoice, nChance ); } } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool InitPerClassRandomChanceStringArray( KeyValues *pPerClassData, CRandomChanceString (&outputArray)[LOADOUT_COUNT], CUtlVector* pVecErrors ) { if ( pPerClassData ) { if ( !ValidateKeysAreSubset( pPerClassData, GetItemSchema()->GetClassUsabilityStrings(), pVecErrors ) ) { return false; } for ( int i = 0; i < LOADOUT_COUNT; i++ ) { KeyValues *pClassKey = pPerClassData->FindKey( GetItemSchema()->GetClassUsabilityStrings()[i] ); if ( pClassKey ) { ParseRandomChanceStringFromKV( pClassKey, &outputArray[i] ); } } } return true; } CTFTauntInfo::CTFTauntInfo() { for ( int i=0; i *pVecErrors ) { static const char *s_pszAllowedTauntInputButtonNames[] = { "IN_ATTACK", "IN_ATTACK2", "IN_FORWARD", "IN_BACK" }; static int s_iAllowedTauntInputButtons[] = { IN_ATTACK, IN_ATTACK2, IN_FORWARD, IN_BACK }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( s_pszAllowedTauntInputButtonNames ) == ARRAYSIZE( s_iAllowedTauntInputButtons ) ); FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pKV, pButtonKey ) { const char *pszButtonName = pButtonKey->GetName(); int iButton = 0; for ( int i=0; iFindKey( "pressed" ); KeyValues *pReleasedKey = pButtonKey->FindKey( "released" ); if ( pPressedKey || pReleasedKey ) { int iNew = m_vecTauntInputRemap.AddToTail(); m_vecTauntInputRemap[iNew].m_iButton = iButton; if ( !InitPerClassStringVectorArray( pPressedKey, m_vecTauntInputRemap[iNew].m_vecButtonPressedScenes, pVecErrors ) ) return false; if ( !InitPerClassStringVectorArray( pReleasedKey, m_vecTauntInputRemap[iNew].m_vecButtonReleasedScenes, pVecErrors ) ) return false; } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFTauntInfo::BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKV, CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pKV, pSubKey ) { const char *pszKeyName = pSubKey->GetName(); if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "custom_taunt_scene_per_class" ) ) { if ( !InitPerClassStringVectorArray( pSubKey, m_vecIntroScenes, pVecErrors ) ) return false; } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "custom_taunt_outro_scene_per_class" ) ) { if ( !InitPerClassStringVectorArray( pSubKey, m_vecOutroScenes, pVecErrors ) ) return false; } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "custom_partner_taunt_per_class" ) ) { if ( !InitPerClassStringVectorArray( pSubKey, m_vecPartnerTauntInitiatorScenes, pVecErrors ) ) return false; if ( !InitPerClassStringVectorArray( pSubKey, m_vecPartnerTauntReceiverScenes, pVecErrors ) ) return false; } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "custom_partner_taunt_initiator_per_class" ) ) { if ( !InitPerClassStringVectorArray( pSubKey, m_vecPartnerTauntInitiatorScenes, pVecErrors ) ) return false; } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "custom_partner_taunt_receiver_per_class" ) ) { if ( !InitPerClassStringVectorArray( pSubKey, m_vecPartnerTauntReceiverScenes, pVecErrors ) ) return false; } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "custom_taunt_input_remap" ) ) { if ( !InitTauntInputRemap( pSubKey, pVecErrors ) ) { return false; } } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "custom_taunt_prop_per_class" ) ) { InitPerClassStringArray( pSubKey, m_pszProp ); } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "custom_taunt_prop_scene_per_class" ) ) { InitPerClassStringArray( pSubKey, m_pszPropIntroScene ); } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "custom_taunt_prop_outro_scene_per_class" ) ) { InitPerClassStringArray( pSubKey, m_pszPropOutroScene ); } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "taunt_separation_forward_distance" ) ) { m_flTauntSeparationForwardDistance = pSubKey->GetFloat(); } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "taunt_separation_right_distance" ) ) { m_flTauntSeparationRightDistance = pSubKey->GetFloat(); } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "min_taunt_time" ) ) { m_flMinTauntTime = pSubKey->GetFloat(); } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "is_partner_taunt" ) ) { m_bIsPartnerTaunt = pSubKey->GetBool(); } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "stop_taunt_if_moved" ) ) { m_bStopTauntIfMoved = pSubKey->GetBool(); } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "fov" ) ) { m_nFOV = pSubKey->GetInt(); } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "camera_dist" ) ) { m_flCameraDist = pSubKey->GetFloat(); } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "camera_dist_up" ) ) { m_flCameraDistUp = pSubKey->GetFloat(); } else if ( !V_strcmp( pszKeyName, "particle_attachment" ) ) { m_pszParticleAttachment = pSubKey->GetString(); } else { AssertMsg( 0, "'%s' key is invalid", pszKeyName ); return false; } } return true; } CQuestThemeDefinition::CQuestThemeDefinition() : m_pRawKVs( NULL ) , m_pszName( NULL ) , m_pszNotificationRes( NULL ) , m_pszQuestItemRes( NULL ) , m_pszRewardString( NULL ) , m_pszDiscardString( NULL ) , m_pszInGameTrackerRes( NULL ) , m_eUnackPos( UNACK_ITEM_QUEST_OUTPUT ) { memset( m_vecGiveStrings, NULL, sizeof( m_vecGiveStrings ) ); memset( m_vecCompleteStrings, NULL, sizeof( m_vecCompleteStrings ) ); memset( m_vecFullyCompleteStrings, NULL, sizeof( m_vecFullyCompleteStrings ) ); } CQuestThemeDefinition::~CQuestThemeDefinition() { if ( m_pRawKVs ) { m_pRawKVs->deleteThis(); m_pRawKVs = NULL; } } bool CQuestThemeDefinition::BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKV, CUtlVector *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) { if ( m_pRawKVs ) { m_pRawKVs->deleteThis(); m_pRawKVs = NULL; } m_pRawKVs = new KeyValues( pKV->GetName() ); MergeDefinitionPrefab( m_pRawKVs, pKV ); m_pszName = m_pRawKVs->GetName(); m_pszNotificationRes = m_pRawKVs->GetString( "notification_res", NULL ); m_pszQuestItemRes = m_pRawKVs->GetString( "quest_item_res", NULL ); m_pszInGameTrackerRes = m_pRawKVs->GetString( "in_game_res", NULL ); m_eUnackPos = (unacknowledged_item_inventory_positions_t)m_pRawKVs->GetInt( "unack_position", UNACK_ITEM_QUEST_OUTPUT ); KeyValues *pKVSounds = m_pRawKVs->FindKey( "sounds" ); if ( pKVSounds ) { // "I have a mission for you" KeyValues *pKVGiveSounds = pKVSounds->FindKey( "give_quest" ); if ( pKVGiveSounds ) { InitPerClassRandomChanceStringArray( pKVGiveSounds, m_vecGiveStrings, pVecErrors ); } // "You completed a quest" KeyValues *pKVCompleteSounds = pKVSounds->FindKey( "complete_quest" ); if ( pKVCompleteSounds ) { InitPerClassRandomChanceStringArray( pKVCompleteSounds, m_vecCompleteStrings, pVecErrors ); } // "You completed a quest" KeyValues *pKVFullyCompleteSounds = pKVSounds->FindKey( "fully_complete_quest" ); if ( pKVFullyCompleteSounds ) { InitPerClassRandomChanceStringArray( pKVFullyCompleteSounds, m_vecFullyCompleteStrings, pVecErrors ); } m_pszRewardString = pKVSounds->GetString( "give_reward", NULL ); m_pszDiscardString = pKVSounds->GetString( "discard_quest", NULL ); m_pszOnRevealText = pKVSounds->GetString( "reveal_sound", NULL ); } SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszName != NULL, "No name given for quest theme!" ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszNotificationRes != NULL, "No notification res file specified for theme '%s'", m_pszName ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszQuestItemRes != NULL, "No quest item res file specified for theme '%s'", m_pszName ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK ( m_pszInGameTrackerRes != NULL, "No in game tracker res file specified for theme '%s'", m_pszName ); return SCHEMA_INIT_SUCCESS(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CQuestDefinition::CQuestDefinition( void ) {} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CQuestDefinition::BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { KeyValues* pKVOjectives = pKVItem->FindKey( "objectives" ); if ( pKVOjectives ) { FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVOjectives, pKVObj ) { const CQuestObjectiveDefinition* pObjective = NULL; SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( GEconItemSchema().AddQuestObjective( &pObjective, pKVObj, pVecErrors ) ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pObjective != NULL, "Could not create quest objective" ); m_vecObjectiveDefinitions.AddToTail( (CTFQuestObjectiveDefinition*)pObjective ); } } m_nNumObjectivesToRoll = (uint16)pKVItem->GetInt( "objectives_to_roll", 0 ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_nNumObjectivesToRoll >= 0, "Num objectives to roll is < 0!" ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_nNumObjectivesToRoll <= m_vecObjectiveDefinitions.Count(), "Num objectives to roll is greater than the number of objectives" ); m_pszRewardLootlistName = pKVItem->GetString( "reward", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszRewardLootlistName != NULL, "No reward specified for quest!" ); m_nMaxStandardPoints = pKVItem->GetInt( "max_standard_points" ); m_nMaxBonusPoints = pKVItem->GetInt( "max_bonus_points" ); m_pszQuestThemeName = pKVItem->GetString( "theme", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszQuestThemeName != NULL, "Invalid quest theme \"%s\"", m_pszQuestThemeName ); m_pszCorrespondingOperationName = pKVItem->GetString( "operation", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pszCorrespondingOperationName != NULL, "Quest missing \"operation\"!" ); KeyValues* pKVSDescriptions = pKVItem->FindKey( "descriptions" ); if ( pKVSDescriptions ) { FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVSDescriptions, pKVDesc ) { const char* pszDescToken = pKVDesc->GetString( "token", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pszDescToken != NULL, "Description token not set!" ); m_vecQuestDescriptions.AddToTail( pszDescToken ); } } KeyValues* pKVNamesBlock = pKVItem->FindKey( "names" ); if ( pKVNamesBlock ) { FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVNamesBlock, pKVName ) { const char* pszNameToken = pKVName->GetString( "token", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pszNameToken != NULL, "Name token not set!" ); m_vecQuestNames.AddToTail( pszNameToken ); } } SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_nMaxStandardPoints > 0, "Max standard points is <= 0!" ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_nMaxBonusPoints >= 0, "Max bonus points is < 0!" ); m_pszQuickplayMapName = pKVItem->GetString( "quickplay_map" ); m_strMatchmakingGroupName = pKVItem->GetString( "mm_group" ); m_strMatchmakingCategoryName = pKVItem->GetString( "mm_category" ); m_strMatchmakingMapName = pKVItem->GetString( "mm_map" ); // loaner items for this quest m_vecRequiredItemSets.Purge(); KeyValues* pKVRequiredItemsBlock = pKVItem->FindKey( "required_items" ); if ( pKVRequiredItemsBlock ) { FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVRequiredItemsBlock, pRequiredItem ) { int iNewLoaner = m_vecRequiredItemSets.AddToTail(); m_vecRequiredItemSets[ iNewLoaner ].BInitFromKV( pRequiredItem ); SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( m_vecRequiredItemSets[ iNewLoaner ].BPostInit( pVecErrors ) ); } } return SCHEMA_INIT_SUCCESS(); } void CQuestDefinition::GetRolledObjectivesForItem( QuestObjectiveDefVec_t& vecRolledObjectives, const CEconItem* pItem ) const { // See if we need to roll some optional objectives, or if we just have all of them if ( m_nNumObjectivesToRoll > 0 ) { QuestObjectiveDefVec_t vecAdvancedObjectives; QuestObjectiveDefVec_t vecOptionalObjectives; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecObjectiveDefinitions, i ) { if ( m_vecObjectiveDefinitions[ i ]->IsAdvanced() ) { vecAdvancedObjectives.AddToTail( m_vecObjectiveDefinitions[ i ] ); } else if ( m_vecObjectiveDefinitions[ i ]->IsOptional() ) { vecOptionalObjectives.AddToTail( m_vecObjectiveDefinitions[ i ] ); } else { vecRolledObjectives.AddToTail( m_vecObjectiveDefinitions[ i ] ); } } // Figure out how many to remove uint16 nNumToAdd = m_nNumObjectivesToRoll; CUniformRandomStream randomStream; // Don't use the global RNG for the shuffling // Seed with the original ID randomStream.SetSeed( pItem->GetOriginalID() ); // You always get 1 advanced objective if ( vecAdvancedObjectives.Count() ) { int nRandomIndex = randomStream.RandomInt( 0, vecAdvancedObjectives.Count() - 1 ); vecRolledObjectives.AddToTail( vecAdvancedObjectives[ nRandomIndex ] ); vecAdvancedObjectives.Remove( nRandomIndex ); --nNumToAdd; } QuestObjectiveDefVec_t vecPossibleRolls; vecPossibleRolls.AddVectorToTail( vecAdvancedObjectives ); vecPossibleRolls.AddVectorToTail( vecOptionalObjectives ); // Roll from all rest of the optional objectives until we've got enough while( nNumToAdd && vecPossibleRolls.Count() ) { int nRandomIndex = randomStream.RandomInt( 0, vecPossibleRolls.Count() - 1 ); vecRolledObjectives.AddToTail( vecPossibleRolls[ nRandomIndex ] ); vecPossibleRolls.Remove( nRandomIndex ); --nNumToAdd; } } else { vecRolledObjectives.AddVectorToTail( m_vecObjectiveDefinitions ); } } const char *CQuestDefinition::GetRolledDescriptionForItem( const CEconItem* pItem ) const { if ( m_vecQuestDescriptions.Count() ) { // Don't use the global RNG for the shuffling CUniformRandomStream randomStream; randomStream.SetSeed( pItem->GetOriginalID() ); return m_vecQuestDescriptions[ randomStream.RandomInt( 0, m_vecQuestDescriptions.Count() - 1 ) ]; } Assert( 0 ); return NULL; } const char *CQuestDefinition::GetRolledNameForItem( const CEconItem* pItem ) const { if ( m_vecQuestNames.Count() ) { // Don't use the global RNG for the shuffling CUniformRandomStream randomStream; randomStream.SetSeed( pItem->GetOriginalID() ); return m_vecQuestNames[ randomStream.RandomInt( 0, m_vecQuestNames.Count() - 1 ) ]; } Assert( 0 ); return NULL; } const CQuestThemeDefinition *CQuestDefinition::GetQuestTheme() const { return GetItemSchema()->GetQuestThemeByName( m_pszQuestThemeName ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTFItemDefinition::InternalInitialize() { m_eEquipType = EQUIP_TYPE_INVALID; m_iDefaultLoadoutSlot = LOADOUT_POSITION_INVALID; m_iAnimationSlot = -1; m_vbClassUsability.ClearAll(); for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( m_iLoadoutSlots ); i++ ) { m_iLoadoutSlots[i] = LOADOUT_POSITION_INVALID; m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[i] = NULL; m_pszPlayerDisplayModelAlt[i] = NULL; } m_pTauntData = NULL; m_pQuestData = NULL; #ifndef GC_DLL m_pszAdText = NULL; m_pszAdResFile = NULL; #endif // GC_DLL #ifdef CLIENT_DLL m_bHasDetailedIcon = false; #endif // CLIENT_DLL } #include "filesystem.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFItemDefinition::BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { CEconItemDefinition::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ); // Our superclass should initialize our raw definition, including any prefab work. KeyValues *pKVInitValues = GetRawDefinition(); Assert( pKVInitValues ); // Reset default properties. InternalInitialize(); CUtlDict< EEquipType_t > dictEquipType; dictEquipType.Insert( "account", EQUIP_TYPE_ACCOUNT ); dictEquipType.Insert( "class", EQUIP_TYPE_CLASS ); // Default to class equip type const char *pszEquipType = pKVInitValues->GetString( "equip_type", "class" ); auto idx = dictEquipType.Find( pszEquipType ); if ( idx != dictEquipType.InvalidIndex() ) { m_eEquipType = dictEquipType[ idx ]; } SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_eEquipType != EQUIP_TYPE_INVALID, "Item definition %i \"%s\" used uknown equip type: %s!", GetDefinitionIndex(), GetItemBaseName(), pszEquipType ); // Get the default loadout slot const char *pszLoadoutSlot = pKVInitValues->GetString("item_slot", ""); if ( *pszLoadoutSlot ) { if ( !V_strcmp( pszLoadoutSlot, "head" ) ) { pszLoadoutSlot = "misc"; } m_iDefaultLoadoutSlot = StringFieldToInt( pszLoadoutSlot, GetItemSchema()->GetLoadoutStrings( m_eEquipType ), true ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_iDefaultLoadoutSlot >= 0, "Item definition %i \"%s\" used unknown loadout slot: %s!", GetDefinitionIndex(), GetItemBaseName(), pszLoadoutSlot ); } // Class usability--use our copy of kv item KeyValues *pClasses = pKVInitValues->FindKey( "used_by_classes" ); if ( pClasses ) { KeyValues *pKVClass = pClasses->GetFirstSubKey(); while ( pKVClass ) { int iClass = StringFieldToInt( pKVClass->GetName(), GetItemSchema()->GetClassUsabilityStrings() ); if ( iClass > -1 ) { m_vbClassUsability.Set(iClass); m_iLoadoutSlots[iClass] = m_iDefaultLoadoutSlot; // If the value is "1", the class uses this item in the default loadout slot. const char *pszValue = pKVClass->GetString(); if ( pszValue[0] != '1' ) { int iSlot = StringFieldToInt( pszValue, GetItemSchema()->GetLoadoutStrings( EQUIP_TYPE_CLASS ) ); Assert( iSlot != -1 ); if ( iSlot != -1 ) { m_iLoadoutSlots[iClass] = iSlot; } } } pKVClass = pKVClass->GetNextKey(); } // add "all_class" if applicable if ( CanBeUsedByAllClasses() ) { KeyValues *pKVAllClassKey = new KeyValues( "all_class", "all_class", "1" ); pClasses->AddSubKey( pKVAllClassKey ); } } // Verify that no items are set up to be equipped in a wearable slot for some classes and a // non-wearable slot other times. "Is this in a wearable slot?" is used to determine whether // or not content can be allowed to stream, so we don't allow an item to overlap. bool bHasAnyWearableSlots = false, bHasAnyNonwearableSlots = false; for ( int i = 0; i < LOADOUT_COUNT; i++ ) { if ( m_iLoadoutSlots[i] != LOADOUT_POSITION_INVALID ) { const bool bThisIsWearableSlot = IsWearableSlot( m_iLoadoutSlots[i] ); (bThisIsWearableSlot ? bHasAnyWearableSlots : bHasAnyNonwearableSlots) = true; } } SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( !(bHasAnyWearableSlots && bHasAnyNonwearableSlots), "Item definition %i \"%s\" used in both wearable and not wearable slots!", GetDefinitionIndex(), GetItemBaseName() ); // "anim_slot" const char *pszAnimSlot = pKVInitValues->GetString("anim_slot"); if ( pszAnimSlot && pszAnimSlot[0] ) { if ( Q_stricmp(pszAnimSlot, "FORCE_NOT_USED") == 0 ) { m_iAnimationSlot = -2; } else { m_iAnimationSlot = StringFieldToInt( pszAnimSlot, GetItemSchema()->GetWeaponTypeSubstrings() ); } } InitPerClassStringArray( pKVInitValues->FindKey( "model_player_per_class" ), m_pszPlayerDisplayModel ); InitPerClassStringArray( pKVInitValues->FindKey( "model_player_per_class_alt" ), m_pszPlayerDisplayModelAlt ); #if defined DEBUG && defined CLIENT_DLL for ( int i = 0; i < m_vbClassUsability.GetNumBits(); i++ ) { if ( m_vbClassUsability[i] && m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[ i ] ) { // SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[ i ] ), "Missing model %s specified in model_player_per_class in item %s", m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[ i ], GetItemBaseName() ); } } #endif KeyValues *pTauntKV = pKVInitValues->FindKey( "taunt" ); if ( pTauntKV ) { Assert( !m_pTauntData ); m_pTauntData = new CTFTauntInfo(); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pTauntData->BInitFromKV( pTauntKV, pVecErrors ), "Item definition %i \"%s\" failed to initialize taunt data!", GetDefinitionIndex(), GetItemBaseName() ); } // Init quest data if we have any KeyValues *pQuestKV = pKVInitValues->FindKey( "quest" ); if ( pQuestKV ) { Assert( !m_pQuestData ); m_pQuestData = new CQuestDefinition(); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pQuestData->BInitFromKV( pQuestKV, pVecErrors ), "Item def %i \"%s\" failed to initialize quest data!", GetDefinitionIndex(), GetItemBaseName() ); } // Stomp duplicate properties. if ( !m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[0] ) { m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[0] = GetBasePlayerDisplayModel(); } // Auto-generated tags based on slot/class. m_vecTags.AddToTail( GetItemSchema()->GetHandleForTag( CFmtStr( "auto__slot_%s", pszLoadoutSlot ).Get() ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < m_vbClassUsability.GetNumBits(); i++ ) { if ( m_vbClassUsability[i] ) { m_vecTags.AddToTail( GetItemSchema()->GetHandleForTag( CFmtStr( "auto__class_%s", GetItemSchema()->GetClassUsabilityStrings()[i] ).Get() ) ); } } #ifndef GC_DLL m_pszAdText = pKVInitValues->GetString( "ad_text", NULL ); m_pszAdResFile = pKVInitValues->GetString( "ad_res_file", "Resource/UI/econ/ItemAdDefault.res" ); #endif const char * pszPaintKit = pKVInitValues->GetString( "item_paintkit", NULL ); if ( pszPaintKit ) { int iPaintIndex = GetItemSchema()->GetItemPaintKits().Find( pszPaintKit ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( GetItemSchema()->GetItemPaintKits().IsValidIndex( iPaintIndex ), "Item paintkit [%s] in definition %i \"%s\" does not exist", pszPaintKit, GetDefinitionIndex(), GetItemBaseName() ); SetItemPaintKitDefinition( GetItemSchema()->GetItemPaintKits()[iPaintIndex] ); } #ifdef CLIENT_DLL m_bHasDetailedIcon = pKVInitValues->GetBool( "has_detailed_icon" ); #endif // CLIENT_DLL return SCHEMA_INIT_SUCCESS(); } #if defined(CLIENT_DLL) || defined(GAME_DLL) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFItemDefinition::BInitFromTestItemKVs( int iNewDefIndex, KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector* pVecErrors ) { if ( !CEconItemDefinition::BInitFromTestItemKVs( iNewDefIndex, pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false; // Use the tester's class usage choices, even when testing existing items m_vbClassUsability.ClearAll(); int iClassUsage = pKVItem->GetInt( "class_usage", 0 ); for ( int i = 0; i < LOADOUT_COUNT; i++ ) { if ( iClassUsage & (1 << i) || (iClassUsage & 1) ) { m_vbClassUsability.Set(i); m_iLoadoutSlots[i] = m_iDefaultLoadoutSlot; } } // Initialize player display model. for ( int i = 0; i < LOADOUT_COUNT; i++ ) { m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[i] = NULL; m_pszPlayerDisplayModelAlt[i] = NULL; } InitPerClassStringArray( pKVItem->FindKey( "model_player_per_class" ), m_pszPlayerDisplayModel ); InitPerClassStringArray( pKVItem->FindKey( "model_player_per_class_alt" ), m_pszPlayerDisplayModelAlt ); KeyValues *pTauntKV = pKVItem->FindKey( "taunt" ); if ( pTauntKV ) { Assert( !m_pTauntData ); m_pTauntData = new CTFTauntInfo(); if ( !m_pTauntData->BInitFromKV( pTauntKV, pVecErrors ) ) return false; } // Stomp duplicate properties. if ( !m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[0] ) { m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[0] = GetBasePlayerDisplayModel(); } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTFItemDefinition::CopyPolymorphic( const CEconItemDefinition *pSourceDef ) { Assert( dynamic_cast( pSourceDef ) != NULL ); *this = *(const CTFItemDefinition *)pSourceDef; } #endif // defined(CLIENT_DLL) || defined(GAME_DLL) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTFStyleInfo::BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVStyle, CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { Assert( pKVStyle ); m_iSkins[ TF_TEAM_RED ] = pKVStyle->GetInt( "skin_red", 0 ); m_iSkins[ TF_TEAM_BLUE ] = pKVStyle->GetInt( "skin_blu", 0 ); m_iViewmodelSkins[ TF_TEAM_RED ] = pKVStyle->GetInt( "v_skin_red", -1 ); m_iViewmodelSkins[ TF_TEAM_BLUE ] = pKVStyle->GetInt( "v_skin_blu", -1 ); const char *pszPlayerModel = pKVStyle->GetString( "model_player", NULL ); if ( pszPlayerModel ) { for ( int i = 0; i < LOADOUT_COUNT; i++ ) { m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[0][i] = pszPlayerModel; } } else { InitPerClassStringArray( pKVStyle->FindKey( "model_player_per_class" ), m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[0] ); InitPerClassStringArray( pKVStyle->FindKey( "model_player_per_class_red" ), m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[0] ); InitPerClassStringArray( pKVStyle->FindKey( "model_player_per_class_blue" ), m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[1] ); } CEconStyleInfo::BInitFromKV( pKVStyle, pVecErrors ); } #if defined(CLIENT_DLL) || defined(GAME_DLL) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTFItemDefinition::GeneratePrecacheModelStrings( bool bDynamicLoad, CUtlVector *out_pVecModelStrings ) const { Assert( out_pVecModelStrings ); // Is this definition supposed to use dynamic-loaded content or precache it? if ( !bDynamicLoad || !IsContentStreamable() ) { // Parent class base meshes, if relevant. CEconItemDefinition::GeneratePrecacheModelStrings( bDynamicLoad, out_pVecModelStrings ); for ( int i = 0; i < LOADOUT_COUNT; i++ ) { // Per-class models. const char *pszModel = GetPlayerDisplayModel(i); if ( pszModel && pszModel[0] ) { out_pVecModelStrings->AddToTail( pszModel ); } // Per-class alt-models const char *pszModelAlt = GetPlayerDisplayModelAlt(i); if ( pszModelAlt && pszModelAlt[0] ) { out_pVecModelStrings->AddToTail( pszModelAlt ); } // Per-class custom taunt prop if ( GetTauntData() ) { const char *pszCustomTauntProp = GetTauntData()->GetProp(i); if ( pszCustomTauntProp && pszCustomTauntProp[0] ) { out_pVecModelStrings->AddToTail( pszCustomTauntProp ); } } } const char *pszModel = GetWorldDisplayModel(); if ( pszModel && pszModel[0] ) { out_pVecModelStrings->AddToTail( pszModel ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTFStyleInfo::GeneratePrecacheModelStringsForStyle( CUtlVector *out_pVecModelStrings ) const { Assert( out_pVecModelStrings ); for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( m_pszPlayerDisplayModel ); i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < ARRAYSIZE( m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[i] ); j++ ) { const char* pszModelName = m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[i][j]; if ( pszModelName && *pszModelName ) { out_pVecModelStrings->AddToTail( pszModelName ); } } } CEconStyleInfo::GeneratePrecacheModelStringsForStyle( out_pVecModelStrings ); } #endif // defined(CLIENT_DLL) || defined(GAME_DLL) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *CTFStyleInfo::GetPlayerDisplayModel( int iClass, int iTeam ) const { Assert( iClass >= 0 ); Assert( iClass < ARRAYSIZE( m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[0] ) ); const char *pszBlueModel = m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[1][iClass]; if ( iTeam == TF_TEAM_BLUE && pszBlueModel && *pszBlueModel ) { return pszBlueModel; } // always return red team as default return m_pszPlayerDisplayModel[0][iClass]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Return the load-out slot that this item must be placed into //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTFItemDefinition::GetLoadoutSlot( int iLoadoutClass ) const { if ( iLoadoutClass == GEconItemSchema().GetAccountIndex() ) { return GetAccountLoadoutSlot(); } if ( iLoadoutClass <= 0 || iLoadoutClass >= LOADOUT_COUNT ) return m_iDefaultLoadoutSlot; return m_iLoadoutSlots[iLoadoutClass]; } #ifndef GC_DLL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns true if this item is in a wearable slot, or is acting as a wearable //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFItemDefinition::IsAWearable() const { if ( IsWearableSlot( GetDefaultLoadoutSlot() ) && !IsActingAsAWeapon() ) return true; if ( IsActingAsAWearable() ) return true; return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns true if the content for this item view should be streamed. If false, // it should be preloaded. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConVar item_enable_content_streaming( "item_enable_content_streaming", "1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_REPLICATED ); bool CTFItemDefinition::IsContentStreamable() const { #if defined( WITH_STREAMABLE_WEAPONS ) extern ConVar tf_loadondemand_default; // If we support streamable weapons and loadondemand_default is true, then we do not want to restrict demand loading // to wearables only, so skip that check. if (!tf_loadondemand_default.GetBool()) #endif { if (!IsAWearable()) return false; } return item_enable_content_streaming.GetBool() && CEconItemDefinition::IsContentStreamable(); } #endif // !GC_DLL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTFItemDefinition::FilloutSlotUsage( CBitVec *pBV ) const { pBV->ClearAll(); for ( int i = 0; i < LOADOUT_COUNT; i++ ) { if ( m_iLoadoutSlots[i] == LOADOUT_POSITION_INVALID ) continue; pBV->Set( m_iLoadoutSlots[i] ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFItemDefinition::CanBeUsedByAllClasses( void ) const { // Right now, Civilian isn't a real class, so we only have 9 classes in this check for ( int iClass = 1; iClass < (LOADOUT_COUNT-1); iClass++ ) { if ( !CanBeUsedByClass(iClass) ) return false; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFItemDefinition::CanBePlacedInSlot( int nSlot ) const { for ( int i = 0; i < LOADOUT_COUNT; i++ ) { if ( m_iLoadoutSlots[i] == nSlot ) return true; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyValues *CTFItemDefinition::GetPaintKitWearDefinition( int nWear ) const { CEconItemPaintKitDefinition *pPaintKit = GetCustomPainkKitDefinition(); if ( pPaintKit ) { return pPaintKit->GetPaintKitWearKV( nWear ); } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *CTFItemDefinition::GetPaintKitName() const { CEconItemPaintKitDefinition *pPaintKit = GetCustomPainkKitDefinition(); if ( pPaintKit ) { return pPaintKit->GetName( ); } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFRequiredQuestItemsSet::BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKV, CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { KeyValues* pKVQualifyingItems = pKV->FindKey( "qualifying_items" ); if ( pKVQualifyingItems ) { FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVQualifyingItems, pItem ) { m_vecQualifyingItemDefs.AddToTail( pItem->GetInt( "defindex", INVALID_ITEM_DEF_INDEX ) ); } } m_LoanerItemDef = pKV->GetInt( "loaner_defindex", INVALID_ITEM_DEF_INDEX ); return SCHEMA_INIT_SUCCESS(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Make sure all the defindexes point to actual item defs //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFRequiredQuestItemsSet::BPostInit( CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { // Verify all of the item defindex FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecQualifyingItemDefs, i ) { const CEconItemDefinition* pItemDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( m_vecQualifyingItemDefs[ i ] ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pItemDef != NULL, "No item definition for defindex %d!", m_vecQualifyingItemDefs[ i ] ); } const CEconItemDefinition* pItemDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( m_LoanerItemDef ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pItemDef != NULL, "No item definition for defindex %d!", m_LoanerItemDef ); return SCHEMA_INIT_SUCCESS(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Given a vector of item defs, check if it contains ANY of our qualifying items //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFRequiredQuestItemsSet::OwnsRequiredItems( const CUtlVector< item_definition_index_t >& vecOwnedItemDefs ) const { FOR_EACH_VEC( vecOwnedItemDefs, i ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecQualifyingItemDefs, j ) { if ( vecOwnedItemDefs[ i ] == m_vecQualifyingItemDefs[ j ] ) return true; } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTFQuestObjectiveConditionsDefinition::CTFQuestObjectiveConditionsDefinition( void ) : m_nDefIndex( INVALID_QUEST_OBJECTIVE_CONDITIONS_INDEX ) #ifndef GC_DLL , m_pConditionsKey( NULL ) #endif {} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTFQuestObjectiveConditionsDefinition::~CTFQuestObjectiveConditionsDefinition( void ) {} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFQuestObjectiveConditionsDefinition::BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { m_nDefIndex = atoi( pKVItem->GetName() ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_nDefIndex != INVALID_QUEST_OBJECTIVE_CONDITIONS_INDEX, "Invalid quest objective conditions def index!" ); m_vecRequiredItemSets.Purge(); KeyValues* pKVRequiredItemsBlock = pKVItem->FindKey( "required_items" ); if ( pKVRequiredItemsBlock ) { FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVRequiredItemsBlock, pRequiredItem ) { m_vecRequiredItemSets[ m_vecRequiredItemSets.AddToTail() ].BInitFromKV( pRequiredItem ); } } #ifndef GC_DLL m_pConditionsKey = pKVItem->FindKey( "condition_logic" ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_pConditionsKey != NULL, "Missing conditions block for condition def %d!", m_nDefIndex ); // Conditions don't get created until needed on the server, so let's create them right now // as a test to make sure they're valid and fail early rather than later. CTFQuestCondition *pTempConditions = NULL; const char *pszType = m_pConditionsKey->GetString( "type" ); pTempConditions = CreateEvaluatorByName( pszType, NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pTempConditions != NULL, "Failed to create evaluators" ); if ( !pTempConditions->BInitFromKV( m_pConditionsKey, pVecErrors ) ) { delete pTempConditions; SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( false, "Failed to init conditions" ); } if ( pTempConditions && pKVItem->GetBool( "spew" ) ) { pTempConditions->PrintDebugText(); DevMsg( "\n" ); } // clean up after test parsing quest conditions delete pTempConditions; #endif return SCHEMA_INIT_SUCCESS(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFQuestObjectiveConditionsDefinition::BPostInit( CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { // Verify all of the item defindex FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecRequiredItemSets, i ) { SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( m_vecRequiredItemSets[i].BPostInit( pVecErrors ) ); } return SCHEMA_INIT_SUCCESS(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTFQuestObjectiveDefinition::CTFQuestObjectiveDefinition( void ) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTFQuestObjectiveDefinition::~CTFQuestObjectiveDefinition() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Init our restrictions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFQuestObjectiveDefinition::BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector *pVecErrors /* = NULL */ ) { if ( !CQuestObjectiveDefinition::BInitFromKV( pKVItem, pVecErrors ) ) return false; m_nConditionDefIndex = pKVItem->GetInt( "conditions_def_index", INVALID_QUEST_OBJECTIVE_CONDITIONS_INDEX ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( GetItemSchema()->GetQuestObjectiveConditionByDefIndex( m_nConditionDefIndex ) != NULL, "Could not find quest objective conditions for defindex %d!", m_nConditionDefIndex ); return SCHEMA_INIT_SUCCESS(); } const CTFQuestObjectiveConditionsDefinition* CTFQuestObjectiveDefinition::GetConditions() const { return GetItemSchema()->GetQuestObjectiveConditionByDefIndex( m_nConditionDefIndex ); } #ifndef GC_DLL KeyValues *CTFQuestObjectiveDefinition::GetConditionsKeyValues() const { const CTFQuestObjectiveConditionsDefinition* pDef = GetItemSchema()->GetQuestObjectiveConditionByDefIndex( m_nConditionDefIndex ); if ( pDef ) { return pDef->GetKeyValues(); } return NULL; } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Used to convert strings to ints for class usability struct PlayerClassInfo_t { const char *m_pchName; const char *m_pchLocalizationKey; }; static PlayerClassInfo_t gs_PlayerClassData[] = { { "Undefined", "#TF_Class_Name_Undefined" }, { "Scout", "#TF_Class_Name_Scout" }, { "Sniper", "#TF_Class_Name_Sniper" }, { "Soldier", "#TF_Class_Name_Soldier" }, { "Demoman", "#TF_Class_Name_Demoman" }, { "Medic", "#TF_Class_Name_Medic" }, { "Heavy", "#TF_Class_Name_HWGuy" }, { "Pyro", "#TF_Class_Name_Pyro" }, { "Spy", "#TF_Class_Name_Spy" }, { "Engineer", "#TF_Class_Name_Engineer" }, { "Invalid", "" } // lots of code loops over these classes based on LOADOUT_COUNT, which is wrong, but this allows them to do it safely }; bool BIsPlayerClassValid( int iClass ) { return iClass >= 0 && iClass < ARRAYSIZE( gs_PlayerClassData ); } const char *GetPlayerClassName( int iClass ) { if ( !BIsPlayerClassValid( iClass ) ) return NULL; return gs_PlayerClassData[ iClass ].m_pchName; } const char *GetPlayerClassLocalizationKey( int iClass ) { if ( !BIsPlayerClassValid( iClass ) ) return NULL; return gs_PlayerClassData[ iClass ].m_pchLocalizationKey; } itemid_t GetAssociatedQuestItemID( const IEconItemInterface *pEconItem ) { static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pLoanerIDLowAttrib( "quest loaner id low" ); static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pLoanerIDHiAttrib( "quest loaner id hi" ); if ( !pLoanerIDLowAttrib || !pLoanerIDHiAttrib ) return INVALID_ITEM_ID; itemid_t questItemID = INVALID_ITEM_ID; uint32 nLow, nHi; if ( pEconItem->FindAttribute( pLoanerIDLowAttrib, &nLow ) && pEconItem->FindAttribute( pLoanerIDHiAttrib, &nHi ) ) { // Reconstruct the itemID itemid_t nIDLow = 0x00000000FFFFFFFF & (itemid_t)nLow; itemid_t nIDHi = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 & (itemid_t)nHi << 32; questItemID = nIDLow | nIDHi; } return questItemID; } // Loadout positions const char *g_szLoadoutStrings[] = { // Weapons & Equipment "primary", // LOADOUT_POSITION_PRIMARY = 0, "secondary", // LOADOUT_POSITION_SECONDARY, "melee", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MELEE, "utility", // LOADOUT_POSITION_UTILITY, "building", // LOADOUT_POSITION_BUILDING, "pda", // LOADOUT_POSITION_PDA, "pda2", // LOADOUT_POSITION_PDA2, // Wearables "head", // LOADOUT_POSITION_HEAD, "misc", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC, "action", // LOADOUT_POSITION_ACTION, "", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC2 "taunt", // LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT "", // LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT2 "", // LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT3 "", // LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT4 "", // LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT5 "", // LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT6 "", // LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT7 "", // LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT8 #ifdef STAGING_ONLY "dispenser", // LOADOUT_POSITION_PDA_ADDON1 "teleporter", // LOADOUT_POSITION_PDA_ADDON2 "pda3", // LOADOUT_POSITION_PDA3, //"", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC3 //"", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC4 //"", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC5 //"", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC6 //"", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC7 //"", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC8 //"", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC9 //"", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC10 "", // LOADOUT_POSITION_BUILDING2, #endif // STAGING_ONLY }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( g_szLoadoutStrings ) <= CLASS_LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT ); // we don't support mapping directly to slots like "misc2", "taunt2-8", etc. // Loadout positions used to display loadout slots to players (localized) const char *g_szLoadoutStringsForDisplay[] = { // Weapons & Equipment "#LoadoutSlot_Primary", // LOADOUT_POSITION_PRIMARY = 0, "#LoadoutSlot_Secondary", // LOADOUT_POSITION_SECONDARY, "#LoadoutSlot_Melee", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MELEE, "#LoadoutSlot_Utility", // LOADOUT_POSITION_UTILITY, "#LoadoutSlot_Building", // LOADOUT_POSITION_BUILDING, "#LoadoutSlot_pda", // LOADOUT_POSITION_PDA, "#LoadoutSlot_pda2", // LOADOUT_POSITION_PDA2 // Wearables "#LoadoutSlot_Misc", // LOADOUT_POSITION_HEAD "#LoadoutSlot_Misc", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC "#LoadoutSlot_Action", // LOADOUT_POSITION_ACTION "#LoadoutSlot_Misc", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC2 "#LoadoutSlot_Taunt", // LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT, "#LoadoutSlot_Taunt2", // LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT2, "#LoadoutSlot_Taunt3", // LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT3, "#LoadoutSlot_Taunt4", // LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT4, "#LoadoutSlot_Taunt5", // LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT5, "#LoadoutSlot_Taunt6", // LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT6, "#LoadoutSlot_Taunt7", // LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT7, "#LoadoutSlot_Taunt8", // LOADOUT_POSITION_TAUNT8, #ifdef STAGING_ONLY "#LoadoutSlot_pda_addon1", // LOADOUT_POSITION_PDA_ADDON1, "#LoadoutSlot_pda_addon2", // LOADOUT_POSITION_PDA_ADDON2, "#LoadoutSlot_pda3", // LOADOUT_POSITION_PDA3 //"#LoadoutSlot_Misc", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC3 //"#LoadoutSlot_Misc", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC4 //"#LoadoutSlot_Misc", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC5 //"#LoadoutSlot_Misc", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC6 //"#LoadoutSlot_Misc", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC7 //"#LoadoutSlot_Misc", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC8 //"#LoadoutSlot_Misc", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC9 //"#LoadoutSlot_Misc", // LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC10 "#LoadoutSlot_Building", // LOADOUT_POSITION_BUILDING2, #endif // STAGING_ONLY }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( g_szLoadoutStringsForDisplay ) == CLASS_LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT ); // Loadout positions const char *g_szAccountLoadoutStrings[] = { "quest", "" "" }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( g_szAccountLoadoutStrings ) <= ACCOUNT_LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT ); // we don't support mapping directly to slots like "misc2", "taunt2-8", etc. // Loadout positions used to display loadout slots to players (localized) const char *g_szAccountLoadoutStringsForDisplay[] = { "#LoadoutSlot_Account1", "#LoadoutSlot_Account2", "#LoadoutSlot_Account3", }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( g_szAccountLoadoutStringsForDisplay ) == ACCOUNT_LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT ); // Weapon types const char *g_szWeaponTypeSubstrings[] = { // Weapons & Equipment "PRIMARY", "SECONDARY", "MELEE", "GRENADE", "BUILDING", "PDA", "ITEM1", "ITEM2", "HEAD", "MISC", "MELEE_ALLCLASS", "SECONDARY2", "PRIMARY2" }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( g_szWeaponTypeSubstrings ) == TF_WPN_TYPE_COUNT ); CTFItemSchema::CTFItemSchema() : m_mapQuestObjectiveConditions( DefLessFunc( ObjectiveConditionDefIndex_t ) ) , m_mapQuestThemes( CaselessStringLessThan ) , m_mapWars( DefLessFunc( WarDefinitionMap_t::KeyType_t ) ) , m_mapGameCategories( DefLessFunc( GameCategoryMap_t::KeyType_t ) ) , m_mapMMGroups( DefLessFunc( MMGroupMap_t::KeyType_t ) ) { // Runs at global constructor time, please don't put anything in here, especially asserts } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTFItemSchema::Reset() { m_vecMvMMaps.Purge(); m_vecMvMMissions.Purge(); m_vecMvMTours.Purge(); m_mapGameCategories.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); #ifndef GC_DLL m_mapQuestThemes.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); #endif CEconItemSchema::Reset(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTFItemSchema::InitializeStringTable( const char **ppStringTable, unsigned int unStringCount, CUtlVector *out_pvecStringTable ) { Assert( ppStringTable != NULL ); Assert( out_pvecStringTable != NULL ); Assert( out_pvecStringTable->Size() == 0 ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < unStringCount; i++ ) { Assert( ppStringTable[i] != NULL ); out_pvecStringTable->AddToTail( ppStringTable[i] ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Parses game specific items_master data. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFItemSchema::BInitSchema( KeyValues *pKVRawDefinition, CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { // First time through, prepare string tables. Must happen before calling parent BInitSchema. if ( m_vecClassUsabilityStrings.Size() == 0 ) { // Special case, since player class data is an array of structs, not an array of strings for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( gs_PlayerClassData ); i++ ) { m_vecClassUsabilityStrings.AddToTail( gs_PlayerClassData[i].m_pchName ); } Assert( m_vecClassUsabilityStrings.Size() == LOADOUT_COUNT ); InitializeStringTable( &g_szLoadoutStrings[0], ARRAYSIZE(g_szLoadoutStrings), &m_vecClassLoadoutStrings ); Assert( m_vecClassLoadoutStrings.Size() <= CLASS_LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT ); InitializeStringTable( &g_szLoadoutStringsForDisplay[0], ARRAYSIZE(g_szLoadoutStringsForDisplay), &m_vecClassLoadoutStringsForDisplay ); Assert( m_vecClassLoadoutStringsForDisplay.Size() == CLASS_LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT ); InitializeStringTable( &g_szAccountLoadoutStrings[0], ARRAYSIZE(g_szAccountLoadoutStrings), &m_vecAccountLoadoutStrings ); Assert( m_vecAccountLoadoutStrings.Size() <= ACCOUNT_LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT ); InitializeStringTable( &g_szAccountLoadoutStringsForDisplay[0], ARRAYSIZE(g_szAccountLoadoutStringsForDisplay), &m_vecAccountLoadoutStringsForDisplay ); Assert( m_vecAccountLoadoutStringsForDisplay.Size() == ACCOUNT_LOADOUT_POSITION_COUNT ); InitializeStringTable( &g_szWeaponTypeSubstrings[0], ARRAYSIZE(g_szWeaponTypeSubstrings), &m_vecWeaponTypeSubstrings ); Assert( m_vecWeaponTypeSubstrings.Size() == TF_WPN_TYPE_COUNT ); } // This needs to happen BEFORE we get the quest objectives since they're going to reference these. KeyValues *pKVQuestObjectiveConditions = pKVRawDefinition->FindKey( "quest_objective_conditions" ); SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( BInitQuestObjectiveConditions( pKVQuestObjectiveConditions, pVecErrors ) ); SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( CEconItemSchema::BInitSchema( pKVRawDefinition, pVecErrors ) ); KeyValues *pKVMvmMaps = pKVRawDefinition->FindKey( "mvm_maps" ); SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( BInitMvmMissions( pKVMvmMaps, pVecErrors ) ); KeyValues *pKVMvmTours = pKVRawDefinition->FindKey( "mvm_tours" ); SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( BInitMvmTours( pKVMvmTours, pVecErrors ) ); KeyValues *pKVMMCats = pKVRawDefinition->FindKey( "matchmaking_categories" ); SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( BInitMMCategories( pKVMMCats, pVecErrors ) ); KeyValues *pKVMasterMaps = pKVRawDefinition->FindKey( "master_maps_list" ); SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( BInitMaps( pKVMasterMaps, pVecErrors ) ); KeyValues *pKVMaps = pKVRawDefinition->FindKey( "maps" ); SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( BInitGameModes( pKVMaps, pVecErrors ) ); SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( BPostInitMaps( pVecErrors ) ); KeyValues *pKVQuestThemes = pKVRawDefinition->FindKey( "quest_themes" ); SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( BInitQuestThemes( pKVQuestThemes, pVecErrors ) ); KeyValues* pKVWarDefs = pKVRawDefinition->FindKey( "war_definitions" ); SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( BInitWarDefs( pKVWarDefs, pVecErrors ) ); #ifdef GAME_DLL IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "schema_updated" ); if ( event ) { gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event, true ); } #elif defined( CLIENT_DLL ) IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "schema_updated" ); if ( event ) { gameeventmanager->FireEventClientSide( event ); } #endif return SCHEMA_INIT_SUCCESS(); } const char CTFItemSchema::k_rchOverrideItemLevelDescStringAttribName[] = "override item level desc string"; const char CTFItemSchema::k_rchMvMTicketItemDefName[] = "Tour of Duty Ticket"; const char CTFItemSchema::k_rchMvMSquadSurplusVoucherItemDefName[] = "MvM Squad Surplus Voucher"; const char CTFItemSchema::k_rchMvMPowerupBottleItemDefName[] = "Power Up Canteen (MvM)"; const char CTFItemSchema::k_rchMvMChallengeCompletedMaskAttribName[] = "mvm completed challenges bitmask"; const char CTFItemSchema::k_rchLadderPassItemDefName[] = "Competitive Matchmaking Official"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *s_pszGameModes[eNumGameCategories] = { "payload", // kGameCategory_Escort "ctf", // kGameCategory_CTF "attack_defense", // kGameCategory_AttackDefense "koth", // kGameCategory_Koth "capture_point", // kGameCategory_CP "payload_race", // kGameCategory_EscortRace "event_mix", // kGameCategory_EventMix "special_delivery", // kGameCategory_SD "", // kGameCategory_Quickplay "event_24_7", // kGameCategory_Event247, "arena", // kGameCategory_Arena "robot_destruction", // kGameCategory_RobotDestruction "powerup", // kGameCategory_Powerup "featured", // kGameCategory_Featured "passtime", // kGameCategory_Passtime "community_update", // kGameCategory_Community_Update "misc", // kGameCategory_Misc "competitive_6v6", // kGameCategory_Competitive_6v6 "other", // kGameCategory_Other "halloween", // kGameCategory_Halloween }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( s_pszGameModes ) == eNumGameCategories ); static const char *s_pszQuickplayMatchTypes[] = { "advanced_only", // kQuickplay_AdvancedUsersOnly (default) "all_users", // kQuickplay_AllUsers "disabled", // kQuickplay_Disabled }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( s_pszQuickplayMatchTypes ) == kQuickplayTypeCount ); static const char *s_pszMvMBadgeContractPointsAttributes[] = { NULL, // we don't support normal for contract "mvm contract points intermediate", "mvm contract points advanced", "mvm contract points expert", NULL, // should we do haunted? }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( s_pszMvMBadgeContractPointsAttributes ) == k_EMvMChallengeDifficultyLastValid ); const char *CTFItemSchema::GetMvMBadgeContractPointsAttributeName( EMvMChallengeDifficulty difficulty ) { if ( difficulty != k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Invalid ) return s_pszMvMBadgeContractPointsAttributes[ difficulty - 1 ]; return NULL; } static const char *s_pszMvMBadgeContractLevelAttributes[] = { NULL, // we don't support normal for contract "mvm contract level intermediate", "mvm contract level advanced", "mvm contract level expert", NULL, // should we do haunted? }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( s_pszMvMBadgeContractLevelAttributes ) == k_EMvMChallengeDifficultyLastValid ); const char *CTFItemSchema::GetMvMBadgeContractLevelAttributeName( EMvMChallengeDifficulty difficulty ) { if ( difficulty != k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Invalid ) return s_pszMvMBadgeContractLevelAttributes[ difficulty - 1 ]; return NULL; } const char* s_pszMMTypes[kMatchmakingTypeCount] = { "special_events", "core", "alternative", "competitive_6v6", }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( s_pszMMTypes ) == kMatchmakingTypeCount ); bool CTFItemSchema::BInitMMCategories( KeyValues *pKVCategories, CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { m_mapMMGroups.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVCategories, pKVCategory ) { int nCatType = StringFieldToInt( pKVCategory->GetName(), s_pszMMTypes, ARRAYSIZE( s_pszMMTypes ) ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( nCatType != -1, "BInitMMCategories: unknown mm category type '%s'", pKVCategory->GetName() ); EMatchmakingGroupType eType = (EMatchmakingGroupType)nCatType; SchemaMMGroup_t *pCat = m_mapMMGroups[ m_mapMMGroups.Insert( eType, new SchemaMMGroup_t() ) ]; pCat->m_pszName = pKVCategory->GetName(); pCat->m_eMMGroup = eType; pCat->m_pszLocalizedName = pKVCategory->GetString( "localized_name" ); pCat->m_nMaxExcludes = pKVCategory->GetInt( "max_excludes", -1 ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pCat->m_nMaxExcludes != -1, "BInitMMCategories: missing 'max_excludes' for mm category type '%s'", pKVCategory->GetName() ); KeyValues* pKVValidMatchGroups = pKVCategory->FindKey( "valid_match_groups" ); if ( pKVValidMatchGroups ) { FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pKVValidMatchGroups, pKVGroup ) { EMatchGroup eGroup = (EMatchGroup)StringFieldToInt( pKVGroup->GetName(), s_pszMatchGroups, (int)k_nMatchGroup_Count, false ); pCat->m_bitsValidMMGroups.Set( eGroup, 1 ); } } } return SCHEMA_INIT_SUCCESS(); } bool SchemaGameCategory_t::PassesRestrictions() const { if ( m_vecRestrictions.Count() <= 0 ) return true; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecRestrictions, i ) { switch ( m_vecRestrictions[i].m_eType ) { case kMatchmakingGameModeRestrictionType_Holiday: #ifndef GC_DLL if ( UTIL_IsHolidayActive( m_vecRestrictions[i].m_nValue ) ) #else if ( EconHolidays_IsHolidayActive( m_vecRestrictions[i].m_nValue, CRTime::RTime32TimeCur() ) ) #endif return true; break; case kMatchmakingGameModeRestrictionType_Operation: if ( GetItemSchema() ) { FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( GetItemSchema()->GetOperationDefinitions(), iOperation ) { CEconOperationDefinition *pOperation = GetItemSchema()->GetOperationDefinitions()[iOperation]; if ( pOperation && pOperation->IsActive() ) { if ( Q_stricmp( pOperation->GetName(), m_vecRestrictions[i].m_strValue ) == 0 ) return true; } } } break; default: break; } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFItemSchema::BInitGameModes( KeyValues *pKVMaps, CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { m_mapGameCategories.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); if ( NULL == pKVMaps ) return true; FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVMaps, pKVGameMode ) { int iGameType = StringFieldToInt( pKVGameMode->GetName(), s_pszGameModes, ARRAYSIZE( s_pszGameModes ) ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( iGameType != -1, "BInitMaps(): unknown game type '%s'", pKVGameMode->GetName() ); EGameCategory eGameType = (EGameCategory)iGameType; SchemaGameCategory_t* pGameMode = m_mapGameCategories[ m_mapGameCategories.Insert( eGameType, new SchemaGameCategory_t() ) ]; pGameMode->m_eGameCategory = eGameType; pGameMode->m_pszLocalizedName = pKVGameMode->GetString( "localized_name", NULL ); pGameMode->m_pszLocalizedDesc = pKVGameMode->GetString( "localized_desc", NULL ); pGameMode->m_pszListImage = pKVGameMode->GetString( "list_image", NULL ); pGameMode->m_pszName = pKVGameMode->GetName(); pGameMode->m_pszMMType = pKVGameMode->GetString( "mm_type" ); int nMMType = StringFieldToInt( pKVGameMode->GetString( "mm_type" ), s_pszMMTypes, ARRAYSIZE( s_pszMMTypes ) ); if ( nMMType != (int)kMatchmakingType_None ) { EMatchmakingGroupType eMMType = (EMatchmakingGroupType)nMMType; auto idx = m_mapMMGroups.Find( eMMType ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( idx != m_mapMMGroups.InvalidIndex(), "mm_type '%s' does not have a matchmaking_categories entry", pKVGameMode->GetString( "mm_type" ) ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pGameMode->m_pszLocalizedName != NULL, "game mode '%s' missing localized name!", pKVGameMode->GetName() ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pGameMode->m_pszLocalizedDesc != NULL, "game mode '%s' missing localized desc!", pKVGameMode->GetName() ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pGameMode->m_pszListImage != NULL, "game mode '%s' missing list image!", pKVGameMode->GetName() ); pGameMode->m_pMMGroup = m_mapMMGroups[ idx ]; m_mapMMGroups[ idx ]->m_vecModes.AddToTail( pGameMode ); KeyValues *pKVRestrictions = pKVGameMode->FindKey( "restrictions" ); if ( pKVRestrictions ) { FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pKVRestrictions, pKVRestriction ) { EMatchmakingGameModeRestrictionType eType = kMatchmakingGameModeRestrictionType_None; int nValue = -1; const char *pszValue = NULL; const char *pszType = pKVRestriction->GetName(); if ( Q_stricmp( pszType, "holiday" ) == 0 ) { eType = kMatchmakingGameModeRestrictionType_Holiday; #ifndef GC_DLL nValue = UTIL_GetHolidayForString( pKVRestriction->GetString() ); #else nValue = EconHolidays_GetHolidayForString( pKVRestriction->GetString() ); #endif } else if ( Q_stricmp( pszType, "operation" ) == 0 ) { eType = kMatchmakingGameModeRestrictionType_Operation; pszValue = pKVRestriction->GetString(); } if ( eType != kMatchmakingGameModeRestrictionType_None ) { int iIndex = pGameMode->m_vecRestrictions.AddToTail(); pGameMode->m_vecRestrictions[iIndex].m_eType = eType; pGameMode->m_vecRestrictions[iIndex].m_nValue = nValue; pGameMode->m_vecRestrictions[iIndex].m_strValue = pszValue; } } } } KeyValues *pKVMapList = pKVGameMode->FindKey( "maplist" ); if ( pKVMapList ) { FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVMapList, pKVMap ) { MapDef_t* pMap = const_cast< MapDef_t* >( GetMasterMapDefByName( pKVMap->GetString( "name" ) ) ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK ( pMap != NULL, "Map %s listed in game mode %s doesn't exist!", pKVMap->GetString( "name" ), pGameMode->m_pszName ); pMap->m_vecAssociatedGameCategories.AddToTail( eGameType ); pGameMode->AddMap( pMap, pKVMap->GetBool( "enabled" ) ); } } SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pGameMode->m_vecEnabledMaps.Count(), "BInitMaps(): ERROR!! No valid maps for game type %s (at least one must be \"enabled\" in _maps.txt).", pKVGameMode->GetName() ); } return SCHEMA_INIT_SUCCESS(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFItemSchema::BInitMaps( KeyValues *pKVMaps, CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { m_vecMasterListOfMaps.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVMaps, pKVMap ) { const char* pszMapStampname = pKVMap->GetString( "maptoken", "" ); MapDef_t* pMap = new MapDef_t( pszMapStampname ); pMap->pszMapName = pKVMap->GetString( "name", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pMap->pszMapName != NULL, "BInitMaps(): missing map name for master map entry %s.", pKVMap->GetName() ); pMap->m_nDefIndex = V_atoi( pKVMap->GetName() ); pMap->pszMapNameLocKey = pKVMap->GetString( "localizedname", NULL ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( (pMap->mapStampDef == NULL) == (pszMapStampname[0] == '\0'), "BInitGameModes(): unable to find map stamp definition '%s' for map '%s'.", pszMapStampname, pMap->pszMapName ); pMap->pszMapNameLocKey = pKVMap->GetString( "localizedname", NULL ); pMap->pszAuthorsLocKey = pKVMap->GetString( "authors", NULL ); pMap->pszStrangePrefixLocKey = pKVMap->GetString( "strangeprefixtoken", NULL ); pMap->m_nStatsIdentifier = pKVMap->GetInt( "statsidentifier", -1 ); // initialize from optional "tags" block KeyValues *pKVTags = pKVMap->FindKey( "tags" ); if ( pKVTags ) { FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pKVTags, pKVTag ) { pMap->vecTags.AddToTail( GetHandleForTag( pKVTag->GetName() ) ); } } // Init rolling match tags pKVTags = pKVMap->FindKey( "rolling_match_tags" ); if ( pKVTags ) { FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pKVTags, pKVTag ) { pMap->m_vecRollingMatchTags.AddToTail( GetHandleForTag( pKVTag->GetName() ) ); } } // Init rolling match targets pKVTags = pKVMap->FindKey( "rolling_match_target_tags" ); if ( pKVTags ) { FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pKVTags, pKVTag ) { pMap->m_vecRollingMatchTargets.AddToTail( { GetHandleForTag( pKVTag->GetName() ), pKVTag->GetFloat( "weight", 1.f ) } ); } } m_vecMasterListOfMaps.AddToTail( pMap ); } return true; } bool CTFItemSchema::BPostInitMaps( CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { // // Go through each map and check if any of the other maps have a matching tag. If it does, // add it as a map that we could roll for a rolling match "next map" vote. We're doing this // now so we don't compute it every time choose maps to vote on // FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecMasterListOfMaps, i ) { MapDef_t* pMapOuter = m_vecMasterListOfMaps[ i ]; bool bRequiredToHaveRollingMatchTags = false; // Some maps dont need to have rolling match tags (ex. MvM, the "invalid map", maps we choose because reasons ) FOR_EACH_VEC( pMapOuter->m_vecAssociatedGameCategories, j ) { const SchemaGameCategory_t* pCategory = GetItemSchema()->GetGameCategory( pMapOuter->m_vecAssociatedGameCategories[j] ); if ( !pCategory ) { continue; } const SchemaMMGroup_t* pMMGroup = pCategory->m_pMMGroup; if ( !pMMGroup ) { continue; } if ( pCategory->m_vecEnabledMaps.Find( pMapOuter ) == pCategory->m_vecEnabledMaps.InvalidIndex() ) { continue; } if ( pMMGroup->m_bitsValidMMGroups.IsBitSet( k_nMatchGroup_Casual_12v12 ) ) { bRequiredToHaveRollingMatchTags = true; break; } } if ( !bRequiredToHaveRollingMatchTags ) continue; // // For each map, figure out which maps it can vote into. Use the highest weight if it's // in multiple groups. // FOR_EACH_VEC( pMapOuter->m_vecRollingMatchTargets, j ) { // Figure out how many maps match this tag so we can get the weighting right const MapDef_t::WeightedNextMapTargets_t& tag = pMapOuter->m_vecRollingMatchTargets[ j ]; CUtlVector< MapDef_t* > vecMatchedMaps; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecMasterListOfMaps, k ) { MapDef_t *pCandidate = m_vecMasterListOfMaps[ k ]; // Don't have ourselves as a potential target if ( m_vecMasterListOfMaps[ k ]->m_nDefIndex == pMapOuter->m_nDefIndex ) continue; bool bEnabled = false; FOR_EACH_VEC( pCandidate->m_vecAssociatedGameCategories, idxCandidateCategory ) { const SchemaGameCategory_t* pCategory = GetItemSchema()->GetGameCategory( pCandidate->m_vecAssociatedGameCategories[idxCandidateCategory] ); if ( pCategory && pCategory->m_vecEnabledMaps.Find( pCandidate ) != pCategory->m_vecEnabledMaps.InvalidIndex() ) { bEnabled = true; break; } } if ( !bEnabled ) { continue; } if ( m_vecMasterListOfMaps[ k ]->BHasRollingMatchTag( tag.m_tag ) ) { vecMatchedMaps.AddToTail( m_vecMasterListOfMaps[ k ] ); } } // Add each map to THIS map's list float flTargetIndividualWeight = tag.m_flWeight / (float)vecMatchedMaps.Count(); FOR_EACH_VEC( vecMatchedMaps, k ) { pMapOuter->AddMapAsTargetWithWeight( { vecMatchedMaps[ k ]->m_nDefIndex, flTargetIndividualWeight } ); } // // Normalize the weights so we can do scaling later on // float flMaxWeight = 0.f; FOR_EACH_VEC( pMapOuter->m_vecRollingMatchMaps, k ) { flMaxWeight = Max( pMapOuter->m_vecRollingMatchMaps[ k ].m_flWeight, flMaxWeight ); } // Normalize FOR_EACH_VEC( pMapOuter->m_vecRollingMatchMaps, k ) { pMapOuter->m_vecRollingMatchMaps[ k ].m_flWeight = pMapOuter->m_vecRollingMatchMaps[ k ].m_flWeight / flMaxWeight; } } // We only have to roll one-less than the amount needed because the current map is always selected SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pMapOuter->m_vecRollingMatchMaps.Count() >= NEXT_MAP_VOTE_OPTIONS - 1, "Not enough maps with matching tags for map %s", pMapOuter->pszMapName ); } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Inits data for quest themes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFItemSchema::BInitQuestThemes( KeyValues *pKVThemes, CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { if ( NULL != pKVThemes ) { FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVThemes, pKVTheme ) { CQuestThemeDefinition *pTheme = new CQuestThemeDefinition(); SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( pTheme->BInitFromKV( pKVTheme, pVecErrors ) ); m_mapQuestThemes.Insert( pKVTheme->GetName(), pTheme ); } } return SCHEMA_INIT_SUCCESS(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Inits data for quest objective conditions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFItemSchema::BInitQuestObjectiveConditions( KeyValues *pKVConditionsBlock, CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { m_mapQuestObjectiveConditions.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pKVConditionsBlock != NULL, "No quest objective conditions block found!" ); FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVConditionsBlock, pKVCondition ) { CTFQuestObjectiveConditionsDefinition *pNewCondition = new CTFQuestObjectiveConditionsDefinition(); SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( pNewCondition->BInitFromKV( pKVCondition, pVecErrors ) ); m_mapQuestObjectiveConditions.Insert( pNewCondition->GetDefIndex(), pNewCondition ); } return SCHEMA_INIT_SUCCESS(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Post init for all quest objective conditions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFItemSchema::BObjectiveConditionsPostInit( CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( m_mapQuestObjectiveConditions, i ) { SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( m_mapQuestObjectiveConditions[ i ]->BPostInit( pVecErrors ) ); } return SCHEMA_INIT_SUCCESS(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Init all war definitions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFItemSchema::BInitWarDefs( KeyValues *pKVWarDefs, CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { m_mapWars.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVWarDefs, pKVWar ) { CWarDefinition* pNewWarDef = new CWarDefinition(); SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( pNewWarDef->BInitFromKV( pKVWar, pVecErrors ) ); m_mapWars.Insert( pNewWarDef->GetDefIndex(), pNewWarDef ); } return SCHEMA_INIT_SUCCESS(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Inits data for MVM maps / missions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFItemSchema::BInitMvmMissions( KeyValues *pKVMvmMaps, CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { m_vecMvMMaps.RemoveAll(); m_vecMvMMissions.RemoveAll(); if ( NULL == pKVMvmMaps ) return true; // initialize the rewards sections bool bResult = true; FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVMvmMaps, pKVMap ) { int nMapIndex = m_vecMvMMaps.AddToTail(); MvMMap_t &map = m_vecMvMMaps[nMapIndex]; map.m_sMap = pKVMap->GetName(); int nMapNameLen = strlen( map.m_sMap.Get() ); map.m_sDisplayName = pKVMap->GetString( "display_name" ); // Locate missions KeyValues *pKVMissions = pKVMap->FindKey( "missions" ); if ( pKVMissions ) { // Parse mission subkeys FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVMissions, pKVMission ) { int nMissionIndex = m_vecMvMMissions.AddToTail(); // global mission index (not map-specific) MvMMission_t &mission = m_vecMvMMissions[nMissionIndex]; map.m_vecMissions.AddToTail( nMissionIndex ); // index from map -> global mission list mission.m_sPop = pKVMission->GetName(); mission.m_iDisplayMapIndex = nMapIndex; mission.m_sDisplayName = pKVMission->GetString( "display_name" ); mission.m_sMode = pKVMission->GetString( "mode" ); mission.m_sMapNameActual = pKVMission->GetString( "map_file_override", map.m_sMap.Get() ); const char *pszDiff = pKVMission->GetString( "difficulty", "" ); mission.m_eDifficulty = GetMvMChallengeDifficultyByInternalName( pszDiff ); mission.m_unMannUpPoints = pKVMission->GetInt( "mannup_points" ); if ( mission.m_eDifficulty == k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Invalid ) { pVecErrors->AddToTail( CUtlString( CFmtStr( "MvM mission '%s' on map %s has missing or invalid 'difficulty' value", mission.m_sPop.Get(), map.m_sMap.Get() ) ) ); bResult = false; continue; } // Pop filenames are required to obey a naming convention. if ( ( Q_stricmp( mission.m_sPop.Get(), map.m_sMap.Get() ) != 0 ) && ( Q_strnicmp( mission.m_sPop.Get(), map.m_sMap.Get(), nMapNameLen ) != 0 || mission.m_sPop.Get()[nMapNameLen] != '_' ) ) { pVecErrors->AddToTail( CUtlString( CFmtStr( "MvM mission '%s' on map %s does not obey map prefix naming convention", mission.m_sPop.Get(), map.m_sMap.Get() ) ) ); bResult = false; continue; } } } SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( map.m_vecMissions.Count() > 0, "MvM map %s doesn't have any associated missions", map.m_sMap.Get() ); } return bResult; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Inits data for MVM tours (sets of missions) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFItemSchema::BInitMvmTours( KeyValues *pKVMvmTours, CUtlVector *pVecErrors ) { m_vecMvMTours.RemoveAll(); if ( NULL == pKVMvmTours ) return true; // initialize the rewards sections bool bResult = true; FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVMvmTours, pKVTour ) { MvMTour_t tour; tour.m_sTourInternalName = pKVTour->GetName(); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( FindMvmMissionByName( tour.m_sTourInternalName.Get() ) < 0, "Duplicate MvM tour \"%s\"", tour.m_sTourInternalName.Get() ); tour.m_sTourNameLocalizationToken = pKVTour->GetString( "tour_name" ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( tour.m_sTourNameLocalizationToken.Get() && tour.m_sTourNameLocalizationToken.Get()[0] == '#', "MvM tour \"%s\" didn't specify valid localization token for 'tour_name'", tour.m_sTourInternalName.Get() ); const char *pszBadgeItemDefName = pKVTour->GetString( "badge_item_def" ); tour.m_pBadgeItemDef = pszBadgeItemDefName ? GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinitionByName( pszBadgeItemDefName ) : NULL; SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( (pszBadgeItemDefName == NULL) == (tour.m_pBadgeItemDef == NULL), "MvM tour \"%s\" specified invalid badge definition name '%s'", tour.m_sTourInternalName.Get(), pszBadgeItemDefName ); const char *pszDiff = pKVTour->GetString( "difficulty", "" ); tour.m_eDifficulty = GetMvMChallengeDifficultyByInternalName( pszDiff ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( tour.m_eDifficulty != k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Invalid, "MvM tour \"%s\" specified invalid difficulty '%s'", tour.m_sTourInternalName.Get(), pszDiff ); tour.m_bIsNew = pKVTour->GetBool( "is_new", false ); tour.m_sLootImageName = pKVTour->GetString( "loot_image" ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( tour.m_sTourNameLocalizationToken.Get() && tour.m_sTourNameLocalizationToken.Get()[0] == '#', "MvM tour \"%s\" didn't specify valid localization token for 'tour_name'", tour.m_sTourInternalName.Get() ); #ifdef GC const char *pszMissionCompleteLootListName = pKVTour->GetString( "mission_complete_loot_list" ); tour.m_pMissionCompleteLootList = pszMissionCompleteLootListName ? GetItemSchema()->GetLootListByName( pszMissionCompleteLootListName ) : NULL; SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( (pszMissionCompleteLootListName == NULL) == (tour.m_pMissionCompleteLootList == NULL), "MvM tour \"%s\" specified invalid mission completion loot list '%s'", tour.m_sTourInternalName.Get(), pszMissionCompleteLootListName ); const char *pszTourCompleteLootListName = pKVTour->GetString( "tour_complete_loot_list" ); tour.m_pTourCompleteLootList = pszTourCompleteLootListName ? GetItemSchema()->GetLootListByName( pszTourCompleteLootListName ) : NULL; SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( (pszTourCompleteLootListName == NULL) == (tour.m_pMissionCompleteLootList == NULL), "MvM tour \"%s\" specified invalid tour completion loot list '%s'", tour.m_sTourInternalName.Get(), pszTourCompleteLootListName ); #endif // Locate missions tour.m_nAllChallengesBits = 0; KeyValues *pKVMissions = pKVTour->FindKey( "missions" ); if ( pKVMissions ) { bool bContainsNonBitMissions = false; // does this contain any missions with bit set to -1 (practice)? bool bContainsBitMissions = false; // does this contain any missions with bit set to anything besides -1 (non-practice)? // Parse mission values FOR_EACH_VALUE( pKVMissions, pKVMission ) { const char *pszMissionName = pKVMission->GetName(); int iMissionBit = pKVMission->GetInt(); // Bounds check our bits. -1 is valid because it means "don't track". SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( iMissionBit >= -1 && iMissionBit <= 31, "MvM tour \"%s\" mission \"%s\" specifies invalid tour completion bit %i", tour.m_sTourInternalName.Get(), pszMissionName, iMissionBit ); // Find our mission information to link to. int iMissionIndex = FindMvmMissionByName( pszMissionName ); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_vecMvMMissions.IsValidIndex( iMissionIndex ), "MvM tour \"%s\" unable to locate mission \"%s\"", tour.m_sTourInternalName.Get(), pszMissionName ); // Make sure the same tour doesn't contain both badge-adjusting missions and non-adjusting // missions. bContainsNonBitMissions |= (iMissionBit == -1); bContainsBitMissions |= (iMissionBit != -1); SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( !bContainsNonBitMissions || !bContainsBitMissions, "MvM tour \"%s\" mission \"%s\" contains both practice (-1 bit) and non-practice missions", tour.m_sTourInternalName.Get(), pszMissionName ); // Make sure we haven't already used this bit for this tour. if ( iMissionBit >= 0 ) { uint32 unMask = 1U << (unsigned int)iMissionBit; SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( (tour.m_nAllChallengesBits & unMask) == 0, "MvM tour \"%s\" mission \"%s\" re-uses bit %i", tour.m_sTourInternalName.Get(), pszMissionName, iMissionBit ); tour.m_nAllChallengesBits |= unMask; } // Success for this mission. MvMTourMission_t mission; mission.m_iMissionIndex = iMissionIndex; mission.m_iBadgeSlot = iMissionBit; tour.m_vecMissions.AddToTail( mission ); } } SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( tour.m_vecMissions.Count() > 0, "MvM tour \"%s\" has no missions specified", tour.m_sTourInternalName.Get() ); m_vecMvMTours.AddToTail( tour ); } return bResult; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const CQuestThemeDefinition *CTFItemSchema::GetQuestThemeByName( const char *pszDefName ) const { Assert( pszDefName ); if ( pszDefName ) { FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( m_mapQuestThemes, i ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( m_mapQuestThemes[ i ]->GetName(), pszDefName ) ) { return m_mapQuestThemes[ i ]; } } } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const CTFQuestObjectiveConditionsDefinition* CTFItemSchema::GetQuestObjectiveConditionByDefIndex( ObjectiveConditionDefIndex_t nDefIndex ) { const CTFQuestObjectiveConditionsDefinition* pDef = NULL; auto idx = m_mapQuestObjectiveConditions.Find( nDefIndex ); if ( idx != m_mapQuestObjectiveConditions.InvalidIndex() ) { pDef = m_mapQuestObjectiveConditions[ idx ]; } return pDef; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const CWarDefinition *CTFItemSchema::GetWarDefinitionByIndex( war_definition_index_t nDefIndex ) const { auto idx = m_mapWars.Find( nDefIndex ); if ( idx != m_mapWars.InvalidIndex() ) { return m_mapWars[ idx ]; } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const CWarDefinition *CTFItemSchema::GetWarDefinitionByName( const char* pszDefName ) const { FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( m_mapWars, i ) { if ( !V_stricmp( pszDefName, m_mapWars[i]->GetDefName() ) ) { return m_mapWars[i]; } } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *CTFItemSchema::GetMvmMissionName( int iChallengeIndex ) const { if ( iChallengeIndex == k_iMvmMissionIndex_Any ) return "(any)"; if ( m_vecMvMMissions.IsValidIndex( iChallengeIndex ) ) return m_vecMvMMissions[iChallengeIndex].m_sPop.Get(); Assert( iChallengeIndex == k_iMvmMissionIndex_NotInSchema ); return "(invalid)"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTFItemSchema::FindMvmMissionByName( const char *pszMissionName ) const { if ( pszMissionName == NULL || *pszMissionName == '\0' ) return k_iMvmMissionIndex_Any; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecMvMMissions, i ) { if ( !V_stricmp( m_vecMvMMissions[i].m_sPop.Get(), pszMissionName ) ) return i; } return k_iMvmMissionIndex_NotInSchema; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTFItemSchema::FindMvmTourByName( const char *pszTourName ) const { if ( pszTourName == NULL || *pszTourName == '\0' ) return k_iMvmTourIndex_Empty; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecMvMTours, i ) { if ( !V_stricmp( m_vecMvMTours[i].m_sTourInternalName.Get(), pszTourName ) ) return i; } return k_iMvmTourIndex_NotInSchema; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTFItemSchema::FindMvmMissionInTour( int idxTour, int idxMissionInSchema ) const { if ( idxTour < 0 || idxTour >= m_vecMvMTours.Count() ) return -1; const MvMTour_t &tour = m_vecMvMTours[idxTour]; FOR_EACH_VEC( tour.m_vecMissions, i ) { if ( tour.m_vecMissions[i].m_iMissionIndex == idxMissionInSchema ) return i; } // Not found return -1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTFItemSchema::GetMvmMissionBadgeSlotForTour( int idxTour, int idxMissionInSchema ) const { int idxMissionInTour = FindMvmMissionInTour( idxTour, idxMissionInSchema ); if ( idxMissionInTour < 0 ) return -1; int iBadgeSlot = m_vecMvMTours[idxTour].m_vecMissions[ idxMissionInTour ].m_iBadgeSlot; Assert( iBadgeSlot >= 0 ); return iBadgeSlot; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const MapDef_t *CTFItemSchema::GetMasterMapDefByName( const char *pszSearchName ) const { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecMasterListOfMaps, i ) { if ( !V_stricmp( m_vecMasterListOfMaps[i]->pszMapName, pszSearchName ) ) return m_vecMasterListOfMaps[i]; } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const MapDef_t *CTFItemSchema::GetMasterMapDefByIndex( MapDefIndex_t unIndex ) const { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecMasterListOfMaps, i ) { if ( m_vecMasterListOfMaps[i]->m_nDefIndex == unIndex ) return m_vecMasterListOfMaps[i]; } return NULL; } const SchemaGameCategory_t* CTFItemSchema::GetGameCategory( EGameCategory eType ) const { auto idx = m_mapGameCategories.Find( eType ); if ( idx != m_mapGameCategories.InvalidIndex() ) { return m_mapGameCategories[ idx ]; } return NULL; } const SchemaMMGroup_t* CTFItemSchema::GetMMGroup( EMatchmakingGroupType eCat ) const { auto idx = m_mapMMGroups.Find( eCat ); if ( idx != m_mapMMGroups.InvalidIndex() ) { return m_mapMMGroups[ idx ]; } return NULL; } #ifdef TF_CLIENT_DLL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns the number of actual "real" items referenced by the item definition // (i.e. items that would take up space in the backpack). Overriding this here // to account for map stamps and any other TF-specific item types. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CTFItemSchema::CalculateNumberOfConcreteItems( const CEconItemDefinition *pItemDef ) { AssertMsg( pItemDef, "NULL item definition! This should not happen!" ); if ( !pItemDef ) return 0; if ( pItemDef->GetItemClass() && !Q_strcmp( pItemDef->GetItemClass(), "map_token" ) ) return 0; return CEconItemSchema::CalculateNumberOfConcreteItems( pItemDef ); } #endif // TF_CLIENT_DLL RTime32 CTFItemSchema::GetCustomExpirationDate( const char *pszExpirationDate ) const { if ( !V_stricmp( pszExpirationDate, "end_of_halloween" ) ) return EconHolidays_TerribleHack_GetHalloweenEndData(); return CEconItemSchema::GetCustomExpirationDate( pszExpirationDate ); } EMvMChallengeDifficulty GetMvMChallengeDifficultyByInternalName( const char *pszEnglishID ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pszEnglishID, "normal" ) ) return k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Normal; if ( !Q_stricmp( pszEnglishID, "intermediate" ) ) return k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Intermediate; if ( !Q_stricmp( pszEnglishID, "advanced" ) ) return k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Advanced; if ( !Q_stricmp( pszEnglishID, "expert" ) ) return k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Expert; if ( !Q_stricmp( pszEnglishID, "haunted" ) ) return k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Haunted; return k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Invalid; } const char *GetMvMChallengeDifficultyLocName( EMvMChallengeDifficulty eDifficulty ) { switch ( eDifficulty ) { default: AssertMsg( false, "Bogus challenge difficulty" ); case k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Normal: return "#TF_MvM_Normal"; case k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Intermediate: return "#TF_MvM_Intermediate"; case k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Advanced: return "#TF_MvM_Advanced"; case k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Expert: return "#TF_MvM_Expert"; case k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Haunted: return "#TF_MvM_Haunted"; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFItemSchema::BCanStrangeFilterApplyToStrangeSlotInItem( uint32 /*strange_event_restriction_t*/ unRestrictionType, uint32 unRestrictionValue, const IEconItemInterface *pItem, int iStrangeSlot, uint32 *out_pOptionalScoreType ) const { uint32 unStrangeScoreType; if ( !CEconItemSchema::BCanStrangeFilterApplyToStrangeSlotInItem( unRestrictionType, unRestrictionValue, pItem, iStrangeSlot, &unStrangeScoreType ) ) return false; // do not apply to operation type trackers. Makes no sense and is not intended if ( unStrangeScoreType == kKillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsCompleted || unStrangeScoreType == kKillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationKills || unStrangeScoreType == kKillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsPoints || unStrangeScoreType == kKillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationBonusPoints ) { return false; } // Items that can't be restored cannot have filters applied static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_CannotRestore( "cannot restore" ); if ( pAttrDef_CannotRestore && pItem->FindAttribute( pAttrDef_CannotRestore ) ) return false; // Operation Passes cannot have filters static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_IsOperationPass( "is_operation_pass" ); if ( pAttrDef_IsOperationPass && pItem->FindAttribute( pAttrDef_IsOperationPass ) ) return false; // Strange filters can never apply to gifts-given-out. It doesn't make any sense in any event, but // we also only use this for the Spirit of Giving, and didn't really intend for that to be customizable // like this. if ( unStrangeScoreType == kKillEaterEvent_GiftsGiven ) return false; if ( unRestrictionType == kStrangeEventRestriction_Map ) { const MapDef_t *pSchemaMap = GetItemSchema()->GetMasterMapDefByIndex( unRestrictionValue ); if ( !pSchemaMap ) return false; if ( unStrangeScoreType == kKillEaterEvent_UnderwaterKill ) { // Don't allow this filter to apply to underwater kills if it's set to filter to a level where // no-one can go underwater. if ( !pSchemaMap->vecTags.HasElement( GetItemSchema()->GetHandleForTag( "map_has_deep_water" ) ) ) return false; } else if ( unStrangeScoreType == kKillEaterEvent_DefenderKill ) { // All TF game modes besides arena have some sort of objective that will count for defender // kills -- a flag, a capture point, or a cart. const SchemaGameCategory_t* pArenaCategory = GetGameCategory( kGameCategory_Arena ); FOR_EACH_VEC( pArenaCategory->m_vecEnabledMaps, i ) { if ( pSchemaMap == pArenaCategory->m_vecEnabledMaps[ i ] ) { return false; } } } } else if (unRestrictionType == kStrangeEventRestriction_Competitive) { // Get the Current Competitive Season? Assuming its just season 1 right now // Just put this in the Schema somewhere I assume //return true; } if ( out_pOptionalScoreType ) { *out_pOptionalScoreType = unStrangeScoreType; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IEconTool *CTFItemSchema::CreateEconToolImpl( const char *pszToolType, const char *pszUseString, const char *pszUsageRestriction, item_capabilities_t unCapabilities, KeyValues *pUsageKV ) { if ( pszToolType ) { if ( !V_stricmp( pszToolType, "tf_spellbook_page" ) ) { // Error checking -- make sure we aren't setting properties in the schema that we don't support. if ( pszUsageRestriction ) return NULL; return new CEconTool_TFSpellbookPage( pszToolType, unCapabilities ); } if ( !V_stricmp( pszToolType, "tf_event_enable" ) ) { // Error checking -- make sure we aren't setting properties in the schema that we don't support. if ( pszUsageRestriction ) return NULL; if ( unCapabilities != ITEM_CAP_NONE ) return NULL; if ( pUsageKV ) return NULL; return new CEconTool_TFEventEnableHalloween( pszToolType, pszUseString ); } } return CEconItemSchema::CreateEconToolImpl( pszToolType, pszUseString, pszUsageRestriction, unCapabilities, pUsageKV ); } #if defined( STAGING_ONLY ) && defined( CLIENT_DLL ) int PaintkitAutocomplete( char const *partial, char commands[ COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS ][ COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH ] ) { char *commandName = "r_texcomp_debug"; int numMatches = 0; partial += Q_strlen( commandName ); while ( partial[ 0 ] != 0 && V_isspace( partial[ 0 ] ) ) ++partial; int partialLen = Q_strlen( partial ); // Don't autocomplete until there are at least 3 characters to guess on. if ( partialLen < 3 ) return 0; Assert( GetItemSchema() ); const CEconItemSchema::ItemPaintKitMap_t& paintKits = GetItemSchema()->GetItemPaintKits(); FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( paintKits, i ) { const char* pThisKeyName = paintKits.Key( i ); if ( Q_stristr( pThisKeyName, partial ) != NULL ) Q_snprintf( commands[ numMatches++ ], COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH, "%s %s", commandName, pThisKeyName ); if ( numMatches == COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS ) break; } return numMatches; } CON_COMMAND_F_COMPLETION( r_texcomp_debug, "Usage: r_texcomp_debug [wear level=1]", 0, PaintkitAutocomplete ) { if ( args.ArgC() < 2 ) { Msg( "usage: r_texcomp_debug [wear level=1]\n" ); return; } int wearlevel = ( args.ArgC() >= 3 ) ? atoi( args[ 2 ] ) : 1; Assert( GetItemSchema() ); const CEconItemSchema::ItemPaintKitMap_t& paintKits = GetItemSchema()->GetItemPaintKits(); int ndx = paintKits.Find( args[ 1 ] ); if ( ndx == paintKits.InvalidIndex() ) { Msg( "Couldn't find paintkit named %s\n", args[ 1 ] ); return; } KeyValues* pKV = paintKits[ ndx ]->GetPaintKitWearKV( wearlevel ); if ( pKV == NULL ) { Msg( "Couldn't find wear level %d for painkit %s\n", wearlevel, args[ 1 ] ); return; } ITextureCompositor* pWeaponSkinBaseCompositor = materials->NewTextureCompositor( 1, 1, args[ 1 ], TF_TEAM_RED, 0, pKV, TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_LOG_NODES_ONLY ); Assert( pWeaponSkinBaseCompositor == NULL ); pWeaponSkinBaseCompositor; } #endif // STAGING_ONLY && CLIENT_DLL