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* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Core
* Description: Module to handle shopping list style lists.
2013-01-12 08:47:36 +01:00
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Greyscale, Richard Helgeby
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ============================================================================
* This file is meant for formatting a given string into a list formatted around the style of a shopping
* list.
* Example:
* String: "Bacon, Egg, Egg, Milk, Butter"
* Shopping List: "Bacon, Eggx2, Milk, Butter"
* Function parameters will include options to change the "," to any character. As well as the "x2" format.
* More complex examples:
* String: "Red - Green - Blue-Red- Green -Green - Yellow -Grey" Note: Horribly formatted, but we can handle it.
* Shopping List: "Red(2)\nGreen(3)\nBlue\nYellow\nGrey" Note: We can change what to separate each item with, as well as how to display the quantity.
* List Options:
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
* Construct: Take a string and dump out a list. Simple.
* Remove: Removes an item from the list. Must remove from the end to preserve list order.
* Scenario:
* String: "Apple, Orange, Mango, Orange"
* Shopping List: "Apple, Orange x2, Mango"
* Remove: "Orange"
* Remove first orange: "Apple, Mango, Orange" Different order.
* Remove last orange: "Apple, Orange, Mango" Yay.
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
* @section String length defines.
* @endsection
* Takes a given string and outputs a re-formatted shopping list styled list. See description above.
* Note: This is for display purposes only, meaning there will be no API made to format the output of this function.
* If you plan on the list being dynamic, store the raw string and use the API to edit those.
* @param list Raw string to be formatted.
* @param shoppinglist Outputted shopping list.
* @param slist_maxlen The maximum length of the shopping list.
* @param in_token The token used to separate each item in the raw string. Ex: "Apple, Orange" Token: ","
* @param out_token What to separate each item with in the shopping list. Ex: Token: "\n" List: "Apple\nOrange"
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
* @param quantityformat How to show the quantity of an item for multi-listed items. ## is the number. Ex: "Apples x2" quantityformat: " x##"
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
stock ShoppingListConstruct(const String:list[], String:shoppinglist[], slist_maxlen, const String:in_token[] = ",", const String:out_token[] = ",", const String:quantityformat[] = " x##")
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// Put each item in a list.
ExplodeString(list, in_token, items, SHOPPINGLIST_MAXITEMS, SHOPPINGLIST_MAXLEN);
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// Put each item in a trie where we count each item.
new Handle:trieItems = CreateTrie();
new item_count;
new validstrings;
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// x = Array index.
for (new x = 0; x < SHOPPINGLIST_MAXITEMS; x++)
// Trim off any whitespace.
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// If there are no more items left, exit the loop.
if (!items[x][0])
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// Reset item_count to 0, retrieve value, if it already exists, and set value + 1.
item_count = 0;
GetTrieValue(trieItems, items[x], item_count);
SetTrieValue(trieItems, items[x], ++item_count);
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// Initialize 'shoppinglist'.
strcopy(shoppinglist, slist_maxlen, "");
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
decl String:item_formatted[SHOPPINGLIST_MAXLEN];
decl String:strQuantity[8];
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// x = Array index.
for (new x = 0; x < validstrings; x++)
// Get quantity count, in string and int.
GetTrieValue(trieItems, items[x], item_count);
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// If the item_count is 0, this item is already in the shopping list.
if (item_count == 0)
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
IntToString(item_count, strQuantity, sizeof(strQuantity));
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
strcopy(item_formatted, sizeof(item_formatted), items[x]);
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// Format the quantity on if there was more than 1.
if (item_count > 1)
Format(item_formatted, sizeof(item_formatted), "%s%s", item_formatted, quantityformat);
ReplaceString(item_formatted, sizeof(item_formatted), "##", strQuantity);
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// Format the item onto the list.
if (!shoppinglist[0])
strcopy(shoppinglist, slist_maxlen, item_formatted);
Format(shoppinglist, slist_maxlen, "%s%s%s", shoppinglist, out_token, item_formatted);
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
SetTrieValue(trieItems, items[x], 0);
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// Destroy the trie handle.
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
* Add an item to the list.
* Notes:
* For max number of items, and the max length of each item, see SHOPPINGLIST_* defines at the top.
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
* @param list The list to remove item from.
* @param maxlen The maximum length of the finished list.
* @param item The item to remove from the list.
* @param token The token to remove with the item.
* @return True if the item was found and removed, false if not found.
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
public bool:ShoppingListRemove(String:list[], maxlen, const String:item[], const String:token[])
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// Explode the items into an array.
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
new validstrings;
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// x = Array index.
for (new x = SHOPPINGLIST_MAXITEMS - 1; x >= 0; x--)
// Trim off any whitespace.
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
if (StrEqual(item, items[x], false))
// Nullify the matching string.
items[x][0] = 0;
// Re-copy each index after the matching string to overwrite it.
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
for (new y = x; y < SHOPPINGLIST_MAXITEMS - 1; y++)
items[y] = items[y + 1];
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// Implode the array of strings back together into a full string.
ImplodeStrings(items, validstrings + x, token, list, maxlen);
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
return true;
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// If this is a valid string, count it.
if (items[x][0])
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
return false;
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
* Attempted versions of the above code.
* The working version is mostly (99%) Frus's code.
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
* Add an item to the list.
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
* @param list The list to remove item from.
* @param maxlen The maximum length of the finished list.
* @param item The item to remove from the list.
* @param token The token to remove with the item.
* @return True if the item was found and removed, false if not found.
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
/*stock bool:ShoppingListRemove(String:list[], maxlen, const String:item[], const String:token[])
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
new itemindex = -1;
new itemindex2 = -1;
new pos;
while (itemindex == itemindex2)
itemindex2 = pos = StrContains(list[pos], item, false);
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
if (itemindex2 != -1)
itemindex = itemindex2;
pos += 1;
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
PrintToServer("%d %d %d %s", itemindex, itemindex2, pos, list[pos]);
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
if (itemindex == -1)
return false;
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
PrintToServer("position %d", itemindex);
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
return true;
* Add an item to the list.
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
* @param list The list to remove item from.
* @param maxlen The maximum length of the finished list.
* @param maxitems The maximum number of shopping items.
* @param maxitemlen The maximum length of EACH item in the string.
* @param item The item to remove from the list.
* @param token The token to remove with the item.
* @return True if the item was found and removed, false if not found.
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
/*stock bool:ShoppingListRemove(String:list[], maxlen, maxitems, maxitemlen, const String:item[], const String:token[])
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// Default initialized value = false.
new bool:success;
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// Put each item in a list.
new String:items[maxitems][maxitemlen];
ExplodeString(list, token, items, maxitems, maxitemlen);
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// x = List index.
for (new x = maxitems - 1; x >= 0; x--)
PrintToServer("%d %s", x, items[x]);
if (StrEqual(items[x], item, false))
strcopy(items[x], maxitemlen, "");
success = true;
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
new String:items_after[maxitems][maxitemlen];
new count;
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// x = List index.
for (new x = 0; x < maxitems; x++)
PrintToServer("%d \"%s\"", x, items[x]);
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
if (!items[x][0])
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// Move valid item to new array, and increment count after.
strcopy(items_after[count++], maxitemlen, items[x]);
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
// Join the valid strings back together.
ImplodeStrings(items_after, count, token, list, maxlen);
2009-09-20 23:58:50 +02:00
return success;