query (" SELECT hlstats_Games.name FROM hlstats_Games WHERE hlstats_Games.code = '$game' "); if ($db->num_rows() < 1) error("No such game '$game'."); list($gamename) = $db->fetch_row(); $db->free_result(); pageHeader ( array ($gamename, 'Role Statistics'), array ($gamename => "%s?game=$game", 'Role Statistics' => '') ); $result = $db->query (" SELECT hlstats_Roles.code, hlstats_Roles.name FROM hlstats_Roles WHERE hlstats_Roles.game='$game' "); while ($rowdata = $db->fetch_row($result)) { $code = $rowdata[0]; $fname[$code] = htmlspecialchars($rowdata[1]); } $tblRoles = new Table ( array ( new TableColumn ( 'code', 'Role', 'width=24&type=roleimg&align=left&link=' . urlencode("mode=rolesinfo&role=%k&game=$game"), $fname ), new TableColumn ( 'picked', 'Picked', 'width=9&align=right&append=+times' ), new TableColumn ( 'ppercent', '%', 'width=6&align=right&append=' . urlencode('%') ), new TableColumn ( 'ppercent', 'Ratio', 'width=9&sort=no&type=bargraph' ), new TableColumn ( 'kills', 'Kills', 'width=6&align=right' ), new TableColumn ( 'kpercent', '%', 'width=6&align=right&append=' . urlencode('%') ), new TableColumn ( 'kpercent', 'Ratio', 'width=9&sort=no&type=bargraph' ), new TableColumn ( 'deaths', 'Deaths', 'width=6&align=right' ), new TableColumn ( 'dpercent', '%', 'width=6&sort=no&align=right&append=' . urlencode('%') ), new TableColumn ( 'dpercent', 'Ratio', 'width=9&sort=no&type=bargraph' ), new TableColumn ( 'kpd', 'K:D', 'width=5&align=right' ) ), 'code', 'kills', 'name', true, 9999, 'role_page', 'role_sort', 'role_sortorder' ); $db->query (" SELECT IF(IFNULL(SUM(hlstats_Roles.kills), 0) = 0, 1, SUM(hlstats_Roles.kills)), IF(IFNULL(SUM(hlstats_Roles.deaths), 0) = 0, 1, SUM(hlstats_Roles.deaths)), IF(IFNULL(SUM(hlstats_Roles.picked), 0) = 0, 1, SUM(hlstats_Roles.picked)) FROM hlstats_Roles WHERE hlstats_Roles.game = '$game' AND hlstats_Roles.hidden = '0' "); list($realkills, $realdeaths, $realpicked) = $db->fetch_row(); $result = $db->query (" SELECT hlstats_Roles.code, hlstats_Roles.name, hlstats_Roles.picked, ROUND(hlstats_Roles.picked / $realpicked * 100, 2) AS ppercent, hlstats_Roles.kills, ROUND(hlstats_Roles.kills / $realkills * 100, 2) AS kpercent, hlstats_Roles.deaths, ROUND(hlstats_Roles.deaths / $realdeaths * 100, 2) AS dpercent, ROUND(hlstats_Roles.kills / IF(hlstats_Roles.deaths = 0, 1, hlstats_Roles.deaths), 2) AS kpd FROM hlstats_Roles WHERE hlstats_Roles.game = '$game' AND hlstats_Roles.kills > 0 AND hlstats_Roles.hidden = '0' GROUP BY hlstats_Roles.roleId ORDER BY $tblRoles->sort $tblRoles->sortorder, $tblRoles->sort2 $tblRoles->sortorder "); ?>
From a total of kills with deaths

draw($result, $db->num_rows($result), 95); ?>

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