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* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Module
* Description: Provides functions for managing volumetric features.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ============================================================================
* Total volumes that can be created in a map.
#define ZR_VOLUMES_MAX 64
* Represent a rectangular volume.
enum VolumeAttributes
/* General */
bool:Vol_Enabled, /** Volume state. */
bool:Vol_InUse, /** Marks if the volume is used. */
/* Location */
Float:Vol_xMin, /** Minimum x position. */
Float:Vol_xMax, /** Maximum x position. */
Float:Vol_yMin, /** Minimum y position. */
Float:Vol_yMax, /** Maximum y position. */
Float:Vol_zMin, /** Minimum z position. */
Float:Vol_zMax, /** Maximum z position. */
/* Style */
VolumeEffects:Vol_Effect, /** Visual effect to apply on the volume. */
Vol_EffectColor[3], /** Render color of the effect. RGB colors. */
/* Data */
VolumeFeatureTypes:Vol_Type, /** The volumetric feature type. */
Vol_DataIndex, /** Index in remote feature array. */
/* Behaviour */
VolumeTeamFilters:Vol_TeamFilter, /** Team filtering. Trigger by certain teams, or all. */
Float:Vol_TriggerDelay /** Trigger delay. How many seconds players have to stay to trigger volume events. */
* Available volumetric feature types.
enum VolumeFeatureTypes
VolFeature_Invalid = 0,
* Effects that can be applied on a volume. (Currently no effects.)
enum VolumeEffects
VolEffect_None = 0,
* Available team filter settings.
enum VolumeTeamFilters
VolTeam_All = 0,
* Volumes.
new Volumes[ZR_VOLUMES_MAX][VolumeAttributes];
* Total number of volumes.
new VolumeCount;
* List of player locations. Updated by a timer.
new Float:VolPlayerLoc[MAXPLAYERS + 1][3];
* Cache that specifies if a player is in a volume or not.
new bool:VolPlayerInVolume[MAXPLAYERS + 1][ZR_VOLUMES_MAX];
* Specifies whether the volumetric features module is enabled or not. Synced
* with zr_vol CVAR.
new bool:VolEnabled;
* Counter for trigger delay.
new Float:VolPlayerCountDown[MAXPLAYERS + 1][ZR_VOLUMES_MAX];
* The handle for a timer that updates player locations. This is the main timer
* and any feature events can't be updated faster than this interval.
* Note: Some features may have its own timer for actions on players.
new Handle:hVolUpdateTimer;
* The handle for a timer that do count down on trigger delays.
new Handle:hVolTriggerTimer;
* Cached interval value for trigger timer.
new Float:VolTriggerInterval;
#include "zr/volfeatures/volevents"
#include "zr/volfeatures/volgenericattributes"
#include "zr/volfeatures/volcommands"
// Sub features.
#include "zr/volfeatures/volanticamp"
* Initialize volumetric features.
// Cache CVAR value.
VolEnabled = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VOL]);
// Initialize sub features.
* Function alias for fully stopping volumetric features.
VolEnabled = false;
LogEvent(_, LogType_Normal, LOG_DEBUG, LogModule_Volfeatures, "Disabled", "Volfeatures disabled.");
* Function alias for starting volumetric features.
VolEnabled = true;
LogEvent(_, LogType_Normal, LOG_DEBUG, LogModule_Volfeatures, "Enabled", "Volfeatures enabled.");
* Disables all enabled volumes.
// Trigger disable event on all enabled volumes in use.
for (new volindex = 0; volindex < ZR_VOLUMES_MAX; volindex++)
if (Volumes[volindex][Vol_InUse] && Volumes[volindex][Vol_Enabled])
// Mark as disabled.
Volumes[volindex][Vol_Enabled] = false;
// Trigger player left volume event if inside a volume.
for (new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
// Validate client's connection state.
if (!IsClientConnected(client) || !IsClientInGame(client))
// Check if player is inside the volume.
if (VolPlayerInVolume[client][volindex])
// Mark as not in the volume and trigger event.
VolPlayerInVolume[client][volindex] = false;
VolOnPlayerLeave(client, volindex);
// Trigger disabled event.
* Enables all disabled volumes.
// Trigger enable event on all volumes in use.
for (new volindex = 0; volindex < ZR_VOLUMES_MAX; volindex++)
if (Volumes[volindex][Vol_InUse] && !Volumes[volindex][Vol_Enabled])
Volumes[volindex][Vol_Enabled] = true;
* Starts the update timer.
* @return True if timer is started, false otherwise.
// Check if volumetric features is enabled.
if (!VolEnabled)
// Volumetric features disabled.
return false;
// Stop timer if it exist.
// Get update interval.
new Float:interval = GetConVarFloat(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VOL_UPDATE_INTERVAL]);
// Validate interval.
if (interval > 0.0)
// Create a new timer.
hVolUpdateTimer = CreateTimer(interval, Event_VolUpdateTimer, _, TIMER_REPEAT);
// Also start the trigger delay timer.
// Volumetric features started.
return true;
// Volumetric features disabled.
LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Volfeatures, "Config Validation", "Warning: Console variable \"zr_vol_update_interval\" is set to zero or negative. Must be positive.");
return false;
* Kills the update timer if it exists.
// Kill the timer if it's running.
if (hVolUpdateTimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
hVolUpdateTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
// Also stop trigger delay timer.
// Reset all trigger delay counters.
* Starts the update timer if it exists.
* @return True if timer is started, false otherwise.
// Make sure existing timer is killed.
// Get trigger interval and cache it.
VolTriggerInterval = GetConVarFloat(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_VOL_TRIGGER_INTERVAL]);
// Validate interval.
if (VolTriggerInterval > 0.0)
// Start the timer.
hVolTriggerTimer = CreateTimer(VolTriggerInterval, Event_VolTriggerTimer, _, TIMER_REPEAT);
// Trigger timer started.
return true;
// Trigger timer not running. Either disabled or invalid interval.
LogEvent(false, LogType_Error, LOG_CORE_EVENTS, LogModule_Volfeatures, "Config Validation", "Warning: Console variable \"zr_vol_trigger_interval\" is set to zero or negative. Must be positive.");
return false;
* Kills the trigger delay timer if it exists.
// Kill the timer if it's running.
if (hVolTriggerTimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
hVolTriggerTimer = INVALID_HANDLE;
* Resets volume trigger delay counters on one or more players.
* @param client Optional. Specifies a single player to reset. Default is
* -1, all players.
VolResetCountDown(client = -1)
// Check if a client is specified.
if (client > -1)
// Reset volume counters.
for (new volumeIndex = 0; volumeIndex < ZR_VOLUMES_MAX; volumeIndex++)
VolPlayerCountDown[client][volumeIndex] = -1.0;
// Reset all volume counters.
for (new clientIndex = 0; clientIndex < MAXPLAYERS + 1; clientIndex++)
for (new volumeIndex = 0; volumeIndex < ZR_VOLUMES_MAX; volumeIndex++)
VolPlayerCountDown[clientIndex][volumeIndex] = -1.0;
* Updates all player locations. Used for initialization.
* Note: If a client is specified, it's NOT validated. This function assumes
* the specified client is in game and alive.
* @param client Optional. Specify single client to be updated. Default is
* -1.
VolUpdatePlayerLocation(client = -1)
if (client > 0)
// Assume the client is valid and save location in array.
GetClientAbsOrigin(client, VolPlayerLoc[client]);
for (client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
// Validate client's connection state.
if (!IsClientConnected(client) || !IsClientInGame(client) || !IsPlayerAlive(client))
// Save location in array.
GetClientAbsOrigin(client, VolPlayerLoc[client]);
* Updates player locations and trigger events for each player that enter or
* leave a volume.
new bool:volumeStates[ZR_VOLUMES_MAX];
new bool:volumeNewStates[ZR_VOLUMES_MAX];
new bool:newState;
new bool:oldState;
new Float:trigger_delay;
// Loop through all players.
for (new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
// Validate client's connection state.
if (!IsClientConnected(client) || !IsClientInGame(client) || !IsPlayerAlive(client))
// Skip client.
// Get the current volume states based on player location cache.
VolGetPlayerStates(client, volumeStates, sizeof(volumeStates));
// Update player location cache.
GetClientAbsOrigin(client, VolPlayerLoc[client]);
// Get new volume states.
VolGetPlayerStates(client, volumeNewStates, sizeof(volumeNewStates));
// Loop through each volume and compare states.
for (new volumeIndex = 0; volumeIndex < ZR_VOLUMES_MAX; volumeIndex++)
// Check if the volume is disabled and unused.
if (!VolInUse(volumeIndex) || !VolIsEnabled(volumeIndex))
// Skip volume.
// Check team filtering on the volume.
if (!VolTeamFilterMatch(client, volumeIndex))
// Team filter mismatch.
newState = volumeNewStates[volumeIndex];
oldState = volumeStates[volumeIndex];
// Check for no change.
if (newState == oldState)
// No change. Skip to next volume.
// Check if client entered the volume.
if (newState && !oldState)
// Get trigger delay value.
trigger_delay = Volumes[volumeIndex][Vol_TriggerDelay];
// Check if the volume has a trigger delay.
if (trigger_delay > 0.0)
// Set count down value.
VolPlayerCountDown[client][volumeIndex] = trigger_delay;
// Update cache.
VolPlayerInVolume[client][volumeIndex] = true;
// No trigger delay, trigger event instantly.
VolOnPlayerEnter(client, volumeIndex);
// Check if client left the volume.
else if (!newState && oldState)
// Make sure count down value is reset.
VolPlayerCountDown[client][volumeIndex] = -1.0;
// Only trigger left volume event if player already is in the
// volume, so volumes with trigger delay won't get a left event
// before the enter event.
if (VolPlayerInVolume[client][volumeIndex])
// Update cache.
VolPlayerInVolume[client][volumeIndex] = false;
// Trigger event.
VolOnPlayerLeave(client, volumeIndex);
* Returns wether a point is within a certain location.
* @param point The point to check.
* @param min Minimum x, y and z values of the location.
* @param max Maximum x, y and z values of the location.
* @return True if the position is within min and max values. False
* otherwise.
bool:IsPointInLocation(Float:point[3], Float:min[3], Float:max[3])
// Cache to avoid re-indexing arrays.
new Float:posX = point[0];
new Float:posY = point[1];
new Float:posZ = point[2];
// Check if within x boundaries.
if ((posX >= min[0]) && (posX <= max[0]))
// Check if within y boundaries.
if ((posY >= min[1]) && (posY <= max[1]))
// Check if within x boundaries.
if ((posZ >= min[2]) && (posZ <= max[2]))
// The point is within the location boundaries.
return true;
// The point is outside the location boundaries.
return false;
* Returns wether a volume is marked as in use.
* Note: Does not validate index.
* @param volumeIndex The volume index.
* @return True if in use, false otherwise.
return Volumes[volumeIndex][Vol_InUse];
* Returns wether a volume is enabled or not.
* Note: Does not validate index.
* @param volumeIndex The volume index.
* @return True if enabled, false otherwise.
return Volumes[volumeIndex][Vol_Enabled];
* Validates a volume index.
* @param volumeIndex The volume index.
* @return True if valid, false otherwise.
if (volumeIndex >= 0 && volumeIndex < ZR_VOLUMES_MAX)
return true;
return false;
* Gets the first free volume index.
* @return The first free volume index if successful, or -1 if there are
* no free volumes.
// Loop through all volumes.
for (new volumeIndex = 0; volumeIndex < ZR_VOLUMES_MAX; volumeIndex++)
// Check if it's free.
if (!VolInUse(volumeIndex))
return volumeIndex;
// No free volumes found.
return -1;
* Gets a free index in the data array for the specified volume type.
* @param volumeType Volumetric feature type.
* @return Data index, or -1 on error.
switch (volumeType)
case VolFeature_Anticamp:
return VolAnticampGetFreeIndex();
case VolFeature_Knockback:
// TOTO: Finish incomplete feature.
return -1;
// No match.
return -1;
* Checks if the specified client match the team filtering for the specified
* volume.
* @param client The client index.
* @param volumeIndex The volume to check team filtering on.
* @return True if client pass the team filtering, false otherwise.
bool:VolTeamFilterMatch(client, volumeIndex)
new VolumeTeamFilters:filter;
// Chache filter value.
filter = Volumes[volumeIndex][Vol_TeamFilter];
switch (filter)
case VolTeam_All:
// All maches everyone.
return true;
case VolTeam_Humans:
// Check if client is a human.
return InfectIsClientHuman(client);
case VolTeam_Zombies:
// Check if client is a zombie.
return InfectIsClientInfected(client);
// Invalid filter value.
return false;
* Checs if a volume is a certain type.
* @param volumeIndex Volume to check.
* @param volType Type to match.
* @return True if the types match, false otherwise.
bool:VolIsType(volumeIndex, VolumeFeatureTypes:volType)
return Volumes[volumeIndex][Vol_Type] == volType;
* Gets wether a client is within volumes or not. Result is stored in a boolean
* array.
* @param client The client index.
* @param buffer Destination buffer.
* @param maxlen Size of destination buffer.
* @return Number of volumes the client is within.
VolGetPlayerStates(client, bool:buffer[], maxlen)
new volumeBuffer[VolumeAttributes];
new volCount;
new Float:volMinBuffer[3];
new Float:volMaxBuffer[3];
// Loop through all available volumes.
for (new volumeIndex = 0; volumeIndex < ZR_VOLUMES_MAX && volumeIndex < maxlen; volumeIndex++)
if (VolInUse(volumeIndex))
// Chache volume to avoid re-indexing.
volumeBuffer = Volumes[volumeIndex];
// Get min positions.
volMinBuffer[0] = volumeBuffer[Vol_xMin];
volMinBuffer[1] = volumeBuffer[Vol_yMin];
volMinBuffer[2] = volumeBuffer[Vol_zMin];
// Get max positions.
volMaxBuffer[0] = volumeBuffer[Vol_xMax];
volMaxBuffer[1] = volumeBuffer[Vol_yMax];
volMaxBuffer[2] = volumeBuffer[Vol_zMax];
// Check the cached player location.
if (IsPointInLocation(VolPlayerLoc[client], volMinBuffer, volMaxBuffer))
// Mark player as in volume.
buffer[volumeIndex] = true;
// Do explicit reset.
buffer[volumeIndex] = false;
return volCount;
* Converts a string into a volumetric feature type.
* @param volType String to convert. Name of type.
* @return Volumetric feature type or VolFeature_Invalid on error.
VolumeFeatureTypes:VolGetTypeFromString(const String:volType[])
// Check if empty.
if (strlen(volType) == 0)
return VolFeature_Invalid;
// Match types.
if (StrEqual(volType, "anticamp", false))
return VolFeature_Anticamp;
else if (StrEqual(volType, "knockback", false))
return VolFeature_Knockback;
// No match.
return VolFeature_Invalid;
* Converts a volume type to a string.
* @param volType Volume type to convert.
* @param buffer Destination string buffer.
* @param maxlen Size of destination buffer.
* @param shortName Optional. Write short name or human readable name.
* Default is human readable (false).
* @return Number of cells written.
VolTypeToString(VolumeFeatureTypes:volType, String:buffer[], maxlen, bool:shortName = false)
switch (volType)
case VolFeature_Invalid:
return shortName ? strcopy(buffer, maxlen, "") : strcopy(buffer, maxlen, "(none)");
case VolFeature_Anticamp:
return shortName ? strcopy(buffer, maxlen, "anticamp") : strcopy(buffer, maxlen, "Anti camp");
case VolFeature_Knockback:
return shortName ? strcopy(buffer, maxlen, "knockback") : strcopy(buffer, maxlen, "Knock back modifier");
return 0;
* Callback for update timer. This is the main timer in volumetric features.
public Action:Event_VolUpdateTimer(Handle:timer)
* Callback for trigger delay timer.
public Action:Event_VolTriggerTimer(Handle:timer)
new Float:countDown;
// Loop through all players.
for (new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
// Loop through all volumes.
for (new volumeIndex = 0; volumeIndex < ZR_VOLUMES_MAX; volumeIndex++)
// Check if volume is in use and enabled.
if (!VolInUse(volumeIndex) || !VolIsEnabled(volumeIndex))
// Not in use or enabled, skip volume.
// Get count down value.
countDown = VolPlayerCountDown[client][volumeIndex];
// Check if volume trigger delay is enabled.
if (countDown > 0.0)
// Substract by trigger interval.
countDown -= VolTriggerInterval;
// Check if time is up.
if (countDown <= 0.0)
// Update cache.
VolPlayerInVolume[client][volumeIndex] = true;
// Trigger volume enter event.
VolOnPlayerEnter(client, volumeIndex);
// Reset count down value.
VolPlayerCountDown[client][volumeIndex] = -1.0;
// Update count down value and continue.
VolPlayerCountDown[client][volumeIndex] = countDown;
* Called when zr_vol CVAR is changed.
public VolEnabledChanged(Handle:cvar, const String:oldvalue[], const String:newvalue[])
new bool:isEnabled = bool:StringToInt(newvalue);
if (isEnabled)
// Volumetric features is enabled.
// Volumetric features is disabled.