query = trim($query); $this->type = $type; $this->game = $game; if ($g_options['Mode'] == 'LAN') { $this->uniqueid_string = 'IP Address'; $this->uniqueid_string_plural = 'IP Addresses'; } } function drawForm ($getvars=array(), $searchtypes=-1) { global $g_options, $db; if (!is_array($searchtypes)) { $searchtypes = array( 'player' => 'Player Names', 'uniqueid' => 'Player' . $this->uniqueid_string_plural ); if ($g_options['Mode'] != 'LAN' && isset($_SESSION['loggedin']) && $_SESSION['acclevel'] >= 80) { $searchtypes['ip'] = 'Player IP Addresses'; } $searchtypes['clan'] = 'Clan Names'; } ?>
$value) { echo '\n"; } ?>
Search For:
In: type); ?>
Game: query(" SELECT hlstats_Games.code, hlstats_Games.name FROM hlstats_Games WHERE hlstats_Games.hidden = '0' ORDER BY hlstats_Games.name "); while ($rowdata = $db->fetch_row($result)) { $games[$rowdata[0]] = $rowdata[1]; } echo getSelect('game', $games, $this->game); ?>

query); $sr_query = $db->escape($sr_query); $sr_query = preg_replace('/\s/', '%', $sr_query); if ($this->type == 'player') { $table = new Table ( array ( new TableColumn ( 'player_id', 'ID', 'width=5&align=right' ), new TableColumn ( 'name', 'Player', 'width=65&flag=1&link=' . urlencode($link_player) ), new TableColumn ( 'gamename', 'Game', 'width=30' ) ), 'player_id', 'name', 'player_id', false, 50, 'page', 'sort', 'sortorder', 'results', 'asc' ); if ($this->game) $andgame = "AND hlstats_Players.game='" . $this->game . "'"; else $andgame = ''; $result = $db->query (" SELECT hlstats_PlayerNames.playerId AS player_id, hlstats_PlayerNames.name, hlstats_Players.flag, hlstats_Players.country, hlstats_Games.name AS gamename FROM hlstats_PlayerNames LEFT JOIN hlstats_Players ON hlstats_Players.playerId = hlstats_PlayerNames.playerId LEFT JOIN hlstats_Games ON hlstats_Games.code = hlstats_Players.game WHERE hlstats_Games.hidden = '0' AND hlstats_PlayerNames.name LIKE '%$sr_query%' $andgame ORDER BY $table->sort $table->sortorder, $table->sort2 $table->sortorder LIMIT $table->startitem, $table->numperpage "); $resultCount = $db->query (" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hlstats_PlayerNames LEFT JOIN hlstats_Players ON hlstats_Players.playerId = hlstats_PlayerNames.playerId LEFT JOIN hlstats_Games ON hlstats_Games.code = hlstats_Players.game WHERE hlstats_Games.hidden = '0' AND hlstats_PlayerNames.name LIKE '%$sr_query%' $andgame "); list($numitems) = $db->fetch_row($resultCount); $table->draw($result, $numitems, 95); } elseif ($this->type == 'uniqueid') { $table = new Table ( array ( new TableColumn ( 'uniqueId', $this->uniqueid_string, 'width=15' ), new TableColumn ( 'lastName', 'Player', 'width=50&flag=1&link=' . urlencode($link_player) ), new TableColumn ( 'gamename', 'Game', 'width=30' ), new TableColumn ( 'playerId', 'ID', 'width=5&align=right' ) ), 'playerId', 'lastName', 'uniqueId', false, 50, 'page', 'sort', 'sortorder', 'results', 'asc' ); if ($this->game) $andgame = "AND hlstats_PlayerUniqueIds.game='" . $this->game . "'"; else $andgame = ''; $result = $db->query (" SELECT hlstats_PlayerUniqueIds.uniqueId, hlstats_PlayerUniqueIds.playerId, hlstats_Players.lastName, hlstats_Players.flag, hlstats_Players.country, hlstats_Games.name AS gamename FROM hlstats_PlayerUniqueIds LEFT JOIN hlstats_Players ON hlstats_Players.playerId = hlstats_PlayerUniqueIds.playerId LEFT JOIN hlstats_Games ON hlstats_Games.code = hlstats_PlayerUniqueIds.game WHERE hlstats_Games.hidden = '0' AND hlstats_PlayerUniqueIds.uniqueId LIKE '%$sr_query%' $andgame ORDER BY $table->sort $table->sortorder, $table->sort2 $table->sortorder LIMIT $table->startitem, $table->numperpage "); $resultCount = $db->query (" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hlstats_PlayerUniqueIds LEFT JOIN hlstats_Players ON hlstats_Players.playerId = hlstats_PlayerUniqueIds.playerId WHERE hlstats_PlayerUniqueIds.uniqueId LIKE '%$sr_query%' $andgame "); list($numitems) = $db->fetch_row($resultCount); $table->draw($result, $numitems, 95); } elseif ($this->type == 'ip') { if (!isset($_SESSION['loggedin']) || $_SESSION['acclevel'] < 80) { die ("Access denied!"); } $table = new Table ( array ( new TableColumn ( 'player_id', 'ID', 'width=5&align=right' ), new TableColumn ( 'name', 'Player', 'width=65&flag=1&link=' . urlencode($link_player) ), new TableColumn ( 'gamename', 'Game', 'width=30' ) ), 'player_id', 'name', 'player_id', false, 50, 'page', 'sort', 'sortorder', 'results', 'asc' ); if ($this->game) $andgame = "AND hlstats_Players.game='" . $this->game . "'"; else $andgame = ''; $result = $db->query (" SELECT connects.playerId AS player_id, hlstats_Players.lastname AS name, hlstats_Players.flag, hlstats_Players.country, hlstats_Games.name AS gamename FROM ( SELECT playerId, ipAddress FROM `hlstats_Events_Connects` GROUP BY playerId, ipAddress ) AS connects LEFT JOIN hlstats_Players ON hlstats_Players.playerId = connects.playerId LEFT JOIN hlstats_Games ON hlstats_Games.code = hlstats_Players.game WHERE hlstats_Games.hidden = '0' AND connects.ipAddress LIKE '$sr_query%' $andgame ORDER BY $table->sort $table->sortorder, $table->sort2 $table->sortorder LIMIT $table->startitem, $table->numperpage "); $resultCount = $db->query (" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT playerId, ipAddress FROM `hlstats_Events_Connects` GROUP BY playerId, ipAddress ) AS connects LEFT JOIN hlstats_Players ON hlstats_Players.playerId = connects.playerId LEFT JOIN hlstats_Games ON hlstats_Games.code = hlstats_Players.game WHERE hlstats_Games.hidden = '0' AND connects.ipAddress LIKE '$sr_query%' $andgame "); list($numitems) = $db->fetch_row($resultCount); $table->draw($result, $numitems, 95); } elseif ($this->type == 'clan') { $table = new Table ( array ( new TableColumn ( 'tag', 'Tag', 'width=15' ), new TableColumn ( 'name', 'Name', 'width=50&icon=clan&link=' . urlencode($link_clan) ), new TableColumn ( 'gamename', 'Game', 'width=30' ), new TableColumn ( 'clanId', 'ID', 'width=5&align=right' ) ), 'clanId', 'name', 'tag', false, 50, 'page', 'sort', 'sortorder', 'results', 'asc' ); if ($this->game) $andgame = "AND hlstats_Clans.game='" . $this->game . "'"; else $andgame = ""; $result = $db->query (" SELECT hlstats_Clans.clanId, hlstats_Clans.tag, hlstats_Clans.name, hlstats_Games.name AS gamename FROM hlstats_Clans LEFT JOIN hlstats_Games ON hlstats_Games.code = hlstats_Clans.game WHERE hlstats_Games.hidden = '0' AND ( hlstats_Clans.tag LIKE '%$sr_query%' OR hlstats_Clans.name LIKE '%$sr_query%' ) $andgame ORDER BY $table->sort $table->sortorder, $table->sort2 $table->sortorder LIMIT $table->startitem, $table->numperpage "); $resultCount = $db->query (" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hlstats_Clans WHERE hlstats_Clans.tag LIKE '%$sr_query%' OR hlstats_Clans.name LIKE '%$sr_query%' $andgame "); list($numitems) = $db->fetch_row($resultCount); $table->draw($result, $numitems, 95); } ?>

Search results: items matching