//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Read SMD and create DMX data // //============================================================================= #ifndef DMSMDSERIALIZER_H #define DMSMDSERIALIZER_H #if defined( _WIN32 ) #pragma once #endif // Valve includes #include "datamodel/idatamodel.h" #include "tier1/utlbuffer.h" #include "tier1/utlstring.h" #include "tier1/utlvector.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Forward declarations //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CDmeDag; class CDmeMesh; class CPolygonData; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Serialization class for SMD files //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CDmSmdSerializer : public IDmSerializer { public: enum Axis_t { X_AXIS = 0, Y_AXIS = 1, Z_AXIS = 2 }; CDmSmdSerializer() : m_bOptAutoStripPrefix( false ) , m_bOptImportSkeleton( true ) , m_bOptAnimation( false ) , m_flFrameRate( 30.0f ) { SetUpAxis( Z_AXIS ); } // Inherited from IDMSerializer virtual const char *GetName() const { return "smd"; } virtual const char *GetDescription() const { return "VALVe SMD"; } virtual bool IsBinaryFormat() const { return false; } virtual bool StoresVersionInFile() const { return true; } virtual int GetCurrentVersion() const { return 1; } virtual bool Serialize( CUtlBuffer &buf, CDmElement *pRoot ) { return false; } // No DMX -> SMD support virtual bool Unserialize( CUtlBuffer &utlBuf, const char *pszEncodingName, int nEncodingVersion, const char *pszSourceFormatName, int nSourceFormatVersion, DmFileId_t nDmFileId, DmConflictResolution_t nDmConflictResolution, CDmElement **ppDmRoot ); // Methods used for importing (only should return non-NULL for serializers that return false from StoresVersionInFile) virtual const char *GetImportedFormat() const { return NULL; } virtual int GetImportedVersion() const { return 1; } // CDmSmdSerializer CDmElement *ReadSMD( const char *pszFilename, CDmeMesh **ppDmeMeshCreated = NULL ); void SetUpAxis( Axis_t nUpAxis ); Axis_t GetUpAxis() const { return m_nUpAxis; } void SetIsAnimation( bool bOptAnimation ) { m_bOptAnimation = bOptAnimation; } bool IsReadAnimation() const { return m_bOptAnimation; } void SetFrameRate( float flFrameRate ) { m_flFrameRate = MAX( 0.1f, flFrameRate ); } // Don't allow 0 or negative frame rate float GetFrameRate() const { return m_flFrameRate; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct SmdJoint_t { int m_nId; // The id parsed from the SMD file int m_nActualId; // The actual node id which is created after sorting and creating all joints in order with no gaps in numbering, corresponds to joitnIndex in DmeModel CUtlString m_sName; int m_nParentId; int m_nLineNumber; CDmeDag *m_pDmeDag; SmdJoint_t() : m_nId( -1 ) , m_nActualId( -1 ) , m_nParentId( -1 ) , m_nLineNumber( -1 ) , m_pDmeDag( NULL ) {} }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef CUtlMap< int, SmdJoint_t > SmdJointMap_t; protected: void ParserGetNodeName( const char *pszBuf, CUtlString &sName ) const; bool ParserHandleSkeletonLine( const char *pszBuf, CUtlString &sName, int &nId, int &nParentId ) const; CDmElement *CDmSmdSerializer::ReadSMD( CUtlBuffer &inUtlBuf, DmFileId_t nDmFileId, const char *pszFilename, CDmeMesh **ppDmeMeshCreated ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CNodeData { public: CNodeData() : m_nParentIndex( -1 ) , m_bSkinned( false ) , m_nInfluenceIndex( 0 ) , m_pDmeDag( NULL ) { } bool Valid() const { return m_pDmeDag != NULL; } void Reset() { m_pDmeDag = NULL; } int m_nParentIndex; bool m_bSkinned; int m_nInfluenceIndex; CDmeDag *m_pDmeDag; CUtlVector< Vector > m_positions; }; void FixNodeName( CUtlString &sName ) const; void ParserSetJoint( const SmdJointMap_t &smdJointMap, int nFrame, int nId, const Vector &vPosition, const RadianEuler &eRadianEulerXYZ, const char *pszFilename, int nLineNumber ); Axis_t m_nUpAxis; // 0 == X, 1 == Y, 2 == Z matrix3x4_t m_mAdj; // Matrix to adjust for SMD source orientation to DMX Y up matrix3x4_t m_mAdjNormal; // Matrix to adjust normals, inverse transpose of m_mAdj public: bool m_bOptImportSkeleton; bool m_bOptAutoStripPrefix; bool m_bOptAnimation; float m_flFrameRate; CUtlString m_sNodeDelPrefix; CUtlString m_sNodeAddPrefix; }; #endif // DMSMDSERIALIZER_H