# vim: set sts=2 ts=8 sw=2 tw=99 et ft=python: import os, sys def ResolveEnvPath(env, folder): if env in os.environ: path = os.environ[env] if os.path.isdir(path): return path return None head = os.getcwd() oldhead = None while head != None and head != oldhead: path = os.path.join(head, folder) if os.path.isdir(path): return path oldhead = head head, tail = os.path.split(head) return None def Normalize(path): return os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(path)) class AsyncSocketConfig(object): def __init__(self): self.sdks = {} self.binaries = [] self.sm_root = None self.extensions = [] @property def tag(self): if builder.options.debug == '1': return 'Debug' return 'Release' def detectSDKs(self): if builder.options.sm_path: self.sm_root = builder.options.sm_path else: self.sm_root = ResolveEnvPath('SOURCEMOD17', 'sourcemod-1.7') if not self.sm_root: self.sm_root = ResolveEnvPath('SOURCEMOD', 'sourcemod') if not self.sm_root: self.sm_root = ResolveEnvPath('SMCENTRAL', 'sourcemod-central') if not self.sm_root or not os.path.isdir(self.sm_root): raise Exception('Could not find a source copy of Sourcemod') self.sm_root = Normalize(self.sm_root) def configure(self): builder.AddConfigureFile('pushbuild.txt') cxx = builder.DetectCompilers() if cxx.like('gcc'): cxx.defines += [ 'stricmp=strcasecmp', '_stricmp=strcasecmp', '_snprintf=snprintf', '_vsnprintf=vsnprintf', 'HAVE_STDINT_H', 'GNUC', ] cxx.cflags += [ '-pipe', '-fno-strict-aliasing', '-Wall', '-Werror', '-Wno-unused', '-Wno-switch', '-msse', '-m32', ] cxx.cxxflags += [ '-std=c++11', ] have_gcc = cxx.vendor == 'gcc' have_clang = cxx.vendor == 'clang' if have_clang or (have_gcc and cxx.version >= '4'): cxx.cflags += ['-fvisibility=hidden'] cxx.cxxflags += ['-fvisibility-inlines-hidden'] if have_clang or (have_gcc and cxx.version >= '4.6'): cxx.cflags += ['-Wno-narrowing'] if (have_gcc and cxx.version >= '4.7') or (have_clang and cxx.version >= '3'): cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor'] if have_gcc and cxx.version >= '4.8': cxx.cflags += ['-Wno-unused-result'] if have_clang: cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-implicit-exception-spec-mismatch'] if (builder.target_platform == 'mac' and cxx.version >= '5.1') or cxx.version >= '3.4': cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-deprecated-register'] else: cxx.cxxflags += ['-Wno-deprecated'] cxx.cflags += ['-Wno-sometimes-uninitialized'] cxx.linkflags += ['-m32'] cxx.cxxflags += [ '-fno-exceptions', '-fno-threadsafe-statics', '-Wno-non-virtual-dtor', '-Wno-overloaded-virtual', ] if have_gcc: cxx.cflags += ['-mfpmath=sse'] elif cxx.vendor == 'msvc': if builder.options.debug == '1': cxx.cflags += ['/MTd'] cxx.linkflags += ['/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt'] else: cxx.cflags += ['/MT'] cxx.defines += [ '_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE', '_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS', '_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE', '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=0', ] cxx.cflags += [ '/W3', ] cxx.cxxflags += [ '/EHsc', '/GR-', '/TP', ] cxx.linkflags += [ '/MACHINE:X86', '/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS', 'kernel32.lib', 'user32.lib', 'gdi32.lib', 'winspool.lib', 'comdlg32.lib', 'advapi32.lib', 'shell32.lib', 'ole32.lib', 'oleaut32.lib', 'uuid.lib', 'odbc32.lib', 'odbccp32.lib', ] # Optimization if builder.options.opt == '1': cxx.defines += ['NDEBUG'] if cxx.like('gcc'): cxx.cflags += ['-O3'] elif cxx.like('msvc'): cxx.cflags += ['/Ox'] cxx.linkflags += ['/OPT:ICF', '/OPT:REF'] # Debugging if builder.options.debug == '1': cxx.defines += ['DEBUG', '_DEBUG'] if cxx.like('msvc'): cxx.cflags += ['/Od', '/RTC1'] if cxx.version >= 1600: cxx.cflags += ['/d2Zi+'] # This needs to be after our optimization flags which could otherwise disable it. if cxx.vendor == 'msvc': # Don't omit the frame pointer. cxx.cflags += ['/Oy-'] # Platform-specifics if builder.target_platform == 'linux': cxx.defines += ['_LINUX', 'POSIX'] if cxx.vendor == 'gcc': cxx.linkflags += ['-static-libgcc'] elif cxx.vendor == 'clang': cxx.linkflags += ['-lgcc_eh'] elif builder.target_platform == 'mac': cxx.defines += ['OSX', '_OSX', 'POSIX'] cxx.cflags += ['-mmacosx-version-min=10.5'] cxx.linkflags += [ '-mmacosx-version-min=10.5', '-arch', 'i386', '-lstdc++', '-stdlib=libstdc++', ] cxx.cxxflags += ['-stdlib=libstdc++'] elif builder.target_platform == 'windows': cxx.defines += ['WIN32', '_WINDOWS'] def ConfigureForExtension(self, context, compiler): compiler.cxxincludes += [ os.path.join(context.currentSourcePath), os.path.join(context.currentSourcePath, 'libs', 'libuv-v1.5.0', 'include'), os.path.join(self.sm_root, 'public'), os.path.join(self.sm_root, 'public', 'amtl'), os.path.join(self.sm_root, 'public', 'extensions'), os.path.join(self.sm_root, 'public', 'sourcepawn') ] return compiler AsyncSocket = AsyncSocketConfig() AsyncSocket.detectSDKs() AsyncSocket.configure() builder.RunBuildScripts(['extension/AMBuilder'], { 'AsyncSocket': AsyncSocket }) builder.RunScript('PackageScript', { 'AsyncSocket': AsyncSocket })