#pragma once #include "stringtables.h" #include "game/gameevents.h" #include "demofile/demotypes.h" #include namespace NetMsg { struct SVC_GameEventList; } struct Logic; class VoiceDataWriter; struct CommandPacket { unsigned char cmd; int32_t tick; void* data; }; struct NetPacket { int32_t type; void* data; }; struct PacketTrailingBits { uint32_t numTrailingBits; uint32_t value; }; #define MAX_PLAYERS 65 #define MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH 32 #define SIGNED_GUID_LEN 32 #define MAX_CUSTOM_FILES 4 // Engine player info, no game related infos here // If you change this, change the two byteswap defintions: // cdll_client_int.cpp and cdll_engine_int.cpp typedef struct player_info_s { // scoreboard information char name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; // local server user ID, unique while server is running int userID; // global unique player identifer char guid[SIGNED_GUID_LEN + 1]; // friends identification number uint32_t friendsID; // friends name char friendsName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; // true, if player is a bot controlled by game.dll bool fakeplayer; // true if player is the HLTV proxy bool ishltv; #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) // true if player is the Replay proxy bool isreplay; #endif // custom files CRC for this player uint32_t customFiles[MAX_CUSTOM_FILES]; // this counter increases each time the server downloaded a new file unsigned char filesDownloaded; } player_info_t; struct SourceGameContext { SourceGameContext(std::string outputDir, std::string outputDirVoice, bool bSkipSilence); ~SourceGameContext(); bool init(); void Start(); void Finish(bool dirty); void End(); void StartCommandPacket(const CommandPacket& packet); void EndCommandPacket(const PacketTrailingBits& trailingBits); bool IgnoreNetPacketType(int32_t type); void OnNetPacket(NetPacket& packet); void OnGameEvent(const char *name, GameEvents::EventDataMap &data); void OnStringtable(StringTable* table); void UserInfoChanged(int tableIdx, int entryIdx); std::string outputDir; std::string outputDirVoice; bool m_bSkipSilence; FILE* outputFp; Logic* logic; demoheader_t header; int16_t protocol; NetMsg::SVC_GameEventList* gameEventList = nullptr; StringTableContainer* stringTables = nullptr; VoiceDataWriter* voiceWriter = nullptr; int32_t curTick = -1; int32_t curFrame = -1; float fTickInterval = -1.f; float fTickRate = -1.f; struct { bool connected = false; player_info_t info; } players[MAX_PLAYERS]; uint8_t *userIdLookUp = nullptr; };