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* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File: classapitest.sp
* Type: Test plugin
* Description: Tests the class API.
2013-01-12 08:47:36 +01:00
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ============================================================================
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>
#include <zombiereloaded>
public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "Zombie:Reloaded Class API Test",
author = "Greyscale | Richard Helgeby",
description = "Tests the class API for ZR",
version = "1.0.0",
url = ""
public OnPluginStart()
RegConsoleCmd("zrtest_is_valid_class_index", IsValidClassCommand, "Returns whether the specified class index is valid or not. Usage: zrtest_is_valid_class_index <class index>");
RegConsoleCmd("zrtest_get_active_class", GetActiveClassCommand, "Gets the current class the specified player is using. Usage: zrtest_get_active_class <target>");
RegConsoleCmd("zrtest_select_class", SelectClassCommand, "Selects a class for a player. Usage: zrtest_select_class <target> <class index>");
RegConsoleCmd("zrtest_get_class_by_name", GetClassCommand, "Gets class index by class name. Usage: zrtest_get_class_by_name <class name>");
RegConsoleCmd("zrtest_get_class_display_name", GetNameCommand, "Gets class display name. Usage: zrtest_get_class_display_name <class index>");
public Action:IsValidClassCommand(client, argc)
new classIndex = -1;
new String:valueString[64];
if (argc >= 1)
GetCmdArg(1, valueString, sizeof(valueString));
classIndex = StringToInt(valueString);
ReplyToCommand(client, "Returns whether the specified class index is valid or not. Usage: zrtest_is_valid_class_index <class index>");
return Plugin_Handled;
ReplyToCommand(client, "Class %d is valid: %d", classIndex, ZR_IsValidClassIndex(classIndex));
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:GetActiveClassCommand(client, argc)
new target = -1;
new String:valueString[64];
if (argc >= 1)
GetCmdArg(1, valueString, sizeof(valueString));
target = FindTarget(client, valueString);
ReplyToCommand(client, "Gets the current class the specified player is using. Usage: zrtest_get_active_class <target>");
return Plugin_Handled;
ReplyToCommand(client, "Active class of client %d: %d", target, ZR_GetActiveClass(target));
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:SelectClassCommand(client, argc)
new target = -1;
new classIndex = -1;
new bool:applyIfPossible = true;
new bool:saveIfEnabled = true;
new String:valueString[64];
if (argc >= 1)
GetCmdArg(1, valueString, sizeof(valueString));
target = FindTarget(client, valueString);
GetCmdArg(2, valueString, sizeof(valueString));
classIndex = StringToInt(valueString);
if (argc >= 4)
GetCmdArg(3, valueString, sizeof(valueString));
applyIfPossible = bool:StringToInt(valueString);
GetCmdArg(4, valueString, sizeof(valueString));
saveIfEnabled = bool:StringToInt(valueString);
ReplyToCommand(client, "Selects a class for a player. Usage: zrtest_select_class <target> <class index> [<apply if possible> <save if enabled>]");
return Plugin_Handled;
ReplyToCommand(client, "Selected class %d for client %d. Result: %d", classIndex, target, ZR_SelectClientClass(target, classIndex, applyIfPossible, saveIfEnabled));
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:GetClassCommand(client, argc)
new String:className[64];
if (argc >= 1)
GetCmdArg(1, className, sizeof(className));
ReplyToCommand(client, "Gets class index by class name. Usage: zrtest_get_class_by_name <class name>");
return Plugin_Handled;
ReplyToCommand(client, "Class index of \"%s\": %d", className, ZR_GetClassByName(className));
return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:GetNameCommand(client, argc)
new classIndex = -1;
new String:valueString[64];
new String:displayName[64];
if (argc >= 1)
GetCmdArg(1, valueString, sizeof(valueString));
classIndex = StringToInt(valueString);
if (!ZR_IsValidClassIndex(classIndex))
ReplyToCommand(client, "Invalid class index: %d", classIndex);
return Plugin_Handled;
ReplyToCommand(client, "Gets class display name. Usage: zrtest_get_class_display_name <class index>");
return Plugin_Handled;
ZR_GetClassDisplayName(classIndex, displayName, sizeof(displayName));
ReplyToCommand(client, "Display name of class %d: \"%s\"", classIndex, displayName);
return Plugin_Handled;