2013-12-25 18:43:29 -05:00

195 lines
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# HLstatsX Community Edition - Real-time player and clan rankings and statistics
# Copyleft (L) 2008-20XX Nicholas Hastings (nshastings@gmail.com)
# http://www.hlxcommunity.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# For support and installation notes visit http://www.hlxcommunity.com
# Script to mark banned users in HLstatsX Community Edition from a Sourcebans, AMXBans, Beetlesmod, or ES GlobalBan database (or multiple at once!)
# Last Revised: 2009-07-22 13:35 GMT
# BeetlesMod and GlobalBan support added by Bo Tribun (R3M)
# You must fill info out for the HLX DB and at least one of the Bans databases
# Sourcebans DB Info
$sb_dbhost = "localhost";
$sb_dbport = 3306;
$sb_dbuser = "";
$sb_dbpass = "";
$sb_dbname = "";
$sb_prefix = "sb_"; # be sure to include the underscore (_)
# AMXBans DB Info
$amxb_dbhost = "localhost";
$amxb_dbport = 3306;
$amxb_dbuser = "";
$amxb_dbpass = "";
$amxb_dbname = "";
# BeetlesMod DB Info
$bm_dbhost = "localhost";
$bm_dbport = 3306;
$bm_dbuser = "";
$bm_dbpass = "";
$bm_dbname = "";
# ES GlobalBan DB Info
$gb_dbhost = "localhost";
$gb_dbport = 3306;
$gb_dbuser = "";
$gb_dbpass = "";
$gb_dbname = "";
# HLX DB Info
$hlx_dbhost = "localhost";
$hlx_dbport = 3306;
$hlx_dbuser = "";
$hlx_dbpass = "";
$hlx_dbname = "";
## No need to edit below this line
use DBI;
$havesbinfo = ($sb_dbhost eq "" || $sb_dbuser eq "" || $sb_dbpass eq "" || $sb_dbname eq "")?0:1;
$haveamxbinfo = ($amxb_dbhost eq "" || $amxb_dbuser eq "" || $amxb_dbpass eq "" || $amxb_dbname eq "")?0:1;
$havebminfo = ($bm_dbhost eq "" || $bm_dbuser eq "" || $bm_dbpass eq "" || $bm_dbname eq "")?0:1;
$havegbinfo = ($gb_dbhost eq "" || $gb_dbuser eq "" || $gb_dbpass eq "" || $gb_dbname eq "")?0:1;
$havehlxinfo = ($hlx_dbhost eq "" || $hlx_dbuser eq "" || $hlx_dbpass eq "" || $hlx_dbname eq "")?0:1;
die("DB login info incomplete. Exiting\n") if ($havehlxinfo == 0 || ($havesbinfo == 0 && $haveamxbinfo == 0 && $havebminfo == 0 && $havegbinfo == 0));
@steamids = ();
if ($havesbinfo) {
print "Connecting to Sourcebans database...\n";
my $sb_dbconn = DBI->connect(
$sb_dbuser, $sb_dbpass) or die ("\nCan't connect to Sourcebans database '$sb_dbname' on '$sb_dbhost'\n" .
"Server error: $DBI::errstr\n");
print "Successfully connected to Sourcebans database. Retrieving banned Steam IDs now...\n";
my $result = &doQuery($sb_dbconn, "SELECT `authid` FROM ".$sb_prefix."bans WHERE `length` = 0 AND `RemovedBy` IS NULL");
while ( my($steamid) = $result->fetchrow_array) {
push(@steamids, $steamid);
my $rows = $result->rows;
if ($rows) {
print $rows." banned users retrieved from Sourcebans.\n";
if ($haveamxbinfo) {
print "Connecting to AMXBans database...\n";
my $amxb_dbconn = DBI->connect(
$amxb_dbuser, $amxb_dbpass) or die ("\nCan't connect to AMXBans database '$amxb_dbname' on '$amxb_dbhost'\n" .
"Server error: $DBI::errstr\n");
print "Successfully connected to AMXBans database. Retrieving banned Steam IDs now...\n";
my $result = &doQuery($amxb_dbconn, "SELECT `player_id` FROM amx_bans WHERE `ban_length` = 0");
while ( my($steamid) = $result->fetchrow_array) {
push(@steamids, $steamid);
my $rows = $result->rows;
if ($rows) {
print $rows." banned users retrieved from AMXBans.\n";
if ($havebminfo) {
print "Connecting to BeetlesMod database...\n";
my $bm_dbconn = DBI->connect(
$bm_dbuser, $bm_dbpass) or die ("\nCan't connect to BeetlesMod database '$bm_dbname' on '$bm_dbhost'\n" .
"Server error: $DBI::errstr\n");
print "Successfully connected to BeetlesMod database. Retrieving banned Steam IDs now...\n";
my $result = &doQuery($bm_dbconn, "SELECT `steamid` FROM `bm_bans` WHERE `Until` IS NULL");
while ( my($steamid) = $result->fetchrow_array) {
push(@steamids, $steamid);
my $rows = $result->rows;
if ($rows) {
print $rows." banned users retrieved from BeetlesMod.\n";
if ($havegbinfo) {
print "Connecting to ES GlobalBan database...\n";
my $gb_dbconn = DBI->connect(
$gb_dbuser, $gb_dbpass) or die ("\nCan't connect to ES GlobalBan database '$gb_dbname' on '$gb_dbhost'\n" .
"Server error: $DBI::errstr\n");
print "Successfully connected to ES GlobalBan database. Retrieving banned Steam IDs now...\n";
my $result = &doQuery($gb_dbconn, "SELECT `steam_id` FROM `gban_ban` WHERE `active` = 1 AND `pending` = 0 AND `length` = 0");
while ( my($steamid) = $result->fetchrow_array) {
push(@steamids, $steamid);
my $rows = $result->rows;
if ($rows) {
print $rows." banned users retrieved from ES GlobalBan.\n";
if (@steamids) {
$steamidstring = "'";
foreach $steamid (@steamids)
$steamid =~ s/^STEAM_[0-9]+?\://i;
$steamidstring .= $steamid."','";
$steamidstring =~ s/\,\'$//;
print "Connecting to HLX:CE database...\n";
$hlx_dbconn = DBI->connect(
$hlx_dbuser, $hlx_dbpass) or die ("\nCan't connect to HLX:CE database '$hlx_dbname' on '$hlx_dbhost'\n" .
"Server error: $DBI::errstr\n");
print "Updating HLX:CE banned players...\n";
$result = &doQuery($hlx_dbconn, "UPDATE `hlstats_Players` SET `hideranking` = 2 WHERE `playerId` IN (SELECT `playerId` FROM hlstats_PlayerUniqueIds WHERE `uniqueId` IN ($steamidstring)) AND `hideranking` < 2");
print $result->rows." users newly marked as banned.\n";
} else {
die("No banned users found in database(s). Exiting\n");
sub doQuery
my ($dbconn, $query, $callref) = @_;
my $result = $dbconn->prepare($query) or die("Unable to prepare query:\n$query\n$DBI::errstr\n$callref");
$result->execute or die("Unable to execute query:\n$query\n$DBI::errstr\n$callref");
return $result;