userdata["acclevel"] < 80) die ("Access denied!"); ?>      title; ?> Warning: You are connecting to a remote daemon and do not have a Proxy Key configured.

"; echo "

Please visit the HLstatsX:CE Settings page and configure a Proxy Key. Once configured, manually restart your daemon.

"; die(); } } echo "
\n"; echo " Return to Administration Center"; } else { ?>

After every configuration change made in the Administration Center, you should reload the daemon configuration. To do so, enter the hostname or IP address of your HLXCE daemon and choose the reload option. You can also shut down your daemon from this panel. NOTE: The daemon can not be restarted through the web interface!

Hostname or IP address of your HLX:CE Daemon
Normally the IP or Hostname listed in the "logaddress_add" line on your game server.
example: or

Port number the daemon (or proxy_daemon) is listening on.
Normally the port listed in the "logaddress_add" line on your game server configuration.
example: 27500

Select the operation to perform on the daemon
* Note: If you shut the daemond down through this page it can not be restarted through this interface!