query("SELECT name FROM hlstats_Games WHERE code='$game'"); if ($db->num_rows() < 1) error("No such game '$game'."); list($gamename) = $db->fetch_row(); $db->free_result(); $minkills = 0; $table = new Table( array( new TableColumn( "lastName", "Name", "width=40&flag=1&link=" . urlencode("mode=statsme&player=%k") ), new TableColumn( "ban_date", "BanDate", "width=25&align=right" ), new TableColumn( "skill", "Points", "width=5&align=right" ), new TableColumn( "kills", "Kills", "width=5&align=right" ), new TableColumn( "deaths", "Deaths", "width=5&align=right" ), new TableColumn( "headshots", "Headshots", "width=5&align=right" ), new TableColumn( "hpk", "HS:K", "width=5&align=right" ), new TableColumn( "kpd", "KPD", "width=5&align=right" ), ), "playerId", "last_event", "skill", true, 25 ); $result = $db->query(" SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(last_event,'%Y.%m.%d %T') as ban_date, playerId, lastName, country, flag, skill, kills, deaths, IFNULL(kills/deaths, '-') AS kpd, headshots, IFNULL(headshots/kills, '-') AS hpk FROM hlstats_Players WHERE game='$game' AND hideranking=2 AND kills >= $minkills ORDER BY $table->sort $table->sortorder, $table->sort2 $table->sortorder, lastName ASC LIMIT $table->startitem,$table->numperpage "); $resultCount = $db->query(" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hlstats_Players WHERE game='$game' AND hideranking=2 AND kills >= $minkills "); list($numitems) = $db->fetch_row($resultCount); $table->draw($result, 25, 100); ?>