# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=99 noet: import sys try: from ambuild2 import run except: try: import ambuild sys.stderr.write('It looks like you have AMBuild 1 installed, but this project uses AMBuild 2.\n') sys.stderr.write('Upgrade to the latest version of AMBuild to continue.\n') except: sys.stderr.write('AMBuild must be installed to build this project.\n') sys.stderr.write('http://www.alliedmods.net/ambuild\n') sys.exit(1) run = run.PrepareBuild(sourcePath=sys.path[0]) run.default_build_folder = 'obj-' + run.target_platform run.options.add_option('--sm-path', type=str, dest='sm_path', default=None, help='Path to SourceMod') run.options.add_option('--enable-debug', action='store_const', const='1', dest='debug', help='Enable debugging symbols') run.options.add_option('--enable-optimize', action='store_const', const='1', dest='opt', help='Enable optimization') run.Configure()