<?php if ( !defined('IN_UPDATER') ) { die('Do not access this file directly.'); } $ntsgames = array(); $result = $db->query("SELECT code FROM hlstats_Games WHERE realgame = 'nts'"); while ($rowdata = $db->fetch_row($result)) { array_push($ntsgames, $db->escape($rowdata[0])); } foreach($ntsgames as $game) { $db->query("UPDATE hlstats_Weapons SET `name` = 'Detpack' WHERE game='$game' AND `code` = 'grenade_detapack'"); $db->query("UPDATE hlstats_Awards SET `name` = 'Detpack', `verb`='kills with Detpack' WHERE game='$game' AND awardType='W' AND `code` = 'grenade_detapack'"); $db->query("UPDATE hlstats_Ribbons SET `awardCode` = 'supa7' WHERE game='$game' AND `image` LIKE '%supa7%'"); for ($h = 1; $h<4; $h++) { switch ($h) { case 1: $level = "Bronze"; $awardCount = 1; break; case 2: $level = "Silver"; $awardCount = 5; break; case 3: $level = "Gold"; $awardCount = 10; break; } $db->query(" INSERT IGNORE INTO `hlstats_Ribbons` (`awardCode`, `awardCount`, `special`, `game`, `image`, `ribbonName`) VALUES ('grenade_detapack', $awardCount, 0, '$game', '{$h}_rdp.png', '$level Detpack'), ('aa13', $awardCount, 0, '$game', '{$h}_aa13.png', '$level AA13'), ('pz', $awardCount, 0, '$game', '{$h}_pz252.png', '$level PZ252'), ('srm', $awardCount, 0, '$game', '{$h}_srm7.png', '$level SRM'), ('srm_s', $awardCount, 0, '$game', '{$h}_srms7.png', '$level SRM-S'), ('srs', $awardCount, 0, '$game', '{$h}_srs.png', '$level SRS'), ('jitte', $awardCount, 0, '$game', '{$h}_np-721.png', '$level Jitte'), ('jittescoped', $awardCount, 0, '$game', '{$h}_np-721s.png', '$level Jitte (Scoped)'); "); } } $db->query("UPDATE hlstats_Options SET `value` = '38' WHERE `keyname` = 'dbversion'"); ?>