New feature for blocking class selection. Changes in translations. See details.
Finished norwegian translation. Fixed missing quote in english translation file. Added cvars for blocking players from changing classes. Minior typo fixes in log module. Changed TranslationReplyToCommand to use the ReplyToCommand function.
This commit is contained in:
@ -338,6 +338,11 @@
"no" "Hoppelengde"
"Classes Selection Not Allowed"
"no" "Endring av klasse er ikke tillatt."
// ===========================
// Overlays (core)
// ===========================
@ -372,49 +377,44 @@
"Infect menu clients title"
"en" "Zombie Management\nToggle Infection:\n[] = Infected"
"no" "Spillerbehandling\nVeksle mellom zombie og menneske:\n[] = Infisert"
// Commands
"Infect command infect syntax"
"en" "Infect a client. Usage: zr_infect <filter> [respawn - 1/0]"
"no" "Infiserer en spiller. Syntaks: zr_infect <mål> [teleporter - 1/0]"
"Infect command human syntax"
"en" "Turn a client into a human. Usage: zr_human <filter> [respawn - 1/0] [protect - 1/0]"
"no" "Gjør en spiller om til et menneske. Syntaks: zr_human <mål> [teleporter - 1/0] [beskyttelse - 1/0]"
"Infect command infect successful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player @green{1} @defaulthas been successfully infected."
"no" "@green{1}@default ble vellykket infisert."
"Infect command infect mother successful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player @green{1} @defaulthas been successfully infected as the mother zombie."
"no" "@green{1}@default ble vellykket infisert som moderzombie."
"Infect command infect unsuccessful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player @green{1} @defaultis already a zombie."
"no" "@green{1}@default er allerede en zombie."
"Infect command human successful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player @green{1} @defaulthas been successfully brought back as a human."
"no" "@green{1}@default ble vellykket gjort om til et menneske."
"Infect command human unsuccessful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player @green{1} @defaultis already a human."
"no" "@green{1}@default er allerede et menneske."
// ===========================
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@
"Damage suicide intercept"
"en" "Suicide attempt intercepted."
"no" "Selvmordsforsøk hindret."
// ===========================
@ -434,50 +434,42 @@
"Menu main title"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "ZR Commands:\nPrefix command with \"{1}\" or \"{2}\" (quiet) when typing in chat."
"no" "ZR-kommandoer:\nStart kommandoen med \"{1}\" or \"{2}\" (skjules) i samtaleområdet."
"Menu main zadmin"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "ZAdmin - Open admin menu. (Command: {1})"
"no" "ZAdmin - Åpne administrasjonsmeny. (Kommando: {1})"
"Menu main zclass"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "ZClass - Configure class settings. (Command: {1})"
"no" "ZClass - Endre klasseinstillinger. (Kommando: {1})"
"Menu main zcookies"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "ZCookies - Toggle personal ZR settings here. (Command: {1})"
"no" "ZCookies - Endre egendefinerte instillinger. (Kommando: {1})"
"Menu main zspawn"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "ZSpawn - Join late? Spawn with this. (Command: {1})"
"no" "ZSpawn - Bli med i spillet øyeblikkelig. (Kommando: {1})"
"Menu main ztele"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "ZTele - Stuck? Teleport back to spawn. (Command: {1})"
"no" "ZTele - Teleporter til startområde. (Kommando: {1})"
"Menu main zhp"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "ZHP - Shows real HP as zombie. (Command: {1})"
"no" "ZHP - Vis nåværende helsenivå. (Kommando: {1})"
"Menu main zmarket"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "ZMarket - Customize loadouts here. (Command: {1})"
"no" "ZMarket - Endre egendefinerte våpeninstillinger. (Kommando: {1})"
// ===========================
@ -488,280 +480,252 @@
"Zombie cant use weapon"
"en" "Zombies can't use weapons!"
"ru" "Зомби не могут использовать оружие!"
"no" "Zombier kan ikke bruke våpen."
// Restrict
"Restrict weapon"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\" @defaulthas been restricted."
"no" "Våpenet @green\"{1}\"@default ble sperret."
"Unrestrict weapon"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\" @defaulthas been unrestricted."
"no" "Våpenet @green\"{1}\"@default er ikke lenger sperret."
"Restrict weapon stopped"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\" @defaultis already restricted."
"no" "Våpenet @green\"{1}\"@default er allerede sperret."
"Unrestrict weapon stopped"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\" @default has no restrictions set."
"no" "Våpenet @green\"{1}\"@default er ikke sperret."
"Restrict weapon type"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapons of type @green\"{1}\" @defaulthave been restricted."
"no" "Våpentypen @green\"{1}\"@default er sperret."
"Unrestrict weapon type"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapons of type @green\"{1}\" @defaulthave been unrestricted."
"no" "Våpentypen @green\"{1}\"@default er ikke lenger sperret."
"Restrict weapon type stopped"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapons of type @green\"{1}\" @defaultare all already restricted."
"no" "Våpentypen @green\"{1}\"@default er allerede sperret."
"Unrestrict weapon type stopped"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapons of type @green\"{1}\" @defaulthave no restrictions set."
"no" "Våpentypen @green\"{1}\"@default er ikke sperret."
"Restrict weapon untoggleable"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\" @defaultmay not have its restrictions toggled."
"no" "Våpenet @green\"{1}\"@default kan ikke sperres."
"Weapon invalid"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapon @green\"{1}\" @defaultis an invalid weapon (type) name."
"no" "Våpenet eller våpentypen @green\"{1}\"@default er ugyldig."
"Weapon is restricted"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapon @green{1} @defaultis restricted."
"ru" "Оружие @green{1} @default запрещено."
"no" "Våpenet @green{1}@default er sperret."
// ZMarket
"Weapons zmarket buyzone"
"en" "You must be in a buyzone to use ZMarket."
"no" "Du må være i en kjøpesone for å kunne bruke ZMarket."
"Weapons zmarket purchase"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "You have purchased weapon @green{1}. @defaultSelect item again to buy ammo if you are low."
"no" "Du har kjøpt våpenet @green{1}@default. Velg gjenstanden igjen for å kjøpe mer ammunisjon."
"Weapons zmarket purchase max"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:d}"
"en" "Weapon @green{1} @defaulthas a purchase limit of @green{2}@default. Wait until you respawn to try again."
"no" "Våpenet @green{1}@default har en kjøpegrense på @green{2}@default enheter. Vent til neste runde eller gjenoppliving."
"Weapons zmarket auto-rebuy toggle on"
"en" "Auto-rebuy has been enabled, your loadout will be automatically purchased for you each time you spawn."
"no" "Autokjøp er aktivert, dine valg vil automatisk bli kjøpt hver runde eller hver gjenoppliving."
"Weapons zmarket auto-rebuy toggle off"
"en" "Auto-rebuy has been disabled."
"no" "Autokjøp er deaktivert."
"Weapons zmarket updated loadout"
"en" "You are not able to purchase a weapon at this time, but your loadout has been updated with this weapon."
"no" "Du kan ikke kjøpe våpen for øyeblikket, men våpenvalget er blitt lagret."
"Weapons zmarket get current loadout"
"en" "Updated current loadout, use rebuy option to purchase these weapons again."
"no" "Våpenvalg oppdatert. Bruk gjenkjøpvalget for å kjøpe disse våpnene igjen."
// Commands
"Weapons command restrict syntax"
"en" "Restricts a weapon or a weapon type. Usage: zr_restrict <weapon|weapon type> [weapon2|weapontype2] ..."
"no" "Sperrer et våpen eller en våpentype. Syntaks: zr_restrict <våpen|våpentype> [våpen|våpentype] ..."
"Weapons command unrestrict syntax"
"en" "Unrestricts a weapon or a weapon type. Usage: zr_unrestrict <weapon|weapon type> [weapon2|weapontype2] ..."
"no" "Fjerner sperre av et våpen eller en våpentype. Syntaks: zr_unrestrict <våpen|våpentype> [våpen|våpentype] ..."
// Menu (Restrict)
"Weapons menu restrict main title"
"en" "Weapons Management"
"no" "Våpenbehandling"
"Weapons menu restrict main restrict"
"en" "Weapon Restrictions"
"no" "Våpensperringer"
"Weapons menu restrict main market"
"en" "ZMarket"
"no" "ZMarket"
"Weapons menu restrict types title"
"en" "Weapon Restrictions\nSelect Weapon Type:"
"no" "Våpensperringer\nVelg våpentype:"
"Weapons menu restrict types weapon type title"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Weapon Restrictions\nWeapon Type: {1}\n[] = Restricted"
"no" "Våpensperringer\nVåpentype: {1}\n[] = Sperret"
"Weapons menu restrict types restrict all"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Restrict weapon type {1}"
"no" "Sperr våpentypen \"{1}\""
"Weapons menu restrict types unrestrict all"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Unrestrict weapon type {1}"
"no" "Fjern sperre for våpentypen \"{1}\""
"Weapons menu restrict zmarket title"
"en" "ZMarket\nSelect Setting:"
"no" "ZMarket\nVelg instilling:"
"Weapons menu restrict zmarket buyzone"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Buyzone Only - {1}"
"no" "Kun i kjøpesoner - {1}"
// Menu (ZMarket)
"Weapons menu zmarket main title"
"en" "ZMarket\nSelect an Option:"
"no" "ZMarket"
"Weapons menu zmarket main get loadout"
"en" "Get Current Loadout"
"no" "Kjøp gjeldende våpenvalg"
"Weapons menu zmarket main view loadout"
"en" "View My Loadout"
"no" "Vis våpenvalg"
"Weapons menu zmarket main rebuy"
"en" "Rebuy My Loadout"
"no" "Kjøp gjeldende våpenvalg"
"Weapons menu zmarket main auto-rebuy"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Auto-Rebuy: {1}"
"no" "Autokjøp: {1}"
"Weapons menu zmarket main weapons list"
"en" "View Weapons List"
"no" "Vis våpenliste"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout title"
"en" "ZMarket\nMy Current Loadout:\nSelect weapon slot to clear.\nNote: Rebuy refers to these weapons."
"no" "ZMarket\nGjeldende våpenvalg:\nFjern våpen ved å velge det."
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout primary"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Primary: {1}"
"no" "Primærvåpen: {1}"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout secondary"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Secondary: {1}"
"no" "sekundærvåpen: {1}"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout melee"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Melee: {1}"
"no" "Nærkamp: {1}"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout projectile"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Projectile: {1}"
"no" "Prosjektiler: {1}"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout explosive"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Explosive: {1}"
"no" "Granater: {1}"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout nvgs"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "NVGs: {1}"
"no" "Nattsyn: {1}"
"Weapons menu zmarket loadout empty"
"en" "(None)"
"no" "(Ingen)"
"Weapons menu zmarket types title"
"en" "ZMarket\nSelect Weapon Type:"
"no" "ZMarket\nVelg våpentype:"
"Weapons menu zmarket types weapon type title"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "ZMarket\nWeapon Type: {1}\n[] = Restricted"
"no" "ZMarket\nVåpentype: {1}\n[] = Sperret"
"Weapons menu zmarket types weapon info"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:d},{3:d}"
"en" "{1} (${2})\nPurchases Left: {3}"
"no" "{1} (${2})\nAntall kjøp igjen: {3}"
"Weapons menu zmarket types weapon ammo"
"en" "Ammo"
"no" "Ammunisjon"
// ===========================
@ -772,62 +736,59 @@
"Hitgroups menu hitgroups title"
"en" "Hitgroup Management\nCommands: zr_hitgroup(_enable_all/_headshots_only)\nSelect a Hitgroup to Toggle:"
"no" "Treffgruppebehandling\nKommandoer: zr_hitgroup(_enable_all/_headshots_only)\nVelg en treffgruppe for å aktivere/deaktivere:"
"Hitgroups menu hitgroups enable all"
"en" "Enable All Hitgroups"
"no" "Aktiver alle treffgrupper"
"Hitgroups menu hitgroups headshots only"
"en" "Headshots Only"
"no" "Kun hodeskudd"
// Commands
"Hitgroups command syntax"
"en" "Toggles or sets if a zombie's hitgroup can be damaged. Usage: zr_hitgroup <hitgroup alias> [1/0]"
"no" "Veksle, aktiver eller deaktiver en treffgruppe til zombiene. Usage: zr_hitgroup <treffgruppe> [aktiv - 1/0]"
"Hitgroups command related commands"
"en" "Related command(s): zr_hitgroup_enable_all, zr_hitgroup_headshots_only"
"no" "Relaterte kommandoer: zr_hitgroup_enable_all, zr_hitgroup_headshots_only"
"Hitgroups command syntax names"
"en" "Hitgroup Names:"
"no" "Treffgruppenavn:"
"Hitgroups command successful on"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Damage for hitgroup \"{1}\" has been toggled on."
"no" "Skade for treffgruppen \"{1}\" er aktivert."
"Hitgroups command successful off"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Damage for hitgroup \"{1}\" has been toggled off."
"no" "Skade for treffgruppen \"{1}\" er deaktivert."
"Hitgroups command invalid hitgroup"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "\"{1}\" is not a valid hitgroup alias. Type zr_hitgroup to view all aliases."
"no" "\"{1}\" er ikke en gyldig treffgruppe. Bruk zr_hitgroup for å se alle treffgruppenavnene."
"Hitgroups command enable all successful"
"en" "All zombie hitgroups have been enabled for damage."
"no" "Alle treffgruppene er aktivert."
"Hitgroups command headshots only successful"
"en" "Zombies may now only be damaged by headshots."
"no" "Zombiene kan nå kun bli skadet av hodeskudd."
// ===========================
@ -836,37 +797,37 @@
"ZAdmin main title"
"en" "ZAdmin\nSelect Category:"
"no" "ZAdmin\nVelg kategori:"
"ZAdmin main class multipliers"
"en" "Class Multipliers"
"no" "Klassemultiplikatorer"
"ZAdmin main weapons"
"en" "Weapon Management"
"no" "Våpenbehandling"
"ZAdmin main hitgroups"
"en" "Hitgroup Management"
"no" "Treffgruppebehandling"
"ZAdmin main zombie"
"en" "Zombie Management"
"no" "Spillerbehandling"
"ZAdmin main force zspawn"
"en" "Force ZSpawn"
"no" "Tving gjenoppliving"
"ZAdmin main force ztele"
"en" "Force ZTele"
"no" "Tving teleport"
// ===========================
@ -874,39 +835,37 @@
// ===========================
// Commands
// Not translating antistick phrases because hull width settings had no effect. To be removed.
"AntiStick command set width syntax"
"en" "Sets the width of a model's hull. (See zr_antistick_list_models) Usage: zr_antistick_set_width <model/player> <width>"
"no" "Sets the width of a model's hull. (See zr_antistick_list_models) Usage: zr_antistick_set_width <model/player> <width>"
"AntiStick command list models list"
"en" "Player name: Model: Hull width:\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
"no" "Player name: Model: Hull width:\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
"AntiStick command list models name"
"#format" "{1:-35s},{2:-51s},{3:-.2f}"
"en" "{1} {2} {3}"
"no" "{1} {2} {3}"
"AntiStick command set width successful"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:f}"
"en" "Model hull width for model \"{1}\" has been changed to \"{2}.\""
"no" "Model hull width for model \"{1}\" has been changed to \"{2}.\""
"AntiStick command set width invalid model"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Invalid model/player specified: \"{1}\""
"no" "Invalid model/player specified: \"{1}\""
"AntiStick command set width invalid width"
"#format" "{1:f}"
"en" "Invalid model hull width specified: \"{1}\""
"no" "Invalid model hull width specified: \"{1}\""
// ===========================
@ -917,23 +876,19 @@
"Spawn protection begin"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "Zombies are present, you have {1} seconds to find a safe place before you lose immunity."
"ru" "Зомби на свободе, у вас {1} секунд, чтобы найти безопасное место, пока не потеряли иммунитет."
"no" "Zombier tilstede, du er beskyttet og har {1} sekunder på å finne et trygt sted."
"Spawn protection end"
"en" "You are now susceptible to zombie infection."
"ru" "Теперь вы восприимчивы к зомби инфекции."
"no" "Du er nå utsatt for å bli smittet av en zombie."
// HUD
"Spawn Protect"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "Zombie protection ends in: {1} seconds."
"no" "Zombiebeskyttelsen stopper om {1} sekunder."
// ===========================
@ -942,30 +897,27 @@
"ZCookies Menu main title"
"en" "ZCookies\nSelect a Cookie:"
"no" "ZCookies\nVelg informasjonskapsel:"
"ZCookies menu main auto-rebuy"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "ZMarket Auto-Rebuy: {1}"
"no" "Autokjøp (ZMarket): {1}"
"ZCookies menu main zhp"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "ZHP Display: {1}"
"no" "ZHP-skjerm: {1}"
"ZCookies menu main overlay"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Human/Zombie Class Overlay: {1}"
"no" "Vis klasseoverlegg: {1}"
"ZCookies zmarket loadout"
"en" "ZMarket Loadout"
"no" "Våpenvalg (ZMarket)"
// ===========================
@ -976,40 +928,36 @@
"ZSpawn double spawn"
"en" "ZSpawn can only be used if you joined late during a round in progress."
"no" "ZSpawn kan kun bli brukt hvis du koblet til servern midt i en runde."
"ZSpawn timelimit"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "The timelimit ({1} seconds), to use ZSpawn, has already expired."
"no" "Tidsfristen ({1} sekunder) for å bruke ZSpawn har gått ut."
// Menu
"ZSpawn clients title"
"en" "Force ZSpawn (zr_zspawn_force)\nSelect a Player:"
"no" "Tving gjenoppliving (zr_zspawn_force)\nVelg en spiller:"
// Commands
"ZSpawn command force syntax"
"en" "Force ZSpawn on a client. Usage: zr_zspawn_force <client> ['0' = Spawn as human | '1' = Spawn as zombie]"
"no" "Tving gjenoppliving på en spiller. Syntaks: zr_zspawn_force <spiller> ['0' = Menneske | '1' = Zombie]"
"ZSpawn command force successful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player {1} was successfully spawned."
"no" "{1} ble vellykket gjenopplivet."
"ZSpawn command force unsuccessful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player {1} couldn't be spawned."
"no" "{1} kunne ikke bli gjenopplivet."
// ===========================
@ -1020,70 +968,63 @@
"ZTele restricted human"
"en" "ZTele is restricted for humans at this time."
"no" "Mennesker kan ikke teleporteres for øyeblikket."
"ZTele max"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "You have reached your max of {1} teleport(s) per round."
"no" "Du har brukt opp alle teleportene ({1}) for denne runden."
"ZTele in progress"
"en" "You are currently pending teleportation."
"no" "Du venter på allerede på en teleport."
"ZTele autocancel text"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "Teleport has been cancelled. (Restrictive boundary is {1} ft.)"
"no" "Teleport avbrutt. Du har forflyttet deg lengre enn tillatt da du ventet på en teleport. Maks lengde er {1} fot."
// Center Text
"ZTele countdown"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "Teleporting back to spawn in: {1} seconds."
"no" "Teleporterer til startområdet om {1} sekunder."
"ZTele autocancel centertext"
"en" "Teleport has been cancelled."
"no" "Teleport avbrutt."
"ZTele countdown end"
"#format" "{1:d},{2:d}"
"en" "Teleported back to spawn. (Count: {1}/{2})"
"no" "Teleportert til startområdet. (Antall: {1}/{2})"
// Menu
"ZTele clients title"
"en" "Force ZTele (zr_ztele_force)\nSelect a Player:"
"no" "Tving teleport (zr_ztele_force)\nVelg en spiller:"
// Commands
"ZTele command force syntax"
"en" "Force ZTele on a client. Usage: zr_ztele_force <client>"
"no" "Tving teleport på en spiller. Syntaks: zr_ztele_force <spiller>"
"ZTele command force successful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player {1} was successfully teleported."
"no" "{1} ble vellykket teleportert."
"ZTele command force unsuccessful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player {1} couldn't be teleported."
"no" "{1} kunne ikke bli teleportert."
// ===========================
@ -1094,22 +1035,19 @@
"ZHP enable"
"en" "HP display enabled, your real HP will be displayed after infection."
"no" "HP-skjerm aktivert. Du vil se din ekte helseverdi som zombie."
"ZHP disable"
"en" "HP display disabled."
"ru" "Отображение здоровья включено."
"no" "HP-skjerm deaktivert."
// HUD
"Display HP"
"#format" "{1:d}"
"en" "HP: {1}"
"ru" "Здоровье: {1}"
"no" "HP: {1}"
// ===========================
@ -1118,18 +1056,16 @@
"Vol Anticamp Message"
"en" "This area is restricted, please move along."
"no" "Dette området er sperret, vennligst gå videre."
"Vol Slay"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:d}"
"en" "Slayed player \"{1}\" for camping in a restricted area (ID: {2})."
"no" "Drepte \"{1}\" for opphold i sperret område (ID: {2})."
"Vol Ignite"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:d}"
"en" "Ignited player \"{1}\" for camping in a restricted area (ID: {2})."
"no" "Satt fyr på \"{1}\" for opphold i sperret område (ID: {2})."
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"Must be zombie"
"en" "This feature requires that you are a zombie.
"en" "This feature requires that you are a zombie."
"Must be human"
@ -356,6 +356,11 @@
"en" "Jump Distance"
"Classes Selection Not Allowed"
"en" "Changing classes is not allowed."
// ===========================
// Overlays (core)
// ===========================
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ zr_log "1"
// Default: "3"
zr_log_flags "3"
// Enable module filtering. Only log events from listed modules will be logged.
// Enable module filtering. Only events from listed modules will be logged.
// Default: "0"
zr_log_module_filter "0"
@ -163,6 +163,18 @@ zr_classes_default_zombie "random"
// Default: "motherzombies"
zr_classes_default_mother_zombie "motherzombies"
// Allow players to select zombie classes.
// Default: "1"
zr_classes_zombie_select "1"
// Allow players to select human classes.
// Default: "1"
zr_classes_human_select "1"
// Allow admins to select admin mode classes. (Not to be confused by admin-only classes!)
// Default: "1"
zr_classes_admin_select "1"
// Menu
// Automatically close class selection menu.
@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ enum CvarsList
@ -214,7 +217,7 @@ CvarsCreate()
// ===========================
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG] = CreateConVar("zr_log", "1", "Enable logging of events in the plugin. Fatal errors are logged independent on this setting.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_FLAGS] = CreateConVar("zr_log_flags", "3", "A bit field that specify what event types to log. See logging section (3.3) in manual for details.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_MODULE_FILTER] = CreateConVar("zr_log_module_filter", "0", "Enable module filtering. Only log events from listed modules will be logged.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_MODULE_FILTER] = CreateConVar("zr_log_module_filter", "0", "Enable module filtering. Only events from listed modules will be logged.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_IGNORE_CONSOLE] = CreateConVar("zr_log_ignore_console", "1", "Don't log events triggered by console commands that are executed by the console itself, like commands in configs. Enable this command to avoid spamming logs with events like weapon restrictions.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_ERROR_OVERRIDE] = CreateConVar("zr_log_error_override", "1", "Always log error messages. Overrides module filter and logging flags.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_LOG_PRINT_ADMINS] = CreateConVar("zr_log_print_admins", "0", "Print log events to admin chat in addition to the log file.");
@ -242,6 +245,9 @@ CvarsCreate()
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT_M_ZOMB] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_default_mother_zombie", "motherzombies","Zombie class assigned to mother zombies. [\"motherzombies\" = Random mother zombie class | \"random\" = Random regular zombie class | \"disabled\" = Don't change class on mother zombies]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT_HUMAN] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_default_human", "random", "Human class assigned to players on connect. [\"random\" = Random human class | \"\" = Class config default]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_DEFAULT_ADMIN] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_default_admin", "random", "Admin class assigned to admins on connect. [\"random\" = Random admin class | \"\" = Class config default]");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_ZOMBIE_SELECT] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_zombie_select", "1", "Allow players to select zombie classes.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_HUMAN_SELECT] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_human_select", "1", "Allow players to select human classes.");
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_ADMIN_SELECT] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_admin_select", "1", "Allow admins to select admin mode classes. (Not to be confused by admin-only classes!)");
// Menu
g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_MENU_AUTOCLOSE] = CreateConVar("zr_classes_menu_autoclose", "0", "Automatically close class selection menu after selecting a class.");
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ public Action:Command_LogRemoveModule(client, argc)
if (argc < 1)
// Display syntax info.
StrCat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Add one or more modules to the module filter. Usage: zr_log_add_module <module> [module] ...\n");
StrCat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Remove one or more modules to the module filter. Usage: zr_log_remove_module <module> [module] ...\n");
StrCat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "See zr_log_list to list available module names (short names).");
ReplyToCommand(client, buffer);
@ -117,7 +117,10 @@ ZMenuMain(client)
new bool:admin = ZRIsClientAdmin(client);
AddMenuItem(menu_main, "zadmin", zadmin, MenuGetItemDraw(admin));
AddMenuItem(menu_main, "zclass", zclass);
// Decide whether the client can use zclass.
new zclassdraw = ClassAllowSelection(client) ? ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED;
AddMenuItem(menu_main, "zclass", zclass, zclassdraw);
AddMenuItem(menu_main, "zcookies", zcookies);
AddMenuItem(menu_main, "zspawn", zspawn);
AddMenuItem(menu_main, "ztele", ztele);
@ -59,7 +59,14 @@ public Action:ZClassCommand(client, argc)
// If client is console, then stop and tell them this feature is for players only.
if (ZRIsConsole(client))
TranslationPrintToServer("Must be player");
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Must be player");
return Plugin_Handled;
// Check if class selection is allowed.
if (!ClassAllowSelection(client))
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Classes Selection Not Allowed");
return Plugin_Handled;
@ -65,18 +65,19 @@ ClassMenuMain(client)
// Get number of enabled classes per team.
new zombiecount = ClassCountTeam(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES);
new humancount = ClassCountTeam(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES);
new admincount = ClassCountTeam(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES);
new admincount = ClassCountTeam(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ADMINS);
// Get previously selected class indexes, if set.
new nextzombie = ClassSelectedNext[client][ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES];
new nexthuman = ClassSelectedNext[client][ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS];
new nextadmin = ClassSelectedNext[client][ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ADMINS];
// Set draw style on class options depending on number of enabled classes.
// Disable class selection if there's only one class.
new zombie_itemdraw = (zombiecount > 1) ? ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED;
new human_itemdraw = (humancount > 1) ? ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED;
new admin_itemdraw = (admincount > 1) ? ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED;
// Set draw style on class options depending on number of enabled classes
// and selection permissions. Disable class selection if there's only one
// class.
new zombie_itemdraw = (zombiecount > 1 && ClassAllowSelection(client, ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ZOMBIES)) ? ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED;
new human_itemdraw = (humancount > 1 && ClassAllowSelection(client, ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS)) ? ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED;
new admin_itemdraw = (admincount > 1 && ClassAllowSelection(client, ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ADMINS)) ? ITEMDRAW_DEFAULT : ITEMDRAW_DISABLED;
// Check if the player is in admin mode.
if (ClassPlayerInAdminMode[client])
@ -515,6 +515,64 @@ stock bool:ClassFlagFilterMatch(index, require, deny, cachetype)
* Decides whether a class selection menu should be enabled. The decision is
* based on zr_class_allow_* console variables.
* @param team Optional. Team ID to match. Default is all.
* @return True if allowed, false otherwise.
bool:ClassAllowSelection(client, team = -1)
// Get selection settings.
new bool:zombie = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_ZOMBIE_SELECT]);
new bool:human = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_HUMAN_SELECT]);
new bool:admin = GetConVarBool(g_hCvarsList[CVAR_CLASSES_ADMIN_SELECT]);
// Since admin mode classes are optional they must be counted to verify
// that they exist.
new bool:adminexist;
// Check if player is admin.
new bool:isadmin = ZRIsClientAdmin(client);
// Only count admin mode classes if client is admin for better performance.
if (isadmin)
adminexist = ClassCountTeam(ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ADMINS) > 0;
// Check if a team id is specified.
if (team >= 0)
// Check team and return the corresponding selection setting.
switch (team)
return zombie;
return human;
// Player must be admin to select admin mode classes.
return admin && isadmin && adminexist;
// Team ID didn't match.
return false;
// Check zombie and human.
return zombie || human;
* Gets all class indexes or from a specified team, and adds them to the
* specified array.
@ -333,16 +333,13 @@ stock TranslationReplyToCommand(client, any:...)
// Format string to create plugin style. (color)
TranslationPluginFormatString(translation, sizeof(translation));
// Print translated phrase to client's chat/console.
PrintToChat(client, translation);
// Format string to create plugin style. (no color)
TranslationPluginFormatString(translation, sizeof(translation), false);
// Print to server.
// Print translated phrase to server or client's chat/console.
ReplyToCommand(client, translation);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user