//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: CWAPI header for GC access to the Web API server // //============================================================================= #ifndef GCWEBAPI_H #define GCWEBAPI_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" enum EWebAPIPrivilege { k_EWebApiPriv_Invalid = -1, k_EWebApiPriv_None = 0, // fully public, no auth needed k_EWebApiPriv_Key = 1, // Requires valid key k_EWebApiPriv_PublisherKey = 2, // Requires publisher key k_EWebApiPriv_PublisherKeyOwnsApp = 3, // Requires publisher key and publisher owns appid //k_EWebApiPriv_Account = 1, // user must have a Steam account with password set }; enum EWebApiParamType { k_EWebApiParamTypeInvalid = -1, k_EWebApiParamTypeInt32 = 0, k_EWebApiParamTypeUInt32 = 1, k_EWebApiParamTypeInt64 = 2, k_EWebApiParamTypeUInt64 = 3, k_EWebApiParamTypeFloat = 4, k_EWebApiParamTypeString = 5, k_EWebApiParamTypeBool = 6, k_EWebApiParamTypeRawBinary = 7, }; const char *PchNameFromEWebApiParamType( int eWebApiParamType ); typedef KeyValues *(*GCWebAPIInterfaceMapCreationFunc_t)(); class CGCWebAPIInterfaceMapRegistrar { public: CGCWebAPIInterfaceMapRegistrar( GCWebAPIInterfaceMapCreationFunc_t pFunc ) { VecInstance().AddToTail( pFunc ); } static CUtlVector< GCWebAPIInterfaceMapCreationFunc_t > & VecInstance(); }; // // Macros for use registering interfaces in webapi_interfacemap.h // #define BEGIN_GCWEB_INTERFACE_BLOCK( pchInterfaceName ) \ KeyValues *CreateWebAPIInterfaceMap_##pchInterfaceName() \ { \ KeyValues *pkvInterface = new KeyValues( #pchInterfaceName ); #define DECLARE_GCWEBAPI_METHOD( pchMethodName, unVersion, eHTTPMethod, pchJobName, ePriv ) \ { \ KeyValues *pkvMethod = pkvInterface->FindKey( pchMethodName #unVersion, true ); \ pkvMethod->SetString( "name", pchMethodName ); \ pkvMethod->SetInt( "version", unVersion ); \ pkvMethod->SetInt( "http_method", eHTTPMethod ); \ pkvMethod->SetString( "job_name", pchJobName); \ pkvMethod->SetInt( "priv", ePriv ); #define REQUIRED_GCWEBAPI_PARAM( pchName, eType, pchDescription ) \ { \ KeyValues *pkvParams = pkvMethod->FindKey( "params", true ); \ AssertMsg( Q_stricmp( pchName, "format" ) != 0, "'format' is a magic reserved API param for specifying output format!" ); \ KeyValues *pkvParam = pkvParams->FindKey( pchName, true ); \ pkvParam->SetString( "description", pchDescription ); \ pkvParam->SetInt( "type", eType ); \ pkvParam->SetInt( "optional", 0 ); \ } #define OPTIONAL_GCWEBAPI_PARAM( pchName, eType, pchDescription ) \ { \ KeyValues *pkvParams = pkvMethod->FindKey( "params", true ); \ AssertMsg( Q_stricmp( pchName, "format" ) != 0, "'format' is a magic reserved API param for specifying output format!" ); \ KeyValues *pkvParam = pkvParams->FindKey( pchName, true ); \ pkvParam->SetString( "description", pchDescription ); \ pkvParam->SetInt( "type", eType ); \ pkvParam->SetInt( "optional", 1 ); \ } #define END_GCWEBAPI_METHOD() \ } #define END_GCWEB_INTERFACE_BLOCK( pchInterfaceName ) \ return pkvInterface; \ } \ CGCWebAPIInterfaceMapRegistrar g_Register_GCWebAPIInterfaceMapCreator_##pchInterfaceName( &CreateWebAPIInterfaceMap_##pchInterfaceName ); #include "tier0/memdbgoff.h" #endif // GCWEBAPI_H