package BASTARDrcon; # # BASTARDrcon Perl Module - execute commands on a remote Half-Life 1 server using Rcon. # A merge of the KKrcon library into HLstatsX # Copyright (C) 2008-20XX Nicholas Hastings ( # KKrcon Perl Module - execute commands on a remote Half-Life server using Rcon. # # # TRcon Perl Module - execute commands on a remote Half-Life2 server using remote console. # # # Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Rod May # Enhanced in 2005 by Tobi ( # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # use strict; use sigtrap; use Socket; use Sys::Hostname; use bytes; ## ## Main ## # # Constructor # sub new { my ($class_name, $server_object) = @_; my ($self) = {}; bless($self, $class_name); # Initialise properties $self->{server_object} = $server_object; $self->{rcon_password} = $server_object->{rcon} or die("BASTARDrcon: a Password is required\n"); $self->{server_host} = $server_object->{address}; $self->{server_port} = int($server_object->{port}) or die("BASTARDrcon: invalid Port \"" . $server_object->{port} . "\"\n"); $self->{socket} = undef; $self->{error} = ""; # Set up socket parameters $self->{_ipaddr} = gethostbyname($self->{server_host}) or die("BASTARDrcon: could not resolve Host \"" . $self->{server_host} . "\"\n"); return $self; } # # Execute an Rcon command and return the response # sub execute { my ($self, $command) = @_; my $msg; my $ans; # version x.1.0.6+ HL1 server $msg = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFchallenge rcon\n\0"; $ans = $self->_sendrecv($msg); if ($ans =~ /challenge +rcon +(\d+)/) { $msg = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFrcon $1 \"" . $self->{"rcon_password"} . "\" $command\0"; $ans = $self->_sendrecv($msg); } elsif (!$self->error()) { $ans = ""; $self->{"error"} = "No challenge response"; } if ($ans =~ /bad rcon_password/i) { $self->{"error"} = "Bad Password"; } return $ans; } sub _sendrecv { my ($self, $msg) = @_; my $host = $self->{"server_host"}; my $port = $self->{"server_port"}; my $ipaddr = $self->{"_ipaddr"}; my $proto = $self->{"_proto"}; # Open socket socket($self->{"socket"}, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, $proto) or die("BASTARDrcon(141): socket: $!\n"); my $hispaddr = sockaddr_in($port, $ipaddr); die("BASTARDrcon: send $ipaddr:$port : $!") unless(defined(send($self->{"socket"}, $msg, 0, $hispaddr))); my $rin = ""; vec($rin, fileno($self->{"socket"}), 1) = 1; my $ans = "TIMEOUT"; if (select($rin, undef, undef, 0.5)) { $ans = ""; $hispaddr = recv($self->{"socket"}, $ans, 8192, 0); $ans =~ s/\x00+$//; # trailing crap $ans =~ s/^\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFl//; # HL response $ans =~ s/^\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFn//; # QW response $ans =~ s/^\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF//; # Q2/Q3 response $ans =~ s/^\xFE\xFF\xFF\xFF.....//; # old HL bug/feature } # Close socket close($self->{"socket"}); if ($ans eq "TIMEOUT") { $ans = ""; $self->{"error"} = "Rcon timeout"; } return $ans; } # # Send a package # sub send_rcon { my ($self, $id, $command, $string1, $string2) = @_; my $tmp = pack("VVZ*Z*",$id,$command,$string1,$string2); my $size = length($tmp); if($size > 4096) { $self->{error} = "Command too long to send!"; return 1; } $tmp = pack("V", $size) .$tmp; unless(defined(send($self->{"socket"},$tmp,0))) { die("BASTARDrcon: send $!"); } return 0; } # # Recieve a package # sub recieve_rcon { my $self = shift; my ($size, $id, $command, $msg); my $rin = ""; my $tmp = ""; vec($rin, fileno($self->{"socket"}), 1) = 1; if(select($rin, undef, undef, 0.5)) { while(length($size) < 4) { $tmp = ""; recv($self->{"socket"}, $tmp, (4-length($size)), 0); $size .= $tmp; } $size = unpack("V", $size); if($size < 10 || $size > 8192) { close($self->{"socket"}); $self->{error} = "illegal size $size "; return (-1, -1, -1); } while(length($id)<4) { $tmp = ""; recv($self->{"socket"}, $tmp, (4-length($id)), 0); $id .= $tmp; } $id = unpack("V", $id); $size = $size - 4; while(length($command)<4) { $tmp =""; recv($self->{"socket"}, $tmp, (4-length($command)),0); $command.=$tmp; } $command = unpack("V", $command); $size = $size - 4; my $msg = ""; while($size >= 1) { $tmp = ""; recv($self->{"socket"}, $tmp, $size, 0); $size -= length($tmp); $msg .= $tmp; } my ($string1,$string2) = unpack("Z*Z*",$msg); $msg = $string1.$string2; return ($id, $command, $msg); } else { return (-1, -1, -1); } } # # Get error message # sub error { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{"error"}; } # # Parse "status" command output into player information # sub getPlayers { my ($self) = @_; my $status = $self->execute("status"); my @lines = split(/[\r\n]+/, $status); my %players; # HL1 # name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr # 1 "psychonic" 1 STEAM_0:1:4153990 0 00:33 13 0 foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line =~ /^\#\s*\d+\s+ "(.+)"\s+ # name (\d+)\s+ # userid ([^\s]+)\s+\d+\s+ # uniqueid ([\d:]+)\s+ # time (\d+)\s+ # ping (\d+)\s+ # loss ([^:]+): # addr (\S+) # port $/x) { my $name = $1; my $userid = $2; my $uniqueid = $3; my $time = $4; my $ping = $5; my $loss = $6; my $state = ""; my $address = $7; my $port = $8; $uniqueid =~ s/^STEAM_[0-9]+?\://i; # &::printEvent("DEBUG", "USERID: '$userid', NAME: '$name', UNIQUEID: '$uniqueid', TIME: '$time', PING: '$ping', LOSS: '$loss', ADDRESS:'$address', CLI_PORT: '$port'", 1); if ($::g_mode eq "NameTrack") { $players{$name} = { "Name" => $name, "UserID" => $userid, "UniqueID" => $uniqueid, "Time" => $time, "Ping" => $ping, "Loss" => $loss, "State" => $state, "Address" => $address, "ClientPort" => $port }; } elsif ($::g_mode eq "LAN") { $players{$address} = { "Name" => $name, "UserID" => $userid, "UniqueID" => $uniqueid, "Time" => $time, "Ping" => $ping, "Loss" => $loss, "State" => $state, "Address" => $address, "ClientPort" => $port }; } else { $players{$uniqueid} = { "Name" => $name, "UserID" => $userid, "UniqueID" => $uniqueid, "Time" => $time, "Ping" => $ping, "Loss" => $loss, "State" => $state, "Address" => $address, "ClientPort" => $port }; } } } return %players; } sub getServerData { my ($self) = @_; my $status = $self->execute("status"); my @lines = split(/[\r\n]+/, $status); my $servhostname = ""; my $map = ""; my $max_players = 0; foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line =~ /^\s*hostname\s*:\s*([\S].*)$/x) { $servhostname = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*map\s*:\s*([\S]+).*$/x) { $map = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*players\s*:\s*\d+.+\((\d+)\smax.*$/) { $max_players = $1; } } return ($servhostname, $map, $max_players, 0); } sub getVisiblePlayers { my ($self) = @_; my $status = $self->execute("sv_visiblemaxplayers"); my @lines = split(/[\r\n]+/, $status); my $max_players = -1; foreach my $line (@lines) { # "sv_visiblemaxplayers" = "-1" # - Overrides the max players reported to prospective clients if ($line =~ /^\s*"sv_visiblemaxplayers"\s*=\s*"([-0-9]+)".*$/x) { $max_players = $1; } } return ($max_players); } # # Get information about a player by userID # sub getPlayer { my ($self, $uniqueid) = @_; my %players = $self->getPlayers(); if (defined($players{$uniqueid})) { return $players{$uniqueid}; } else { $self->{"error"} = "No such player # $uniqueid"; return 0; } } 1; # end