
1167 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// ===========================
// General (base)
// ===========================
"General round objective"
"en" "The game is @greenHumans vs. Zombies@default, the goal for zombies is to infect all humans by knifing them."
"General zmenu reminder"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "For help on Zombie:Reloaded commands, type \"{1}{2}\" in chat."
// ===========================
// Generic (base)
// ===========================
// General
"Literal text"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "{1}"
// Set string to "{1}" for all languages.
"Feature is disabled"
"en" "This feature is currently disabled by the server host."
"Not enough money"
"en" "You do not have enough money to buy this item."
"Must be player"
"en" "This feature is reserved for players only."
"Must be admin"
"en" "This feature is reserved for admins only."
"No access to command"
"en" "You do not have access to this command."
"Must be alive"
"en" "This feature requires that you are alive."
"Must be dead"
"en" "This feature requires that you are dead."
"Must be on team"
"en" "This feature requires that you are on a team."
"Must be zombie"
"en" "This feature requires that you are a zombie."
"Must be human"
"en" "This feature requires that you are a human."
"Must be in buyzone"
"en" "This feature requires that you are in a buyzone."
"Increase by"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Increase by {1}"
"Decrease by"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Decrease by {1}"
"Current Value"
"en" "Current value:"
"en" "Zombie"
"en" "Human"
// Menu
"Menu empty"
"en" "(Empty)"
// ===========================
// Config (core)
// ===========================
// Commands
"Config command reload syntax"
"en" "Syntax: zr_reloadconfig <file alias1> [file alias2] ... - Reloads a config file."
"Config command reload related commands"
"en" "Related command(s): zr_config_reloadall"
"Config command reload syntax aliases"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s},{4:s},{5:s}"
"en" "File Aliases:\n* \"{1}\"\n* \"{2}\"\n* \"{3}\"\n* \"{4}\"\n* \"{5}\""
"Config command reload invalid"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Invalid file alias: \"{1}\""
"Config command reload not loaded"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Config file \"{1}\" failed to load. (Either disabled or invalid file content.)"
"Config command reload all stats begin"
"en" "Reloading all Zombie:Reloaded config files...\n------------------------------------------------"
"Config command reload all stats successful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "\"{1}\" - Successful."
"Config command reload all stats failed"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "\"{1}\" - Failed. (Either disabled or invalid file content.)"
// ===========================
// Log (core)
// ===========================
"Log Generic Flag"
// Max length: 19 characters.
"en" "Generic Flag:"
"Log Value"
// Max length: 7 characters:
"en" "Value:"
"Log Module"
// Max length: 23 characters:
"en" "Module:"
"Log Status"
"en" "Filter Status:"
"Log Module Filtering"
"en" "Module Filtering:"
"Log Module Short Name"
"en" "Short Name:"
// ===========================
// Classes
// ===========================
// General
"Classes admin mode enabled"
"en" "Admin mode is enabled!"
"Classes random assignment"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "You have randomly been assigned to the @green\"{1}\"@default class."
// Center Text/HUD
"Classes overlay toggle"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Class overlay toggle commands: {1}"
// Menu
"Classes menu title"
"en" "Class Selection:"
"Classes menu active"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Active: {1}"
"Classes menu next"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Next spawn: {1}"
"Classes menu select zombie"
"en" "Select Zombie Class"
"Classes menu select human"
"en" "Select Human Class"
"Classes menu select admin"
"en" "Select Admin Mode Class"
"Classes menu admin mode toggle"
"en" "Toggle Admin Mode"
"Classes Menu Team Select Title"
"en" "Select Team:"
"Classes Menu Zombies"
"en" "Zombies"
"Classes Menu Humans"
"en" "Humans"
"Classes Menu Multiplier Select Title"
"en" "Select Multiplier:"
"Classes Menu Adjust Value"
"en" "Adjust Value:"
// Attributes
"Classes Attrib Napalm Time"
"en" "Napalm Time"
"Classes Attrib Health"
"en" "Health"
"Classes Attrib Regen Interval"
"en" "Health Regeneration Interval"
"Classes Attrib Regen Amount"
"en" "Health Regeneration Amount"
"Classes Attrib Infect Gain"
"en" "Infection Health Gain"
"Classes Attrib Speed"
"en" "Running Speed"
"Classes Attrib Knockback"
"en" "Knock Back"
"Classes Attrib Jump Height"
"en" "Jump Height"
"Classes Attrib Jump Distance"
"en" "Jump Distance"
"Classes Selection Not Allowed"
"en" "Changing classes is not allowed."
// ===========================
// Immunity
// ===========================
"Immunity Shield Not Available"
"en" "You don't have a shield."
"Immunity Shield Cooldown"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "{1} seconds until shield is available."
"Immunity Shield Time Left"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "Shield time left: {1}"
// ===========================
// Overlays (core)
// ===========================
"Overlays not supported"
"#format" "{1:d},{2:d}"
"en" "Blocking Overlay - DX{1} Detected (DX{2} Required)"
// ===========================
// Infect (core)
// ===========================
// General
"Infect infected"
"en" "You have been infected! Go pass it on to as many other players as you can."
"Infect human"
"en" "The merciful gods (known as admins) have resurrected your soul, find some cover!"
"Infect disconnect"
"en" "The last zombie has left the game, and has passed the infection on to you."
"Mother zombie infect cycle reset"
"en" "The mother zombie infection cycle has been reset."
// Center Text
"Infect countdown"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "First infection in {1} seconds."
// Menu
"Infect menu clients title"
"en" "Zombie Management\nToggle Infection:\n[] = Infected"
// Commands
"Infect command infect syntax"
"en" "Infect a client. Usage: zr_infect <filter> [respawn - 1/0]"
"Infect command human syntax"
"en" "Turn a client into a human. Usage: zr_human <filter> [respawn - 1/0] [protect - 1/0]"
"Infect command infect successful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Successfully infected @green{1}@default."
"Infect command infect successful public"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "@lgreen{1}@default has infected @green{2}@default."
"Infect command infect mother successful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Successfully infected @green{1}@default as the mother zombie."
"Infect command infect mother successful public"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "@lgreen{1}@default has infected @green{2}@default as the mother zombie."
"Infect command infect unsuccessful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Could not infect @green{1}@default."
"Infect command human successful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Successfully brought back @green{1}@default to life."
"Infect command human successful public"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "@lgreen{1}@default has brought back @green{2}@default to life."
"Infect command human unsuccessful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Could not bring back @green{1}@default to life."
// ===========================
// Damage (core)
// ===========================
"Damage suicide intercept"
"en" "Suicide attempt intercepted."
// ===========================
// Menu (core)
// ===========================
// General
"Menu main title"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "ZR Commands:\nPrefix command with \"{1}\" or \"{2}\" (quiet) when typing in chat."
"Menu main zadmin"
"en" "ZAdmin - Open admin menu"
"Menu main zclass"
"en" "ZClass - Configure class settings"
"Menu main zcookies"
"en" "ZCookies - Toggle personal ZR settings here"
"Menu main zspawn"
"en" "ZSpawn - Join late? Spawn with this"
"Menu main ztele"
"en" "ZTele - Stuck? Teleport back to spawn"
"Menu main zhp"
"en" "ZHP - Shows real HP as zombie"
"Menu main zmarket"
"en" "ZMarket - Customize loadouts here"
// ===========================
// Weapons (core)
// ===========================
// General
"Zombie cant use weapon"
"en" "Zombies can't use weapons!"
// Restrict
"Restrict weapon"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\"@default has been restricted."
"Unrestrict weapon"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\"@default has been unrestricted."
"Restrict weapon stopped"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\"@default is already restricted."
"Unrestrict weapon stopped"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\"@default has no restrictions set."
"Restrict weapon type"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapons of type @green\"{1}\"@default have been restricted."
"Unrestrict weapon type"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapons of type @green\"{1}\"@default have been unrestricted."
"Restrict weapon type stopped"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapons of type @green\"{1}\"@default are all already restricted."
"Unrestrict weapon type stopped"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapons of type @green\"{1}\"@default have no restrictions set."
"Restrict weapon untoggleable"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\"@default may not have its restrictions toggled."
"Weapon invalid"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\"@default is an invalid weapon (type) name."
"Weapon is restricted"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapon @green{1}@default is restricted."
// ZMarket
"Weapons zmarket buyzone"
"en" "You must be in a buyzone to use ZMarket."
"Weapons zmarket purchase"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "You have purchased weapon @green{1}.@default Select item again to buy ammo if you are low."
"Weapons zmarket purchase max"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:d}"
"en" "Weapon @green{1}@default has a purchase limit of @green{2}@default. Wait until you respawn to try again."
"Weapons zmarket grenade max"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "You may only carry {1} grenade(s) of this type."
"Weapons zmarket not enough money"
"en" "You have insufficient funds."
"Weapons zmarket updated loadout"
"en" "You are not able to purchase a weapon at this time, but your loadout has been updated with this weapon."
"Weapons zmarket get current loadout"
"en" "Updated current loadout, use rebuy option to purchase these weapons again."
// Commands
"Weapons command restrict syntax"
"en" "Restricts a weapon or a weapon type. Usage: zr_restrict <weapon|weapon type> [weapon2|weapontype2] ..."
"Weapons command unrestrict syntax"
"en" "Unrestricts a weapon or a weapon type. Usage: zr_unrestrict <weapon|weapon type> [weapon2|weapontype2] ..."
// Menu (Restrict)
"Weapons menu restrict main title"
"en" "Weapons Management"
"Weapons menu restrict main restrict"
"en" "Weapon Restrictions"
"Weapons menu restrict main market"
"en" "ZMarket"
"Weapons menu restrict types title"
"en" "Weapon Restrictions\nSelect Weapon Type:"
"Weapons menu restrict types weapon type title"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapon Restrictions\nWeapon Type: {1}\n[] = Restricted"
"Weapons menu restrict types restrict all"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Restrict weapon type {1}"
"Weapons menu restrict types unrestrict all"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Unrestrict weapon type {1}"
"Weapons menu restrict zmarket title"
"en" "ZMarket\nSelect Setting:"
"Weapons menu restrict zmarket buyzone"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Buyzone Only - {1}"
// Menu (ZMarket)
"Weapons menu zmarket main title"
"en" "ZMarket\nSelect an Option:"
"Weapons menu zmarket main get loadout"
"en" "Save Current Setup"
"Weapons menu zmarket main edit loadout"
"en" "Edit Saved Setup"
"Weapons menu zmarket main rebuy"
"en" "Buy Saved Setup"
"Weapons menu zmarket main weapons list"
"en" "Buy Weapons"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout title"
"en" "ZMarket\nMy Current Setup:\nSelect weapon slot to modify.\nNote: Rebuy refers to these weapons.\nYou will spawn with these weapons."
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout primary"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Primary: {1}"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout secondary"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Secondary: {1}"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout default"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Default ({1})"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout weapons title"
"en" "ZMarket\nSelect Weapon Loadout:"
"Weapons menu zmarket types title"
"en" "ZMarket\nSelect Weapon Type:"
"Weapons menu zmarket types weapon type title"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "ZMarket\nWeapon Type: {1}\n[] = Restricted"
"Weapons menu zmarket types weapon info"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:d},{3:d}"
"en" "{1} (${2})\nPurchases Left: {3}"
"Weapons menu zmarket types weapon ammo"
"en" "Ammo"
// ===========================
// Hitgroups (core)
// ===========================
// Menu
"Hitgroups menu hitgroups title"
"en" "Hitgroup Management\nCommands: zr_hitgroup(_enable_all/_headshots_only)\nSelect a Hitgroup to Toggle:"
"Hitgroups menu hitgroups enable all"
"en" "Enable All Hitgroups"
"Hitgroups menu hitgroups headshots only"
"en" "Headshots Only"
// Commands
"Hitgroups command syntax"
"en" "Toggles or sets if a zombie's hitgroup can be damaged. Usage: zr_hitgroup <hitgroup alias> [1/0]"
"Hitgroups command related commands"
"en" "Related command(s): zr_hitgroup_enable_all, zr_hitgroup_headshots_only"
"Hitgroups command syntax names"
"en" "Hitgroup Names:"
"Hitgroups command successful on"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Damage for hitgroup \"{1}\" has been toggled on."
"Hitgroups command successful off"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Damage for hitgroup \"{1}\" has been toggled off."
"Hitgroups command invalid hitgroup"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "\"{1}\" is not a valid hitgroup alias. Type zr_hitgroup to view all aliases."
"Hitgroups command enable all successful"
"en" "All zombie hitgroups have been enabled for damage."
"Hitgroups command headshots only successful"
"en" "Zombies may now only be damaged by headshots."
// ===========================
// ZAdmin (core)
// ===========================
"ZAdmin main title"
"en" "ZAdmin\nSelect Category:"
"ZAdmin main class multipliers"
"en" "Class Multipliers"
"ZAdmin main weapons"
"en" "Weapon Management"
"ZAdmin main hitgroups"
"en" "Hitgroup Management"
"ZAdmin main zombie"
"en" "Zombie Management"
"ZAdmin main force zspawn"
"en" "Force ZSpawn"
"ZAdmin main force ztele"
"en" "Force ZTele"
// ===========================
// AntiStick (module)
// ===========================
// Commands
"AntiStick command set width syntax"
"en" "Sets the width of a model's hull. (See zr_antistick_list_models) Usage: zr_antistick_set_width <model/player> <width>"
"AntiStick command list models list"
"en" "Player name: Model: Hull width:\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
"AntiStick command list models name"
"#format" "{1:-35s},{2:-51s},{3:-.2f}"
"en" "{1} {2} {3}"
"AntiStick command set width successful"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:f}"
"en" "Model hull width for model \"{1}\" has been changed to \"{2}.\""
"AntiStick command set width invalid model"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Invalid model/player specified: \"{1}\""
"AntiStick command set width invalid width"
"#format" "{1:f}"
"en" "Invalid model hull width specified: \"{1}\""
// ===========================
// Spawn Protect (module)
// ===========================
// General
"Spawn protection begin"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "Zombies are present, you have {1} seconds to find a safe place before you lose immunity."
"Spawn protection end"
"en" "You are now susceptible to zombie infection."
// HUD
"Spawn Protect"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "Zombie protection ends in: {1} seconds."
// ===========================
// ZCookies (module)
// ===========================
"ZCookies Menu main title"
"en" "ZCookies\nSelect a Cookie:"
"ZCookies menu main auto-rebuy"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "ZMarket Auto-Rebuy: {1}"
"ZCookies menu main zhp"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "ZHP Display: {1}"
"ZCookies menu main overlay"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Human/Zombie Class Overlay: {1}"
"ZCookies zmarket loadout"
"en" "ZMarket Loadout"
// ===========================
// ZSpawn (module)
// ===========================
// General
"ZSpawn double spawn"
"en" "ZSpawn can only be used if you joined late during a round in progress."
"ZSpawn timelimit"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "The timelimit ({1} seconds), to use ZSpawn, has already expired."
// Menu
"ZSpawn clients title"
"en" "Force ZSpawn (zr_zspawn_force)\nSelect a Player:"
// Commands
"ZSpawn command force syntax"
"en" "Force ZSpawn on a client. Usage: zr_zspawn_force <client> ['0' = Spawn as human | '1' = Spawn as zombie]"
"ZSpawn command force successful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Successfully spawned @lgreen{1}@default."
"ZSpawn command force successful public"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s}"
"en" "@lgreen{1}@default has spawned @green{2}@default as @lgreen{3}@default."
"ZSpawn command force unsuccessful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Could not zspawn @lgreen{1}@default."
// ===========================
// ZTele (module)
// ===========================
// General
"ZTele restricted human"
"en" "ZTele is restricted for humans at this time."
"ZTele max"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "You have reached your max of {1} teleport(s) per round."
"ZTele in progress"
"en" "You are currently pending teleportation."
"ZTele autocancel text"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "Teleport has been cancelled. (Restrictive boundary is {1} ft.)"
// Center Text
"ZTele countdown"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "Teleporting back to spawn in: {1} seconds."
"ZTele autocancel centertext"
"en" "Teleport has been cancelled."
"ZTele countdown end"
"#format" "{1:d},{2:d}"
"en" "Teleported back to spawn. (Count: {1}/{2})"
// Menu
"ZTele clients title"
"en" "Force ZTele (zr_ztele_force)\nSelect a Player:"
// Commands
"ZTele command force syntax"
"en" "Force ZTele on a client. Usage: zr_ztele_force <client>"
"ZTele command force successful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Successfully teleported @lgreen{1}@default."
"ZTele command force unsuccessful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Could not teleport @lgreen{1}@default."
// ===========================
// ZHP (module)
// ===========================
// General
"ZHP enable"
"en" "HP display enabled, your real HP will be displayed after infection."
"ZHP disable"
"en" "HP display disabled."
// HUD
"Display HP"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "HP: {1}"
// ===========================
// Volumetric features (module)
// ===========================
"Vol Anticamp Message"
"en" "This area is restricted, please move."
"Vol Slay"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:d}"
"en" "Slayed player \"{1}\" for camping in a restricted area (ID: {2})."
"Vol Ignite"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:d}"
"en" "Ignited player \"{1}\" for camping in a restricted area (ID: {2})."