userdata["acclevel"] < 80) die ("Access denied!"); $edlist = new EditList("id", "hlstats_ClanTags", "clan", false); $edlist->columns[] = new EditListColumn("pattern", "Pattern", 40, true, "text", "", 64); $edlist->columns[] = new EditListColumn("position", "Match Position", 0, true, "select", "EITHER/EITHER;START/START only;END/END only"); if ($_POST) { if ($edlist->update()) message("success", "Operation successful."); else message("warning", $edlist->error()); } ?> Here you can define the patterns used to determine what clan a player is in. These patterns are applied to players' names when they connect or change name.

Special characters in the pattern:

Character Description
A Matches one character (i.e. a character is required)
X Matches zero or one characters (i.e. a character is optional)
a Matches literal A or a
x Matches literal X or x

Example patterns:

Pattern Description Example
[AXXXXX] Matches 1 to 6 characters inside square braces [ZOOM]Player
{AAXX} Matches 2 to 4 characters inside curly braces {S3G}Player
rex>> Matches the string "rex>>", "REX>>", etc. REX>>Tyranno

Avoid adding patterns to the database that are too generic. Always ensure you have at least one literal (non-special) character in the pattern -- for example if you were to add the pattern "AXXA", it would match any player with 2 or more letters in their name!

The Match Position field sets which end of the player's name the clan tag is allowed to appear.

query(" SELECT id, pattern, position FROM hlstats_ClanTags ORDER BY id "); $edlist->draw($result); ?>