userdata["acclevel"] < 100) die ("Access denied!"); $edlist = new EditList("id", "hlstats_HostGroups", "server", false); $edlist->columns[] = new EditListColumn("pattern", "Host Pattern", 30, true, "text", "", 128); $edlist->columns[] = new EditListColumn("name", "Group Name", 30, true, "text", "", 128); if ($_POST) { if ($edlist->update()) message("success", "Operation successful."); else message("warning", $edlist->error()); } ?> Host Groups allow you to group, for example, all players from "" as "SomeISP ADSL", in the Host Statistics admin tool.

The Host Pattern should look like the end of the hostname. For example a pattern "" will match "". You can use asterisks "*" in the pattern, e.g. ".ny.*". The asterisk matches zero or more of any character except a dot ".".

The patterns are sorted below in the order they will be applied. A more specific pattern should match before a less specific pattern.

Note Run --regroup to apply grouping changes to existing data.

query(" SELECT id, pattern, name, LENGTH(pattern) AS patternlength FROM hlstats_HostGroups ORDER BY patternlength DESC, pattern ASC "); $edlist->draw($result); ?>