/** * Autocompleter.Request * * http://digitarald.de/project/autocompleter/ * * @version 1.1.2 * * @license MIT-style license * @author Harald Kirschner * @copyright Author */ Autocompleter.Request = new Class({ Extends: Autocompleter, options: {/* indicator: null, indicatorClass: null, onRequest: $empty, onComplete: $empty,*/ postData: {}, ajaxOptions: {}, postVar: 'value' }, query: function(){ var data = $unlink(this.options.postData) || {}; data[this.options.postVar] = this.queryValue; var indicator = $(this.options.indicator); if (indicator) indicator.setStyle('display', ''); var cls = this.options.indicatorClass; if (cls) this.element.addClass(cls); this.fireEvent('onRequest', [this.element, this.request, data, this.queryValue]); this.request.send({'data': data}); }, /** * queryResponse - abstract * * Inherated classes have to extend this function and use this.parent() */ queryResponse: function() { var indicator = $(this.options.indicator); if (indicator) indicator.setStyle('display', 'none'); var cls = this.options.indicatorClass; if (cls) this.element.removeClass(cls); return this.fireEvent('onComplete', [this.element, this.request]); } }); Autocompleter.Request.JSON = new Class({ Extends: Autocompleter.Request, initialize: function(el, url, options) { this.parent(el, options); this.request = new Request.JSON($merge({ 'url': url, 'link': 'cancel' }, this.options.ajaxOptions)).addEvent('onComplete', this.queryResponse.bind(this)); }, queryResponse: function(response) { this.parent(); this.update(response); } }); Autocompleter.Request.HTML = new Class({ Extends: Autocompleter.Request, initialize: function(el, url, options) { this.parent(el, options); this.request = new Request.HTML($merge({ 'url': url, 'link': 'cancel', 'update': this.choices }, this.options.ajaxOptions)).addEvent('onComplete', this.queryResponse.bind(this)); }, queryResponse: function(tree, elements) { this.parent(); if (!elements || !elements.length) { this.hideChoices(); } else { this.choices.getChildren(this.options.choicesMatch).each(this.options.injectChoice || function(choice) { var value = choice.innerHTML; choice.inputValue = value; this.addChoiceEvents(choice.set('html', this.markQueryValue(value))); }, this); this.showChoices(); } } }); /* compatibility */ Autocompleter.Ajax = { Base: Autocompleter.Request, Json: Autocompleter.Request.JSON, Xhtml: Autocompleter.Request.HTML };