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// ============================================================================
// Zombie:Reloaded Class configuration
// See Class Configuration (3.7) in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// Attribute: Values: Description:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// enabled yes/no Enables or disables a class.
// team number Specifies what team the class belongs to:
// 0 - Zombies
// 1 - Humans
// 2 - Admin mode classes (incomplete feautre!)
// team_default yes/no Marks the class as the default class in the team.
// flags number Special class flags (bit field). To combine multiple flags
// use a sum of the flag values. Available flags:
// 1 - Admins only
// 2 - Mother zombies only
// group text Restrict class to member of this SourceMod group. Leave blank for no restriction.
// name text The class name used in class menu.
// description text The class description used in class menu.
// model_path text Path to model to use. Relative to cstrike folder.
// model_skin_index number Model skin index to use if model support multiple skins. First skin is 0.
// alpha_initial number Initial transparency setting.
// alpha_damaged number Transparency when damaged.
// alpha_damage number How much damage to do before switching alpha.
// overlay_path text Overlay displayed at the player.
// nvgs yes/no Give and turn on night vision.
// fov number Field of view value. 90 is default.
// has_napalm yes/no Allows player to throw napalm grenades. Humans only.
// napalm_time decimal Napalm burn duration. Zombies only.
// immunity_mode text Special immunity modes. Some modes only works on humans or zombies:
// "none" - Instant infection.
// "kill" - Humans are instantly killed instead of turning zombies when attacked by zombies.
// "full" - Completely immune. Humans can't be infected, zombies don't receive damage or knock back. Careful with this, it might not be that fun.
// "infect" - Humans are immune to infections until HP go below a threshold. Threshold at zero enable stabbing to death.
// "damage" - Zombies are immune to damage from humans/grenades, but still vulnerable to knock back.
// "delay" - Delay infection for a certain number of seconds.
// "shield" - Shield against infections (humans) or knock back (zombies) for a certain amount of seconds (similar to TF2's <20>bercharge). Deploy with "zshield" command.
// immunity_amount number Immunity data value (humans only). Depends on the immunity mode above:
// "infect" - HP threshold. Infection will be allowed when HP go below this value. Zero will enable stabbing to death.
// "delay" - Number of seconds the infection is delayed since first hit by a zombie.
// "shield" - Number of seconds the shield is active.
// immunity_cooldown number Number of seconds of cooldown for temporary immunity actions, depending on mode.
// "delay" - Number of seconds the delay is reduced every time a zombie attack, while a delayed infection is in progress.
// "shield" - Number of seconds the player has to wait before the shield can be used again.
// no_fall_damage on/off Disables fall damage.
// health number How many health points to give.
// health_regen_interval decimal Sets the regeneration interval. 0 to disable.
// health_regen_amount number How much HP to give per interval.
// health_infect_gain number How much HP to give when the player infects someone. Zombies only.
// kill_bonus number How many points to give per kill. Zombies only.
// speed decimal The player speed. In LMV mode 300 is normal speed, 600 is double speed.
// knockback decimal Force of the knockback when shot at. Zombies only.
// jump_height decimal Multiplier of the players jump height. 0.0 means no jump boost, 1.0 is normal.
// jump_distance decimal Multiplier of the players jump distance. 0.0 means no forward jump boost, 1.0 is normal.
// ------------------------------------------
// Zombie classes
// ------------------------------------------
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "0"
"team_default" "yes"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Classic"
"description" "Need brains!!! Arrrrggghh!"
// Model
"model_path" "models/player/zombieskincsgo/zombie.mdl"
"model_skin_index" "0"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" "overlays/zr/zvision"
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "no"
"napalm_time" "10.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "none"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "yes"
"health" "3200"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "500"
"kill_bonus" "2"
"speed" "390"
"knockback" "3.2"
"jump_height" "1.1"
"jump_distance" "1.2"
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "0"
"team_default" "no"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Fast"
"description" "-HP | +Speed | +Jump | +Knockback"
// Model
"model_path" "models/player/zombieskincsgo/zombie.mdl"
"model_skin_index" "0"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" "overlays/zr/zvision"
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "no"
"napalm_time" "7.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "none"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "yes"
"health" "2500"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "400"
"kill_bonus" "2"
"speed" "420"
"knockback" "4.0"
"jump_height" "1.3"
"jump_distance" "1.2"
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "0"
"team_default" "no"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Mutated"
"description" "+HP | -Speed | +Jump | +Knockback"
// Model
"model_path" "models/player/zombieskincsgo/zombie.mdl"
"model_skin_index" "0"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" "overlays/zr/zvision"
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "no"
"napalm_time" "15.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "none"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "yes"
"health" "3500"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "850"
"kill_bonus" "2"
"speed" "270"
"knockback" "3.5"
"jump_height" "1.3"
"jump_distance" "1.3"
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "0"
"team_default" "no"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Heavy"
"description" "+HP | -Speed | -Knockback"
// Model
"model_path" "models/player/zombieskincsgo/zombie.mdl"
"model_skin_index" "0"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" "overlays/zr/zvision"
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "no"
"napalm_time" "10.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "none"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "yes"
"health" "5500"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "2000"
"kill_bonus" "2"
"speed" "250"
"knockback" "2.0"
"jump_height" "1.0"
"jump_distance" "1.0"
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "0"
"team_default" "no"
"flags" "2"
"group" ""
"name" "Mother zombie"
"description" "+HP regen | +Speed | +Jump | -Knockback"
// Model
"model_path" "models/player/zombieskincsgo/zombie.mdl"
"model_skin_index" "0"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" "overlays/zr/zvision"
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "0"
"napalm_time" "5.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "none"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "yes"
"health" "3000"
"health_regen_interval" "0.25"
"health_regen_amount" "10"
"health_infect_gain" "1000"
"kill_bonus" "4"
"speed" "432"
"knockback" "2.3"
"jump_height" "1.2"
"jump_distance" "1.3"
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "0"
"team_default" "no"
"flags" "3"
"group" ""
"name" "Admin mother zombie"
"description" "+HP regen | +Speed | +Jump | -Knockback"
// Model
"model_path" "models/player/zombieskincsgo/zombie.mdl"
"model_skin_index" "0"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" "overlays/zr/zvision"
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "no"
"napalm_time" "3.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "none"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "yes"
"health" "3500"
"health_regen_interval" "0.25"
"health_regen_amount" "10"
"health_infect_gain" "1000"
"kill_bonus" "1"
"speed" "486"
"knockback" "2.3"
"jump_height" "1.2"
"jump_distance" "1.3"
// ------------------------------------------
// Human classes
// ------------------------------------------
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "1"
"team_default" "yes"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Normal Human"
"description" "Default Counter-Strike settings"
// Model
"model_path" "default"
"model_skin_index" "0"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" ""
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "yes"
"napalm_time" "0.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "none"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "no"
"health" "100"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "0"
"kill_bonus" "2"
"speed" "300"
"knockback" "0"
"jump_height" "1.0"
"jump_distance" "1.0"
// General
"enabled" "no"
"team" "1"
"team_default" "yes"
"flags" "0"
"group" "" // Write the name of a SourceMod group for vip players ("zr_vip" for instance), then make it in SourceMod.
"name" "VIP Human"
"description" "Human class for important players"
// Model
"model_path" "default"
"model_skin_index" "0"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" ""
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "yes"
"napalm_time" "0.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "none"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "yes"
"health" "200"
"health_regen_interval" "1.0"
"health_regen_amount" "10"
"health_infect_gain" "0"
"kill_bonus" "1"
"speed" "300"
"knockback" "0"
"jump_height" "1.2"
"jump_distance" "1.2"
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "1"
"team_default" "no"
"flags" "1"
"group" ""
"name" "Admin Human"
"description" "Human class for admins"
// Model
"model_path" "default"
"model_skin_index" "0"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" ""
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "yes"
"napalm_time" "0.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "none"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "yes"
"health" "200"
"health_regen_interval" "1.0"
"health_regen_amount" "10"
"health_infect_gain" "0"
"kill_bonus" "1"
"speed" "360"
"knockback" "0"
"jump_height" "1.2"
"jump_distance" "1.2"
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "1"
"team_default" "no"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Speedy"
"description" "+Speed"
// Model
"model_path" "default"
"model_skin_index" "0"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" ""
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "no"
"napalm_time" "0.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "none"
"immunity_amount" "1"
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "0"
"health" "100"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "0"
"kill_bonus" "1"
"speed" "360"
"knockback" "0"
"jump_height" "1.0"
"jump_distance" "1.0"
// General
"enabled" "yes"
"team" "1"
"team_default" "no"
"flags" "0"
"group" ""
"name" "Light"
"description" "-Speed | +Jump | +Immunity"
// Model
"model_path" "default"
"model_skin_index" "0"
"alpha_initial" "255"
"alpha_damaged" "255"
"alpha_damage" "0"
// Hud
"overlay_path" ""
"nvgs" "no"
"fov" "90"
// Effects
"has_napalm" "yes"
"napalm_time" "0.0"
// Player behavior
"immunity_mode" "infect" // Invulnerable to infection,
"immunity_amount" "25" // until HP go below 25.
"immunity_cooldown" "60"
"no_fall_damage" "yes"
"health" "100"
"health_regen_interval" "0.0"
"health_regen_amount" "0"
"health_infect_gain" "0"
"kill_bonus" "1"
"speed" "260"
"knockback" "0"
"jump_height" "1.4"
"jump_distance" "1.4"