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* ============================================================================
* Zombie:Reloaded
* File:
* Type: Core
* Description: Config API and executing.
* ============================================================================
* The max length of any config string value.
* @section Config file reference aliases.
* @endsection
* List of config files used by the plugin.
enum ConfigFile
ConfigInvalid = -1, /** Invalid config file. */
ConfigModels, /** <sourcemod root>/configs/zr/models.txt (default) */
ConfigDownloads, /** <sourcemod root>/configs/zr/downloads.txt (default) */
ConfigClasses, /** <sourcemod root>/configs/zr/playerclasses.txt (default) */
ConfigWeapons, /** <sourcemod root>/configs/zr/weapons/weapons.txt/weapongroups.txt (default) */
ConfigHitgroups, /** <sourcemod root>/configs/zr/hitgroups.txt (default) */
* Data container for each config file.
enum ConfigData
bool:ConfigLoaded, /** True if config is loaded, false if not. */
Function:ConfigReloadFunc, /** Function to call to reload config. */
Handle:ConfigHandle, /** Handle of the config file. */
String:ConfigPath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH], /** Full path to config file. */
String:ConfigAlias[CONFIG_MAX_LENGTH], /** Config file alias, used for client interaction. */
* Stores all config data.
new g_ConfigData[ConfigFile][ConfigData];
* Actions to use when working on key/values.
enum ConfigKeyvalueAction
ConfigKVCreate, /** Create a key. */
ConfigKVDelete, /** Delete a key. */
ConfigKVSet, /** Modify setting of a key. */
ConfigKVGet, /** Get setting of a key. */
* @section Global data handle initializations.
new Handle:arrayModelsList = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:arrayDownloadsList = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:kvClassData = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:kvWeapons = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:kvWeaponGroups = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:kvHitgroups = INVALID_HANDLE;
* Create commands related to config here.
// Create config admin commands.
RegAdminCmd("zr_reloadconfig", ConfigReloadCommand, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "zr_reloadconfig <file alias> - Reloads a config file.");
RegAdminCmd("zr_reloadconfigall", ConfigReloadAllCommand, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "zr_reloadconfigall - Reloads all config files.");
* Load plugin configs.
decl String:mapconfig[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
// Get map name and format into config path.
GetCurrentMap(mapconfig, sizeof(mapconfig));
Format(mapconfig, sizeof(mapconfig), "sourcemod/zombiereloaded/%s.cfg", mapconfig);
// Prepend cfg to path.
decl String:path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
Format(path, sizeof(path), "cfg/%s", mapconfig);
// File doesn't exist, then stop.
if (!FileExists(path))
// Execute config file.
ServerCommand("exec %s", mapconfig);
// Log action.
LogPrintToLog(LOG_FORMAT_TYPE_NORMAL, "Config", "Map Configs", "Executed map config file: %s", path);
* Executed when modules are done loading. After all init calls in
* OnConfigsExecuted.
* Executes post map configs if they exist.
decl String:mapname[256];
decl String:mapconfig[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
decl String:path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
// Get map name and format into config path.
GetCurrentMap(mapname, sizeof(mapname));
Format(mapconfig, sizeof(mapconfig), "sourcemod/zombiereloaded/", mapname);
// Prepend cfg to path.
Format(path, sizeof(path), "cfg/%s", mapconfig);
// Workaround for bug 3083 in SourceMod compiler. Having FileExist directly
// in the if in this function makes it crash. Storing the result in a
// boolean first works.
// Check if the file exist.
new bool:cfgexists = FileExists(path);
if (!cfgexists)
// File doesn't exist, then stop.
// Execute config file.
ServerCommand("exec %s", mapconfig);
// Log action.
LogPrintToLog(LOG_FORMAT_TYPE_NORMAL, "Config", "Map Configs", "Executed post map config file: %s", path);
* Used by modules that rely on configs to register their config file info.
* @param file Config file entry to register.
* @param loaded True if the config should be loaded, false if not.
* @param path (Optional) Full path to config file.
* @param alias (Optional) Config file alias, used for client interaction.
stock ConfigRegisterConfig(ConfigFile:file, bool:loaded, Function:reloadfunc, Handle:filehandle = INVALID_HANDLE, const String:path[] = "", const String:alias[] = "")
// Copy file info to data container.
g_ConfigData[file][ConfigLoaded] = loaded;
g_ConfigData[file][ConfigHandle] = filehandle;
g_ConfigData[file][ConfigReloadFunc] = reloadfunc;
strcopy(g_ConfigData[file][ConfigPath], PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, path);
strcopy(g_ConfigData[file][ConfigAlias], CONFIG_MAX_LENGTH, alias);
* Set the loaded state of a config file entry.
* @param config Config file to set load state of.
* @param loaded True to set as loaded, false to set as unloaded.
stock ConfigSetConfigLoaded(ConfigFile:config, bool:loaded)
// Set load state.
g_ConfigData[config][ConfigLoaded] = loaded;
* Set the reload function of a config file entry.
* @param config Config file to set reload function of.
* @param reloadfunc Reload function.
stock ConfigSetConfigReloadFunc(ConfigFile:config, Function:reloadfunc)
// Set reload function.
g_ConfigData[config][ConfigReloadFunc] = reloadfunc;
* Set the file handle of a config file entry.
* @param config Config file to set handle of.
* @param loaded Config file handle.
stock ConfigSetConfigHandle(ConfigFile:config, Handle:file)
// Set file handle.
g_ConfigData[config][ConfigHandle] = file;
* Set the config file path of a config file entry.
* @param config Config file to set file path of.
* @param loaded File path.
stock ConfigSetConfigPath(ConfigFile:config, const String:path[])
// Set config file path.
strcopy(g_ConfigData[config][ConfigPath], PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, path);
* Set the alias of a config file entry.
* @param config Config file to set alias of.
* @param loaded Alias of the config file entry.
stock ConfigSetConfigAlias(ConfigFile:config, const String:alias[])
// Set config alias.
strcopy(g_ConfigData[config][ConfigAlias], CONFIG_MAX_LENGTH, alias);
* Returns if a config was successfully loaded.
* @param config Config file to check load status of.
* @return True if config is loaded, false otherwise.
stock bool:ConfigIsConfigLoaded(ConfigFile:config)
// Return load status.
return g_ConfigData[config][ConfigLoaded];
* Returns config's reload function.
* @param config Config file to get reload function of.
* @return Config reload function.
stock Function:ConfigGetConfigReloadFunc(ConfigFile:config)
// Return load status.
return g_ConfigData[config][ConfigReloadFunc];
* Returns config's file handle.
* @param config Config file to get file handle of.
* @return Config file handle.
stock Handle:ConfigGetConfigHandle(ConfigFile:config)
// Return load status.
return g_ConfigData[config][ConfigHandle];
* Returns the path for a given config file entry.
* @param config Config file to get path of. (see ConfigFile enum)
stock ConfigGetConfigPath(ConfigFile:config, String:path[], maxlen)
// Copy path to return string.
strcopy(path, maxlen, g_ConfigData[config][ConfigPath]);
* Returns the alias for a given config file entry.
* @param config Config file to get alias of. (see ConfigFile enum)
stock ConfigGetConfigAlias(ConfigFile:config, String:alias[], maxlen)
// Copy alias to return string.
strcopy(alias, maxlen, g_ConfigData[config][ConfigAlias]);
* Reload a config file.
* @param config The config file entry to reload.
* @return True if the config is loaded, false if not.
stock bool:ConfigReloadFile(ConfigFile:config)
// If file isn't loaded, then stop.
new bool:loaded = ConfigIsConfigLoaded(config);
if (!loaded)
return false;
// Call reload function
new Function:reloadfunc = ConfigGetConfigReloadFunc(config);
if (reloadfunc == INVALID_FUNCTION)
// Get config alias.
decl String:configalias[CONFIG_MAX_LENGTH];
ConfigGetConfigAlias(config, configalias, sizeof(configalias));
// Print reload failure to logs.
LogPrintToLog(LOG_FORMAT_TYPE_ERROR, "Config", "Reload Function", "Invalid reload function for config: \"%s\"", configalias);
return true;
// Call reload function.
Call_StartFunction(GetMyHandle(), reloadfunc);
return true;
* Load config file.
* @param file The cvar define of the path to the file.
* @return True if the file exists, false if not.
stock bool:ConfigGetCvarFilePath(CvarsList:cvar, String:path[])
// Get cvar's path.
decl String:filepath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
GetConVarString(Handle:g_hCvarsList[cvar], filepath, sizeof(filepath));
// Build full path in return string.
BuildPath(Path_SM, path, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, filepath);
return FileExists(path);
* Finds a config file entry, (see ConfigFile enum) for a given alias.
* @param alias The alias to find config file entry of.
* @return Config file entry, ConfigInvalid is returned if alias was not found.
stock ConfigFile:ConfigAliasToConfigFile(const String:alias[])
decl String:checkalias[CONFIG_MAX_LENGTH];
// x = config file entry index.
for (new x = 0; x < sizeof(g_ConfigData); x++)
// Get config alias.
ConfigGetConfigAlias(ConfigFile:x, checkalias, sizeof(checkalias));
// If alias doesn't match, then stop.
if (!StrEqual(alias, checkalias, false))
// Return config file entry.
return ConfigFile:x;
// Invalid config file.
return ConfigInvalid;
* Creates, deletes, sets, or gets any key/setting of any ZR config keyvalue file in memory.
* Only use when interacting with a command or manipulating single keys/values,
* using this function everywhere would be EXTREMELY inefficient.
* @param config Config index of config to modify. (see CONFIG_FILE_* defines)
* @param action Action to perform on keyvalue tree. (see enum ConfigKeyvalueAction)
* @param keys Array containing keys to traverse into.
* @param keysMax The size of the 'keys' array.
* @param setting (Optional) The name of the setting to modify.
* @param value (Optional) The new value to set.
* @param maxlen (Optional) The maxlength of the gotten value.
* @return True if the change was made successfully, false otherwise.
stock bool:ConfigKeyvalueTreeSetting(config, ConfigKeyvalueAction:action = ConfigKVCreate, const String:keys[][], keysMax, const String:setting[] = "", String:value[] = "", maxlen = 0)
// Retrieve handle of the keyvalue tree.
new Handle:hConfig = ConfigGetConfigHandle(config);
// If handle is invalid, then stop.
if (hConfig == INVALID_HANDLE)
return false;
// Rewind keyvalue tree.
// x = keys index.
// Traverse into the keygroup, stop if it fails.
for (new x = 0; x < keysMax; x++)
// If key is empty, then break the loop.
if (!keys[x][0])
// Try to jump to next level in the transversal stack, create key if specified.
new bool:exists = KvJumpToKey(hConfig, keys[x], (action == Create));
// If exists is false, then stop.
if (!exists)
// Key doesn't exist.
return false;
case ConfigKVCreate:
if (!setting[0] || !value[0])
// We created the key already, so return true.
return true;
// Set new value.
KvSetString(hConfig, setting, value);
case ConfigKVDelete:
// Return deletion result.
return KvDeleteKey(hConfig, setting);
case ConfigKVSet:
// Set new value.
KvSetString(hConfig, setting, value);
case ConfigKVGet:
// Get current value.
KvGetString(hConfig, setting, value, maxlen);
// We successfully set or got the value.
return true;
* Command callback (zr_reloadconfig)
* Reloads a config file and forwards event to modules.
* @param client The client index.
* @param argc Argument count.
public Action:ConfigReloadCommand(client, argc)
// If not enough arguments given, then stop.
if (argc < 1)
return Plugin_Handled;
// arg1 = file alias being reloaded.
decl String:arg1[32];
GetCmdArg(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1));
// If alias is invalid, then stop.
new ConfigFile:config = ConfigAliasToConfigFile(arg1);
if (config == ConfigInvalid)
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Config command reload invalid", arg1);
return Plugin_Handled;
// Reload config file.
new bool:loaded = ConfigReloadFile(config);
// Get config file path.
decl String:path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
ConfigGetConfigPath(config, path, sizeof(path));
// If file isn't loaded then tell client, then stop.
if (!loaded)
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Config command reload not loaded", path);
return Plugin_Handled;
return Plugin_Handled;
* Command callback (zr_reloadconfigall)
* Reloads all config files and forwards event to all modules.
* @param client The client index.
* @param argc Argument count.
public Action:ConfigReloadAllCommand(client, argc)
// Begin statistics.
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Config command reload all stats begin");
decl String:configalias[CONFIG_MAX_LENGTH];
// x = config file entry index.
for (new x = 0; x < sizeof(g_ConfigData); x++)
// Reload config file.
new bool:successful = ConfigReloadFile(ConfigFile:x);
// Get config's alias.
ConfigGetConfigAlias(ConfigFile:x, configalias, sizeof(configalias));
if (successful)
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Config command reload all stats successful", configalias);
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Config command reload all stats failed", configalias);
* Iterate through a file and store each line in an array.
* @param path Path to the file to iterate through.
* @return The handle of the array, don't forget to call CloseHandle
* on it when finished!
Handle:ConfigLinesToArray(const String:path[])
new Handle:arrayLines = CreateArray(PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
decl String:line[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
// Open file.
new Handle:hFile = OpenFile(path, "r");
// If file couldn't be opened, then stop.
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE)
// Get current line text.
ReadFileLine(hFile, line, sizeof(line));
// If line contains a ";", then stop.
if (StrContains(line, ";") > -1)
// Cut out comments at the end of a line.
if (StrContains(line, "//") > -1)
SplitString(line, "//", line, sizeof(line));
// Trim off whitespace.
// If line is empty, then stop.
if (!line[0])
// Push line into array.
PushArrayString(arrayLines, line);
// Close file handle.
// Return array handle.
return arrayLines;
* Converts string of "yes" or "no" to a boolean value.
* @param option "yes" or "no" string to be converted.
* @return True if string is "yes", false otherwise.
bool:ConfigSettingToBool(const String:option[])
// If option is equal to "yes," then return true.
if (StrEqual(option, "yes", false))
return true;
// Option isn't "yes."
return false;
* Converts boolean value to "yes" or "no".
* @param bOption True/false value to be converted to "yes"/"no", respectively.
* @param option Destination string buffer to store "yes" or "no" in.
* @param maxlen Length of destination string buffer (can't be more than 4).
ConfigBoolToSetting(bool:bOption, String:option[], maxlen)
// If option is true, then copy "yes" to return string.
if (bOption)
strcopy(option, maxlen, "yes");
// If option is false, then copy "no" to return string.
strcopy(option, maxlen, "no");