//modified for LivePipe.net, changes also released under the LGPL /** * Code Syntax Highlighter. * Version 1.5 * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Alex Gorbatchev. * http://www.dreamprojections.com/syntaxhighlighter/ * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ // // create namespaces // var dp = { sh : { Toolbar : {}, Utils : {}, RegexLib: {}, Brushes : {}, Strings : { AboutDialog : 'About...


Version: {V}


©2004-2007 Alex Gorbatchev.
' }, ClipboardSwf : null, Version : '1.5' } }; // make an alias dp.SyntaxHighlighter = dp.sh; // // Toolbar functions // dp.sh.Toolbar.Commands = { ExpandSource: { label: '+ expand source', check: function(highlighter) { return highlighter.collapse; }, func: function(sender, highlighter) { sender.parentNode.removeChild(sender); highlighter.div.className = highlighter.div.className.replace('collapsed', ''); } }, // opens a new windows and puts the original unformatted source code inside. ViewSource: { label: 'view plain', func: function(sender, highlighter) { var code = highlighter.originalCode.replace(/' + code + ''); wnd.document.close(); } }, // Copies the original source code in to the clipboard. Uses either IE only method or Flash object if ClipboardSwf is set CopyToClipboard: { label: 'copy to clipboard', check: function() { return window.clipboardData != null || dp.sh.ClipboardSwf != null; }, func: function(sender, highlighter) { var code = highlighter.originalCode; if(window.clipboardData) { window.clipboardData.setData('text', code); } else if(dp.sh.ClipboardSwf != null) { var flashcopier = highlighter.flashCopier; if(flashcopier == null) { flashcopier = document.createElement('div'); highlighter.flashCopier = flashcopier; highlighter.div.appendChild(flashcopier); } flashcopier.innerHTML = ''; } alert('The code is in your clipboard now'); } }, // creates an invisible iframe, puts the original source code inside and prints it PrintSource: { label: 'print', func: function(sender, highlighter) { var iframe = document.createElement('IFRAME'); var doc = null; // this hides the iframe iframe.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;width:0px;height:0px;left:-500px;top:-500px;'; document.body.appendChild(iframe); doc = iframe.contentWindow.document; dp.sh.Utils.CopyStyles(doc, window.document); doc.write('
' + highlighter.div.innerHTML + '
'); doc.close(); iframe.contentWindow.focus(); iframe.contentWindow.print(); alert('Printing...'); document.body.removeChild(iframe); } }, About: { label: '?', func: function(highlighter) { var wnd = window.open('', '_blank', 'dialog,width=300,height=150,scrollbars=0'); var doc = wnd.document; dp.sh.Utils.CopyStyles(doc, window.document); doc.write(dp.sh.Strings.AboutDialog.replace('{V}', dp.sh.Version)); doc.close(); wnd.focus(); } } }; // creates a
with all toolbar links dp.sh.Toolbar.Create = function(highlighter) { var div = document.createElement('DIV'); div.className = 'tools'; for(var name in dp.sh.Toolbar.Commands) { var cmd = dp.sh.Toolbar.Commands[name]; if(cmd.check != null && !cmd.check(highlighter)) continue; div.innerHTML += '' + cmd.label + ''; } return div; } // executes toolbar command by name dp.sh.Toolbar.Command = function(name, sender) { var n = sender; while(n != null && n.className.indexOf('dp-highlighter') == -1) n = n.parentNode; if(n != null) dp.sh.Toolbar.Commands[name].func(sender, n.highlighter); } // copies all from 'target' window to 'dest' dp.sh.Utils.CopyStyles = function(destDoc, sourceDoc) { var links = sourceDoc.getElementsByTagName('link'); for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) if(links[i].rel.toLowerCase() == 'stylesheet') destDoc.write(''); } // // Common reusable regular expressions // dp.sh.RegexLib = { MultiLineCComments : new RegExp('/\\*[\\s\\S]*?\\*/', 'gm'), SingleLineCComments : new RegExp('//.*$', 'gm'), SingleLinePerlComments : new RegExp('#.*$', 'gm'), DoubleQuotedString : new RegExp('"(?:\\.|(\\\\\\")|[^\\""])*"','g'), SingleQuotedString : new RegExp("'(?:\\.|(\\\\\\')|[^\\''])*'", 'g') }; // // Match object // dp.sh.Match = function(value, index, css) { this.value = value; this.index = index; this.length = value.length; this.css = css; } // // Highlighter object // dp.sh.Highlighter = function() { this.noGutter = false; this.addControls = true; this.collapse = false; this.tabsToSpaces = true; this.wrapColumn = 80; this.showColumns = true; } // static callback for the match sorting dp.sh.Highlighter.SortCallback = function(m1, m2) { // sort matches by index first if(m1.index < m2.index) return -1; else if(m1.index > m2.index) return 1; else { // if index is the same, sort by length if(m1.length < m2.length) return -1; else if(m1.length > m2.length) return 1; } return 0; } dp.sh.Highlighter.prototype.CreateElement = function(name) { var result = document.createElement(name); result.highlighter = this; return result; } // gets a list of all matches for a given regular expression dp.sh.Highlighter.prototype.GetMatches = function(regex, css) { var index = 0; var match = null; while((match = regex.exec(this.code)) != null) this.matches[this.matches.length] = new dp.sh.Match(match[0], match.index, css); } dp.sh.Highlighter.prototype.AddBit = function(str, css) { if(str == null || str.length == 0) return; var span = this.CreateElement('SPAN'); // str = str.replace(/&/g, '&'); str = str.replace(/ /g, ' '); str = str.replace(//g, '>'); str = str.replace(/\n/gm, ' 
'); // when adding a piece of code, check to see if it has line breaks in it // and if it does, wrap individual line breaks with span tags if(css != null) { if((/br/gi).test(str)) { var lines = str.split(' 
'); for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { span = this.CreateElement('SPAN'); span.className = css; span.innerHTML = lines[i]; this.div.appendChild(span); // don't add a
for the last line if(i + 1 < lines.length) this.div.appendChild(this.CreateElement('BR')); } } else { span.className = css; span.innerHTML = str; this.div.appendChild(span); } } else { span.innerHTML = str; this.div.appendChild(span); } } // checks if one match is inside any other match dp.sh.Highlighter.prototype.IsInside = function(match) { if(match == null || match.length == 0) return false; for(var i = 0; i < this.matches.length; i++) { var c = this.matches[i]; if(c == null) continue; if((match.index > c.index) && (match.index < c.index + c.length)) return true; } return false; } dp.sh.Highlighter.prototype.ProcessRegexList = function() { for(var i = 0; i < this.regexList.length; i++) this.GetMatches(this.regexList[i].regex, this.regexList[i].css); } dp.sh.Highlighter.prototype.ProcessSmartTabs = function(code) { var lines = code.split('\n'); var result = ''; var tabSize = 4; var tab = '\t'; // This function inserts specified amount of spaces in the string // where a tab is while removing that given tab. function InsertSpaces(line, pos, count) { var left = line.substr(0, pos); var right = line.substr(pos + 1, line.length); // pos + 1 will get rid of the tab var spaces = ''; for(var i = 0; i < count; i++) spaces += ' '; return left + spaces + right; } // This function process one line for 'smart tabs' function ProcessLine(line, tabSize) { if(line.indexOf(tab) == -1) return line; var pos = 0; while((pos = line.indexOf(tab)) != -1) { // This is pretty much all there is to the 'smart tabs' logic. // Based on the position within the line and size of a tab, // calculate the amount of spaces we need to insert. var spaces = tabSize - pos % tabSize; line = InsertSpaces(line, pos, spaces); } return line; } // Go through all the lines and do the 'smart tabs' magic. for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) result += ProcessLine(lines[i], tabSize) + '\n'; return result; } dp.sh.Highlighter.prototype.SwitchToList = function() { // thanks to Lachlan Donald from SitePoint.com for this
tag fix. var html = this.div.innerHTML.replace(/<(br)\/?>/gi, '\n'); var lines = html.split('\n'); if(this.addControls == true) this.bar.appendChild(dp.sh.Toolbar.Create(this)); // add columns ruler if(this.showColumns) { var div = this.CreateElement('div'); var columns = this.CreateElement('div'); var showEvery = 10; var i = 1; while(i <= 150) { if(i % showEvery == 0) { div.innerHTML += i; i += (i + '').length; } else { div.innerHTML += '·'; i++; } } columns.className = 'columns'; columns.appendChild(div); this.bar.appendChild(columns); } for(var i = 0, lineIndex = this.firstLine; i < lines.length - 1; i++, lineIndex++) { var li = this.CreateElement('LI'); var span = this.CreateElement('SPAN'); // uses .line1 and .line2 css styles for alternating lines li.className = (i % 2 == 0) ? 'alt' : ''; span.innerHTML = lines[i] + ' '; li.appendChild(span); this.ol.appendChild(li); } this.div.innerHTML = ''; } dp.sh.Highlighter.prototype.Highlight = function(code) { function Trim(str) { return str.replace(/^\s*(.*?)[\s\n]*$/g, '$1'); } function Chop(str) { return str.replace(/\n*$/, '').replace(/^\n*/, ''); } function Unindent(str) { var lines = str.split('\n'); var indents = new Array(); var regex = new RegExp('^\\s*', 'g'); var min = 1000; // go through every line and check for common number of indents for(var i = 0; i < lines.length && min > 0; i++) { if(Trim(lines[i]).length == 0) continue; var matches = regex.exec(lines[i]); if(matches != null && matches.length > 0) min = Math.min(matches[0].length, min); } // trim minimum common number of white space from the begining of every line if(min > 0) for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) lines[i] = lines[i].substr(min); return lines.join('\n'); } // This function returns a portions of the string from pos1 to pos2 inclusive function Copy(string, pos1, pos2) { return string.substr(pos1, pos2 - pos1); } var pos = 0; if(code == null) code = ''; this.originalCode = code; this.code = Chop(Unindent(code)); this.div = this.CreateElement('DIV'); this.bar = this.CreateElement('DIV'); this.ol = this.CreateElement('OL'); this.matches = new Array(); this.div.className = 'dp-highlighter'; this.div.highlighter = this; this.bar.className = 'bar'; // set the first line this.ol.start = this.firstLine; if(this.CssClass != null) this.ol.className = this.CssClass; if(this.collapse) this.div.className += ' collapsed'; if(this.noGutter) this.div.className += ' nogutter'; // replace tabs with spaces if(this.tabsToSpaces == true) this.code = this.ProcessSmartTabs(this.code); this.ProcessRegexList(); // if no matches found, add entire code as plain text if(this.matches.length == 0) { this.AddBit(this.code, null); this.SwitchToList(); this.div.appendChild(this.ol); return; } // sort the matches this.matches = this.matches.sort(dp.sh.Highlighter.SortCallback); // The following loop checks to see if any of the matches are inside // of other matches. This process would get rid of highligted strings // inside comments, keywords inside strings and so on. for(var i = 0; i < this.matches.length; i++) if(this.IsInside(this.matches[i])) this.matches[i] = null; // Finally, go through the final list of matches and pull the all // together adding everything in between that isn't a match. for(var i = 0; i < this.matches.length; i++) { var match = this.matches[i]; if(match == null || match.length == 0) continue; this.AddBit(Copy(this.code, pos, match.index), null); this.AddBit(match.value, match.css); pos = match.index + match.length; } this.AddBit(this.code.substr(pos), null); this.SwitchToList(); this.div.appendChild(this.bar); this.div.appendChild(this.ol); } dp.sh.Highlighter.prototype.GetKeywords = function(str) { return '\\b' + str.replace(/ /g, '\\b|\\b') + '\\b'; } // highlightes all elements identified by name and gets source code from specified property dp.sh.HighlightAll = function(name, showGutter /* optional */, showControls /* optional */, collapseAll /* optional */, firstLine /* optional */, showColumns /* optional */) { function FindValue() { var a = arguments; for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if(a[i] == null) continue; if(typeof(a[i]) == 'string' && a[i] != '') return a[i] + ''; if(typeof(a[i]) == 'object' && a[i].value != '') return a[i].value + ''; } return null; } function IsOptionSet(value, list) { for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) if(list[i] == value) return true; return false; } function GetOptionValue(name, list, defaultValue) { var regex = new RegExp('^' + name + '\\[(\\w+)\\]$', 'gi'); var matches = null; for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) if((matches = regex.exec(list[i])) != null) return matches[1]; return defaultValue; } function FindTagsByName(list, name, tagName) { var tags = document.getElementsByTagName(tagName); for(var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) if(tags[i].getAttribute('class') == name) list.push(tags[i]); } var elements = []; var highlighter = null; var registered = {}; var propertyName = 'innerHTML'; // for some reason IE doesn't find
 by name, however it does see them just fine by tag name... 
	FindTagsByName(elements, name, 'code');

	if(elements.length == 0)

	// register all brushes
	for(var brush in dp.sh.Brushes)
		var aliases = dp.sh.Brushes[brush].Aliases;

		if(aliases == null)
		for(var i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++)
			registered[aliases[i]] = brush;

	for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
		var element = elements[i];
		var options = FindValue(
				element.attributes['class'], element.className, 
				element.attributes['language'], element.language
		var language = '';
		if(options == null)
		options = options.split(':');
		language = options[0].toLowerCase();

		if(registered[language] == null)
		// instantiate a brush
		highlighter = new dp.sh.Brushes[registered[language]]();
		// hide the original element
		element.style.display = 'none';

		highlighter.noGutter = (showGutter == null) ? IsOptionSet('nogutter', options) : !showGutter;
		highlighter.addControls = (showControls == null) ? !IsOptionSet('nocontrols', options) : showControls;
		highlighter.collapse = (collapseAll == null) ? IsOptionSet('collapse', options) : collapseAll;
		highlighter.showColumns = (showColumns == null) ? IsOptionSet('showcolumns', options) : showColumns;

		// write out custom brush style
		//	document.write('');
		// first line idea comes from Andrew Collington, thanks!
		highlighter.firstLine = (firstLine == null) ? parseInt(GetOptionValue('firstline', options, 1)) : firstLine;

		highlighter.source = element;

		element.parentNode.insertBefore(highlighter.div, element);

dp.sh.Brushes.Php = function()
	var funcs	=	'abs acos acosh addcslashes addslashes ' +
					'array_change_key_case array_chunk array_combine array_count_values array_diff '+
					'array_diff_assoc array_diff_key array_diff_uassoc array_diff_ukey array_fill '+
					'array_filter array_flip array_intersect array_intersect_assoc array_intersect_key '+
					'array_intersect_uassoc array_intersect_ukey array_key_exists array_keys array_map '+
					'array_merge array_merge_recursive array_multisort array_pad array_pop array_product '+
					'array_push array_rand array_reduce array_reverse array_search array_shift '+
					'array_slice array_splice array_sum array_udiff array_udiff_assoc '+
					'array_udiff_uassoc array_uintersect array_uintersect_assoc '+
					'array_uintersect_uassoc array_unique array_unshift array_values array_walk '+
					'array_walk_recursive atan atan2 atanh base64_decode base64_encode base_convert '+
					'basename bcadd bccomp bcdiv bcmod bcmul bindec bindtextdomain bzclose bzcompress '+
					'bzdecompress bzerrno bzerror bzerrstr bzflush bzopen bzread bzwrite ceil chdir '+
					'checkdate checkdnsrr chgrp chmod chop chown chr chroot chunk_split class_exists '+
					'closedir closelog copy cos cosh count count_chars date decbin dechex decoct '+
					'deg2rad delete ebcdic2ascii echo empty end ereg ereg_replace eregi eregi_replace error_log '+
					'error_reporting escapeshellarg escapeshellcmd eval exec exp explode extension_loaded '+
					'feof fflush fgetc fgetcsv fgets fgetss file_exists file_get_contents file_put_contents '+
					'fileatime filectime filegroup fileinode filemtime fileowner fileperms filesize filetype '+
					'floatval flock floor flush fmod fnmatch fopen fpassthru fprintf fputcsv fputs fread fscanf '+
					'fseek fsockopen fstat ftell ftok getallheaders getcwd getdate getenv gethostbyaddr gethostbyname '+
					'gethostbynamel getimagesize getlastmod getmxrr getmygid getmyinode getmypid getmyuid getopt '+
					'getprotobyname getprotobynumber getrandmax getrusage getservbyname getservbyport gettext '+
					'gettimeofday gettype glob gmdate gmmktime ini_alter ini_get ini_get_all ini_restore ini_set '+
					'interface_exists intval ip2long is_a is_array is_bool is_callable is_dir is_double '+
					'is_executable is_file is_finite is_float is_infinite is_int is_integer is_link is_long '+
					'is_nan is_null is_numeric is_object is_readable is_real is_resource is_scalar is_soap_fault '+
					'is_string is_subclass_of is_uploaded_file is_writable is_writeable mkdir mktime nl2br '+
					'parse_ini_file parse_str parse_url passthru pathinfo readlink realpath rewind rewinddir rmdir '+
					'round str_ireplace str_pad str_repeat str_replace str_rot13 str_shuffle str_split '+
					'str_word_count strcasecmp strchr strcmp strcoll strcspn strftime strip_tags stripcslashes '+
					'stripos stripslashes stristr strlen strnatcasecmp strnatcmp strncasecmp strncmp strpbrk '+
					'strpos strptime strrchr strrev strripos strrpos strspn strstr strtok strtolower strtotime '+
					'strtoupper strtr strval substr substr_compare isset header html_entity_decode trim fclose fwrite urldecode preg_match preg_match_all preg_replace sleep constant defined func_get_args call_user_func call_user_func_array list';

	var visibility = 'self final abstract interface public protected private implements extends static const';

	var keywords =	'parent and or xor __FILE__ __LINE__ array as break case ' +
					'cfunction class continue declare default die do else ' +
					'elseif empty enddeclare endfor endforeach endif endswitch endwhile ' +
					'for foreach include include_once global if ' +
					'new old_function return switch use require require_once ' +
					'var while __FUNCTION__ __CLASS__ ' +
					'__METHOD__ throw print exit';

	this.regexList = [
		{ regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.SingleLineCComments,				css: 'comment' },			// one line comments
		{ regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.MultiLineCComments,					css: 'comment' },			// multiline comments
		{ regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.DoubleQuotedString,					css: 'string' },			// double quoted strings
		{ regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.SingleQuotedString,					css: 'string' },			// single quoted strings
		{ regex: new RegExp('\\$\\w+', 'g'),						css: 'vars' },				// variables
		{ regex: new RegExp(this.GetKeywords(funcs), 'gmi'),		css: 'func' },				// functions
		{ regex: new RegExp(this.GetKeywords(visibility), 'gm'),	css: 'visibility' },		// visibility
		{ regex: new RegExp(this.GetKeywords(keywords), 'gm'),		css: 'keyword' },			// keyword
		{ regex: new RegExp('function\\s?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(?=\\()','g'),	css: 'func_dec' },	// function declarations,
		{ regex: new RegExp('([0-9]+|true|false|null|TRUE|FALSE|NULL)(?=(;|\\)|\\s|\\,))','g'), css: 'const'} //constants

	this.CssClass = 'php';

dp.sh.Brushes.Php.prototype	= new dp.sh.Highlighter();
dp.sh.Brushes.Php.Aliases	= ['php'];

dp.sh.Brushes.JScript = function()
	var keywords =	'abstract boolean break byte case catch char class const continue debugger ' +
					'default delete do double else enum export extends final finally float ' +
					'for function goto if implements import in instanceof int interface long native ' +
					'new package private protected public return short static super switch ' +
					'synchronized throw throws transient try typeof var void volatile while with';
	var constants = 'true false null TRUE FALSE NULL [0-9]+';
	var builtin =	'window document event Object Function Math Array Hash String Date RegExp';			
	this.regexList = [	
		{ regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.SingleLineCComments,				css: 'comment' },			// one line comments
		{ regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.MultiLineCComments,					css: 'comment' },			// multiline comments
		{ regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.DoubleQuotedString,					css: 'string' },			// double quoted strings
		{ regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.SingleQuotedString,					css: 'string' },			// single quoted strings
		{ regex: new RegExp('^\\s*#.*', 'gm'),						css: 'preprocessor' },		// preprocessor tags like #region and #endregion
		{ regex: new RegExp(this.GetKeywords(keywords), 'gm'),		css: 'keyword' },			// keywords
		{ regex: new RegExp(this.GetKeywords(builtin), 'gm'),		css: 'builtin' },			// builtin
		{ regex: new RegExp(this.GetKeywords(constants), 'g'),		css: 'constants' },			// constants
		{ regex: new RegExp('this(?=(\\.|\\,|\\)))', 'g'),			css: '_this' },				// _this,
		{ regex: new RegExp('(\\s|\\{|\\,)[a-zA-Z0-9_]+(?=\\s?:\\s?function)', 'gm'), css: 'func_dec' },				// function declaration,
		{ regex: new RegExp('on(R(ow(s(inserted|delete)|e(nter|xit))|e(s(ize(start|end)?|et)|adystatechange))|Mouse(o(ut|ver)|down|up|move)|B(efore(cut|deactivate|u(nload|pdate)|p(aste|rint)|editfocus|activate)|lur)|S(croll|top|ubmit|elect(start|ionchange)?)|H(over|elp)|C(hange|ont(extmenu|rolselect)|ut|ellchange|l(ick|ose))|D(eactivate|ata(setc(hanged|omplete)|available)|r(op|ag(start|over|drop|en(ter|d)|leave)?)|blclick)|Unload|P(aste|ropertychange)|Error(update)?|Key(down|up|press)|Focus|Load|A(ctivate|fter(update|print)|bort))','g'),css:'support_property'},
		{ regex: new RegExp('(s(h(ift|ow(Mod(elessDialog|alDialog)|Help))|croll(X|By(Pages|Lines)?|Y|To)?|t(op|rike)|i(n|zeToContent|debar|gnText)|ort|u(p|b(str(ing)?)?)|pli(ce|t)|e(nd|t(Re(sizable|questHeader)|M(i(nutes|lliseconds)|onth)|Seconds|Ho(tKeys|urs)|Year|Cursor|Time(out)?|Interval|ZOptions|Date|UTC(M(i(nutes|lliseconds)|onth)|Seconds|Hours|Date|FullYear)|FullYear|Active)|arch)|qrt|lice|avePreferences|mall)|h(ome|andleEvent)|navigate|c(har(CodeAt|At)|o(s|n(cat|textual|firm)|mpile)|eil|lear(Timeout|Interval)?|a(ptureEvents|ll)|reate(StyleSheet|Popup|EventObject))|t(o(GMTString|S(tring|ource)|U(TCString|pperCase)|Lo(caleString|werCase))|est|a(n|int(Enabled)?))|i(s(NaN|Finite)|ndexOf|talics)|d(isableExternalCapture|ump|etachEvent)|u(n(shift|taint|escape|watch)|pdateCommands)|j(oin|avaEnabled)|p(o(p|w)|ush|lugins.refresh|a(ddings|rse(Int|Float)?)|r(int|ompt|eference))|e(scape|nableExternalCapture|val|lementFromPoint|x(p|ec(Script|Command)?))|valueOf|UTC|queryCommand(State|Indeterm|Enabled|Value)|f(i(nd|le(ModifiedDate|Size|CreatedDate|UpdatedDate)|xed)|o(nt(size|color)|rward)|loor|romCharCode)|watch|l(ink|o(ad|g)|astIndexOf)|a(sin|nchor|cos|t(tachEvent|ob|an(2)?)|pply|lert|b(s|ort))|r(ou(nd|teEvents)|e(size(By|To)|calc|turnValue|place|verse|l(oad|ease(Capture|Events)))|andom)|g(o|et(ResponseHeader|M(i(nutes|lliseconds)|onth)|Se(conds|lection)|Hours|Year|Time(zoneOffset)?|Da(y|te)|UTC(M(i(nutes|lliseconds)|onth)|Seconds|Hours|Da(y|te)|FullYear)|FullYear|A(ttention|llResponseHeaders)))|m(in|ove(B(y|elow)|To(Absolute)?|Above)|ergeAttributes|a(tch|rgins|x))|b(toa|ig|o(ld|rderWidths)|link|ack))(?=\\()','g'),css:'support_method'},
		{ regex: new RegExp('(s(ub(stringData|mit)|plitText|e(t(NamedItem|Attribute(Node)?)|lect))|has(ChildNodes|Feature)|namedItem|c(l(ick|o(se|neNode))|reate(C(omment|DATASection|aption)|T(Head|extNode|Foot)|DocumentFragment|ProcessingInstruction|E(ntityReference|lement)|Attribute))|tabIndex|i(nsert(Row|Before|Cell|Data)|tem)|open|delete(Row|C(ell|aption)|T(Head|Foot)|Data)|focus|write(ln)?|a(dd|ppend(Child|Data))|re(set|place(Child|Data)|move(NamedItem|Child|Attribute(Node)?)?)|get(NamedItem|Element(sBy(Name|TagName)|ById)|Attribute(Node)?)|blur)(?=\\()','g'),css:'support_method'},
		{ regex: new RegExp('on(R(ow(s(inserted|delete)|e(nter|xit))|e(s(ize(start|end)?|et)|adystatechange))|Mouse(o(ut|ver)|down|up|move)|B(efore(cut|deactivate|u(nload|pdate)|p(aste|rint)|editfocus|activate)|lur)|S(croll|top|ubmit|elect(start|ionchange)?)|H(over|elp)|C(hange|ont(extmenu|rolselect)|ut|ellchange|l(ick|ose))|D(eactivate|ata(setc(hanged|omplete)|available)|r(op|ag(start|over|drop|en(ter|d)|leave)?)|blclick)|Unload|P(aste|ropertychange)|Error(update)?|Key(down|up|press)|Focus|Load|A(ctivate|fter(update|print)|bort))','g'),css:'support_property'},
		{ regex: new RegExp('\\.(s(ystemLanguage|cr(ipts|ollbars|een(X|Y|Top|Left))|t(yle(Sheets)?|atus(Text|bar)?)|ibling(Below|Above)|ource|uffixes|e(curity(Policy)?|l(ection|f)))|h(istory|ost(name)?|as(h|Focus))|y|X(MLDocument|SLDocument)|n(ext|ame(space(s|URI)|Prop))|M(IN_VALUE|AX_VALUE)|c(haracterSet|o(n(structor|trollers)|okieEnabled|lorDepth|mp(onents|lete))|urrent|puClass|l(i(p(boardData)?|entInformation)|osed|asses)|alle(e|r)|rypto)|t(o(olbar|p)|ext(Transform|Indent|Decoration|Align)|ags)|SQRT(1_2|2)|i(n(ner(Height|Width)|put)|ds|gnoreCase)|zIndex|o(scpu|n(readystatechange|Line)|uter(Height|Width)|p(sProfile|ener)|ffscreenBuffering)|NEGATIVE_INFINITY|d(i(splay|alog(Height|Top|Width|Left|Arguments)|rectories)|e(scription|fault(Status|Ch(ecked|arset)|View)))|u(ser(Profile|Language|Agent)|n(iqueID|defined)|pdateInterval)|_content|p(ixelDepth|ort|ersonalbar|kcs11|l(ugins|atform)|a(thname|dding(Right|Bottom|Top|Left)|rent(Window|Layer)?|ge(X(Offset)?|Y(Offset)?))|r(o(to(col|type)|duct(Sub)?|mpter)|e(vious|fix)))|e(n(coding|abledPlugin)|x(ternal|pando)|mbeds)|v(isibility|endor(Sub)?|Linkcolor)|URLUnencoded|P(I|OSITIVE_INFINITY)|f(ilename|o(nt(Size|Family|Weight)|rmName)|rame(s|Element)|gColor)|E|whiteSpace|l(i(stStyleType|n(eHeight|kColor))|o(ca(tion(bar)?|lName)|wsrc)|e(ngth|ft(Context)?)|a(st(M(odified|atch)|Index|Paren)|yer(s|X)|nguage))|a(pp(MinorVersion|Name|Co(deName|re)|Version)|vail(Height|Top|Width|Left)|ll|r(ity|guments)|Linkcolor|bove)|r(ight(Context)?|e(sponse(XML|Text)|adyState))|global|x|m(imeTypes|ultiline|enubar|argin(Right|Bottom|Top|Left))|L(N(10|2)|OG(10E|2E))|b(o(ttom|rder(RightWidth|BottomWidth|Style|Color|TopWidth|LeftWidth))|ufferDepth|elow|ackground(Color|Image)))','g'),css:'support_property'}
	this.CssClass = 'javascript';

dp.sh.Brushes.JScript.prototype	= new dp.sh.Highlighter();
dp.sh.Brushes.JScript.Aliases	= ['js', 'jscript', 'javascript'];

dp.sh.Brushes.CSS = function()
	var keywords =	'ascent azimuth background-attachment background-color background-image background-position ' +
					'background-repeat background baseline bbox border-collapse border-color border-spacing border-style border-top ' +
					'border-right border-bottom border-left border-top-color border-right-color border-bottom-color border-left-color ' +
					'border-top-style border-right-style border-bottom-style border-left-style border-top-width border-right-width ' +
					'border-bottom-width border-left-width border-width border bottom cap-height caption-side centerline clear clip color ' +
					'content counter-increment counter-reset cue-after cue-before cue cursor definition-src descent direction display ' +
					'elevation empty-cells float font-size-adjust font-family font-size font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight font ' +
					'height letter-spacing line-height list-style-image list-style-position list-style-type list-style margin-top ' +
					'margin-right margin-bottom margin-left margin marker-offset marks mathline max-height max-width min-height min-width orphans ' +
					'outline-color outline-style outline-width outline overflow padding-top padding-right padding-bottom padding-left padding page ' +
					'page-break-after page-break-before page-break-inside pause pause-after pause-before pitch pitch-range play-during position ' +
					'quotes richness right size slope src speak-header speak-numeral speak-punctuation speak speech-rate stemh stemv stress ' +
					'table-layout text-align text-decoration text-indent text-shadow text-transform unicode-bidi unicode-range units-per-em ' +
					'vertical-align visibility voice-family volume white-space widows width widths word-spacing x-height z-index important';

	var values =	'above absolute all always aqua armenian attr aural auto avoid baseline behind below bidi-override black blink block blue bold bolder '+
					'both bottom braille capitalize caption center center-left center-right circle close-quote code collapse compact condensed '+
					'continuous counter counters crop cross crosshair cursive dashed decimal decimal-leading-zero default digits disc dotted double '+
					'embed embossed e-resize expanded extra-condensed extra-expanded fantasy far-left far-right fast faster fixed format fuchsia '+
					'gray green groove handheld hebrew help hidden hide high higher icon inline-table inline inset inside invert italic '+
					'justify landscape large larger left-side left leftwards level lighter lime line-through list-item local loud lower-alpha '+
					'lowercase lower-greek lower-latin lower-roman lower low ltr marker maroon medium message-box middle mix move narrower '+
					'navy ne-resize no-close-quote none no-open-quote no-repeat normal nowrap n-resize nw-resize oblique olive once open-quote outset '+
					'outside overline pointer portrait pre print projection purple red relative repeat repeat-x repeat-y rgb ridge right right-side '+
					'rightwards rtl run-in screen scroll semi-condensed semi-expanded separate se-resize show silent silver slower slow '+
					'small small-caps small-caption smaller soft solid speech spell-out square s-resize static status-bar sub super sw-resize '+
					'table-caption table-cell table-column table-column-group table-footer-group table-header-group table-row table-row-group teal '+
					'text-bottom text-top thick thin top transparent tty tv ultra-condensed ultra-expanded underline upper-alpha uppercase upper-latin '+
					'upper-roman url visible wait white wider w-resize x-fast x-high x-large x-loud x-low x-slow x-small x-soft xx-large xx-small yellow';
	var fonts =		'[mM]onospace [tT]ahoma [vV]erdana [aA]rial [hH]elvetica [sS]ans-serif [sS]erif';

	this.regexList = [
		{ regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.MultiLineCComments,					css: 'comment' },	// multiline comments
		{ regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.DoubleQuotedString,					css: 'string' },	// double quoted strings
		{ regex: dp.sh.RegexLib.SingleQuotedString,					css: 'string' },	// single quoted strings
		{ regex: new RegExp('\\#[a-fA-F0-9]{3,6}', 'g'),			css: 'color' },		// html colors
		{ regex: new RegExp('-?(\\d+)(px|pt|\:|\\s)?', 'g'),		css: 'size' },		// size specifications
		{ regex: new RegExp(this.GetKeywords(keywords), 'gm'),		css: 'keyword' },	// keywords
		{ regex: new RegExp(this.GetKeywords(values), 'g'),			css: 'value' },		// values
		{ regex: new RegExp(this.GetKeywords(fonts), 'g'),			css: 'fonts' },		// fonts
		{ regex: new RegExp('(^|\n)[\\s\\#\\._\\-a-zA-Z0-9\\,\\*]+[\\s\\n]*(?=\\{)','gm'),css:'rule'}

	this.CssClass = 'css';

dp.sh.Brushes.CSS.prototype	= new dp.sh.Highlighter();
dp.sh.Brushes.CSS.Aliases	= ['css'];

	//dp.sh.HighlightAll = function(name, showGutter /* optional */, showControls /* optional */, collapseAll /* optional */, firstLine /* optional */, showColumns /* optional */)