# Torchlight3 ## 0. Requirements * Python3.6 * FFMPEG * youtube-dl * On game server: * [custom sourcemod](https://github.com/BotoX/sourcemod) * [sm-ext-AsyncSocket extension](https://git.botox.bz/CSSZombieEscape/sm-ext-AsyncSocket) * [smjansson extension](https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=184604) * [SMJSONAPI plugin](https://git.botox.bz/CSSZombieEscape/sm-plugins/src/branch/master/SMJSONAPI) or [here](https://cloud.botox.bz/s/TDRq7XwMFmW8NeQ) * [sm-ext-Voice extension](https://git.botox.bz/CSSZombieEscape/sm-ext-Voice) ## 1. Install * Install python3 and python-virtualenv * Create a virtualenv: `python3 -m venv venv` * Activate the virtualenv: `. venv/bin/activate` * Install all dependencies: `pip install -r requirements.txt` ## 2. Usage Set up game server stuff. You need to have SourceTV enabled and use the vaudio_celt voice codec: `cstrike/cfg/autoexec.cfg ` ``` // Server Cvars sv_consistency 0 sv_pure -1 // Source TV tv_allow_camera_man 0 tv_autorecord 0 tv_delay 0 tv_enable 1 tv_maxclients 16 tv_maxrate 0 tv_name "TorchTV" tv_transmitall 1 tv_chattimelimit 1 sv_voicecodec "vaudio_celt" map de_dust2 ``` Don't put `+map` into your startup cmdline. Adapt config.json. ##### Make sure you are in the virtualenv! (`. venv/bin/activate`) Run: `python main.py` ### Dectalk * Install wine * Run as normal user (not root) * Run torchlight with: `xvfb-run -a python main.py`