Various fixes and additions.
This commit is contained in:
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@
"Infect command infect successful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player @green{1} @defaulthas been successfully infected."
"en" "Successfully infected @green{1}@default."
"Infect command infect successful public"
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
"Infect command infect mother successful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player @green{1} @defaulthas been successfully infected as the mother zombie."
"en" "Successfully infected @green{1}@default as the mother zombie."
"Infect command infect mother successful public"
@ -457,25 +457,25 @@
"Infect command infect unsuccessful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player @green{1} @defaultis already a zombie."
"en" "Could not infect @green{1}@default."
"Infect command human successful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player @green{1} @defaulthas been successfully brought back as a human."
"en" "Successfully brought back @green{1}@default to life."
"Infect command human successful public"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "@lgreen{1}@default has brought back @green{2}@default as a human."
"en" "@lgreen{1}@default has brought back @green{2}@default to life."
"Infect command human unsuccessful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player @green{1} @defaultis already a human."
"en" "Could not bring back @green{1}@default to life."
// ===========================
@ -1030,19 +1030,19 @@
"ZSpawn command force successful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player {1} was successfully spawned."
"en" "Successfully spawned @lgreen{1}@default."
"ZSpawn command force successful public"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s}"
"en" "@lgreen{1}@default has spawned @green{2}@default as a @lgreen{3}@default."
"en" "@lgreen{1}@default has spawned @green{2}@default as @lgreen{3}@default."
"ZSpawn command force unsuccessful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player {1} couldn't be spawned."
"en" "Could not zspawn @lgreen{1}@default."
// ===========================
@ -1110,13 +1110,13 @@
"ZTele command force successful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player {1} was successfully teleported."
"en" "Successfully teleported @lgreen{1}@default."
"ZTele command force unsuccessful"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Player {1} couldn't be teleported."
"en" "Could not teleport @lgreen{1}@default."
// ===========================
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
#if defined _stvmngr_included
#define _stvmngr_included
// Some guidelines from the SDK about director camera shot durations
#define MIN_SHOT_LENGTH 4.0 // minimum time of a cut (seconds)
#define MAX_SHOT_LENGTH 8.0 // maximum time of a cut (seconds)
#define DEF_SHOT_LENGTH 6.0 // average time of a cut (seconds)
enum SourceTVBroadcastTarget {
// Send message to all spectators including proxies.
BTarget_Everyone = 0,
// Send message only to locally connected spectators.
* Get the current amount of running SourceTV instances.
* Can usually only be 1 at max except for CSGO, which can have 2.
* @return SourceTV instance number count.
native int SourceTV_GetServerInstanceCount();
* Select a SourceTV instance to operate the rest of the natives on.
* The first SourceTV to connect will always be selected by default.
* Most games only have 1 instance, so this might only be useful in CS:GO,
* which can have 2 instances running.
* @param instance The SourceTV instance number.
* @error Invalid SourceTV instance number.
native void SourceTV_SelectServerInstance(int instance);
* Get the index of the currently selected SourceTV server instance.
* @return Index of the selected SourceTV instance number or -1 if no SourceTV enabled.
native int SourceTV_GetSelectedServerInstance();
* Called when a SourceTV is initialized.
* @param instance The SourceTV instance number.
forward void SourceTV_OnServerStart(int instance);
* Called when a SourceTV server instance is shutdown.
* @param instance The SourceTV instance number.
forward void SourceTV_OnServerShutdown(int instance);
* Returns whether this SourceTV instance is currently broadcasting.
* @return True if SourceTV instance is broadcasting, false otherwise.
native bool SourceTV_IsActive();
* Returns whether this SourceTV instance is a master proxy or relay.
* @return True if SourceTV instance is master proxy, false otherwise.
native bool SourceTV_IsMasterProxy();
* Get the local ip of the SourceTV server.
* @param ip Buffer to save IP in.
* @param maxlen Maximum length of the buffer.
* @return True if IP written, false otherwise.
native bool SourceTV_GetServerIP(char[] ip, int maxlen);
* Get the UDP port of the SourceTV server.
* This is the port clients use to connect.
* @return SourceTV server UDP port.
native int SourceTV_GetServerPort();
* Get the client index of the SourceTV bot.
* @return Client index of SourceTV bot.
native int SourceTV_GetBotIndex();
* Get stats of the local SourceTV instance.
* Returns only the stats of this server, don't include relays.
* You have to subtract the proxy count from the spectator count to
* get the real spectator count, because the proxies take one spectator slot
* on the SourceTV server.
* @param proxies Number of SourceTV proxies connected to this server.
* @param slots Number of maximal available SourceTV spectator slots.
* @param specs Number of currently connected SourceTV spectators.
* @return True if stats were retrieved, false otherwise.
native bool SourceTV_GetLocalStats(int &proxies, int &slots, int &specs);
* Get stats of this SourceTV network.
* Only the current Master Proxy can give accurate numbers.
* Relay proxies only get updates from the master from time to time.
* You have to subtract the proxy count from the spectator count to
* get the real spectator count, because the proxies take one spectator slot
* on the SourceTV server.
* @param proxies Number of SourceTV proxies connected to all servers.
* @param slots Number of maximal available SourceTV spectator slots on all servers.
* @param specs Number of currently connected SourceTV spectators on all servers.
* @return True if stats were retrieved, false otherwise.
native bool SourceTV_GetGlobalStats(int &proxies, int &slots, int &specs);
* Current broadcasted tick. Can be lower than the actual server tick,
* due to delay.
* @return Current broadcast tick from director.
native int SourceTV_GetBroadcastTick();
* Returns current delay in seconds. (tv_delay)
* @return Current delay in seconds.
native float SourceTV_GetDelay();
* Print a center message to all SourceTV spectators for ~2 seconds.
* Like the tv_msg command.
* @param target Send only to directly connected spectators or proxies as well?
* @param format The format string.
* @param ... Variable number of format string arguments.
* @return True if message was sent, false otherwise.
native bool SourceTV_BroadcastScreenMessage(SourceTVBroadcastTarget target, const char[] format, any ...);
* Prints text to the console of all connected SourceTV spectators.
* @param format The format string.
* @param ... Variable number of format string arguments.
* @return True if message was sent, false otherwise.
native bool SourceTV_BroadcastConsoleMessage(const char[] format, any ...);
* Print a chat message to all SourceTV spectators.
* @param target Send only to directly connected spectators or proxies as well?
* @param format The format string.
* @param ... Variable number of format string arguments.
* @return True if message was sent, false otherwise.
native bool SourceTV_BroadcastChatMessage(SourceTVBroadcastTarget target, const char[] format, any ...);
* SourceTV Director control
* Get entity index of current view entity (PVS) of the
* auto director. Check the view origin, if this returns 0.
* @see SourceTV_GetViewOrigin
* @return Current view entity index, 0 if coords are used.
native int SourceTV_GetViewEntity();
* Get origin of current view point if view entity is 0.
* @param view Vector to store view position in.
native void SourceTV_GetViewOrigin(float view[3]);
* Force the auto director to show a certain camera angle.
* @param pos The camera position.
* @param angle The camera angles (roll is unused).
* @param iTarget Target entity to keep the camera pointed towards or 0 to use the angle.
* @param fow Field of view of the camera.
* @param fDuration Length of the shot in seconds.
* @return True if shot was created, false otherwise.
* @error Invalid target entity.
native bool SourceTV_ForceFixedCameraShot(float[] pos, float[] angle, int iTarget, float fov, float fDuration = DEF_SHOT_LENGTH);
* Force the auto director to show a player.
* @param iTarget1 The target player to follow.
* @param iTarget2 The other player to keep the camera centered on or 0 to follow target1's view.
* @param distance Distance of camera behind the player.
* @param phi Up/down offset of view point.
* @param theta Left/right offset of view point.
* @param bInEye Show as in-eye camera of the target. Ignores all the other third-person settings.
* @param fDuration Length of the shot in seconds.
* @return True if shot was created, false otherwise.
* @error Invalid target1 or target2 entity
native bool SourceTV_ForceChaseCameraShot(int iTarget1, int iTarget2, int distance, int phi, int theta, bool bInEye, float fDuration = DEF_SHOT_LENGTH);
* SourceTV demo recording
* Starts recording a SourceTV demo into the specified file.
* Only the master proxy can record demos.
* @param sFilename Filename of the demo file.
* @return True if recording started, false otherwise.
native bool SourceTV_StartRecording(const char[] sFilename);
* Stops recording a SourceTV demo.
* @return True if recording stopped, false otherwise.
native bool SourceTV_StopRecording();
* Returns whether the SourceTV server is currently recording a demo.
* @return True if currently recording a SourceTV demo, false otherwise.
native bool SourceTV_IsRecording();
* Get the filename of the currently recorded demo.
* @param sFilename Buffer to store the filename in.
* @param maxlen Maximal length of the buffer.
* @return True if filename was written, false otherwise.
native bool SourceTV_GetDemoFileName(char[] sFilename, int maxlen);
* Get current tick in the demofile.
* @return Current recording tick in the demofle.
native int SourceTV_GetRecordingTick();
* Print text to the demo console.
* This will show up when playing the demo back in the client console later.
* @param format The format string.
* @param ... Variable number of format string arguments.
* @return True if message was printed, false otherwise.
native bool SourceTV_PrintToDemoConsole(const char[] format, any ...);
* Called when a SourceTV demo starts being recorded.
* @see SourceTV_SelectServerInstance
* @param instance The SourceTV instance of server recording.
* @param filename The filename of the demo.
forward void SourceTV_OnStartRecording(int instance, const char[] filename);
* Called when a SourceTV demo stops being recorded.
* @see SourceTV_SelectServerInstance
* @param instance The SourceTV instance of server recording.
* @param filename The filename of the demo.
* @param recordingtick The tick length of the demo.
forward void SourceTV_OnStopRecording(int instance, const char[] filename, int recordingtick);
* SourceTV spectator client handling
* Get currently connected SourcetV spectator count.
* @return SourceTV spectator count.
native int SourceTV_GetSpectatorCount();
* Get the current client limit.
* @return Maximal possible spectator count.
native int SourceTV_GetMaxClients();
* Get number of client slots (used & unused)
* Client slots are only allocated when they're needed.
* Use this when iterating spectators.
* @return Number of client slots (used & unused)
native int SourceTV_GetClientCount();
* Returns if the spectator is connected.
* @param client The spectator client index.
* @return True if client is connected, false otherwise.
* @error Invalid client index.
native bool SourceTV_IsClientConnected(int client);
* Returns if the spectator is a relay proxy.
* @param client The spectator client index.
* @return True if client is a proxy, false otherwise.
* @error Invalid client index.
native bool SourceTV_IsClientProxy(int client);
* Get the name of a SourceTV spectator client.
* @param client The spectator client index.
* @param name Buffer for the client name.
* @param maxlen Maximal length of the buffer.
* @error Invalid client index or not connected.
native void SourceTV_GetClientName(int client, char[] name, int maxlen);
* Get the IP of a SourceTV spectator client.
* @param client The spectator client index.
* @param name Buffer for the client ip.
* @param maxlen Maximal length of the buffer.
* @error Invalid client index or not connected.
native void SourceTV_GetClientIP(int client, char[] ip, int maxlen);
* Get the password of a SourceTV spectator client.
* The password the client tried to connect with.
* Ignores changes from the SourceTV_OnSpectatorPreConnect forward.
* @param client The spectator client index.
* @param name Buffer for the client ip.
* @param maxlen Maximal length of the buffer.
* @error Invalid client index or not connected.
native void SourceTV_GetClientPassword(int client, char[] password, int maxlen);
* Kick a SourceTV spectator client.
* @param client The spectator client index.
* @param sReason The kick reason.
* @error Invalid client index or not connected.
native void SourceTV_KickClient(int client, const char[] sReason);
* Print a message to a single client's chat.
* @param client The spectator client index.
* @param format The format string.
* @param ... Variable number of format string arguments.
* @error Invalid client index or not connected.
native void SourceTV_PrintToChat(int client, const char[] format, any ...);
* Print a message to a single client's console.
* @param client The spectator client index.
* @param format The format string.
* @param ... Variable number of format string arguments.
* @error Invalid client index or not connected.
native void SourceTV_PrintToConsole(int client, const char[] format, any ...);
* Change the stream title only for one spectator.
* This is like tv_title but for a single client.
* Gets overwritten when tv_title gets changed.
* @param client The spectator client index.
* @param format The format string.
* @param ... Variable number of format string arguments.
* @error Invalid client index or not connected.
native void SourceTV_SetClientTVTitle(int client, const char[] format, any ...);
* Called when a spectator wants to connect to the SourceTV server.
* This is called before any other validation has happened.
* Similar to the OnClientPreConnectEx forward in the Connect extension by asherkin.
* @param name The player name.
* @param password The password the client used to connect. Can be overwritten.
* @param ip The ip address of the client.
* @param rejectReason Buffer to write the reject reason to, if you want to reject the client from connecting.
* @return True to allow the client to connect, false to reject him with the given reason.
forward bool SourceTV_OnSpectatorPreConnect(const char[] name, char password[255], const char[] ip, char rejectReason[255]);
* Called when a spectator client connected to the SourceTV server.
* @param client The spectator client index.
forward void SourceTV_OnSpectatorConnected(int client);
* Called when a spectator client is about to disconnect.
* @param client The spectator client index.
* @param reason The reason for the disconnect. Can be overwritten.
forward void SourceTV_OnSpectatorDisconnect(int client, char reason[255]);
* Called after a spectator client disconnected.
* @param client The spectator client index.
* @param reason The reason for the disconnect.
forward void SourceTV_OnSpectatorDisconnected(int client, const char reason[255]);
* Called when a spectator client is entering the game.
* @param client The spectator client index.
forward void SourceTV_OnSpectatorPutInServer(int client);
* Called before a spectator's chat message is sent.
* The message and chat group can be changed.
* Only called for directly connected clients - no proxies.
* @param client The spectator client index.
* @param message The message the client typed.
* @param chatgroup The chatgroup this message is sent to (tv_chatgroup).
* @return >= Plugin_Handled to block the message, Plugin_Continue to let it through.
forward Action SourceTV_OnSpectatorChatMessage(int client, char message[255], char chatgroup[255]);
* Called after a spectator wrote a chat message.
* Only called for directly connected clients - no proxies.
* @param client The spectator client index.
* @param message The message the client typed.
* @param chatgroup The chatgroup this message is sent to (tv_chatgroup).
forward void SourceTV_OnSpectatorChatMessage_Post(int client, const char[] message, const char[] chatgroup);
* Do not edit below this line!
public Extension __ext_stvmngr =
name = "SourceTV Manager",
file = "sourcetvmanager.ext",
autoload = 1,
autoload = 0,
required = 1,
required = 0,
public void __ext_stvmngr_SetNTVOptional()
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ public OnPluginStart()
public OnAllPluginsLoaded()
// Forward event to modules.
@ -252,8 +253,12 @@ public OnConfigsExecuted()
// Fake roundstart
EventRoundStart(INVALID_HANDLE, "", false);
new bool:bZombieSpawned = false;
for(new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
@ -265,12 +270,24 @@ public OnConfigsExecuted()
if(IsPlayerAlive(client) && GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_T)
bZombieSpawned = true;
// Zombies have been infected.
g_bZombieSpawned = true;
g_bLate = false;
@ -464,9 +464,6 @@ public Action:InfectMotherZombie(Handle:timer)
// Prune list of immune clients.
//eligibleclients = InfectRemoveImmuneClients(arrayEligibleClients);
// Move all clients to CT.
@ -1187,6 +1184,8 @@ stock InfectManualInfect(client, targets[], count, bool:respawnoverride = false,
strcopy(adminname, sizeof(adminname), "Console");
new bool:success = false;
// x = Client index.
for (new x = 0; x < count; x++)
@ -1196,13 +1195,6 @@ stock InfectManualInfect(client, targets[], count, bool:respawnoverride = false,
// Check if client is a human before turning into zombie.
if (!InfectIsClientHuman(targets[x]))
// If there was only 1 player targetted, then let admin know the command was unsuccessful.
if (count == 1)
// Tell admin command was unsuccessful.
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Infect command infect unsuccessful", targetname);
@ -1211,29 +1203,42 @@ stock InfectManualInfect(client, targets[], count, bool:respawnoverride = false,
// Turn client into a mother zombie.
InfectHumanToZombie(targets[x], _, true, respawnoverride, respawn);
LogAction(client, targets[x], "\"%L\" turned \"%L\" into a mother zombie", client, targets[x]);
TranslationPrintToChatAll(false, false, "Infect command infect mother successful public", adminname, targetname);
// If there was only 1 player targetted, then let admin know the outcome of the command.
if (count == 1)
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Infect command infect mother successful", targetname);
// Log action to game events.
LogEvent(false, LogType_Normal, LOG_GAME_EVENTS, LogModule_Infect, "Manual Infect", "\"%L\" turned \"%L\" into a mother zombie", client, targets[x]);
success = true;
// Turn client into a zombie.
InfectHumanToZombie(targets[x], _, false, respawnoverride, respawn);
LogAction(client, targets[x], "\"%L\" turned \"%L\" into a zombie", client, targets[x]);
TranslationPrintToChatAll(false, false, "Infect command infect successful public", adminname, targetname);
// If there was only 1 player targetted, then let admin know the outcome of the command.
if (count == 1)
// Log action to game events.
LogEvent(false, LogType_Normal, LOG_GAME_EVENTS, LogModule_Infect, "Manual Infect", "\"%L\" turned \"%L\" into a zombie", client, targets[x]);
success = true;
// Tell admin the outcome of the command.
if (!zombiespawned)
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Infect command infect mother successful", targetname);
TranslationPrintToChatAllExcept(false, false, client, "Infect command infect mother successful public", adminname, targetname);
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Infect command infect successful", targetname);
TranslationPrintToChatAllExcept(false, false, client, "Infect command infect successful public", adminname, targetname);
// Tell admin command was unsuccessful.
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Infect command infect unsuccessful", targetname);
@ -1256,6 +1261,8 @@ stock InfectManualHuman(client, targets[], count, bool:respawn = false, bool:pro
strcopy(adminname, sizeof(adminname), "Console");
new bool:success = false;
// x = Client index.
for (new x = 0; x < count; x++)
@ -1267,27 +1274,25 @@ stock InfectManualHuman(client, targets[], count, bool:respawn = false, bool:pro
// Turn client into a zombie.
InfectZombieToHuman(targets[x], respawn, protect);
LogAction(client, targets[x], "\"%L\" turned \"%L\" into a human", client, targets[x]);
TranslationPrintToChatAll(false, false, "Infect command human successful public", adminname, targetname);
// If there was only 1 player targetted, then let admin know the outcome of the command.
if (count == 1)
// Tell admin command was successful.
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Infect command human successful", targetname);
// Log action to game events.
LogEvent(false, LogType_Normal, LOG_GAME_EVENTS, LogModule_Infect, "Manual Human", "\"%L\" turned \"%L\" into a human", client, targets[x]);
success = true;
// Tell admin the outcome of the command.
if (success)
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Infect command human successful", targetname);
TranslationPrintToChatAllExcept(false, false, client, "Infect command human successful public", adminname, targetname);
// If there was only 1 player targetted, then let admin know the command was unsuccessful.
if (count == 1)
// Tell admin command was unsuccessful.
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "Infect command human unsuccessful", targetname);
* Command callback (zr_infect)
@ -1202,7 +1202,10 @@ ClassClientSetDefaultIndexes(client = -1)
ClassSelected[client][ZR_CLASS_TEAM_HUMANS] = humanindex;
ClassSelected[client][ZR_CLASS_TEAM_ADMINS] = adminindex;
// Copy human class data to player cache.
// Copy class data to player cache.
if (InfectIsClientInfected(client))
ClassReloadPlayerCache(client, zombieindex);
ClassReloadPlayerCache(client, humanindex);
// Save indexes in cookies if enabled, and not already saved.
@ -25,6 +25,22 @@
* ============================================================================
/* Decide whether topmenus should be required */
#if !defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
#tryinclude ""
/* Restore old REQUIRE_EXTENSIONS value if necessary */
* @section All round end reasons.
@ -69,6 +85,19 @@ enum RoundEndOutcome
new Handle:g_tRoundEnd = INVALID_HANDLE;
new bool:g_SourceTVManagerLoaded = false;
* All plugins have finished loading.
#if defined _stvmngr_included
g_SourceTVManagerLoaded = LibraryExists("sourcetvmanager");
LogMessage("SourceTV Manager: %s", (g_SourceTVManagerLoaded ? "loaded" : "not loaded"));
* Map is starting.
@ -239,6 +268,14 @@ RoundEndDisplayStats()
PrintToConsole(client, "# %8s %40s %24s %5s %6s",
sPlayerID, sPlayerName, sPlayerAuth, sPlayerState, sPlayerTeam);
#if defined _stvmngr_included
SourceTV_PrintToDemoConsole("# %8s %40s %24s %5s %6s",
sPlayerID, sPlayerName, sPlayerAuth, sPlayerState, sPlayerTeam);
@ -179,6 +179,67 @@ stock TranslationPrintToChatAll(bool:server, bool:admin, any:...)
* Format the string to the plugin's style.
* @param server True to also print text to server console, false just to clients.
* @param admin True to only print text to admins, false to print to everyone.
* @param ... Translation formatting parameters.
stock TranslationPrintToChatAllExcept(bool:server, bool:admin, client, any:...)
decl String:translation[TRANSLATION_MAX_LENGTH_CHAT];
if (server)
// Set translation target
// Translate phrase.
VFormat(translation, sizeof(translation), "%t", 4);
// Format string to create plugin style.
TranslationPluginFormatString(translation, sizeof(translation), false);
// Print phrase to server.
// x = client index.
for (new x = 1; x <= MaxClients; x++)
// Ignore this client
if (x == client)
// If client isn't in-game, then stop.
if (!IsClientInGame(x))
// If client isn't an admin, and we're only printing to admins, then stop.
if (admin && !ZRIsClientAdmin(x))
// Set translation target to client.
// Translate phrase.
VFormat(translation, sizeof(translation), "%t", 4);
// Format string to create plugin style.
TranslationPluginFormatString(translation, sizeof(translation));
// Print translated phrase to client.
PrintToChat(x, translation);
* Print console text to client. (with style)
@ -329,17 +329,26 @@ public ZSpawnForceHandle(Handle:menu_zspawn_force, MenuAction:action, client, sl
// Get the target's name for future use.
decl String:targetname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
decl String:targetname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], String:adminname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
GetClientName(target, targetname, sizeof(targetname));
// Get admin's name for future use.
if(client > 0)
GetClientName(client, adminname, sizeof(adminname));
strcopy(adminname, sizeof(adminname), "Console");
// Force ZSpawn on the target.
new bool:success = ZSpawnClient(target, true);
// Tell admin the outcome of the action.
if (success)
LogAction(client, target, "\"%L\" forced a ZSpawn on \"%L\"", client, target);
// Log action to game events.
LogEvent(false, LogType_Normal, LOG_GAME_EVENTS, LogModule_ZSpawn, "Force ZSpawn", "\"%L\" force zspawned \"%L\" as human", client, target);
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "ZSpawn command force successful", targetname);
TranslationPrintToChatAllExcept(false, false, client, "ZSpawn command force successful public", adminname, targetname, "human");
@ -441,35 +450,31 @@ public Action:ZSpawnForceCommand(client, argc)
// Copy value of second (optional) parameter to 'zombie'.
// It will be false if the parameter wasn't specified.
new bool:zombie = bool:StringToInt(strZombie);
new bool:success = false;
// x = Client index.
for (new x = 0; x < result; x++)
// Give client the item.
new bool:success = ZSpawnClient(targets[x], true, zombie);
// Spawn client
if (ZSpawnClient(targets[x], true, zombie))
LogAction(client, targets[x], "\"%L\" forced a ZSpawn on \"%L\"%s", client, targets[x], zombie ? " and made them zombie" : "");
TranslationPrintToChatAll(false, false, "ZSpawn command force successful public", adminname, targetname, zombie ? "zombie" : "human");
// Log action to game events.
LogEvent(false, LogType_Normal, LOG_GAME_EVENTS, LogModule_ZSpawn, "Force ZSpawn", "\"%L\" force zspawned \"%L\" as %s", client, targets[x], zombie ? "zombie" : "human");
success = true;
// Tell admin the outcome of the command if only 1 client was targetted.
if (result == 1)
// Tell admin the outcome of the command.
if (success)
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "ZSpawn command force successful", targetname);
TranslationPrintToChatAllExcept(false, false, client, "ZSpawn command force successful public", adminname, targetname, zombie ? "zombie" : "human");
TranslationReplyToCommand(client, "ZSpawn command force unsuccessful", targetname);
// Log action to game events.
//LogEvent(false, LogType_Normal, LOG_GAME_EVENTS, LogModule_ZSpawn, "Force ZSpawn", "Admin \"%L\" forced player(s) to spawn. (zr_zspawn_force)", client);
return Plugin_Handled;
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
* Array to store client's spawn location.
float g_vecZTeleSpawn[MAXPLAYERS + 1][3];
float g_vecZTeleSpawn[MAXPLAYERS + 1][2][3];
* Array to store client's current location.
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Handle tZTele[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_iZTeleTimeLeft[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
float g_vecZTeleSpawnPoints[MAX_PLAYER_SPAWNS][3];
float g_vecZTeleSpawnPoints[MAX_PLAYER_SPAWNS][2][3];
int g_iZTeleSpawnPointsCount = 0;
@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ void ZTeleOnRoundStart()
GetEntityClassname(entity, classname, sizeof(classname));
if (StrEqual(classname, "info_player_terrorist", true) || StrEqual(classname, "info_player_counterterrorist", true))
GetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", g_vecZTeleSpawnPoints[g_iZTeleSpawnPointsCount]);
GetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", g_vecZTeleSpawnPoints[g_iZTeleSpawnPointsCount][0]);
GetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Send, "m_angRotation", g_vecZTeleSpawnPoints[g_iZTeleSpawnPointsCount][1]);
if (g_iZTeleSpawnPointsCount >= MAX_PLAYER_SPAWNS)
@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ void ZTele_OnClientSpawn(int client)
g_iZTeleCount[client] = 0;
// Get spawn location.
GetClientAbsOrigin(client, g_vecZTeleSpawn[client]);
GetClientAbsOrigin(client, g_vecZTeleSpawn[client][0]);
GetClientAbsAngles(client, g_vecZTeleSpawn[client][1]);
@ -245,11 +247,11 @@ void ZTele_TeleportClient(int client)
if (ZTele_IsRandomSpawnEnabled() && g_iZTeleSpawnPointsCount)
int select = Math_GetRandomInt(0, g_iZTeleSpawnPointsCount - 1);
TeleportEntity(client, g_vecZTeleSpawnPoints[select], NULL_VECTOR, view_as<float>({0.0, 0.0, 0.0}));
TeleportEntity(client, g_vecZTeleSpawnPoints[select][0], g_vecZTeleSpawnPoints[select][1], NULL_VECTOR);
TeleportEntity(client, g_vecZTeleSpawn[client], NULL_VECTOR, view_as<float>({0.0, 0.0, 0.0}));
TeleportEntity(client, g_vecZTeleSpawn[client][0], g_vecZTeleSpawn[client][1], NULL_VECTOR);
@ -445,7 +447,7 @@ public Action ZTele_Timer(Handle timer, int client)
if (g_iZTeleTimeLeft[client] <= 0)
// Teleport client.
TeleportEntity(client, g_vecZTeleSpawn[client], NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
TeleportEntity(client, g_vecZTeleSpawn[client][0], g_vecZTeleSpawn[client][1], NULL_VECTOR);
// Increment teleport count.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user