#if defined _OutputInfo_Included #endinput #endif #define _OutputInfo_Included native int GetOutputCount(int Entity, const char[] sOutput); native int GetOutputTarget(int Entity, const char[] sOutput, int Index, char[] sTarget, int MaxLen); native int GetOutputTargetInput(int Entity, const char[] sOutput, int Index, char[] sTargetInput, int MaxLen); native int GetOutputParameter(int Entity, const char[] sOutput, int Index, char[] sParameter, int MaxLen); native float GetOutputDelay(int Entity, const char[] sOutput, int Index); native int GetOutputFormatted(int Entity, const char[] sOutput, int Index, char[] sFormatted, int MaxLen); native int FindOutput(int Entity, const char[] sOutput, int StartIndex, const char[] sTarget = NULL_STRING, // or NULL_STRING to ignore const char[] sTargetInput = NULL_STRING, // or NULL_STRING to ignore const char[] sParameter = NULL_STRING, // or NULL_STRING to ignore float fDelay = -1.0, // or -1.0 to ignore int TimesToFire = 0 // or 0 to ignore ); native int DeleteOutput(int Entity, const char[] sOutput, int Index); native int DeleteAllOutputs(int Entity, const char[] sOutput); /** * Do not edit below this line! */ public Extension __ext_outputinfo = { name = "OutputInfo", file = "outputinfo.ext", #if defined AUTOLOAD_EXTENSIONS autoload = 1, #else autoload = 0, #endif #if defined REQUIRE_EXTENSIONS required = 1, #else required = 0, #endif }; #if !defined REQUIRE_EXTENSIONS public __ext_outputinfo_SetNTVOptional() { MarkNativeAsOptional("GetOutputCount"); MarkNativeAsOptional("GetOutputTarget"); MarkNativeAsOptional("GetOutputTargetInput"); MarkNativeAsOptional("GetOutputParameter"); MarkNativeAsOptional("GetOutputDelay"); MarkNativeAsOptional("GetOutputFormatted"); MarkNativeAsOptional("FindOutput"); MarkNativeAsOptional("DeleteOutput"); MarkNativeAsOptional("DeleteAllOutputs"); } #endif