
61 lines
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2013-12-25 18:43:29 -05:00
if ( !defined('IN_HLSTATS') )
die('Do not access this file directly.');
if ( !file_exists("./updater") )
die('Updater directory is missing.');
define('IN_UPDATER', true);
array ($gamename, 'Updater')
echo "<div class=\"warning\">\n" .
"<span id=\"warning-header\"><strong>HLX:CE Database Updater log</span></strong><br /><br />\n";
// Check version since updater wasn't implemented until version 1.6.2
$versioncomp = version_compare($g_options['version'], '1.6.1');
if ($versioncomp === -1)
// not yet at 1.6.1
echo "You cannot upgrade from this version (".$g_options['version']."). You can only upgrade from 1.6.1. Please manually apply the SQL updates found in the SQL folder through 1.6.1, then re-run this updater.\n";
else if ($versioncomp === 0)
// at 1.6.1, up to 1.6.2
include ("./updater/update161-162.php");
// at 1.6.2 or higher, can update normally
echo "Currently on database version ".$g_options['dbversion']."<br />\n";
$i = $g_options['dbversion']+1;
while (file_exists ("./updater/$i.php"))
echo "<br /><em>Running database update $i</em><br />\n";
include ("./updater/$i.php");
echo "<em>Database update for DB Version $i complete.</em><br />";
if ($i == $g_options['dbversion']+1)
echo "<strong>Your database is already up to date (".$g_options['dbversion'].")</strong>\n";
echo "<br /><strong>Successfully updated to database version ".($i-1)."!</strong>\n";
echo "<br /><br /><img src=\"".IMAGE_PATH."/warning.gif\" alt=\"Warning\"> <span class=\"warning-header\">You <strong>must delete</strong> the \"updater\" folder from your web site before your site will be operational.</span>\n</div>\n";