userdata["acclevel"] < 80) { die ("Access denied!"); } $id=-1; if ((isset($_GET['id'])) && (is_numeric($_GET['id']))) { $id = valid_request($_GET['id'], 1); } ?>      Edit Player or Clan Details


"> query("SELECT `flag`,`name` FROM hlstats_Countries ORDER BY `name`"); while ($rowdata = $db->fetch_row($result)) { $flagselect.=";".$rowdata[0]."/".$rowdata[1]; } $flagselect.=";"; $proppage = new PropertyPage("hlstats_Players", "playerId", $id, array( new PropertyPage_Group("Profile", array( new PropertyPage_Property("fullName", "Real Name", "text"), new PropertyPage_Property("email", "E-mail Address", "text"), new PropertyPage_Property("homepage", "Homepage URL", "text"), new PropertyPage_Property("flag", "Country Flag", "select",$flagselect), new PropertyPage_Property("skill", "Points", "text"), new PropertyPage_Property("kills", "Kills", "text"), new PropertyPage_Property("deaths", "Deaths", "text"), new PropertyPage_Property("headshots", "Headshots", "text"), new PropertyPage_Property("suicides", "Suicides", "text"), new PropertyPage_Property("hideranking", "Hide Ranking", "select", "0/No;1/Yes;2/Flag as Banned;3/Inactive (Automatic);"), new PropertyPage_Property("blockavatar", "Force Default Avatar Image (note that this overrides images in hlstatsimg/avatars)", "select", "0/No;1/Yes;"), )) )); if (isset($_POST['fullName'])) { $proppage->update(); message("success", "Profile updated successfully."); } $playerId = $db->escape($id); $result = $db->query(" SELECT * FROM hlstats_Players WHERE playerId='$playerId' "); if ($db->num_rows() < 1) die("No player exists with ID #$id"); $data = $db->fetch_array($result); echo ''; echo $data['lastName']; echo ''; echo '     ' . '' . '(View Player Details)'; ?>

draw($data); ?>
query (" SELECT ipAddress, eventTime FROM hlstats_Events_Connects WHERE playerId = $playerId GROUP BY ipAddress ORDER BY eventTime DESC "); ?>
draw($result, 50, 50); ?>