56 lines
2.4 KiB
56 lines
2.4 KiB
if ( !defined('IN_UPDATER') )
die('Do not access this file directly.');
$dbversion = 56;
$version = "1.6.11-beta3";
$tfgames = array();
$result = $db->query("SELECT code FROM hlstats_Games WHERE realgame = 'tf'");
while ($rowdata = $db->fetch_row($result))
array_push($tfgames, $db->escape($rowdata[0]));
foreach ($tfgames as $game)
INSERT IGNORE INTO `hlstats_Weapons` (`game`, `code`, `name`, `modifier`) VALUES
('$game', 'bushwacka', 'The Bushwacka', 2.00),
('$game', 'glovesurgent', 'Gloves of Running Urgently', 2.00),
('$game', 'blackbox', 'The Black Box', 1.00),
('$game', 'sydneysleeper', 'The Sydney Sleeper', 1.00);
INSERT IGNORE INTO `hlstats_Awards` (`awardType`, `game`, `code`, `name`, `verb`) VALUES
('W','$game','bushwacka', 'George Bushwacka', 'kills with The Bushwacka'),
('W','$game','glovesurgent', 'It''s Urgent', 'kills with the Gloves of Running Urgently'),
('W','$game','blackbox', 'What''s in the box?', 'kills with The Black Box'),
('W','$game','sydneysleeper', 'Down Under', 'kills with The Sydney Sleeper');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `hlstats_Ribbons` (`awardCode`, `awardCount`, `special`, `game`, `image`, `ribbonName`) VALUES
('bushwacka', 1, 0, '$game', '1_bushwacka.png', 'Bronze Bushwacka'),
('bushwacka', 5, 0, '$game', '2_bushwacka.png', 'Silver Bushwacka'),
('bushwacka', 10, 0, '$game', '3_bushwacka.png', 'Gold Bushwacka'),
('glovesurgent', 1, 0, '$game', '1_gloves_urgent.png', 'Bronze Gloves of Running Urgently'),
('glovesurgent', 5, 0, '$game', '2_gloves_urgent.png', 'Silver Gloves of Running Urgently'),
('glovesurgent', 10, 0, '$game', '3_gloves_urgent.png', 'Gold Gloves of Running Urgently'),
('blackbox', 1, 0, '$game', '1_blackbox.png', 'Bronze Black Box'),
('blackbox', 5, 0, '$game', '2_blackbox.png', 'Silver Black Box'),
('blackbox', 10, 0, '$game', '3_blackbox.png', 'Gold Black Box'),
('sydneysleeper', 1, 0, '$game', '1_sydney_sleeper.png', 'Bronze Sydney Sleeper'),
('sydneysleeper', 5, 0, '$game', '2_sydney_sleeper.png', 'Silver Sydney Sleeper'),
('sydneysleeper', 10, 0, '$game', '3_sydney_sleeper.png', 'Gold Sydney Sleeper');
$db->query("UPDATE hlstats_Options SET `value` = '$version' WHERE `keyname` = 'version'");
$db->query("UPDATE hlstats_Options SET `value` = '$dbversion' WHERE `keyname` = 'dbversion'");