<?php /* HLstatsX Community Edition - Real-time player and clan rankings and statistics Copyleft (L) 2008-20XX Nicholas Hastings (nshastings@gmail.com) http://www.hlxcommunity.com HLstatsX Community Edition is a continuation of ELstatsNEO - Real-time player and clan rankings and statistics Copyleft (L) 2008-20XX Malte Bayer (steam@neo-soft.org) http://ovrsized.neo-soft.org/ ELstatsNEO is an very improved & enhanced - so called Ultra-Humongus Edition of HLstatsX HLstatsX - Real-time player and clan rankings and statistics for Half-Life 2 http://www.hlstatsx.com/ Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Tobias Oetzel (Tobi@hlstatsx.com) HLstatsX is an enhanced version of HLstats made by Simon Garner HLstats - Real-time player and clan rankings and statistics for Half-Life http://sourceforge.net/projects/hlstats/ Copyright (C) 2001 Simon Garner This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. For support and installation notes visit http://www.hlxcommunity.com */ if ( !defined('IN_HLSTATS') ) { die('Do not access this file directly.'); } // Roles Details $role = valid_request($_GET['role'], 0) or error('No role ID specified.'); $db->query(" SELECT hlstats_Roles.name, hlstats_Roles.code FROM hlstats_Roles WHERE hlstats_Roles.code='$role' AND hlstats_Roles.game='$game' "); if ($db->num_rows() != 1) { $role_name = ucfirst($role); $role_code = ucfirst($role); } else { $roledata = $db->fetch_array(); $db->free_result(); $role_name = $roledata['name']; $role_code = $roledata['code']; } $db->query("SELECT name FROM hlstats_Games WHERE code='$game'"); if ($db->num_rows() != 1) error('Invalid or no game specified.'); else list($gamename) = $db->fetch_row(); pageHeader( array($gamename, 'Roles Details', htmlspecialchars($role_name)), array( $gamename => $g_options['scripturl']."?game=$game", 'Roles Statistics' => $g_options['scripturl']."?mode=roles&game=$game", 'Role Details' => '' ), $role_name ); $table = new Table( array( new TableColumn( 'killerName', 'Player', 'width=60&align=left&flag=1&link=' . urlencode('mode=playerinfo&player=%k') ), new TableColumn( 'frags', ucfirst($role_name) . ' kills', 'width=35&align=right' ), ), 'killerId', // keycol 'frags', // sort_default 'killerName', // sort_default2 true, // showranking 50 // numperpage ); $result = $db->query(" SELECT hlstats_Events_Frags.killerId, hlstats_Players.lastName AS killerName, hlstats_Players.flag as flag, COUNT(hlstats_Events_Frags.killerRole) AS frags FROM hlstats_Events_Frags, hlstats_Players WHERE hlstats_Players.playerId = hlstats_Events_Frags.killerId AND hlstats_Events_Frags.killerRole='$role' AND hlstats_Players.game='$game' AND hlstats_Players.hideranking<>'1' GROUP BY hlstats_Events_Frags.killerId ORDER BY $table->sort $table->sortorder, $table->sort2 $table->sortorder LIMIT $table->startitem,$table->numperpage "); $resultCount = $db->query(" SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT hlstats_Events_Frags.killerId), SUM(hlstats_Events_Frags.killerRole='$role'), SUM(hlstats_Events_Frags.killerRole='$role' AND hlstats_Events_Frags.headshot=1) FROM hlstats_Events_Frags, hlstats_Servers WHERE hlstats_Servers.serverId = hlstats_Events_Frags.serverId AND hlstats_Events_Frags.killerRole='$role' AND hlstats_Servers.game='$game' "); list($numitems, $totalkills, $totalheadshots) = $db->fetch_row($resultCount); ?> <div class="block"> <?php printSectionTitle('Role Details'); ?> <div class="subblock"> <?php // figure out URL and absolute path of image $wep_content = "<strong>".htmlspecialchars($role_name)."</strong>: "; $image = getImage("/games/$game/roles/$role"); if ($image) { $wep_content .= '<img src="' . str_replace('#','%23',$image['url']) ."\" alt=\"".htmlspecialchars($role_name)."\" />"; } ?> <div style="float:left;"> <?php echo $wep_content ?> From a total of <b><?php echo number_format(intval($totalkills)); ?></b> kills as <?php echo htmlspecialchars($role_name); if($totalheadshots > 0 || $role=='sniper') { echo ' with <b>' . number_format($totalheadshots) . '</b> headshots '; } ?> (Last <?php echo $g_options['DeleteDays']; ?> Days) </div> <div style="float:right;"> Back to <a href="<?php echo $g_options['scripturl'] . "?mode=roles&game=$game"; ?>">Roles Statistics</a> </div> <div style="clear:both;padding:2px;"></div> </div> </div> <?php $table->draw($result, $numitems, 95, 'center'); ?> </td></tr> </table>